The Gangbang Gang


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“Ohhhhh, I’d like to get my cock into that piece of ass,” the curly-haired boy laughed to his two companions as the girl walked past them in the small diner.  All three watched the swinging ass inside the tight shorts.  The girl waited for the young waitress to come for her money, fully aware of the approving stares of the three boys.

“Nice tits, too,” the skinny boy agreed.  “Damn, she’d be some sweet pussy.  What say we take her along with us?”

“Naaaaaa,” the heavy-set boy beside him commented.  “She’s too young.  We’d have the cops after us before we got two blocks away.  A girl like that, her father probably owns the whole fucking town.”

“Shit, man,” the curly-haired boy grumbled.  “I’m so damn horny I’m about to risk it.”

“You’ll get your pussy,” his older and heavier friend assured him.  “I’ve got as big a hard-on as you.  We’ll find us some tail tonight.”

He looked up at the waitress as she came back to their table.  He ogled her ripe tits as if he wanted to go after them in the diner.

“Anything else?” the girl asked, looking down at their empty plates.  “Dessert?”

“Yeah,” the burly young man grinned.  “We’d like some dessert.”

He reached up her skirt and fastened his hand onto her full ass.  The girl jumped in surprise and tried to pull away.  He dropped his hand down from her buttocks and caught her around the thigh, holding her firmly and rubbing his face against her heaving tits.

“You want to be dessert?” the skinny one asked her.  “You want to come with us and serve us some special dessert?”

The young brunette moaned as the boy holding her caught one tit in his mouth and sucked on it.  His hand ran inside her legs and grabbed her pussy before she could twist away from him.  The two spectators laughed loudly, their faces clearly showing their desire to get a hold of her huge breasts.

“I’ll call the manager,” the girl hissed.  “You guys get out of here, or you’ll be in more trouble than you ever dreamed of.”

The trio laughed raucously at her threats.  The burly leader gave her cunt another sharp squeeze and looked up at her as he released her.

“Go ahead,” he dared her.  “Call him.  We saw him leave just now.  You know there’s no one to yell for.  Tell you what.  You take care of your other customers, then sit with us.  I’ve got a load in my pants that I’d love to have you, pet.”

Sofia Davidson watched the waitress as she escaped the trio.  The blonde sat two booths away, debating whether she should slip out and call for a cop to aid the young waitress.  Now the blonde breathed a sigh of relief as the victim of the boys’ lewd play made her escape.  Sofia felt relief not only at seeing the brunette free from them, she felt even more relief that she had not become involved in the scene.  It was a good thing she had worn her loose-fitting sweatshirt today and her jeans.  The blonde shuddered to think how the trio might have reacted if she had been dressed in clothes that displayed rather than hid her curves.

Why does it have to be this way?’ she wondered.  Sofia felt a shudder run through her body.  ‘Why do they always want to fuck?  Why can’t they think about something other than pussy?’  She clamped her mouth shut firmly, disgusted at it all.

Even Duncan, her Duncan, was always trying to get in her panties.  He couldn’t understand that she could love him yet not let him in her pussy.  He couldn’t comprehend that even though she enjoyed it when he fondled inside her bra or stroked his finger across her pussy, she did not want him to go any further.  That was why she had gone off on this trip.  She needed some time to think about everything.  She needed time alone, without the constant struggle to preserve her virginity.

“Well, hi there, Blondie.”

Sofia looked up in surprise.  She had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t seen the three young men get up from their booth.  Now they stood beside her, grinning down at her with greedy eyes.  The blonde realized that not even a sloppy shirt and jeans could completely conceal her body.  When you had tits like hers, even the loosest blouse couldn’t hide them.  When you had such a tiny waist and full hips over firm thighs and legs, they were bound to be noticed by men looking for that sort of thing.

“She thinks she’s too good for us, Sam,” the skinny boy laughed.  “She’s just going to sit there with her nose up and ignore us.”

“Better watch that sort of stuff, baby,” the curly-haired youth warned her.  “Sam doesn’t like to be ignored, especially not by a cunt.”

