The Easy Inn

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The Easy Inn
The Easy Inn
Year: 2018
A sexy woman uses her pussy to land a night manager’s job at a sleazy hotel and has many crazy sexual experiences in the course of doing her job.
Misty Chikan
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Many people may by-pass the Easy Inn Hotel, located just a block off posh Mayfair Road, but to Brooke Turner, it has been home for the past two years.  Brooke has a small apartment on the second floor, furnished by the hotel, and since she has been the night manager at the hotel, living a very comfortable and varied life.

At age twenty-eight, things have broken right for her.  Of course, Brooke has used ways not altogether nice to get where she is and will use them again to further her future.  The Easy Inn is only a stopping place, somewhere to gain experience and learn the hotel business.  From here, the woman aims for better things.  However, for the time being, she’s satisfied with her lot.

Brooke was twenty-six-years-old when she first approached Terry Hunter about the job.  She had read online advertising for a night clerk, and since out of a job, the woman decided to try it.  Brooke figured her chances were slight, because of her age and lack of experience, but knew she had one thing going for her other than a sexy body.  Keeping her fingers crossed as she walked into the lobby of the Easy Inn that day, hoping the owner was straight and his wife, (if he was married) didn’t have much to do with the business.

She has a thirty-seven-inch bust and all the other measurements in the right dimensions.  Keeping her dark hair long, but not stringy, and wore clothes that, while not tight, did nothing to hide her assets.  Brooke could claim virginity only to the age of sixteen; from then on, it had been punch and poke with many men and in many places.  Her last job, which she held for almost a year, came to a screeching halt when the boss’s wife caught them together in a motel room.

Oh, well, on to better things.

“I’d like to see the manager about the night clerk job,” Brooke said to the man behind the desk.

If he was the one to interview her for the job, the brunette has it made.  The clerk can’t take his eyes off the cleavage in her V-neck slipover.

“That would be Mr. Hunter,” he said coolly, only half-looking into her eyes.  “He’s the owner and the manager.  Just a minute, I’ll call him.”  The clerk goes to a phone situated on the counter and pushes a button.  “Mr. Hunter, there’s a young lady here to see you about the night clerk’s position.” A slight pause as he listens.  “Yes, sir, I’ll send her right up.”  The clerk then turns to her.  “Take the elevator to the tenth floor, Mr. Hunter’s office is on that floor.”

“Thank you,” Brooke said with a smile and turns toward the elevator.

She knows the clerk is watching as she walks away.  The woman smiles to herself because she had gotten to where she can feel stared from behind.  It doesn’t bother her in the least; in fact, to give him something to look at, Brooke gives her hips a little twitch imagining the lust in the clerk’s eyes when she does.

When Brooke steps off the elevator on the tenth floor, a sign on the opposite wall pointed the way to the manager’s office.  As she turns, the woman can see the entire section of the floors partitioned, so Mr. Hunter has access to the area without having guests bothering him.  From the size of the area, Brooke guesses he must have an apartment there also—a guess to prove correct.

She pushes the buzzer and hears a voice say, “Come in, it’s open.”

Brooke opens the door and goes into an office, which, while not large, is ample in size and tastefully decorated.  Thick carpet muffles the sound of her footsteps as she approaches the desk.  The man sitting there rose as she nears, and holds out his hand.

“I’m ‘Mr. Hunter,’ manager and owner.  I understand you’re inquiring about the night clerk’s job, Miss…”

“Turner…  Brooke Turner.”

Mr. Hunter is a middle-aged man in his fifties, tall, with a slight pouch around his waist.  His hair is salt-and-pepper, neatly combed, and his suits well tailored.  The man’s eyes are a deep blue, and his skin had a ruddy complexion, revealing that he doesn’t spend all his time in the hotel and behind the desk.

“Have a seat, Miss Turner.”  After a few introductory and preliminary remarks, Hunter turns the conversation to the job.  “Have you had any experience in the hotel business, Miss Turner?”

