The Stepmother

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The Stepmother
The Stepmother
Year: 2016
Danny has a tiny dick, and his sexy stepmother has told him she knows about it. As he comes home for the summer break from College, he’s wondering, hoping his sexy stepmother will make her move.
Max Swan
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As Danny Barrett travels home by train, he feels excited about seeing his stepmom for the first time since spring break.  Nervous energy made his heartbeat fast, his stomach feels funny, and his fingers tingle.  The reason he feels so nervous about coming home is his stepmother had told him she knew about his problem.  She seemed keen to talk about it with him at the time, but only if he wants too, of course.  Danny shies away from her concerns; mostly owing to embarrassment.

However, his stepmom Laura is hot, and it didn’t help his fantasies running wild.  He often dreams about being naked in front her, or being caught naked by her.  Still, he chides himself for having such thoughts.  The other guys on campus were chasing any pussy they could get.  All he could think about is his stepmom. His biological mother lives on the other side of the country, and he rarely sees her.  Laura, is thirty-five, had long brunette hair that shone in the light and seems to always float when she walks.  She has a curvy, soft body with large breasts, thirty-six DD’s he had read on one of her bras before he masturbates with it.  One of those women who’s curvaceous without being fat. His favorite type, and his dads too.

Danny had drifted off to sleep on the long train ride home, and woke with a start when the conductor announces his stop on the trains PA system.  The announcement so loud, it jars him.  Danny had been dreaming of her again.  He feels aroused no doubt, and as he stood his penis pushes against his shorts, erect as usual.  His libido is so strong sometimes he jerks off as much as eight times a day.  Often, the only way he could get the damn thing to go soft.

He turns, so hopefully no one else could see it, and grabs his bags off the overhead baggage rail, bringing them to the front of his shorts to hide his erection.  Walking out of the train briskly, he stretches for a few seconds after stepping to the platform.

Can’t you give me a break, just this once, he asks at his penis in his mind?

Yet the more he thought about it, the harder his dick throbs.  It aches for release, almost painfully.

When he walks out of the station he saw his mom leaning casually up against the front of the car some ten meters away, wearing big sunglasses and reading a newspaper.  She wore a low-cut white sundress, which hugged her curves flatteringly.  She had no bra on beneath, so her nipples poke through the material, and her cleavage made him stare.  Her legs were a golden brown from tanning in the summer sun, seeing Laura fills him with a happiness he hadn’t felt for a long time.

I’m home, he thought happily.  “Hi, mom,” Danny shouts, giving her a wave as she glances at him from the newspaper.

She smiles at him, folding the paper and throwing in the car window.

“Oh hey, Danny,” she said.  “Sorry, I didn’t see you coming.  I was reading this movie review in the paper, and I got engrossed in it.  How was your trip home?”

She hugs him as he reaches the car, Danny feels thrilled to see her too.

“OK, I guess,” he replies with a shrug.

“Good to have you home for the summer break,” she said, kissing him on the cheek, and rubbing the lipstick off.

“Good to be home.”

The kiss made his heart flutter, her perfume wafts over him making him feel dizzy. She opens the back door for him to throw his bags, which he did.  As she turns to get into the car, she glances at Danny’s crotch casually.  Danny could’ve sworn he saw a smirk cross her face.  His erection still obvious. He took a deep breath, and got in the car.  As they pull out of the station, Laura told him his dad’s away on a business trip for the next ten days.

“You’ll have to be the man of the house while he’s away.  Can you handle the responsibility?”

“I’ll try.”  He asks to change the subject, “How’s Tina?”

“Oh, she’s a precocious little brat, so nothing new there,” Laura said.

She laughs lightly at her joke, throwing her head back, making her shiny long hair billow. Her skin softly glows, and her cleavage bounces.  It mesmerizes him.

Laura suddenly asks him, “Do you remember what we talked about before you left last time, sweetie?”

Danny’s heart began racing again, he feels his face burn bright red, and his mouth went dry.

As he is about to answer her, when she said, “You have to do better helping around the house.  This isn’t a holiday resort for you to lie around all day, and play your video games, while expecting me to pick up after you.  Do you understand?”

He sighs. “Yes, mom.”

He didn’t like the idea, because he’d only be home a short time, but it paid to keep the peace.  Laura likes to rule the house with an iron fist sometimes.  So as they drove home, Danny told Laura how his last semester at school went.  What grades he got, and how his sports teams were going.  He never mentions girls, which Laura always found odd for a boy his age, but she knew why he avoids the subject.


Later in the afternoon, Danny had arranged to play some hoops with his friends at the local park, when a large clap of thunder rattles the house, and lightning shot across the sky briefly bathing the landscape in an eerie blue light.  Laura spots him peering out the living-room window at the oncoming storm, dresses in T-shirt and shorts ready to go play.