“Get lost,” Sofia answered, glaring at the three.  “I’m not like the waitress.  I’ll call a cop so fast you won’t know what’s happening.”

“Oh, please, lady,” Sam pleaded in mock fear while the other two laughed at his antics.  “Please don’t hurt us.”

The blonde considered going to the phone at the front of the diner.  Sofia realized how that would only increase her problems with them.  First, she’d have to push through them to get past them.  That would allow them to feel her up as she went by.  It would also allow them to look over her body more fully.  No, it wouldn’t do to let them see any more of her.  She turned back and tried to ignore them again, forcing herself to eat the remainder of her meal with deliberate calm.

“Get out of here,” the waitress suddenly demanded of the trio.  “Stop disturbing the customers, or I will call the cops.  This is a town that doesn’t put up with your kind.  Do you want some trouble?  We have a few cops who’d love to oblige you.”

The trio turned their attention back on the brunette.  Sofia appreciated the way the girl had come to her aid.  The blonde only feared that the three were more than the waitress could handle.  She watched in horror as the big leader of the group pulled the girl against himself and hunched her roughly.  At the same time, the other two laughed at her helplessness.  He lifted her skirt and clamped his huge hand on her firm, round ass cheeks.  Sofia was almost ready to attempt to help the girl when the big youth released her and laughed as he led the other two toward the door.

“That’s to remember me by,” he called back to the brunette.  “I’ll be looking for you later, baby.  I liked the feel of you.  I’ll be around again some night.  We’ll see how spunky you are when I get you alone.”

The three strutted through the door and disappeared from view.  Sofia looked up at the waitress and started to speak.  She knew that she should thank the girl.  The girl had taken the boys’ attention by design to get them to leave her alone.  Sofia tried to speak but couldn’t find the right words.  The waitress smiled tightly at her and laid her hand on Sofia’s arm.

“Wait here a few minutes,” she suggested.  “Tony’t leave just yet.  They may be hanging around outside.  I’ll call for the cops and let them make sure they’ve gone.”

She walked quickly up to the phone and dialed a number.  Sofia watched her as she spoke rapidly into the phone, then hung up and smiled back as though to reassure the blonde.  The brunette then busied herself behind the counter.

Sofia closed her eyes for a minute to try and erase the feeling of apprehension that still gripped her.  She had been much more upset at the trio than she had been at Duncan the other night.  She thought about him now and his attempts to talk her into going to bed with him.

His hands had teased her tits until they were full and swollen, nipples hard and tingling.  His tongue claimed her mouth as he drew her breath more fully with each kiss.  She could feel the heat from his excited cock even though she only let her hand lie along his thigh.  The knowledge that her body excites him gave her a deep glow.  The fact that he could hardly draw an even breath sent shivers of delight through her.  She thrust her tits at his hand as he slipped it inside her bra and let his fingers move across her nipples.

“Ohhhhhh, baby,” he panted.  “You have the sweetest tits in the world.”

He leaned down and kissed the bare skin where her blouse had fallen open.  He kissed across the swollen upper areas of her tits, then reached behind and beneath her blouse.  His fingers fumbled a moment with her bra, then released it and let her tits heave freely forward into his face.  He caught one of her globes with one hand and moved the other hand up along her thigh.  Sofia jumped as he touched her pussy through her dainty panties.  He pressed the filmy nylon into her crack.  He rubbed across her clit until she twisted beneath his caresses in almost uncontrollable ecstasy.  Sparks of pleasure went shivering through her cunt.  Her breath came in short, excited gasps.

“No more,” she told him in an intense whisper.  “That’s all I can take.”

She meant it.  God, how she meant it.  Her cunt was pulsing wildly in anticipation.  Her tits heaved frantically beneath his kisses and caresses.  She arched to grab his cock in her hands and lead it between her legs.  This was too much for the blonde.  She struggled against him, trying to break free from his embrace.

Duncan pulled her panties down roughly and brought out his cock.  He rolled her beneath him and fought to get the huge, rigid pecker against her cunt.  Sofia moaned as she felt the hot head of his prick lunge against her pussy.  She rolled free of him and shoved her elbow roughly into his ribs.  As he moaned from the blow, Sofia managed to get her panties back up, her skirt down.  She stood up and faced him, her eyes blazing with anger.

