The Mall Cop!

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The Mall Cop!
The Mall Cop!
Year: 2016
A man is asked to accompany a mall cop to his office because he matches the description of a ‘flasher’ who’s been seen in the mall exposing himself outside the lady’s toilets.
Max Swan
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“Excuse me, sir, would you mind accompanying me to my office?”

I turn to see a mall security guard glaring at me with cold eyes.

Wide eyed, I ask, “Why?”

“I would like to question you about a few things,” he said with a hard glint in his eyes that made my stomach churn.

Question me, I thought?  Who did this guy think he is, Colombo or something?

I shrugged indifferently and agreed to follow him to his Office.  You see I’m what they call a flasher.  I like to expose my cock to women and get off on their reactions.  So having the mall cop wanting to speak to me set off my alarm bells.  I’ve exposed myself a few times in this mall, and well, sometimes your luck runs out.  Especially with CCTV, they can catch you unawares.  However, the most important thing in moments such as this, is not to panic or say anything that could incriminate yourself until you see the proof of their accusations.

This isn’t my first rodeo, you know.

We arrive at his office, which is located behind the mall toilets, not exactly befitting the high office of mall cop.  His office is small, windowless and smells of cigarette smoke.  I sat in a chair and watched him shuffle some papers for several minutes.

“Well, you got me here.  Unless you have anything you want to actually accuse me of, then how about you stop wasting my time.”

The idiot glared at me like I was a piece of shit, put his paperwork down and finally, and asked, “Do you have any ID on you?”

I smiled lopsidedly noting how amateurish this mall cop is.  They sometimes think intimidation can override the law.

“You don’t have the authority to see my ID.  If I’ve done a crime, and you have proof, then called the cops, and I’ll deal with them.  Not a jumped-up turd, like you.”

I feel my face flush and my body rush with adrenaline.

“Sir, this is serious and we have our protocols we have to follow in these situations,” he said staring at me coldly.

I sat stiffly, staring back just as intensely, yet not budging.  Fuck you, and you’re toy sheriffs badge, I thought.

“Like I said, if I’ve done a crime call the cops.  But you better be sure I’ve done it, or else I’ll sue this mall for all its worth.”

“Very well, if you want to play it that way,” he said and sneered at me.  “A male of your description has been reported to have been exposing himself females in the mall

It could be me, I thought.  I am exposing myself in this mall.

“A man of my description?” I said and laughed.  “Do you know how many average white guys are walking around here?”

“Yes, and I’ve questioned several so far.  There’s only one way I can rule you out, I’m afraid.”

“Oh great, so I’m just being questioned because I match the general description?  This is a joke, I want to speak to your manager.”

“Sir, this is serious,” he said with a deep wrinkly frown.  “The perpetrator last exposed himself to near the female toilets.”


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.