Uncle Tony Took My Cherry

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Uncle Tony Took My Cherry
Uncle Tony Took My Cherry
Year: 2017
When 18yo Carly (a budding woman) and her Uncle (All alpha man) are together sparks are bound to fly—the type that bust cherries.
Gowan Bush
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Carly rubs her hands up and down her thighs, swallowing hard while trying not to look nervous.  She’s eighteen.  Why is she so nervous being alone with a man? Many girls have been alone, and nothing ever happened! The blonde feels something funny happening to her body—something that had begun to bother her the last few months.  That ticklish tingle between her legs is growing worse now, becoming a pulsing ache that made her knees grow weak and wobbly.  Her flesh becomes alive to every sensation against it while her thirty-six-inch titties seem to be roasting in their juices.

“Your mom’s late, isn’t she?”

Carly nearly jumps out of her skin.  She crosses her legs and sits back on the couch, turning her attention to her Uncle Tony who’s across from her.  He is soothing down his long black hair with one hand while flicking the screen of his smart phone with the other.

“It’s the new pastor,” Carly said in a surprisingly controlled voice.

She thought something in the tone would make her Uncle suspicious.  Oh God, if he were to find out how she is feeling this hot September night and if he told her mom, Carly feels she’d have to leave home!

“Sometimes he keeps them pretty late.”

Tony put down his phone and turns his arm, and glances at his watch.  Carly watches uncomfortably as the handsome thirty-five-year-old mechanic raises his eyebrows.

“It’s nearly ten, well, I promised your mom I’d get to work on the water heater,” Tony said, letting out a low whistle and getting up.  “I thought she’d give me some clues about what happened.  Hell, I’ll putter around and see what I can find,”

Carly let out a sigh of relief.  Without her Uncle there, maybe she won’t feel so funny about him.  Smiling, Carly watches her Uncle move quickly from the small living room into the kitchen hall behind her, then down the stairs to the basement.

Why does he have to be so good-looking, Carly thought biting down on her lower lip?

She curls her slender fingers into two tight fists and bangs them lightly on the cushions.  Tony’s been living with them ever since he got out of the Navy three months ago.  At first, Carly thought his coming would be a good idea.  She idolized him as a child, often preferring to toddle after him then after her parents.  When she grew older, Carly thought the man she would marry would have to look like Tony.

Then the young, handsome man drifts away from home, trying to make his own life in Los Angeles and nearly forgetting the lovely girl in San Diego.  However, Carly remembered.  Uncle Tony is her knight in shining armor, a man who plays an important part in her increasingly erotic dreams.  In her dreams, he comes to her, sweeps her into his arms, then the dream ends, making her wake with a horrible pulsing itch between her legs that won’t stop.  Only when she presses the bottom of her palm against her mound and sticks a finger up her jagged slit did the itching get better.  The girl is wondering what’s happening to her.  Why is she having these dreams?  Also, why is she so wet down there when she wakes?

No one had told her about fucking.  What she did know, Carly learned from the few friends she had at school and what she saw online.  Sex seems dirty and perverted, and something she doesn’t want to do.  No boy is going to stick his thing in her.  The lovely blonde had fought off so many near-rapes that finally the boys gave up and left her alone.  Therefore, the beautiful, big-breasted Carly Dangerfield graduated from Washington High School a virgin, completely ignorant of why the tight, achy feeling in her pink pussy is driving her slowly crazy.

“Ohhhh,” Carly sighed to herself, pushing her body up from the couch and staggering into the kitchen.

Below, the blonde can hear her Uncle hammering at something.  Good.  He is busy.  He won’t be trying anything with her.  Carly sighs again, but more with disappointment than with relief.  Did she want him to try something? And what?  Sucking in a deep breath, the teen opened the refrigerator and pulled out a glass of lemonade she’d poured for herself earlier.  The cool liquid soothes the burning in her throat.

