Dinky & Pinky

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Dinky & Pinky
Dinky & Pinky
Year: 2017
As a civil rebellion tears the city apart, two gay black men hide in a burnt-out warehouse to escape the violence. Then, two riot cops enter the building to search it. When the black men overpower the cops, they discover they both have tiny dicks. Now the fun really begins.
Max Swan
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The city-wide rioting was into its fourth night.  On this night, Caleb and Justin took shelter in a near burned-out warehouse as riot vans charged down the street, breaking up the crowds and looters.  The pair moved to the third floor, as it seemed to have survived most of the burning, mainly smoke damage, but good enough for them to hide out until the morning when curfew ended.   The military coup created havoc in their country, and it was now a matter of survival of the fittest or the luckiest.

Police and soldiers were killing anyone on the streets after curfew, especially those looting or damaging property.  The primary target of the crackdown was blacks.  As Caleb and Justin fit this description, they decided hiding and living was better than dying for a big-screen TV.

The street lamps outside gave plenty of light for them to have a good rummage around for any food or clean water.  The rooms on the third floor were mostly offices with busted computers and scattered papers.  Justin took one of the swivel chairs and put his feet up.  Caleb did the same on the desk opposite.  Rummaging through the desk drawers, Caleb found a Playboy magazine.

“Hey, dawg, look at this,” Caleb said, holding the magazine up.

Justin laughed.  “Shit, man, since when do you like pussy?”

Caleb shrugged.  “I’m not a full-on fag like you, dawg,” he smirked.  “I do fuck women sometimes.”

Justin rolled his eyes.  “Yeah, that’s why you’re sucking my cock daily.”

“Well, you keep shoving it down my throat.  What could I do?”

Justin points to the magazine and says, “You think some cracker worked here and would sneak off to jerk off his baby dick to that?”

“Fuck, dawg, you’re such a size queen.”

What?  No way!  Most white guys have small dicks.  Ain’t my problem,” Justin said, looking away.

“And Asians, too,” Caleb said and smiled.


“Asian’s have little dicks too, dawg, it’s a medical fact.”

Justin guffaws.  “Who’s the motherfucking size queen now?”

Eh?  At least I admit it,” Caleb said with a grin.

“Have you ever seen a black guy with a small dick?” Justin asked in a small voice.

“Johnny ‘Joker’ Reece, remember him?”

Justin nodded and smiled.  “Yeah, he ruled the schoolyard back in the day, a fat motherfucker.  Built like a fucking tank.”

“And hung like a white dude,” Caleb said and laughed.

“No.  How the fuck do you know?”

“I gave him a blowjob once,” Caleb said, thrusting out his chest.  “The mofo was no bigger than a Bic lighter, dawg.  It was a motherfucking micro dick.”

“I didn’t know Joker was a fag.  He always had bitches hanging off him at school,” Justin said, leaning forward and shaking his head.

“All men are fags in the right circumstances.”

Justin asked with a leer, “Yeah, so what did Joker say about your huge fucking cock?  You must’ve made him feel like he was nothin’.”

Caleb shrugged.  “Like all babydicks, he worshipped my cock as God.  No matter your skin color, a babydick is a babydick.”

“Damn, Cal, you broke Joker, the meanest mofo I ever met?”

Caleb nodded.  “Broke him good ‘n proper.”

“You da man, TY.”

Suddenly, they hear a noise, the sound of something falling, and they sit up alert and staring at the door to the office.

“What was that?” Caleb whispered.

“I think we’ve got company?” Justin whispered back, getting to his feet.

Cops?  Shit, they’ll shoot us if they catch us here.”

“Hide,” Caleb said, and they moved behind some tall filing cabinets and waited.


It was now almost silent, just the distant sounds of sirens and gunshots as the rioting continued across the torn city landscape.  The night sky glowed a nightmarish red from fires, and toxic smoke filled the air.  Heavy footsteps echoed in the warehouse as whoever was downstairs went up to the floor where Caleb and Justin were hiding.  They stood silent as they saw two riot-clad police officers eventually enter the office.  They’re both short for riot police, with helmets on and visors up.  They were moving slowly and deliberately when Caleb made a run for it.

