Don’t Stick Your Dick In Crazy: Part 2


Strange thing, for the next two weeks Devin doesn’t see any sign of Courtney and her husband Ken, nor does he see either Amy or Katie. Each time he drives to their apartment house, they aren’t in, and whenever he calls Amy, her phone goes straight to voicemail. The sudden disappearance has Devin worried, but he feels his relationship with them is such that he’s not in a position to press it.

It’s on a Saturday afternoon that Devin comes out of his place and runs into Courtney Anderson, psychosexual nut job. The brunette seems different, more composed and perhaps less childish than he remembered her.

Courtney smiles at him. “Hi, did you miss me? Ken and I have been in Los Angeles at a convention.”

“Hey, Courtney,” Devin said cautiously. “How are you feeling?’

“Good, actually…” The woman seems surprised by the question. “Have you got over being mad at me?”

Devin rubs his chin nervously. Why is it she always makes me nervous, he wonders? “I was never mad at you, Courtney.”

She seems to ignore this. “While I was in L.A., I went to see a doctor.”


“He gave me a few shots, kind of straightened me out, I guess. Don’t I look better?”

“You look good,” he said carefully.

“Thank you.” She turns and goes toward her door. “Take care of yourself, Devin.”

“Sure. You do the same. I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Oh, I’ve been right all along.”

Courtney smiles at him and disappears into her apartment.


Devin feels odd. What kind of shots could the doctor have given her, he wonders? He shakes his head and leaves the building. The man knows nothing about mental illness or personality syndromes as Courtney called it if that’s what she really has. He goes to the corner drugstore, buys a bottle of Scotch, returns home, and proceeds to have a few snorts alone. About an hour later, he has a good buzz on, though he isn’t drunk.

Devin calls Amy on his cell phone; it goes straight through to voicemail again. He wonders if Amy and Katie might have left town. The man hopes not, he needs those girls, one of them at least. Either that or he’ll have to see if he can score a fuck on tinder, something he never likes because the women tend to be total skanks.

A knock comes on the door, and the man frowns, thinking it’ll be Courtney again. He hesitates quite a while before going to the door. When he does, he discovers it isn’t Courtney, or her husband Ken, but the fat guy called Lyle—Katie’s friend.

“Mr. Grant? May I come in for a few minutes?” Lyle asks wiping some sweat from chubby flushed face.

Devin rolls his eyes. The glint in the fat guy’s eyes doesn’t seem too friendly. Devin stares the man straight in the eye.

“What do you want?” Devin asks coolly, flexing his muscles unconsciously.

The fat man attempts to step into the apartment, but Devin catches him by the arm and makes him remain in the doorway.

“I just wanna talk to you, I don’t want any trouble,” Lyle said.

“OK, but make it quick,” Devin releases him, stepping out of the way.

The fat man comes in, wipes his face with a somewhat soiled handkerchief, and works his mouth around nervously. “I understand you took Katie to a motel couple of weeks ago.”

Devin stiffens. “Who says so?”

The fat man sighs and drops onto the sofa. “You got a drink I can have? I need one bad.”

Devin reluctantly pours the man a shot of scotch. Lyle drinks and wipes his thick lips. He sighs and burps simultaneously.

“You might as well admit it, Mr. Grant,” Lyle said. “I can’t win against a man like you. I’m middle-aged, fat, and not hung as you are apparently. If you want to take Katie, I guess you can. I came here to ask you to leave her alone. Would you?”

Who the hell does this asshole think he is, Devin thought, staring at Lyle wide-eyed. Katie is a young woman, she shouldn’t be settling for a fat loser like this.

“That’s really up to Katie; she has a mind of her own. You don’t own her, for fuck’s sake,” Devin said with a sneer.

What’s the matter with this fool, Devin wonders? A man doesn’t do a thing like this.

“I understand all that, but I want to keep her, Mr. Grant. You’re a young man; you can get all the women you want. I can’t. Do you understand?”

“Like I said; if Katie wants me to back off then fine. But if I ever have to have this conversation with you again I’ll knock your block off,” Devin said clenching his fists. “Now get the fuck out before I make good on that threat.”

“C’mon, Mr. Grant, don’t get mad. I only want you to leave Katie alone.”

“Look, fuckwit, I only went out with her once. That doesn’t mean I wanna fucking marry her. GOT IT!”

The fat man’s face flushes as he runs his hand through his thin, blondish hair. His blue eyes are watery and unpleasant to look at as he struggles to his feet, perspiring profusely. The chubby man is even wheezing.

“All right, Mr. Grant, I’m glad to hear you aren’t going to make any more passes at her. I’ll say goodbye.”

“Just a minute, I haven’t promised you anything.”

The fat man pauses on the way to the door. “Mr. Grant, if you don’t leave Katie alone then I’ll have to kill you,” he said calmly.

“You’ll what?” Devin said with eyes bulging at the man.

Lyle goes to the hallway and turns to face Devin who is still in his apartment. “I said… If you go near Katie again, I will kill you. I don’t think I can be any clearer than that.”


This is an excerpt from the eBook “Don’t Stick Your Dick In Crazy: Part 2 (13,800+ words). Buy the book to read the whole story.

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