“Hey, Carls,” Tony calls from below.  “Can you put on some coffee for me? It looks like I’m gonna be down here for a while.”

Carly jumps at the sound of his voice.  It’s commanding, so masculine.  Her flesh crawls with a longing she can’t define.  Carly feels her fingers shaking and hears the cubes of ice clinking merrily against the sides of her glass.

“Ohhhh,” Carly groans and closes her eyes until the tickling, burning itch fades a little.

Her pussy feels hot and very wet.  When she moves her hips slightly as she walks toward the stove, the smooth surfaces of her pussy rub together.  More juice seems to be seeping out of her crack.  The blonde can feel her crotch panel sticking to her bloated outer labia.  The feeling is the worst it’s been in a long time, maybe the worst ever, it’s as if she’s been suffering from an attack of something.

Putting down the glass of lemonade on the counter, Carly rubs the perspiration off her forehead with the back of her left hand while foraging around in the overhead cabinet with the other for the coffee pot.  If only my parents had been more frank with me, Carly thought as she filled the pot with water and put it on the stove.  If only they’d told me more about the facts of life without trying to hide them from me instead.  However, her father had been an elder of their church and felt sex is something dirty, kept only for marriage and nothing else.  Well, if it’s so bad, then why did thinking about it feel so right, she thought.  The devil?  Carly’s full red lips curls into a smile.  No, I don’t believe thatmy parents are wrong.  Still, their stern warnings ring in her ears, making the girl afraid of sex.

“Coffee ready yet, honey?” Tony shouts from the basement.

“N-No, not yet.  I’ll call when it’s.”

God, how low and throaty her voice sounds, she thought with a shiver.  Is this what happened when you get turned on? Carly glances at her wristwatch; her mom is late.  Oh, why isn’t she home yet, she wonders?  With her mom puttering around in the kitchen Carly knows nothing will happen with her Uncle.  Now her breathing suddenly labors.  Sweat is dampening her white cotton blouse and light blue shorts.

“Hurry up, hon,” Tony shouts again, “I’m dying for it!”

Dying for what—the coffee, of course—but maybe he means something else.  Carly’s mind whirls dizzyingly.  Was he staring at her crotch the evening her mom had caught her kissing the Chad Jones on the porch?  Carly flushes at the memory, remembering uneasily how her mom had pulled her into the house without a word to the boy she was with, slapped her across the face and called her a slut.  Then her mom reached between Carly’s legs and felt the crotch of her jeans.  How Tony stared at her from the living room—stared at her crotch!

The bubbling of the water in the coffee pot breaks her train of thought, and she sighs.

“It’s ready,” Carly calls, fixing her Uncle a cup.

As she hears him climbing the wooden stairway to the kitchen, she remembers what one of her girlfriends had told her about Uncle Tony.  Carly’s heard her Uncle is a real playa—a Casanova—a ladies’ man.  He can sniff out a woman in heat, as Trudy had crudely put it, and take care of her as she’s never been taken care of before.  Carly had become excited when that news reached her ears.  Now the memory of the conversation glows in her mind like a hot poker.  She tries to drive her concentration away from the topic, but nothing helps.

“How’s my girl?” Uncle Tony said walking into the kitchen and giving Carly a playful hug.

The blonde closes her eyes and sucks in a ragged breath when she feels his body touch hers; it’s as if something has exploded deep inside her.  Why my shoulders are shaking I don’t know, she thought frustrated, and there’s a ball of heat in my belly, going down to my vagina.  She is panting like a dog.  Carly grasps frantically at the stove top while Tony sits on the kitchen table behind her.  The blonde thanks, God she has a few seconds to compose her face before turning to him.

“Anything wrong, hon?” Uncle Tony asks.

He’s getting up, coming to me—no—NO, Carly screams to herself.  “I just feel—funny,” Carly said, unable to catch her breath.

