Reclaiming Lena


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She finds, to her surprise, Lena’s enjoying it more than the woman ever thought possible. Occasionally, she’d get a man like Aidan, who had a nice big cock and knew how to use it.  Now this man’s patience and gentleness are having their effect.  Her body is responding with wild enthusiasm, in a way she rarely experiences these days.

Lena crushes Aidan to her in mounting excitement and runs her hands searchingly down over his hard body, eagerly exploring all of him.  His cock is resting hard against her thighs, pressing into the narrow crevice of her bald slit.  She arches her body, levering her and Aidan off the bed and then reaching under her buttocks with both hands.  She pulls her wetly throbbing pussy lips slowly apart, giving his cock greater contact with her most sensitive flesh.  Then she relaxes, dropping her nakedly quivering body back onto the bed, Aidan’s rigid member trapped tightly between her thighs.

This new pressure against his aching cock shoots pinwheels of sensation through Aidan’s reeling mind.  He forces his hands beneath the shoulders of the beautiful woman lying trapped beneath him and runs them down the soft curves of her spine.  Moving almost imperceptibly as she undulates her body against him in a slow, teasing rhythm.  Her taut muscles ripple sinuously just under her velvety skin, showing the powerful strength hidden in her lush body.  The cords in her thighs tense against his hips, and he wonders how her legs will feel later when they wrap around him in passion.  When he has his long thick hardness planted deep inside her hungering cunt.

Oh fuck, you have such a big cock,” Lena whispers and squirms her smooth flat belly close against him.

Her nails scratch slowly across his back, leaving small red welts in their wake.  Aidan pushes his hands further down beneath her, again cupping her soft, warm buttocks in the palms of his hands as he pulls her naked loins tighter against him.  He undulates his body slowly, sliding his hardened shaft of flesh up and down her widespread slit.  Sensing her growing hotter and more aroused with each passing second.  Lena’s hips begin a more desperate rotation up against his loins until, without warning, her legs snake out wide on either side of his body.  Her calves lock tightly against the backs of his thighs, pulling him ever closer.

“Oh, fuck me now, darling, fuck me now,” Lena moans into his mouth.

Her eyes clenched tightly shut, her pelvis grinding with a savage impatience.  The gasping man starts to move, but she beats him to it.  Her hands come down between their merged bodies and circles around his hot throbbing cock, guiding it between the bald lips of her desire-moistened cunt.  Aidan groans as he feels her scrape his cockhead up and down in the soft, warm flesh between her legs, parting her slit with the pulsating blood-engorged tip of his cock.  The woman’s flesh grazes teasingly against his cock, forcing it to an even greater hardness until it aches from the severe pressure.

Aidan can’t hold back for another second.  Wildly aroused, Aidan flicks his hips with a sudden thrust.  Driving his thick rigid cock into the hotly gaping mouth of Lena’s vagina with a flesh-splitting force.

Ooooo,” she moans beneath him, and he feels the warm elastic-like cuntal sheath slip wetly over his rampant cock.

His desire-swollen cockhead enters her tight little cunt, with a slight pop, as if she were a virgin taken for the first time.  Still, he instinctively senses that she can control her cuntal muscles and make it this tight every time.  Aiden knows he isn’t going to let a woman like this get away for long and mentally vows that this will not be the last time they fuck.

His long thick cock pushes up Lena’s warmly waiting cunt to the full depths of her belly.  She’s almost too tight at first and causes his rigidly throbbing member to ache.  Still, her hot clasping passage soon becomes moist and slippery from her cuntal secretions, and he fucks in and out of her quickly.

In his excitement, he rams forward like a bull and feels his cum-filled balls slap hard against her upturned ass cheeks.  Lena screams below him, a low animal scream of pain and ecstasy, and twists momentarily to escape the sudden unexpected pain.  Her cry of protest only excites him more, and he thrusts harder, fucking his pelvis tighter into her loins.  Hence, there’s no escape for the helplessly skewered brunette.

The successful man lies still for a moment to let the pain of his sudden thrust subside; proud he can hurt her this way.  He’s gained the upper hand because he knows he’s hurt her, and she cannot hurt him back in return.  It’s the age-old plight of womankind.  Aidan revels for a moment in the power he has over this beautiful woman, impaled nakedly beneath him.  He flexes the hot pulsing head of his cock a little deeper, bringing another low moan from between her clenched teeth.

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The lust-inflamed Aidan begins fucking his thick, fiery cock like a madman into the voluptuously squirming flesh beneath him.  Lena strains back now, arching her hungry loins up at him despite the pain, lifting them both a few inches off the squeaking mattress with the strength of each of her answering upward thrusts.  She moans continually beneath his pounding body.  Opening and closing her legs around his hips as she works her pussy up and down his long rigid cock in the chanting rhythm of intercourse as old as mankind.  Her mouth gapes open wide, her head flailing from side to side on the mattress in wild abandon.

