“I see you’re a natural redhead,” he said calmly. “The curtains match the drapes.”
A ribald chuckle follows. Rose wants to grab her clothes and leave.
Kelly had warned her to expect this. If it wasn’t for the fact, she needs a job, and the pay is good, Rose would still be looking somewhere else.
“Pedro is fair,” Kelly told her, “But you better cooperate with him if you wanna make it.”
Still, the way Pedro is ogling, makes Rose feel sick. “I’m glad you approve,” Rose said with a hint of sarcasm; “Well, do I get the job or don’t I?”
“You got the build all right. But do you understand what the job is all about?” Pedro asks.
“Yes, Pedro…” she said, rolling her eyes. “I stand on this turntable, and whenever I pass a spot where a guy looks at me, I flash a big smile and wiggle my hips at him.”
“Yeah, that’s it. You push your pussy against the glass wall and give it a couple of sexy twists,” Pedro adds. “Just a couple of more things and we can close the deal. First, I want ya to do a sexy dance for me. That’s important.”
He pushes a CD into a player. Middle Eastern music fills the room. ‘Hell,’ Rose thought. ‘I’m no belly dancer. What the hell, I’ll give it my best shot.’
Rose swings her hips in her interpretation of the dance. She holds her hands above her head, causing her breasts to rise in a provocative thrust. Her hips squirm and undulate in teasing twists. The twin succulent globes gyrate in their own erotic dance. The redhead watches Pedro’s reaction to her dancing. His eyes are wide in lascivious approval. Her initial response to the minor mortification she’s experiencing disappears. As she swings her body back and forth in a wanton exhibition, a strange elation excited her. Rose can sense the lustful excitement filling Pedro’s senses. His attention is riveted to her luxuriant fleshy breasts as they bounce in tantalizing quivers. Well, she’ll give him something else to drool over then.
Her hands drop to her hips. She stands in place, moving her hips, slowly thrusting them in obscene movements. Every movement intended to have some significant nuance. Rose’s hands flutter over her body in wanton search, finally resting on her groin. Changing the tempo, she gently rubs her hands along her thighs. She bows slightly at the waist, bringing her hands to the knees. This makes her breasts dangle a little, accentuating their erotic appearance. Slowly, in a zigzag fashion, Rose brings her hands upward. Her legs are apart, knees slightly bent. The hands move toward each other as if drawn by some magnetic energy radiating from the center of her thighs. The two hands meet at the apex, her pussy. Her fingers reach for the thick, puffy, labial exterior of her loins.
With compelling showmanship, Rose conveys the desired tantalizing results. Rose draws the pussy lips apart, exposing the glistening moist interior of her slit. A grunt of lustful approval escapes Pedro’s throat. Tauntingly, she moves her hips forward, back, in rotation; the parted slit beckoning, calling to him like some Lorelei. She’s pleased with herself. The redhead has a smug feeling of superiority. Rose has never performed such a salacious dance before and in the nude. Her sensual cavorting has aroused lustful thoughts in her audience. Pedro is disrobing. Her erotic desires provoked by the act also.
Rose stares on the thick, fiery flesh that protruded from Pedro’s loins. Before he mentioned it, she knows what’s going to happen next. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t willingly submit to sex. This isn’t a normal situation. She’s trying to get a job that’ll pay her three-hundred dollars a day, off the books. At some other time, she wouldn’t give Pedro a second glance. He’s fat, sloppy, and vulgar. However, the woman’s beautiful demonstration had incited her carnal inclinations, and she’s ready to compromise her position. Pedro strokes his cock in slow caressing strokes.
“Oh, baby. You look like a real hot piece. I’ll bet ya fuck like a mink.”
A self-satisfied smile spreads across her face. “Try me and see,” Rose teases.
“C’mere…” he orders. “Turn around and bend over. I’m gonna fuck ya, doggie-style.”