Caleb didn’t make it far as one of the cops pushed his baton between the black man’s knees, and he fell to the floor.  The black man was half to his feet when the other cop hit him hard across the back with a baton, and down he went again.  They started to pummel Caleb with blows, and he cried in pain, squirming on the floor as they hit him.

Justin couldn’t stand there and let them beat his lover.  He exploded from the filing cabinet like a linebacker with ‘roid rage.’  He sent the cops flying into a desk and onto the floor.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRG,” he screamed as he ran.

One of the cops started fighting Justin off with his baton, but after a struggle, the angry black man managed to get it off the cop and beat him.  First, his arms and then the helmet as the cop flailed around in a vain attempt to protect himself, then Justin started to hit his riot vest-covered chest.

Caleb got to his feet and jumped the other cop before he could get his taser and shoot Justin at point-blank range.  The cop struggled with Caleb, trying to get free.  Still, the rage in the two black men bubbled over, and they attacked the police with a ferocity they didn’t realize existed.  After four nights of cops arbitrarily executing their friends and family, the anger in the two men boiled over.  They beat them until the two cops curled into the fetal position, shaking and sobbing uncontrollably.  Caleb was the first to return to his senses, grabbed Justin, and pulled him away from the cop he was kicking.

STOP, DAWG, STOP,” Caleb shouted.

“Why should I?  These motherfuckers killed my brother,” Justin growls, pushing against Caleb to get at the cops.

“No, man, not these idiots,” Caleb said, breathing heavily from the exertion.  “If we kill these fuckers, then we can be sure every cop in this city will be out to get us.”

Then I’ll kill them all.

Caleb pushed Justin back.  “Then what will I do without you?” he asked with tears in his eyes.

This caught the big black man by surprise, and breathing heavily, he nodded and backed off.  Caleb pulled out one cop’s handcuffs and cuffed the man; Justin followed his example with the other.

“You’ll go to jail for this,” a cop said in a deep voice.

“Shit, they’ll still kill you,” the other adds.

“Shut the fuck up if you know what’s good for you,” Justin growls.

Caleb and Justin search the cops.  First, they smash the radios, remove their weapons, and empty their pockets, including their IDs.  That’s when they stood to compare notes.

“I have Staff Sergeant Mike Holland,” Justin said, showing Caleb a picture of a pretty blonde woman and two little girls from the man’s wallet.  “He’s married with two kids and lives on the East side of town at eleven Lincoln Street.”

“Good to know,” Caleb said.  “We should pay them a visit if these cops talk.”

“You cunt,” Mike shouted.  “Leave my family alone.”

“Like your cop friend’s left my brother alone?” Justin said with a sneer.  “Who you got, Cal?”

Hmm, I got me a chink cop, dawg,” Caleb said with a grin, “his ID says he’s an Operations Controller.  Names Don Lee and has a nice wife and little boy.  Don lives on the south side, apartment sixteen, seventy-two Franklin Road.”

“A staff sergeant and an Operations Controller, eh,” Justin said, scratching his chin.  “The cops are scraping the barrel, mobilizing their paper-pushers onto the streets to make up the numbers.”

Caleb asked, grinning, “So, the riots were not going to be good for you, pigs, eh?”

Mike shouted, glaring at the two black men, “Troops will be here by the morning to help us get control of the streets again, and then you’ll get your asses handed to you.”

Don Lee adds, “What do you intend to do now, as you’ll never get away with this?  As you say, we might be paper pushers, but we’re still the police, and you’re breaking the law.”

Caleb didn’t even blink an eye as he brought the baton down hard between Don’s legs.

OOOOOOOOHHHHHH, MOTHERFUCKER,” Don screamed as he rolled, trying to shield his sore groin.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.