The Landlord!

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The Landlord!
The Landlord!
Year: 2016
Mila is a struggling actress in Hollywood who’s behind on her rent. When her sleazy black landlord comes up with a payment plan, what choice does she have? It seems this hung black man is going to get his pound of flesh after all because he accepts the V-card as payment.
Gowan Bush
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“I’m sorry, Mila, but you didn’t get a callback,” said Bernie Rubenstein, a Hollywood Agent on the phone.

“I needed that job, Bernie.  I’m so broke, I’m about to get evicted from my apartment,” Mila said, her eyes welling with tears.

“It’s a tough life, Mila.  Seven hundred actresses went for that role.  I suggest you get a regular job as a waitress or something.”

Mila sighed deeply.  “Isn’t there any work out there?”

Bernie chuckled.  It’s a question he’s been asked numerous times by his clients over the years.  “There’s always work, but either its ‘extras’ work that pays little or, it’s ‘porn’ work that pays consistently.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard it before.  I’m not doing porn,” Mila said.

“It’s your choice, Mila, but with your looks and body, you could make some money in that industry.”

“And ruin any chance of becoming a successful film actress,” Mila said and ended the call.

Bernie, in his way, was always trying to get her to-do porn for some reason.  She figured it’s the casting sofa mentality of Hollywood.  To Mila, though, porn was the easy way out.  The road of least resistance for an actress, as you didn’t need any acting talent, just a pretty face and a smoking body.  Nothing could make her lower herself to become a porn slut.

Yet her fear about her rent is real.  Her sleazy landlord Ted Marx allowed her to fall behind on the promise that a job was coming.  As a Hollywood landlord, he’s used to young hopefuls living poor while trying to get their acting careers going.  So he seemed understanding until recently.

“I can’t hold out forever,” Ted said during the last ‘rent day.’

Ted is a strange operator in the landlord business.  Instead of using modern technology to have tenants pay their rent, he liked to do it himself, and every second Friday became ‘rent day’ where he’d knock on everyone’s door to collect.


Mila is waiting in the living room, wearing an impassive expression on her face to conceal the consternation she feels as she sits primly in an easy chair.  Her pink robe is cinched tightly around her tiny waist as she rummages with studied nonchalance through her purse that only contains some loose change and some old makeup, nothing she can use to brighten her appearance in a hurry.

Her landlord had already been to every other apartment on her floor.  He saved hers for last.  She had heard the muted conversations in the hallway as he spoke to the other tenants, and she sat in her apartment feeling frozen and dull as she had no money to give him.  Ted expected the back rent she owed today.

She lifts her eyes automatically when she hears her landlord’s heavy footsteps grow louder as he approaches her door.  He knocks heavily, and she answers the door.  Ted stands there, leering at her, his hand already held out.

“Rent,” he said almost as a grunt.

“Um, I’m sorry I don’t have it,” Mila said, her face reddened.

Ted is an unkempt black man in his fifties, wearing a ratty gray business suit that looked as if it came from the eighties, a white stained shirt with an ugly red tie.  His gray hair is slick, his shoes are muddy, and he smells like stale cigars and sweat.  He pushes past her, entering her apartment without care, heedless of the trail of muddy prints he’s leaving on the floor.

“Please, Mr. Marx, the carpet,” she said.

The man’s brazen lack of consideration made her stomach roil and her face burn.  However, before she could protest further, he settled on her sofa in his grimy old suit.  ‘God, what an asshole,’ she thought angrily, yet for some unknown reason, she wished she could retreat to her bedroom and make herself presentable.  A lovely dress and makeup would enhance her appearance and give her more confidence with this crude, incorrigible man.

Her unkempt hair, her robe smudged from doing housework, and no makeup, made her feel helpless to do anything but stare at him in exasperation.  As if things aren’t bad enough, here she is with only a few loose coins and some useless cosmetics to her name.  She has no idea how in the world she’s ever gonna get rid of this disgusting man without paying the back rent she owes.

“Hey, why don’t you just relax, honey,” Ted said huskily, grinning suggestively at her from his seat.  “Let’s have a drink together and be friends, eh?”

“Friends?” Mila spat, her eyes bulging at the shabby black man.