“I told you not to force me,” she hissed.  “I told you tonight, just like I’ve been telling you every night.  I’m not going to do it.  I’m just not.”

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Duncan glared at her, then shoved his cock disgustedly back into his pants.  He stood up and faced her.  His breath came in angry gasps as he held her by the shoulders.  His eyes burned into hers with his smoldering passion.

“Then don’t, damn it,” he told her.  “But don’t expect to see me around again, either.  I’ve had enough, Sofia.  Many girls like it.  Tell you what, you think it over for a few days.  I want to marry you.  Please move in with me.  I want it however you prefer.  But I’ll be damned if I’m going to keep putting up with this sort of shit.  If you think it over, call me if you want something between us.  If you still don’t want to put out, I’ll find a woman who isn’t afraid of a good healthy fuck.”

He had stormed out of her apartment, leaving her gasping in shock and disbelief.  Sofia couldn’t comprehend that fucking could be that important to men.  Hell, they got along so beautifully up until those moments when she had to stop him.  They liked the same movies, the same kinds of music, all of that.  Why was it so important to him to get her pussy?  It was as if pussy were more important than anything else.  Sofia could understand guys like the three hoodlums who’d just left the diner feeling that way.  Somehow, it didn’t seem right for Duncan to feel the same way.

“The cops just pulled up out front,” the waitress told her, interrupting her thoughts.  “You want another cup of coffee, or are you ready to leave?”

Sofia looked back toward the door and saw two policemen enter the diner and walk over to the counter.  They nodded at the waitress to tell her everything was clear outside.  Sofia motioned her away, then rose to leave.  She hoped to get in another two or three hours of driving before stopping for the night.  Sofia thanked the girl and walked with her to the counter.  As she paid her check, she debated going to the cops and thanking them for showing up.  She decided against it and walked out without either of them seeing her face.

The slender blonde walked to her car and got in.  Deep in thought about the situation with Duncan, she was unaware of the shadowy figure hunched behind her seat.  She was unaware of the company until he sat up and reached over to bring his knife blade against her throat.

“Take it easy, baby,” he purred.  “Just take it easy, and you’ll be all right.”

The curly-haired boy climbed quickly over the seat and joined her.  His knife came down and rested against her side, its sharp point pressing painfully into her.  She saw a gaudily painted van pull into the street ahead of her.

“You just follow my friends there,” he told her, indicating the van.  “We need a little pussy tonight, and we sure appreciate the offer you’ve just made.”


“Hot damn, we hit it lucky tonight,” the boy mutters as Sofia follows the van’s tail lights along the country road.

They had turned off the highway and were heading back toward the mountains along the twisting, narrow strip of asphalt.  The blonde tried to fight back her rising terror by concentrating on her driving.  It didn’t work completely, not when he talked about how much fun she would be.  It was more difficult when he shifted his knife into his left hand and kept it against her side while he ran his right hand up beneath her sweatshirt and began to fondle her tits.

“Hey.  Hey.  Hey,” he chortled.  “Thought you could hide all that tit under a sloppy shirt, didn’t you?  Shit.  We figured you for a good piece of pussy all along, didn’t expect quite this much, though.”

The girl shuddered at his groping and felt relief when he pulled his hand back.  The relief left her when he began feeling along her thighs and pressed his finger roughly into her crotch.  She jumped instinctively as he shoved the heavy, rough material of the jeans into her cunt.

“Damn,” he muttered.  “Wish I could knock off a piece of that before we get with the others.  I bet your pussy is good enough to eat.  Sure feels like it.  I bet you pour perfume all over it every day.  I hear you rich cunts like to have it licked.”

She felt his hand leave her pussy, then heard the sound of his zipper.  Sofia glanced over to see him pull his erect cock out of his pants.  He fondled the swollen prick momentarily, then pulled one of her hands off the steering wheel and placed it over the warm meat.

“You pump me while you drive, baby,” he directed, emphasizing his orders by pressing the knife tip against her.

