Watching Sister!

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Watching Sister!
Watching Sister!
Year: 2016
18YO Olivia is at it again with other old men. Only this time, her brother has become a ‘Peeping Tom’ spying on her as she gets her brains fucked out by an old man’s cock.
Gowan Bush
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Wyatt scrolls down the web page, looking for a picture to catch his interest.  He’s lying in bed, his laptop on his chest, trying to find something to relieve his midnight boredom.  Despite his reputation as an easy sleeper, tonight, he just couldn’t catch the Zs for some reason.


Wyatt clicks on a thumbnail that looks promising.  When the entire image loads, he grins to himself as he feels his cock stiffening quickly.  The image illustrates two characters from a well-known animation series, a brother and a sister.  The sister has long brown hair and only wears a thick sweater with a shooting star picture.  She is crouching over her naked brother, his cock halfway inside her.  Wyatt clicks ‘add to favorites as he slowly strokes himself to the image.

He closes his eyes and begins to imagine the scene animated and voice-acted.  He imagines the sister character’s voice moaning her brother’s name sensually.  He imagined her telling her brother to cum inside her and her muffled giggling and inaudible words of pleasure.

Wait, hold on,’ Wyatt thought.

His heart skips a beat, and his eyes shoot open.  He looks past his bright laptop screen into the darkness of his room.  His eyes intently focus on the doorway to the bathroom, but his ears even more.  After several seconds, he heard noises coming from next door again.  Wyatt’s heart leaped with joy when he heard the sounds.  Oh my God,’ he thought happily the second time this week, and his cock twitched with excitement.

He moves his laptop, slinks out of bed, and tiptoes to the bathroom that connects his room to his sisters.  Carefully and quietly, he unlocks the door on his side and slips inside.  The sounds become more explicit.

Giggling, moaning, and slurping.

Wyatt wraps his hand around his cock as he sneaks to his sister’s bedroom door.  Just as all the other nights, the door is ajar.  Pushing the door open another inch, and peers inside.

A light dimly lights the room on a nightstand.  The light is pointed directly at a queen-sized bed covered in a rich red comforter and sheets.  A naked guy sat on the edge of the bed, and his legs were spread open.  A girl with wavy red hair is bobbing her head.

Wyatt cracks a smile as he watches his nineteen-year-old sister, Olivia, pleasuring the strange guy.  He isn’t especially pleased with their positioning, as the guy’s leg obscures her face.  Wyatt’s unable to see her small, beautiful lips wrapped around the guy’s big cock.  The scene brings back memories of the first time he watched his sister with a guy.


Around a year ago, three weeks after Olivia’s eighteenth birthday.  Like tonight, Wyatt heard odd noises coming from his sister’s room.  When he went to investigate, his life changed forever.  He saw an old guy sitting on the edge of her bed, with his then eighteen-year-old sister bobbing her head between his legs.  The old guy was their next neighbor Luke Collins who moved in not long before.  The man had to be in his fifties.

The first emotion that passed through Wyatt was rage.  ‘This son of a bitch is defiling my sister,’ he had thought.  He wanted to run into the room and beat the old man to a bloody mess.  However, the shock of the situation kept him rooted to the spot.  He trembled as he watched the sweet little girl stand naked and happily kiss the old man.

The second emotion coursing through him was confusion.  ‘She can’t be doing this willingly, can she?  No!  She’s my sweet and innocent Livy.  This old bastard has to be forcing her or something.  Right?’

Olivia crawled onto the bed and lay on her back, her legs wide.  Luke climbed on top of her, his cock at the ready.  After seeing his face, Wyatt remembered meeting him at the block Christmas party a few weeks before.

Collins asked softly, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

Olivia giggled.  “Of course, Grandpa.”

Another shock hit Wyatt.  ‘This isn’t her first time?’

Old man Collins said, “We better be quiet.  I don’t want your dad catching us.”

Olivia laughed again.  “Mom and Dad are sleeping.  Not even an atomic bomb would wake them now.”

Collins nods.  “That’s my girl.”

“Stop talking and fuck me, Grandpa.”

Wyatt shivers.  ‘Why is she calling him Grandpa?’ he wonders.  ‘That’s just creepy.’

The old man pressed his big cock between Wyatt’s little sister’s legs when the third and final emotion hit Wyatt.  Pure, all-consuming arousal.  Olivia gave a long, sweet moan as Collins slid himself inside her.  The sound hits Wyatt as if a truck.  Hearing his sister moaning in bliss, the most magical sound in the world.  Wyatt hardened so fast you could practically hear a ‘Boing’ sound as his cock hardened.  For the first time, Wyatt watched his eighteen-year-old sister have sex.

He barely blinked as he watched the two going at it and savored every sound Olivia made.  It’s the best and the worst boner he’d ever had.  It was so intense that it almost hurt.  It begged and pleaded for release.  Yet despite the nearly unbearable arousal, Wyatt couldn’t bring himself to climax until it was over.

Finally, after almost an hour of sweaty, noisy bliss, old Collins pulled himself out of Olivia and released a rainstorm of sticky white jizz all over her body.

Wyatt, Olivia, and her old lover were all surprised at the amount of thick white liquid that now covered the young girl.  Olivia moaned, and she scooped some up to taste with one hand.  With the other, Olivia pushed some jizz down her pussy and began rubbing it.  When satisfied, she stood and held Collins’s hand, guiding him toward the bathroom to clean up.

Wyatt took his leave, quickly slipping back into his room and quietly closing the door behind him to go and finally ease the pain of his desperate cock.

Words: 5240


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.