“No, sir, but my previous job was in public relations, and I enjoy working with people.  I’m a fast learner and believe I can adapt quickly to any job.  I also have references from my previous place of employment.”

Her old boss knows better than not to give her a good reference, or his wife would’ve heard some stories that would’ve really made her blush.  Mr. Hunter scans the letters and then lays them aside.

“You’re kinda young for a night clerk’s job, Miss Turner, and I have a dozen applicants already with hotel management experience.  Why should I hire you?”

The last comment not directed at her face, but a degree or two lower.  Maybe, Brooke thought, just maybe.  She crosses her legs, giving him a quick view of flesh, and then stares at him straight in the eyes.

“I think I can handle it, Mr. Hunter, and I’ll work hard and do anything you ask.”

Let’s see if he takes the bait, she thought.

Hunter stares at her, his eyes covering her figure from her knees to her eyes.  Lust is building inside him.  Brooke would soon know if her estimation of him and of her own assets is correct.  The man rises from his chair and comes to the front of the desk.  He sits on the edge and gazes at Brooke with raised eyebrows.

“You think you’re better equipped for this job than the other applicants, do you?”

“Yes, sir, I really do.”

“This hotel isn’t always a friendly place,” Hunter said with slight smile.  “We attract the seedier clientele if you know what I mean.”

Brooke nods.  “I think so.”

“If you’re one of those ‘hashtag metoo’ types who think every time a man’s attention is a little to … err … sexual, you run screaming that you’ve been violated, then this is not the place for you.  A woman as sexy as you are is going to attract attention around here.”

“I understand, Mr. Hunter,” Brooke said with a smile.  “I’m not like that, no, and I can handle anything.”

“How badly do you want this job?”

There it is, she thought.  I was right and now to play it through.

“Mr. Hunter,” Brooke whispers as she leans forward affording him a view of her cleavage, “I’d do anything to get this job.  ANYTHING.”

Hunter rose from the desk nodding and goes to the door.  When he turns the key, Brooke knows she has won.  As the man comes toward her, the look in his eyes familiar, as is the bulge now apparent in his pants.  Hunter leans over, takes her face in his hands, and kisses her on the lips.  Brooke returns his kiss and slips her tongue into his mouth.  Their tongues meet, tease, and play with each other.

Hunter slips his hand into her slipover, cupping her breasts.  The woman leans back in the chair as he plays with the nipples.  She can feel heat slowly building between her legs.  He might be in his fifties, but the man is far from lacking knowledge in the sex act.  While still kissing, Hunter maneuvers to his knees in front of her.  When they break, he nibbles at her ear and neck.  Brooke closes her eyes and tilts her head back.  It won’t be long before she’d begin panting and gyrating.  Hunter is building her up fast, and the brunette has no desire to repel the manager.

When he eased his hand up her skirt, Brooke spread her legs to allow him ready access.  He cups her crotch, and the woman squeezes her legs, grasping his hand so Hunter can’t pull away.  Suddenly, Brooke feels the zipper on her skirt open and then pulled down over her legs.  She still had not opened her eyes.  Hunter began kissing between her thighs, and Brooke put her hands on his head.  The man is getting Brooke so hot that she wanted to jump right on his hard cock.  Brooke can hardly wait to feel him in her but knows if she wants this job, she’d better let him lead the way.

When Brooke opens her legs wider, Hunter put his face in her crotch and bit gently into the mound of hair.  The brunette inhales deeply and pushes her body into his face.  For the first time since he had started working on her, Brooke opens her eyes.  Hunter is nibbling at her mound, through her panties, and driving her insane.  She pulls her panties off and throws them aside.  No sooner had Brooke done that than Hunter is back at her pussy, nibbling, flicking his tongue at her lips, and slowly, but methodically, turning her body into a volcano that’ll explode at any time.