The terrified blonde was sure the blade had cut through her shirt.  Hell, he had probably already knicked her skin with the knife.  She let her fingers close about the filthy cock and pumped the skin along the shaft automatically.  The boy jumped about from the excitement she brought to his cock.  He moaned for breath softly as he hunched his throbbing pecker at the enclosing hand.

“Yeah,” he sighed.  “That’s the girl.  Yeah, I like that.  Damn, your hand feels cool around my meat.”

He placed his hand over hers and pumped himself harder and faster, then reached back for her tits and thumbed her nipples until she was screaming.  He teased the buttons until they were flaming with excitement.  He rolled her tits about until they ached for more.  Sofia shuddered, frightened as much by the fact that there was a strange pleasure in the way he was treating her as by the terrible fate that probably waited for her when they reached their destination.

“God,” he panted.  “I didn’t realize I was so hot for pussy.  Maybe it’s because I never got my pecker in such high-class cunt before.”

He dropped his hand from her tits and fumbled with her jeans until he got them unbuttoned.  The blonde moaned in fear as he unzipped them and pulled them down to get his hand inside her panties.  He fingered her pussy and began to pump his finger in and out of her with furious intensity.  His finger trembled from his growing lust.  His cock seemed to leap in her hand.  Sofia could hear his heavy breathing as he twisted in ecstasy from her hand’s work on his cock.

“Ohhhhhh,” he panted.  “Ohhhhhhh, that’s sweet pussy down there.  Ohhhh, what a sweet little hole.”

He surprised her as he jerked her panties down enough to get his face at her cunt.  The blonde struggled to control the car as he plunged his face between her legs and began to lick and suck her cunt.  Her pussy lips glowed as his suction sent chills of erotic delight.  Sofia tried to ignore his cunt-sucking.  She fixed her eyes intently on the tail lights ahead of her.  She tried to think of her job, of her apartment, of anything except the way he was sucking hungrily at her pussy.

Even this, though, was better than what lay ahead of her.  The girl had little doubt of that.  Having her pussy licked by this boy was probably the mildest thing they would do with her tonight.

Tears streamed down the girl’s cheeks as she imagined how they would handle her.  There had been nothing in their actions to provide her any hope they might be gentle or considerate.  Sofia felt a sob shake through her body.  Damn.  If she was going to lose her cherry, she could, at least, have given it to Duncan.  It had frightened her enough to imagine a boy who cared deeply for her getting his big pecker into her pussy.  The thought of these crude young men taking turns with her made her feel faint with terror.

“Stop slacking off,” the boy shouted up to her as he lifted his mouth from her cunt momentarily.  “Get pumping on my cock, damn it.”

He emphasized his order with another quick jab of the knife as he sucked her as greedily as ever.  Sofia pumped his cock, feeling it get harder and bigger.  He was gasping at her pussy and hunching his hot pecker into her hand with wild abandon.  It became almost impossible for the girl to keep the car under control of how he was wrestling her about.  She felt his cock flame into its orgasm as he caught her pussy lips in his teeth.  His sticky cum poured into her hand.  His mouth sucked her frantically.  His tongue lapped wildly about her cunt.  His teeth caught her again and held her as he emptied his balls into her hand.

“Ooooooo,” he moaned in relief as he finished.  “Ohhhhh, baby, that helped.  Maybe now I can last until Sam finishes with you.  It would have driven me crazy to sit there and watch him ball you if I hadn’t gotten at least this much first.  I wish you hadn’t been busy driving.  I’d have made you suck me off.”

Sofia shuddered for the hundredth time.  It had been distasteful enough having to jerk the boy off.  The thought that she might have had to take his cock in her mouth almost made her sick.  Deep inside, she feared that this was only a temporary escape.  Before the night was over, they would probably insist that she suck at least one of them.

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The asphalt had ended some ways back.  They were following a narrow, winding dirt road deeper into the woods.  Finally, she saw the van pull off the lane and stop beside a small house.  It was more like a cabin, just a small box in the middle of nowhere.  The blonde sat frozen in fear of what lay ahead while the two men exited the van and walked back toward the car.  In the darkness, they looked huge and foreboding.  When they loomed up beside her door, they appeared even more threatening.  Sofia swallowed the lump in her throat.  The night air hit her as her door was yanked open.