Carly can feel Tony’s thick, muscular body—the body he’d developed so well with three years in the Navy—slowly presses against hers.  Now he’s rubbing into her full ass and putting his hands around her waist.

“Sorry to hear that, honey, I guess it’s the flu,” he said softly. “Lots of it’s going around lately.”

Carly thinks she can detect a subtle change in her Uncle’s voice.  He seems to be picking up the signals her body is sending.

“You’ll make me break this pot and cup,” Carly said more playfully, gently breaking away from him and getting his coffee.

Tony raises his eyebrows again, then saunters back to his chair and sits.  Now he is watching her; his handsome head tilts to one side in the position of someone studying an interesting biological specimen.  Carly gulps while serving him his coffee.  She should run out of the kitchen right now, up the stairs to her bedroom and lock the door.  Only then will she be safe until her mom comes home.  Then why is she standing by the sink and drinking her lemonade, aware of her Uncle’s eyes roving all over her body while trying to do nothing about it?

“Maybe you should call your mom,” Tony suggests, more anxious to make conversation than offer good advice.

“No, I don’t think so,” Carly mutters, gulping more lemonade.

Oh God, how terribly weak I feel, she thought.  Carly’s staring at his thick black hair that hangs rakishly over one eye, curling playfully around his ears and lower neck.  He’s been letting it grow full since his honorable discharge.  His broad, tanned face draws her away from the sink like a magnet, and it’s only with the greatest effort Carly doesn’t fling herself right into her Uncle’s arms.  The veins on his thick arms stand as silent witnesses to Tony’s strong, steely body.  A patch of hair peeks over the top of Tony’s clean t-shirt.  Both his shirt and faded jeans stretch tightly over his thick frame.

“You don’t date much, do you, Carls?” Tony asks suddenly.

The question is like electricity in the air.  Carly turns away and holds onto the sink, accidentally dropping the glass and breaking it on the floor.

“Oh God, how stupid,” she said aloud, reaching for the dishrag to mop the mess between her feet.

At the same time, Tony stands from the table and walks to the sink to help.  The two of them bump together, nearly knocking one another onto the floor.

“Hey—easy,” Tony said, locking his thick arms around her waist and holding her tightly against his hips.

This time Carly doesn’t want to break away.   “No, I don’t date much,” she suddenly murmurs.

She feels Tony’s hand moving soothingly over her back, rubbing their way over familiar ground.

“I don’t think you’ve ever gone too far with a boy, have you?”

The questions are growing as intimate as his hand movements.  His fingers are working under Carly’s blouse, toying with the bra strap.

“No, I don’t think it’s right,” Carly hears herself saying thickly through a red fog settling over her brain.

“That’s your mom talking, tell me the truth,” he said softly.

“I promised mom I’d stay—”

“That’s not something for your mom to decide,” Uncle Tony said.  “You’re a grown woman, now, Carly.  It’s time you did what you feel is right for you.”

Something in Tony’s voice makes Carly shiver.  She’s responding unknowingly to a force as old as the world.

“I don’t think we should be doing this,” Carly said uncertainly.

However, she likes the way his touch makes her heart beat fast and her flesh crawl with unspeakable pleasure.  Carly can feel their sensitive red tips pushing against the scratchy cups of her bra.  They were hot and sticky, roasting in her sweat.  She can feel her Uncle’s chest rise and fall with his deep breathing.  When it rises, he tightens his grip until she swears every inch of his body is pressing into her.  The tingling sensation between her legs is growing maddening.  Feeling her knees giving way under her, Carly wraps her arms around Tony’s thick neck and holds on for dear life.

The man knows now what Carly wants and feels a thrill of pleasure and power surge through him.  My niece—what the fuck, he thought.  He’d known guys in the Navy who fucked their sister, and a few who even get it on with their mothers.  Why should fucking Carly be any worse?  Besides, if she’s a virgin, it’s better to learn the ropes from a trusted family member than a stranger, he rationalizes.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.