She charges out declaring, “I don’t want you going anywhere, Mister, you’ll get struck by lightning.  It’s too dangerous.”

He groans frustrates, it starts to rain heavily, and making certain he would be spending the night indoors.  His phone rang, his friend Tom informs him the games off due to the storm.  Tina suddenly came running down the steps excitedly.

“Have you seen the storm outside, it’s fucking awesome!”

Another huge clap of thunder fills the room, and the sound of heavy rain and strong wind made them all peek out the window in the living room in awe.

“I love storms, they’re so cool,” Tina said.

Tina is Laura’s daughter, and Danny’s stepsister.  Laura is more liberal than other mom’s, and let her kids get away with much more, like swearing.  This freedom made Tina pretty popular, as the local teens would hang out at the Barrett household because Laura ignores their activities.  Tina is also a brunette like her mom, but had a more athletic build with much smaller breasts.  He thought they’d be a ‘C’ cup at the most.  Her body isn’t as curvy, but she’s fit.  Barely an ounce of fat on her.

“We need the rain, it’s been so dry lately,” Laura said wistfully.

They watch the storm with great fascination until Laura bid them to come and have dinner.  She had cooked corned beef, with cabbage, green peas, and heaps mashed potatoes.  The corned-beef smothered in a mustard flavored white sauce.  It’s Danny’s favorite meal.  As he ate, he feels happy he didn’t go play hoops after all.  Once they finished dinner, they went to the living room and crashes on the couch.  Laura casually crosses her legs, and began tapping on her right leg with her hand.  She didn’t expect it to draw Danny’s attention, but she did notice him checking out her legs.

“What are we gonna do now?” Tina asks as she sat in a recliner opposite them. “Are there any new movies on Netflix?”

“No,” Laura said.  “We’ve already watched the latest ones.”

Danny began thinking about his play-station in his room, when Laura suddenly produces an idea.

“We could watch the foreign movie Blanche lent me,” Laura said, her face breaking out into a grin.  “It’s German, but there are subtitles.”

Tina and Danny glances at each other with frowns.

“Why would we wanna watch some boring German movie?” Tina said with a scowl.

“It’s supposed to be good,” Laura said as she went about trying to find the DVD.  “It’s about a dirty cop.  Apparently, it cleans up at the Cannes Movie Festival this year.”

Tina and Danny groan in boredom again, as Laura continues digging through a pile of bags trying to find the movie.

“Hmm, where did I put it?  Oh, here it is,” she said.  “Do you two want to watch it?”

Tina and Danny looks at each other, and shrugs as if to say ‘why not’.

“If it sucks we can turn it off, or watch something else,” Laura said as she slots the DVD into the machine.  “Now from what I understand it has some nudity.”

Laura took a seat on the couch next to Danny and raises the remote to turn on the TV and starts the movie.  A warning appears advising violence and nudity are in the movie.  Tina came over and sat on the opposite side of Danny.  Tina peers at Danny, her pretty face displaying amusement.

“There’s nudity?  You know-how to pick ‘em, mom.”

Laura answers her daughter, but didn’t break focus as she continues to watch the TV.

“That’s what Blanche told me.  Most foreign movies have nudity, it’s why we watch them.”

Danny quietly took a deep breath as the movie began to play.  It excites him to think of the possibility he would be watching a movie with nudity in it with his stepmother and stepsister.  It made it better he had one on each side, nestling into him.


The nudity didn’t take long to present itself as the first scene of the movie took place in a men’s shower room, in what appears a gym.  The camera didn’t shy away from showing everything each man had to offer.  The shower room had about fifteen men in it, all washing themselves with soap.  They were muscular guys, some of them hairy, and some not.  However, they had huge floppy cocks.  The smallest probably six inches soft, and most of them uncircumcised.  The women’s eyes bulges, and they gasp, in amazement.

“Holy hell,” Laura said, laughing to break the tension.  “Only two minutes into the movie and there they are.”

“Omigod!” Tina began clutching a pillow to her chest now.  “I’ve never seen such enormous dongs before.”

“I hope not,” Laura said with a giggle.  “A girl your age could get hurt.”

Laura and Tina both laugh.

Danny squirms in his seat, not knowing whether to be turned on by this experience or repulsed by it.  The way the two women leer at the screen, at those gigantic dicks made him feel embarrassed.  He became acutely self-conscious of his problem again, watching those big dicks flopping about in the showers.  Theses men’s flaccid dicks were so intimidating to him, he couldn’t help but blush.  He watches the screen in silence, trying to show he didn’t care.  However, his discomfort didn’t go unnoticed.

“Does male nudity offend you, Danny?” Tina asks with a grin, giving him a poke in the ribs with her elbow.