Rose assumes the position. A strange exhilaration comes over her. Having sex with Pedro shouldn’t be exciting her, but it is. She feels his knuckles against her thighs as he fits his cockhead to her red hairy slit. The snub-nosed tip nestles between her pussy lips. Pedro pushes inward. Her pussy is partially moist. With the absence of full lubrication, Pedro’s cock has a slight resistance to his penetration. Rose feels the rough friction of the thick hard cock moving into her cuntal canal. An abbreviated gasp escapes her lips as she feels his full hard impaction.
Pedro grabs her hips for purchase when his hard-on is halfway into her cunt. He pulls her toward him, shoving his hips forward in a violent thrust. The fat, ugly man jams his cock deep, burying it into her tight cunt. The rough bristles of his pubic hairs scrape against the soft flesh of her callipygian butt. Currents of thrilling erotic electricity radiated through her cunt like incandescent tentacles. There’s no point in fighting any moral conviction now. Rose finds this sexual contact erotically exhilarating. She isn’t interested in the right or wrong of the act; only the sensual satisfaction derived from it.
The fat man reaches around her and captures the coral studded tips of her boobs. He squeezes and manipulates the tips in a milking motion. Rose feels the dusky red nipples stiffen under his tactile teasing. With her cunt stuffed with his thick cock, his groin curves in a tight weld to her ample cushiony buttocks. Pedro grinds his hips in a sinuous twist, letting his cock abrade the sentient pliant muscles of her snug-fitting cunt. Rose’s pussy is leaking from the sensual arousal of feeling the friction of Pedro’s cock heating her cunt.
In her limited sexual encounters, she has never experienced this position. Somehow, the stiff shaft of man-flesh has deeper penetration and gives a more stimulating contact to the act. With her ass cheeks pressed tightly against Pedro’s groin, Rose moves her hips in tandem with the Hispanic man’s grinding gyrations. Her movements act as an invitation for Pedro to start fucking her harder. The fat Hispanic man starts to stoke her vaginal furnace. His cock begins a partial, gradual withdrawal. Using the same deliberate motion, Pedro pushes his cock back into the constrictive confines of her cunt. Rose emits a humming exclamation of approval.
Her body quivers as the sound rumbles through her chest. The hard shaft of flesh comes halfway out of its vaginal confines and slams back into her cunt with a quick thrust. Rose feels the cockhead strike her cuntal walls with a force of authority behind it. Each time his cock hits her sentient cunt, Rose thrills to the touch.
‘Pedro sure knows how to use his cock,’ she thought. ‘This is no wham-bam-thank you ma’am fuck.’
In her opinion, Pedro’s a crude person, a deviant even. Yet that doesn’t seem to affect his fucking ability. She has met men with better manners and breeding who seriously lack Pedro’s sexual skills. The man continues to piston his dick in measured thrusts. She squirms and hustles her hips in a sinuous grind. Her wanton response is due to the lascivious stirrings created by the probing cock. Pedro maintains the unhurried cadence of his coital thrusts. The cock probing her cunt increases the rhythm of its thrusts. Pedro quickens the tempo. His cock shuttles with faster strokes. Rose feels his balls flailing the inside of a thigh in gentle taps.
She’s sure he is about to climax. Instead, the man slows and returns to the deliberate cadence of a steady, careful fuck. His hands continue to maul her breasts. Rose feels the rough squeezing and ignores the slight discomfort. The redhead beauty is too busy enjoying the erotic stimulation of Pedro’s cock. His leisurely prodding of her cunt affords her the opportunity of responding. The glowing pulsations of an orgasm throb within her bowels. An inflammation of erotic passion grows inside her cunt. The woman wants Pedro to fuck her with more vigor to release the throbbing beat.
“Ooh…” Rose groans. “Fuck me harder, faster…” she urges him. “I can feel myself cumming…Do it…Do it.”
At her exhortation, Pedro pumps his cock faster. He accelerates the driving thrusts, pushing harder and deeper into her steaming cunt. His fleshy shaft strikes repeatedly into her cuntal walls. The redhead answers his movements with complimentary wriggles of her ass. Rose’s cunt is ready to burst with the orgasm fucked into it. The man’s cock abrades the moist wall lining of her cunt. It’s like a match striking the sandpaper on a matchbook. The friction ignites his cock. Rose feels the spasms begin, heralding the onset of climax.