“OK, sweetheart,” the burly leader growled.  “Come on out, and let’s get you inside the house.  Tony seemed to think you had a decent body underneath those loose clothes.  Come on and show us.”

He pulled her by the arm.  Sofia fell out of the car and had to grab him for support.  Walking was difficult, her jeans were almost down to her knees, and her panties stretched over her thighs.  She struggled to get the jeans back up to her waist as Sam pulled her roughly alongside him toward the old house.  They stumbled up the steps and walked across the creaking boards of the small porch.

The younger boy, who had been in the car with her, opened a window and crawled through.  A minute later, he had the door open for them to enter the house.  Sam pushed her roughly inside, into the darkness of the room.  Sofia wondered momentarily if there might be any way to escape in the darkened house.  She hadn’t taken her keys from her car.  If she could get loose and get to the door before they caught her, she might be able to make it back down the road until she could find some help.

“Damn it,” Sam’s heavy voice rumbled.  “Get some light in here.  Find a lamp, Tony.  There ought to be one around here somewhere.  Dylan, you get the cunt’s keys from her car.  Wouldn’t do to have her slip out there and drive away.”

The blonde saw his hulking figure blocking the door.  Sofia might still have a chance if she made it through the window.  No, she realized.  She had already missed her chance.  The skinny member of the group was already outside.  She could have had a chance if she had tried her escape the moment Sam released her.  Now it was too late.  She heard her car door close outside the house as Tony struck a match and searched the room for a lamp or candle.

“Try back in the kitchen,” Sam suggested.  “Maybe there’s a lamp out there.”

The hulking figure, outlined in the doorway, moved aside to let the more slender figure of Dylan come back in.  Sofia watched the keys to her car as they were delivered to the larger boy.  She heard him jingle them in his hand, probably to tease her.

“Success.”  Tony’s voice came from out in the kitchen.  “Here’s a lantern and two lamps.  Now, if they have kerosene in them, we’re in business.”

Light suddenly came through the door.  Tony came back in carrying a large lamp.  He set it on a table and stepped back for another smaller lamp and a large lantern.

“Put those in the bedroom,” Sam told him.  “I want to see what I’m fucking tonight.  Let’s hope she’s half as much pussy as you said she’d be.  She looks scrawny to me.”

He walked over and grabbed the blonde by her arm once more.  Sofia had to be dragged through the door into the bedroom.  She was too frightened now to move.  She couldn’t even gather the strength to resist him.  Her body felt like a dead weight to her.  She was pulled over toward the bed and exposed to their inspection under the glow of the lights.

“Now,” the burly boy growled, “let’s see what kind of cunt we have for the night.”

He grabbed her sweatshirt and yanked roughly at it.  Sofia thought he would break her neck from the force of his attempt to tear the thick material.  However, it was too new to rip, even from that much force.  He grabbed it again, but Sofia stopped him before she was subjected to another attempt at tearing it off her.

“Wait,” she whimpered.  “I’ll take it off.”

“Here that, boys?” Sam cried out.  “She’s going to cooperate.  Now isn’t that good news?”

“Maybe not,” Dylan grumbled.  “I was looking forward to taking her the rough way.”

He might have said more, but his words were interrupted by the view of her luscious young body as she slipped the sweatshirt over her head.  Her full, ripe tits stood out dazzlingly in the lacy bra.  The three young men gaped at her beauty, unconsciously moistening their lips in anticipation of fucking her.  They leered at her, waiting for her to remove the rest of her clothing.

“Hurry up, baby,” Sam directed her.  “Get it all off.  We don’t want a strip tease.  We want some pussy.”

The blonde slipped her jeans down her legs.  She stood before their lustful gaze, now frightened to continue with the undressing.  She tried to move her hands back to remove her bra, but her arm seemed frozen.  She stood helpless while they waited for her.  Then Sam lost patience and stepped back to her.  His huge hand grabbed her bra and jerked it free.  Her tits tumbled forward as he broke a strap and released the bra.  Her thin panties took only a quick tug to shred, leaving her standing naked and defenseless before them.