Hunter reaches behind her and pulls the lower part of her body forward.  It’s uncomfortable, and she thought her back might break.  However, when the man pulls his tongue across her pussy, Brooke wouldn’t have cared if she were on a bed of nails.  The woman pushes her pussy into his face and presses his head even harder into her body.  When the man shoves his tongue in her cunt Brooke immediately orgasms, and she wraps her legs around his head and pushes as hard as she can against him.  The woman is amazed that he is still able to breathe.

Hunter is no novice at sex.  His tongue reams her insides and Brooke continues to cum-squirt.  She doesn’t think she’d ever quit.  Finally, when it seems the woman had drained her last, her body slows and her legs slowly, and limply, slip from Hunter’s shoulders.  Brooke’s eyes are still closed, and she’s breathing heavily.  It’s been a while since Brooke has had such good cunnilingus, and is savoring the afterglow.  Brooke’s hands slowly move over her stomach, down to the mound of hair, where she presses gently.  It feels good.

When Brooke does open her eyes and gaze up at Hunter, he’s just putting his handkerchief back in his pocket, and his face is clean.  He smiles at her and, without saying a word, begins undressing.  When he’s completely nude, the woman looked at the cock sticking out between his legs.  It’s above average, not as big as some she’s had, but ample to give a girl a thrill.  His balls hang loosely in their sac, and the large vein on the bottom of his cock is pulsating, ready to unload.  The man evidently needs some satisfaction.  After the way he’d taken care of her, nothing is too good for Hunter.

Brooke rises from the chair, pulls her slipover off, and turns so he can unbutton her bra.  When her breasts are free, Hunter cups one in each hand and slowly massages them.  The nipples, which are still erect, seem to point even more, and when he bends and sucks on them, an electric spark goes to the deepest part of Brooke’s loins.

When the woman takes his stiff cock in her hand, he presses hard against her body and put his lips to hers.  Their tongues again do the tango as Hunter slowly, smoothly, rubs his e cock against her mound.  The woman takes his hand and leads him to the couch situated against one wall.  Putting her hands on the man’s shoulders, Brooke gently pushes him down to where he’s lying flat, and his pleading cock is sticking straight up.

The older man closes his eyes, and an appearance of absolute pleasure comes over his face when Brooke mounts his cock.  Brooke’s cunt is still juicy, and his cock slides into the hole easily.  Hunter takes a tit in each hand and massages them as Brooke rides his stick, slowly, pulling herself to where the head is all that’s inside her, then easing down, taking all of it in her cunt.

Hunter chews at her nipples, first one, then the other, and each time he does, Brooke again feels that spark travel all the way to her cunt.  The more the man sucks and massages the harder she fucks.  Brooke’s breathing heavily now and pumping at a more rapid pace.  It won’t be long until Brooke would again cum-squirt, but she wants him to cum with her.  She sits straight on his cock, where the entire length is inside and moves her body so it’d touch each side of her hot cunt.  Then, the woman reaches behind her and takes his balls in hand.  Gently massaging them, Brooke soon feels Hunter moving, shoving his cock even deeper inside.  At the same time, he’s very slowly brushing just the tips of his fingers along her breasts, across the nipples, setting her on fire even more.

“Are you ready?” Brooke breathlessly asks.

“Yes … Now…” Hunter moans.

He pushes into her so hard Brooke thinks he’s going to ram his cock through her throat.  Then she feels his warm fluid paint her insides.  At the same time, the woman opens her valve and lets her juices spurt free.  The two mixes and it felt as if Brooke had a flood going on inside her cunt.  Hunter continues to ram his cock home, making her spurt each time he does.

Eventually, when their orgasm wanes Brooke falls forward, and they kiss long and passionately, with Hunter’s cock, now shrinking, still deep inside her cunt.

Before their lovemaking even finished, Brooke knows she has the job as night clerk at the Easy Inn Hotel.  Since that time, Terry and Brooke have had many sexual encounters, but her becoming night manager has been mostly her own doing.  Brooke works hard, does her job as well, if not better than most others did, and had soon become accepted by all the hotel staff as the night manager.  Brooke’s job also allowed her the apartment at the hotel.