Pedro makes a series of frenzied jabs just before the first spurt rockets into her cunt. He makes one final hard thrust. Each burst of semen splatters onto her cuntal walls. As the individual globs strike her sensitive cuntal muscles, she feels a kind of lustful intoxication. The final thrust Pedro makes has a momentary pause. As the thick milky sperm jets out of his cock, he begins to pump his cock at a frenzied tempo. Rose emits a groan of sensual pleasure as her own orgasm erupts.
“Ahhhrrr…” she moans in ecstatic delight. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming.”
The redhead rocks her hips back and forth in tandem with the thrusting tube. She’s aware of Pedro’s cock softening in her wet hole. He removes his cock. A residue of their mutual juices dribbles out as he unplugs her cunt. Pedro then gives her a gentle pat on her ass cheeks.
“You could make more money hustling ass, baby,” he said. “How about it, I could fix ya up real good. It’s better than having a bunch of horny guys peeping at ya all day.”
“No, thanks, I’ll take my chances with the peepshow,” Rose said. “When can I start?”
“Ya start tomorrow. Here’s the address. You report to Bruce. He’ll tell you what to do.”
Rose takes the piece of paper and dresses. After the woman leaves the office, she reflects about the interview for her new job. It was something she’d hoped to avoid. Working for Pedro is just a cut above prostitution. Rose has already compromised herself by putting out for the man. A mischievous grin spreads across her face.
‘Being fucked by Pedro wasn’t that bad,’ she thought. ‘At least I had a decent orgasm out of it for a change.’
The following day, she goes to the address Pedro gave her. Sandwiched between a movie house and a bookstore is her new place of employment. Both establishments catered to the porn trade. She goes up a dirty flight of stairs and finds the office. A tall pock-faced man answers her querying greeting.
“Yeah… You must be the new girl. Come on, I’ll show ya where to hang your clothes and where the rig is,” he said.
Rose follows him into a small room with a half a dozen-lockers. A mixture of offensive odors filled her nostrils. There’s a long wooden bench in front of the lockers. Rose undresses and places her clothing and bag in the cabinet. Bruce leads her to another door. Two girls are standing on a slow-moving turntable. A glass partition is in front of them. From time to time, a small square opens behind the glass partition. Rose cannot see any faces. The small aperture filled with someone’s eyes peering into it. From where she stands, Rose cannot make out any distinct features. She only knows some horny bastard is watching.
“Okay, Amy…” Bruce shouts. “You can take a break, I gotta second team going in for ya.”
A tall willowy blonde-haired woman with pendulous breasts turns around. As the turntable brings her to the door, she steps off. She smiles at Rose.
“It’s all yours, honey. Enjoy yourself,” Amy said.
Rose steps onto the moving platform.
“Remember. Shove that pussy against the glass and wriggle it,” Bruce reminds her. “That’s what these creeps are paying for.”
She gazes over at the other girl on the platform. “Hi. How’s it going?” Rose asks with a smile.
The other girl gives an indifferent shrug. “It’s a living.”
She rebuffs Rose’s attempt to make friendly overtures. ‘Fuck her,’ Rose thought. ‘I didn’t ask her to marry me. I’m just trying to be friendly.’
An aperture opens, and Rose can see someone peering at her. She rubs her pussy against the glass partition. In a fit of wanton whimsy, Rose inserts fingers into her cunt, spreading them apart. A grin emphasizes her waggish gesture. Under other circumstances, Rose would find displaying her body in this vulgar exhibition repulsive. For some unexplained reason, she finds this situation a big joke. The redhead beauty rides around for a half-hour, showing off her pussy whenever an opening shows in front of her. The door she entered, opens, and four nude men join the two women on the turntable. Two approached her, and the other two men join her partner. Rose stares wide-eyed at her visitors.