“God,” the big leader breathed in admiration.  “Look at those tits.  Hell, look at that ass.”

“Tony will stand there all night,” Dylan moaned.

“Fuck her, Sam.  My cock can’t wait much longer to get into that tail.”

“Yeah,” the heavy boy agreed.  “Pussy like that is for fucking, not staring at.  ‘Specially when it’s so available.  Right, baby?”

He looked down at her momentarily, then pulled her up against himself.  His hands were all over her.  His mouth crushed her lips.  His tongue ran possessively into her mouth.  Sofia lost her breath from the force of his kiss.  She felt her body sag beneath the force of his embrace.  His huge hand covered a tit and mashed it around on her chest.  Then he released her as suddenly as he had grabbed her.

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“No time to waste,” he muttered, ripping his clothes off.  “No time to waste just standing around when there’s so much pussy to be fucked.”

He came at her again after he had stripped out of his clothes.  He pushed her roughly back onto the bed and fell heavily on her.  Sofia moaned as he got his legs between her own and spread her thighs.  His thick, angry cock roared against her cunt as he rolled over her.  His hands groped and pulled at her tits.  The head of his cock jammed against the lips of her cunt.  He hunched the hard meat against her, struggling to force it into the helpless cunt.

“Damn, you’ve got a tight pussy,” he muttered.  “You’re as tight as a fifteen-year-old virgin.  Maybe you haven’t been fucked by anyone with a man-sized cock before.”

“She’ll get three of them tonight,” Dylan laughed from above the bed, where he and Tony watched in delight.  “Her rich boyfriends may have baby dicks, but she’ll eat some real meat tonight.”

“Tighter the pussy, the better,” Sam laughed.  “Only trouble is it makes you blow a little sooner.”

He steadied his cock against her pussy and shoved it with greater force.  The pressure sent spasms through her clit.  Despite herself, Sofia again responded to the nearness of a cock.  She lay back, tits heaving in reluctant anticipation as the heavy man rubbed his wide cockhead around her cunt.

“All right, baby,” he snorted.  “You’ve held it out long enough.  My old pecker is ready to go inside that sweet pussy.”

He lunged at her with unbelievable force.  Sofia cried out from the tearing pain as he buried his cock into her.  He went at her with such force that he ripped her cherry with ease and plunged his big cock to the hilt in her bleeding cunt.  The man moaned from the pleasure of his success, then began pumping wildly at her while his hands worked at her tits until they were numb.  He grunted and panted as he fucked her, oblivious that he had just taken her maidenhead.  He went after her like he wanted to inflict pain with his cock.  He mashed her tits.  His thumbs pressed her nipples back into the full globes, then rubbed them from side to side.  His mouth came back over her lips, kissing her with greater intensity.

The frightened girl lay dazed beneath him.  She hurt terribly, yet still experienced a certain pleasure at the way his cock kept pumping into her.  She could scarcely breathe from the strength with which he sucked at her mouth.  His fucking became even more violent, rolling her from side to side and driving his prick at her with ever-increasing fury.  He worked the shaft from side to side as he pumped, panting and grunting with each rough lunge.

“Uhhhhh,” he moaned.  “Uhhhhh.  What a cunt.  What a sweet little pussy.  Uhhhhhh.”

“Go, man,” Dylan yelled in encouragement.  “Make her feel that hunk of meat.  Fuck the hell out of her.”

“I can’t take her for too long,” the big leader groaned.  “She’s so damn tight.  My prick is ready to burst.”

He drew an enormous breath, then seemed to hang suspended inside her.  The heavy prick swelled frightfully and began to unload its hot charge.  Sofia felt the cum explode into her pussy even as he began fucking her more intensely.  His pecker lunged deeper into her, spewing its warm jism into her cunt.  He rolled and twisted her around on the bed.  His hands worked at her tits with greater frenzy.  His entire body trembled as he let his cock blow out its last lusty cum.


This is free sample of The Gangbang Gang by Gowan Bush (30,995 Words) buy the eBook or join our Members Area to read All our kinky stories.

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