The Troll Bridge!

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The Troll Bridge!
The Troll Bridge!
Year: 2016
An internet troll goes a step too far and learns there are nasty consequences to her mean-spirited online bullying when a demon from hell rapes her for it.
Max Swan
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In all the years I have known my partner Zoey, the only bad thing I could really say about her is she’s a troll.  Not the ugly demonic type of troll from fairy tales and myths, but an internet troll.  The pleasure she got from invoking flame wars, and getting posters in forums, continually off topic by baiting them is something I never really understood.  She’d bully people on their Facebook page or twitter accounts, and sit back and enjoy the emotional carnage that ensued.  Her darkest pleasure in life is to indulge in schadenfreude.

In most other respects Zoey seems an average young woman.  She’s in her late twenties, and has been my partner for about five years, having known her for ten.  We were going to marry next year.  Her job is a checkout girl at a supermarket, and while it’s a dead-end job, she seemed to like it.

Some would say she’s average looking too.  The girl next door type.  She’s a skinny girl with smallish breasts (a B cup I think), long black hair, brown eyes, and a nice face.  I always found her friendly and kind to people.  I guess that’s why her double life as an internet troll often puzzled me.

I sometimes teased her that deep down she’s nothing but a bully, and she’d laugh telling me that these people were stupid and they deserved everything they got.  I don’t think she even considered these were real people she’s tormenting.  She assured me, it’s harmless fun and I shouldn’t worry.  One of her favorite forms of trolling is one-bombing erotica stories on certain websites (I’m sure you know them).

One-bombing is manipulating the software of the site so you can give a story a vote of ‘one’ (the lowest score) repeatedly driving the rating for the story into the cellar.  The low rating would give other readers a false impression of the quality of the story, causing them not to read it.  She’d laugh as the scores for her victims would fall from high fours to sometimes well below two, due to her incessant one-bombing.

If the story is eventually deleted that’s her final victory, proving the author had given up and had their story removed in frustration.  I don’t think she even read the stories she attacked aside from skimming through the first few paragraphs.  It became a holy mission for her to bring down the perverted authors that write such vile things and post them on erotica websites.


I came home from work one evening to find Zoey lying naked on the floor beside the computer in our home office.  She’s completely out of it, and I started panicking thinking she’d been raped or something.  I’m about to call 911 when she opened her eyes and stares blankly at me from the floor.

“Zoey, what the fuck is going on?” I asked, falling to her side to help her up.

She gazed around the room as if she barely recognized it.

“I’m back?”

“Back?  What happened to you?”

I helped her to stand, noting how dirty she is, and how she smelled terrible as if she had run naked through a Knackery.  Zoey sat on the office chair and her body slumped as if exhausted, and she stared at the computer screen with her mouth open.  I stood there, shuffling about, waiting for her to say something.

“Come on, stop fucking with me, and tell me what you’re up to?” I said with a frown.

She took a deep breath and turned to face me.

Then she told me.


Apparently, she had gone into a story called The Troll Bridge on an erotic website she had just discovered a few days ago.  She told me on her sixth visit since she first saw this new work of erotica she had clicked one star in the voting section again.  However, this time once the vote was tallied, a bright light burst from the computer monitor throwing her off her chair and onto the floor.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself tied onto a wooden bench.  Her arms stretched above her head and shackled, her feet similarly shackled.  The chains that held the shackles were pulled tight enough to make her limbs ache, and cramp.  Glancing around, she could see she’s in a large cave.  The walls are black volcanic rock with rivulets of lava seeping through many cracks.  The heat is so stifling here it makes her pant.  The cave smells of rotting flesh, which made her feel sick.

Around her she could hear horrible sounds of men and women screaming, weird laughter, strange animalistic roars, chains rattling and whips cracking.  The cacophony of sound, smell, and sight created a gloom around her as she had never known in her life.

After a while, she heard loud footfalls coming toward her.  As it got louder the ground seemed to shake with each step, making her tremble so hard she wet herself.  Then, standing beside her is a humanoid creature more than seven feet tall, his skin is black like tar.  On his body were red markings, which had been carved into his flesh with a knife.  The markings were strange occult patterns she had seen in movies, and they glowed like embers.  Similar to how the lava glowed on the black walls of the cave.

The creature is all muscle though, hard and defined.  He stood over her, his red eyes glowering at her.  His nakedness compelling in its stark beauty, and its erect large penis accenting his power.  He had red hair that’s long and hung loosely, falling past his shoulders. His pubic area is also covered in bushy red hair with fine streaks of it runs along his arms legs and torso.  Zoey met his gaze for a moment, but it’s too much for her, so she turns her head away scared of his malevolence.

“So, we meet at last,” he said in a voice as deep as thunder, followed by a grin of pointy yellow teeth.

He leaned over her getting close, sniffing her, making her yell and tremble violently.

“Please, God, help me,” she prayed.

“God?” The creature said and laughed.  “I’m sorry, my little troll, but God can’t hear you in this place.”

She stared at the demon barely able to control her shaking.

“What do you want with me?”

“I’m here to give you a warning.  After this warning, you have two more chances, and if you abuse those, you’ll belong here forever.”

She suddenly felt her legs begin to pull apart at the sound of chains being wound.  Her head surfaced to see a smallish figure at a wheel at the far end of the cave.  The new creature is greenish, with a long nose and pointy ears.  The ghoulish animal is also naked with a teeny-tiny soft penis between its legs.

Her legs grew wider and wider apart, and the big demon grabbed her sweat pants and pulled them off her, panties and all in one effortless tug.  Lifting her body from the wooden bench as he did, pulling until they tore off her body.  She screamed, writhing on the table trying to get free, but the shackles held firm.  The Demon laughed, a terrible noise that made her turn her head away again, and clench her eyes shut.

Then the other creature started pulling on some different chains, and the head of her rack rose so she’s now eye to eye with the ghastly demon.  Its face came close, breathing its stinking breath on her face, and making her turn aside again and gasp for air.  It cackled as a long pink forked tongue shot out, and licked her cheek.

Its fingers started to play with her pussy, sliding inside her, and flicking her clit with an expert touch.  Though she struggled, the warmth below is undeniably growing.  She began panting as the smell of the creature at first making her want to be sick, began to play on her senses too.  The musky odor of its sex filled her as if a fine wine making her head spin, the intoxicating effect of the odor wore her down enough to eventually accept the tongue in her mouth.  He kissed her, and she kissed back.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.