“It’s show time,” one of the men shouts. “Let’s go, baby.”
Rose starts to protest. The two men are pushing her down onto the floor of the platform. Rose begins to struggle, but they overpower her. Before she knows it, one man has placed himself inside her thighs. His cock enters her cunt, impaling her. The other man kneels above her chest. His knees press into her shoulders. The redhead stares up to see his heavy cock poised over her face. The black man holds the cock near the base and shakes it in her face.
“Suck it,” he demands.
Rose has never given head, and she isn’t about to now. “Suck it yourself,” she snaps. “Let me go before I start yelling rape.”
“Hey, Tony, convince this bitch to cooperate,” the black man with the cock in her face said.
Rose feels the body between her legs shift a little. A scream of pain tears from her throat. Tony grabbed a nipple and pinched it viciously
“That should soften her up, TJ,” her tormentor said.
TJ shakes his cock in her face again. “Start sucking, honey. Make it good.”
Tears of pain blur her vision. She stares at the penile Cyclops. The purplish-brown bullet-nosed head dotted with the small peehole. TJ pushes his cock closer to her lips. With a grimace of reluctance, Rose opens her mouth and admits the cock. She closes her lips over the tumescent tube. The taste of the hard flesh resting between her lips surprises her. Rose expected a terrible taste. Instead, she finds it palatable. Closing her eyes, not in blissful contemplation, but to shut out the specter of sucking cock, Rose licks at the imprisoned flesh.
Her tongue rolls about the crown of the shaft in hesitant licks. She gazes up to see TJ staring at her in lustful contemplation. Rose has an idea of how to suck cocks as she’s watched online porn. She keeps her tongue sliding over the absorbed black cock. Between her thighs, Tony is pumping his cock in rapid strokes. It doesn’t compare to Pedro’s style. Any moment, Rose expects Tony to shoot his load. This show is for the benefit of the horny bastards dumping their dollars into the coin boxes. However, it’s going to be a quickie at the rate Tony is going.
The insertion of the cock into her dry cunt is a rough penetration. Her cuntal walls begin to moisten from the friction created by the pistoning cock. Rose finds it difficult to ignore the erotic friction of the cock scraping against her cuntal flesh. Her hips rock in cadence with Tony’s thrusts. Rose responds to the sensual stimulation. This is a flagrant act of rape. Had she been told this was a part of the job, she’d have given it due consideration. Rose submitted to sex with Pedro willingly. Given an alternative in this situation, her choice would be the same. Submit. Yet no one has given her that choice.
Her chagrin is subdued by the erotic tantalizing of her pussy. The woman cannot resist the sensual scraping of a cock along her cuntal walls. That thick piece of flesh is inducing a feeling of physical well-being. Rose savors the subtle sensuality of Tony’s pumping cock, and the forceful bump of his pelvis pounding into the vee of her crotch. With immoral abandon, Rose matches his fucking movements.
In spite of the weight on her chest, Rose manages to buck her hips in frenzied coital thrusts. Her ass bounces against the dirty carpeting that covers the floor of the platform. All that matters is the gratification of the lascivious turbulence brewing into a storm within her erogenous cunt. She breathes deeply in ecstatic exhilaration. The woman’s tongue continues to lavish strong sweeps over the imprisoned black cock in her mouth. Rose licks the throbbing hard-on as though it’s a candy cane.
She knows there’s more to sucking cock than just licking it. For the moment, it’ll have to suffice. If the black guy doesn’t like it, he can do it himself. This wasn’t a part of the deal when she was hired, although, at this point, she considers the fucking a fringe benefit. The stranger plowing her cunt is a fucking machine. His stamina seems endless. A sexual exhilaration pervades her senses. Deep within her vagina, paroxysms of an orgasm throb, and build to the violent climax she expects.