Ooooooo … fuck, it’s good … it’s good … Shove your finger in my ass … Make me scream … make me scream,” Lena moans.

Aidan obediently reaches down between her nakedly thrashing buttocks as he continues to piston relentlessly in and out of her wetly clasping cunt.  His hand explored the deep crevice between her straining ass cheeks, stretching it wide, searching with the tip of his outstretched middle finger for her tight little anus.

Suddenly he finds it.

A small rivulet of warm moisture runs down in the damp crevice between her buttocks from her cunt above.  It’s moistened the tightly puckered hole, lubricating it slightly as the man probes experimentally with a fingertip.  He pushes harder, feeling it give a little, and then suddenly the elastic nether ring gives way, and his finger slides in up to the first knuckle.  The lewdly impaled woman jumps forward, almost crawling on her back across the bed to escape the first blinding pain.

Ahhhh … Fuck, it hurts,” she groans.  Aidan thrusts again, sinking to the second knuckle up her asshole.  “Ooooo … Yes … Yes … Hurt me … Hurt me more.”

Despite the pain, Aidan feels her suddenly begins fucking her frantically squirming buttocks back on his impaling finger until it sinks into the palm of his hand.  He jiggles his forefinger inside, rotating it around in her warm buttery rectum.  Through the thin wall separating her tight cunt from her anus, Aidan can feel the underside of his cock sliding in and out of her cuntal passage.  He matches the rhythm with his extended finger, skewering her between the two as she groans under him.  Aidan’s nail briefly catches the tender flesh of her anus.  Lena jerks, but then she recaptures the rhythm, opening her legs wider over the bed to give him greater access to the ravishing of her loins.

The excited man can feel his pulsating cock growing inside her wetly clasping cunt.  He’s sure it’ll burst from the relentless pleasure building in his testicles as they slap against her nakedly trembling buttocks below.  The pleasure is just too incredibly intense, and Aidan knows he can’t hold back much longer.  Lena’s going to orgasm soon also.  To excite her even more, Aidan rises a bit high on her, so his long thick cock is scraping her clit with every stroke.

Oh … Ooh … Ahhh…” Lena chants, digging her nails into his sides.

Lena’s fingers slide lower and desperately clutch at his nakedly pumping buttocks in an attempt to pull him ever deeper into her.  Her passion-wracked body twitches and twists beneath his long smooth strokes, her face contorts with lust, mouth working, nostrils flare, soft, deep moans coming from her throat.  Aidan can feel her warmly quivering cuntal flesh holding him in, sucking and pulling at his hot, almost bursting cock.

Aidan rams into her from his very toes and sends the last inch of his thickness, plundering into her wildly clasping pussy.  Pulling a fresh ecstatic groan from her lips with each new thrust, making her open her eyes to stare up at him with a lust-glazed look.

Ahhhhhhh … Fuck me … Oh, God, harder … Ahhhhhhhh…” Lena wails and raises her smooth rounded buttocks off the bed to give Aidan more leverage as he pushes into her with all the strength of his hips and thighs.

Aidan’s loins move in and out of her nakedly gyrating pelvis, aiming at Lena’s hot clasping chasm in the center, thrusting in with strong muscular regularity.  Despite the effort, the thought of being able to hold her under such a spell spurs him on.  Aidan watches her face, glorying in his power to draw different expressions of passion from it.  At the same time, he moves over her as if she’s some kind of instrument responding to invisible fingers on its keyboard.

By now, Aidan’s loins are aflame, consumed with a fiercely burning desire that sweeps through him in great hot gusts of passion and pleasure.  He gasps and quivers as he fucks into the writhing body below, reveling in the feel of her flesh, her beautiful flesh, the supple flesh of this darkly sensuous woman.

Ooooo … Ooooo, hard … Harder … Fuck me harder…” Lena cries out, her desire seemingly insatiable.

She begs and pleads, gasping as if she’s burst her throat.  She’s nearing her climax, and her body has become something demonic, her legs spread wide as she twists and contorts, urging the man on.  Aidan’s amazed at how hot her body feels and watches in amazement as she whips her head wildly from side to side, her mouth open in complete abandonment.  She swings her thighs up and clasps his waist in a vise-like grip, pulling him deeper and deeper into her convulsing cunt with each powerful thrust of his loins.

Ahhhhhhh … I’m cumming … I’m cumming … NOW … NOW … NOW … Yes … Fuck me … Ram your hard cock into me … Ooooooo…” her voice trails off into a whisper.


This is an excerpt from ‘Reclaiming Lena‘ a short story by Max Swan. To read every nasty detail, buy it, or join our Members Area to read hundreds of taboo stories.

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