His stepmother giggles.

“Don’t worry, Danny, think of it like the locker room at the College.  I’m sure it’s no different.”

Danny rolls his eyes.  “Locker rooms are nothing like this.  Not every guy is built like Mr. America and hung like a freakin’ horse,” he said sarcastically

“Speaking from experience are we, big brother?” Tina asks and giggles.

“Leave your brother alone, Tina.” Laura said before Danny could respond.

As Danny glances at his stepmom, and she gave him a wink that rattles him to the core.  She defends him to his sister, something he didn’t expect.  So he continues to watch the movie.  As the nude scene seems to go on and on, Danny sighs deeply and Tina pounces again.

“Are you OK?  Are you having a panic attack?”

Tina shows no mercy.

“Tina,” Laura said in her mom voice.  “Stop teasing your brother and watch the movie, for heaven’s sake.”

Some men got out of the shower, and got dressed (thankfully). The nudity ends, which relieves Danny no end.  The plot began to unravel, with a few shoot-out scenes, and high-speed car chases.  However, after about an hour into the movie, one of the lead characters decides to have a shower, and yes, the camera follows him all the way.

What the hell is this, he thought, frustrated?

“Uh-oh,” Tina said playfully as they prepare for another large penis shot.

The man slowly undressed to his boxers.  After a couple-second delay, to build the suspense, he took his underwear off unfurling a monster cock.

A horse would be proud to own that, Danny thought bitterly.

“WOW!” Tina said in admiration.

“Wow, is right.  The biggest dick I’ve ever seen,” Laura adds crossing her legs again.

Listening to these two talk about dicks for the last hour had a profound effect on Danny.  His penis grew hard, and he had to keep his legs crossed to hide the fact.  It aches from wanting him to stroke it.  The closeness of the women, their smell, and the sound of their panting as they watches the big dick man, all adds to his predicament.

“Danny sweetie, why don’t you go make some popcorn,” his stepmother suddenly suggests.

Danny feels as if all his nightmares had come at once.

“Can’t Tina do it?”

Laura frowns at him.

“Remember what I told you about pulling your weight around here. Now get.”

Danny drops his leg to the floor and stood. He tries to leave quickly.  But it’s too little, too late.  Both women’s eyes were on his crotch, his hard dick tenting his shorts, and showing it to the fullest. The women glance at each other and smiles, as Danny hurries out of the room.

As he enters the kitchen he heard Tina say, “Pause the movie for him.  I wouldn’t want him to miss anything.”

“You’re such a considerate sister, Tina,” Laura said.

Laura pauses the DVD as Danny threw some popcorn into the microwave.  He stretches, and takes a few deep breaths, trying to get the tension out of his body.  Trying to get his cock to go soft, but it wouldn’t, it stubbornly stays hard.  At least he could hide it behind the popcorn bowl as he walks back in. He went into the living room, and sat between the two women with the popcorn bowl in his lap.

“Oh good, popcorn,” Laura said.

She suddenly dug her hand into the bowl, rummaging around, rubbing the bowl into his cock in the process.  Jolts of electricity starts shooting through his dick.  As Laura pulls a handful out, Tina dug hers in, and again the movement of her hand in the bowl made it rub on his dick.  The rubbing became too much for him, she did it way too long.  As she withdrew her hand, Laura’s put her hand back in the bowl, doing the same thing again.

“Danny, we paused the movie for you,” Tina said.

Danny stare at the screen while trying to ignore the sensation of his stepmother and stepsister burying their hands in the bowl of popcorn pushing it forcefully into his crotch.  The same guy from before is standing there nude.  His large penis hanging in front of him as he approaches the shower.  Ten inches soft.

“It’s a good view anyway,” Laura said with a laugh.

As Tina rubs the bowl again over his cock, he feels his dick explode in his shorts.  He holds his body stiffly, trying not to show what happened.  His cock coats the inside of his boxers with sticky cum.  He let out a deep sigh.

“Let’s continue, I wanna see what happens next,” Tina said to Laura, and she presses play again.

The movie progresses as normal, and the camera work got more seductive.  As the man showers, the movie kept having a close-up of his big penis, the shower water cascading off it as rain running off some mighty structure.

“This guy is enormous, there’s no way you could fuck a dick that big.  It’d hurt too much,” Tina couldn’t help saying.

Danny’s uses to his stepsister swearing, but in this atmosphere, it seems to have an even greater effect on him.

“I’m not gonna argue with you there.  Some dicks are too big to fuck, just as some are too small,” Laura said to her daughter’s assessment of the guy’s big cock.  “You need to find one in the middle for the best results.”

“Sounds like the moral to the story of Goldilocks,” Tina said. “What do you think, Danny?”