Her hips rock in frenzied thrusts as the orgasm explodes in her cunt. Rose wants to cry out in elated sexual pleasure. However, TJ’s holding her chin and fucking her mouth in quick thrusts. The black man bounces up and down on her breasts. At least this part of her ordeal will be over soon. Rose’s real concern is more about ingesting the thick flow of sperm to come. The next moment is unexpected. TJ withdraws his cock from her mouth quickly. Rose watches as he curls his fingers about his cock reddened from the heat of her oral forge. His hand pumps in rapid strokes. He pumps his hips as he fucks his fist.
Rose’s eyes widen in fascination as the globs of milky semen spurts out. TJ raises his body a few inches off her chest. The warm sticky sperm strikes her breasts. Some of the discharge reaches her chin and cheek. Tony then pulls his cock out of her cunt. Rose peers past the open vee of TJ’s thighs. Tony’s doing the same thing. He pulls at his cock with frantic tugs. A chalky flood of semen skids across her stomach.
‘What a waste of good cum,’ she thought.
She cannot understand spraying her with their jizz. It’s a disgusting and degrading act. The warm glutinous substance on her body cools off. It’s sticky and uncomfortable now. Rose feels a feeling of loathing for these two men who attacked her.
“You give a lousy blow job,” TJ remarks as he stands. “If you got the time tonight, I can give you lessons.”
“Fine,” she snaps back, “And if I’m not there, you can start without me.”
The two men laugh. “It’s all part of the job,” Tony said. He holds out his hand. “No hard feelings?”
“Oh…Oh, go fuck yourself,” Rose shouts with reddened cheeks.
She stands and as the turntable nears the exit door, the redhead storms out. Rose needs a job badly, but she’s damned if she’ll keep this one. The cold, sticky semen on her body makes her uncomfortable adding to her irritation. Bruce meets her in the locker room. He tosses a towel at her.
“Here… Wipe yourself off. How did you like your first day at work?” he asks.
Taking the towel, Rose rubs herself briskly with the towel. Rose hopes she can rub out the obscene defilement of her body.
“You can keep your disgusting job. Just pay me for the time I’ve worked. I quit,” Rose said.
Rose dresses hurriedly, wanting to get as far away from this disgusting place as possible.
“Too bad you feel that way, honey. I had great plans for you. Here, take fifty bucks, and that’s overpaying ya since you only worked about a half an hour.”
Rose takes the bill and pushes it into her pocketbook and leaves. The entire incident had unnerved her. The redhead’s body shakes with indignation. She goes over to a coffee shop a block away.
‘Fuck,’ she thought. ‘That’s all everyone wants from me, my body. What a bunch of assholes.’
The woman opens her bag to pay for the coffee. Her body shakes from the frightening discovery. Gone, all the money she had in the purse is gone. She had a hundred dollars in bills and about five dollars in loose change with 2 subway tokens. The only money she has now is the fifty dollars Bruce had given her.
‘Those dirty assholes. They robbed me while I was on the turntable.’
Rose contemplates going back with the police and preferring charges against them. Her body trembles with agitation. She tries to think clearly. There’s no way she can prove they took her money. They have really given Rose a fucking.
‘Maybe I should become a prostitute,’ Rose thought, taking the coffee from the server. ‘At least I’d be in control of who’s fucking me and no one would be taking a cut of what I earn. The difference between working as a whore and a regular nine to five job is at least you know when someone’s fucking you.’
It’s been quite a trip for the redhead. She left her hometown of Seymour, Wyoming because it lacked the excitement and potential of a large city like New York. Rose managed to find a job as a salesclerk in a well-known fashion boutique. The personnel manager made several overtures toward her. He was always finding some excuse to see Rose. During these encounters, there were surreptitious attempts to feel her up, or invitations for a date with guarded hints of sex later on. He even cornered her in a storeroom and flashed his cock at her. Took it out and jerked off in front of her. Rose was lucky someone came in because the manager was about to make her do something, possibly rape the woman. That was when she quit and found it hard to find other suitable employment.
‘Well, if these creeps want me that bad, they’re gonna have to pay for it,” Rose decided.
This is a free sample of this story. Purchase this eBook today to read the whole story.