In a second, she remembered what kind of person he was.  Ted is a slumlord, charging high rents for dumps and collecting said rent with the cruelty of a gangster.  His tenants hated him, yet the fear he engendered kept them in line, and his pockets filled.  Marx is a rich man despite the grimy, shabby clothes he always wears.

Her eyes blazing blue with sparks of contempt, she spat out, “We’re not friends.  Our relationship is business.”  Then, pointing a trembling finger toward the front door, she punctuated her insult by adding, “I’d like you to leave.”

The patiently indulgent smile disappeared from the middle-aged black man’s weather-toughened face as he slowly lifted himself from the dust-blemished sofa.  Mila shuddered and instinctively pulled her robe more snugly around her as she felt his penetrating yellowish-brown eyes roving boldly over her sensual curves.  He strolled across the room to the beautiful twenty-one-year-old blonde who stood quivering with uncertainty.

“You’re behind in your rent, honey,” he informed her with a contemptuous glint in his eyes, contrary to his voice’s friendly, drawling tone.  “You promised to pay me twelve hundred today, so where is it?”

“I don’t have the twelve-hundred,” Mila said feebly, a sinking sensation growing suddenly in her stomach.

The grim realization is dawning on her that this ugly black man isn’t scared off by an arrogant attitude of feminine superiority.

“Aight, honey, I know,” he said, nodding, a salaciously knowing grin was crossing his face as he came closer to her nervously trembling body.  “I could kick you out on your sweet white ass, but where’s the fun in that?  Nah, I’m sure we can find an alternative payment plan.”

Mila gaped incredulously at the ungroomed, foul-mouthed landlord, the whole meaning of his intentions registering with a stunning impact on her.  Under her robe, she feels the muscles of her stomach muscles tighten, and a helpless feeling grows in her chest.  Still, she couldn’t tear her fixed gaze away from his face as he stood before her, his calloused hand resting cockily on his hip as he waited for her answer to his obscene proposition.

“You sleaze,” she said, reeling.  “You want me to pay you that way?”

The shoddily dressed man chuckled in a vulgar tone at her obvious distaste for him.  ‘Well, she’ll change her tune soon enough,’ he assures himself with confidence as he feels his cock begin to jerk to life in the crotch of his trousers.  His intrusive eyes roved the front of her robe.  Marx was ogling the rounded contours of her heaving breasts and her thinly curved waist.  The pink material of the housecoat flared outward over the luscious swells of her perfectly formed young hips.  ‘Christ,’ he thought.  ‘A white bitch this hot without a man to bankroll her is rare.  She must be one of those feminist bitches.

Marx enjoyed taking sexual services for rent from the sexy unemployed actresses who lived in his apartments, and in his mind, they always gave their cunts to him willingly.  Especially once he let the back rent blowout to a sum impossible for them to pay back.  However, Mila’s high-and-mighty attitude always pissed him off.  She believed in her talent so much that she carried herself in a haughty, arrogant way that rubbed Ted the wrong way from the start.

So he’s looked forward to this day for a few months now.  He knew it would come.  He’d seen it so many times before.  Hollywood is a place that crushes dreams, and Ted is one of its hammers.

“Yeah, baby, that’s right.  I’m gonna fuck you for rent,” the middle-aged landlord informed her bluntly, relishing the expression of shock that distorted her proud young face.  “I’m gonna fuck you until you beg for more, and you will.  They all do.”

His filthy words made Mila curl her lip and shake her head as she muttered, to herself, her eyes cold framed by eyebrows pinched together.  The idea that this unsavory man would conceive of her allowing him to use her body as if she were a common whore to pay the rent dumbfounded her

“You pig.  You insane pervert.  I’d rather sleep on the streets than let you touch me,” she shrieked at him.

Ted started sadistically laughing before he quipped, “Don’t lie to yourself, honey.  You’d die if you had to sleep in the gutter.  You think you’re too good for that.”

With a tiny cry of frustration, the dazed young woman whirled quickly and made a break for the front door, but her attempted escape was stopped short by the older man’s long, sinewy arm around her waist.  She stood staring at him frantically, like a wild animal at bay, then moved back to find her way blocked by the living room wall.

“No, you can’t do this.  It’s illegal.  I’ll call the cops,” she said, her face turning ashen and hair lifting on the nape of her arms.

“Go ahead, honey.  Most of the cops are in my pocket anyway,” the older man said with a jutting chin and a hard smile.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.