“I’m not gay, so I’ve never thought about it,” Danny said.

His erection had subsided after he’d cum, and he feels relieved.  Silently watching the movie, the end of the shower scene calms his tension.

“I don’t understand.  If this guy is setting up the other cop, why is he giving him all the information?” Laura asks Tina conversationally as the two discusses the plot.

It turns Danny on even more when the two women talk about the actual story as it made the nudity seem acceptable and part of the movie.  Knowing he had cum while their hands dug around the popcorn bowl is something he savors.  In the movie, the phone rang and the man woke, got out of bed, and ran briskly from the bedroom to the kitchen to answer it.  He ran, of course, naked.  Nothing restrains his big penis as he ran.

“God, look at that thing flop about,” Laura said and gasp.

“Mom!” Tina yells laughingly, although she thought the same thing.

Danny began to squirm in his seat again.  The more Laura and Tina talks about penises, the more it arouses him, and his dick got hard again.  The last scene in the two-and-a-half-hour action movie turns out to be a shoot-out, one that nearly kills everybody in the movie.  Funny thing though, Danny didn’t want the movie to end.  However, as the last credits began to roll, Laura took a last handful of popcorn.  Making the bowl, swirl over his dick a last time for the night.

“I liked it,” she said of the movie, “Despite all the male-nudity.”

The final credits were still rolling as the three further discusses the picture.

“You know what is funny?  I don’t remember seeing a single naked woman in the movie, yet the male nudity was insane,” Danny said.

Laura nods.  “The directors a female. That might explain it.”

Danny’s penis throbbed in his pants begging to be stroked and fondles to release again.

“What did you think of the movie, Danny?” Tina asks.

“OK, I suppose.  I don’t think all those nude scenes adds much to the story.”

All he craves is escape to jerk off in privacy.  The discussion is getting too much for him again. Laura gave him a sweet smile.

“Oh well, I’m off to bed,” she said, stood and turns to face Danny and Tina.

She urges Danny off the couch against his wishes at first, so he tries to cover his erection with the popcorn bowl when he stood.  She bent and brushes some popcorn off the sofa. He stare at her ass in shorts.

“You kids make such a mess, I swear,” Laura complains.

When Danny thought he’d gotten away with it, Laura unexpectedly grabbed the bowl from him to take back to the kitchen.  His boner noticeable, as he stood there dumbfounded.  Laura went to leave, when out of the corner of her eye she saw Danny’s protuberance.  She blatantly stops and stare at it.  Her head tilting to one side in disbelief.

“Holy fuck!” Tina suddenly yells, as she saw Danny’s boner.

What made it worse is, not only did he have a boner, but his shorts are damp with cum.  He has a big wet spot over his bulge. He decides, covering it at this point would be useless.  He instead shuffles around in his shoes.

“My God, Danny, you REALLY liked the movie, eh?” Laura said, her eyes still glues to his crotch.

“I don’t think he would’ve gotten a part in the movie, though,” Tina said with a smirk.

Mother and daughter glances at each other, and burst out laughing.

“It’s not funny,” Danny said blushing.

The women stare at his crotch wide-eyes, and although he enjoys the feeling, he turns around hiding his privates from the two women.  After adjusting his shorts, he pulls his shirt out so it hung over his bulge.  He turns back around letting the women see him again.  This time his erection hidden from them.

“Well, that’s better, I suppose,” Laura said, a few tears rolling from her eyes because she were laughing so hard.

“I like it the other way,” Tina said.

Danny stood there, his heart racing; his erection throbbing and begging for attention.  Sure, it isn’t on display anymore, but it’s still torturing him.

“You have such a tiny dick, Danny,” Tina said blatantly exposing his ‘problem’ and making Danny blush.

Laura playfully taps her daughter on the arm, with a giggle.

“Tina, don’t tease your brother, you’ll give him a complex.”

“But mom, it’s fucking TINY.  He has a full-on baby dick!” Tina said, pointing at Danny’s crotch making his face turn even a brighter red.

“Tina, stop it. He can’t help how he was born,” Laura said with a frown.

An awkward pause fell over the room, as if all three were waiting for someone to say something.  Danny would’ve loved to drop his pants right there and masturbate in front of the two sexy women.  Show them his dick, while they said nasty shit about it.  Still, he knew it wasn’t right to do, and he had to play it cool, otherwise he’d get in big trouble.

“Danny, go to your room and change,” Laura suddenly said sternly.

Danny retreats to his bedroom.

Did mom plan for the three of us to watch that movie, so dicks would be the topic of conversation, he wonders, as he walks upstairs?

Tina knew Danny had a small penis, Laura knew Danny had a small penis.  Danny now knew they knew he had a small penis.  Where this teasing is heads is anyone’s guess?


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.