Brooke has been at the hotel for a couple of months or so when, one night, a stunning, green-eyed blonde checks in.  She has always been proud, but not conceited, about her body, but Brooke is downright envious of the shape this woman has.  Her small waist flows down to perfectly shaped hips, which the clinging dress does nothing to hide.  The blonde’s breasts look as if they’re ready to burst out of the tight top, and are at least as large as the night managers are.

Every man in the hotel has his eyes glued to the blonde as she signs the register and then walks to the elevator.  While Brooke is used to leers accepting them as a compliment and enjoying them, this woman seems to be completely oblivious. While she’s signing the register and Brooke’s getting her key, she speaks very little but does give the brunette several beautiful smiles revealing even white teeth surrounded by a luscious red mouth.  Here is one girl, Brooke thought, who need not worry about working for a livingShe can get some rich bastard to take care of her with just a glimpse of those green eyes and that figure.

When the girl entered the elevator, Brooke turns her attention back to her job and begins entering the data into the computer.  The evening is slow and allows Brooke time to get ahead on some of the things she has to do.  She had completely forgotten about the blonde until around eight when the switchboard lit up.  It’s her room.

“Miss…” the sultry voice comes through, “would you please come to my room?  I’m having problems getting the plasma screen to work.”

“Certainly, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Brooke said with a friendly tone.

She calls one of the bellhops and asks him to watch the desk while Brooke goes up to assist one of the guests.  Brooke takes the elevator to the third floor and heads toward room three-zero-six.  When Brooke taps lightly on the door, the sultry voice responds, “Who is it?”

“Miss Turner, the desk clerk.  You called about having trouble with the TV.”

“Yes.  Come on in.  The door is unlocked.”

When Brooke enters, an odd, yet sensual aroma penetrates her nostrils.  The blonde is dressed in a slinky nightgown, which left little to the imagination, and is lying on the bed, leaning against the headboard.  Brooke can hardly take her eyes off her, but finally breaks the trance and moves toward the TV.

“What seems to be the trouble?” Brooke asks, somewhat unsteadily.

The aroma seems to be entering her brain, muddling her thoughts.  Brooke even imagines her speech is blurred.

“I don’t know,” the blonde said, in a voice that makes Brooke glance briefly in her direction.

The blonde’s looking straight into Brooke’s eyes, a look the brunette can’t interpret, and it’s all she can do to remember why she’s even in the room.

“I tried to turn it on,” she said, “but nothing happened.”

Almost against her will, Brooke approaches the television and sees right away it’s unplugged.  Housekeeping always does this when they clean the rooms.  There’s a large sign over the TV reminding occupants to plug the set into the wall before turning it on.  Brooke bends and plugs in the unit.  Then she moves to the front, without looking at the blonde, and turns it on.  Immediately, a full picture with sound appears.  The night manager adjusts the set and turns to the blonde.

“It was only unplugged,” Brooke said, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.  “It should be OK now.  Is it loud enough for you?”

“Was that all?  Just unplugged?” the blonde asks, almost in a mimicking voice.  “Oh, well, I never was very good with such things.” A slight chuckle comes from her luscious throat.

Then Brooke notices it.  There, on the nightstand beside her bed, Brooke sees a small container of incense burning.  That’s the aroma making it hard to concentrate.

“Well, it should be all right,” Brooke said.  “Is there anything else you need while I’m here?”

For some unexplainable reason, Brooke is standing still, not moving toward the door.

“No, I don’t think so,” the blonde said, her eyes never leaving Brooke’s.  “But, if you’d like, you can come over and sit on the bed with me.  We can talk.  Do you have to go back to the desk right away?”

“No.  No.  It … It’s a slow night.  The bellhop can handle anything that comes up.  And he knows where I am.”

What am I saying, Brooke wonders?  What am I doing?  Shit, get out of here, get back to work.

“My name is Lucy.  Come on over.  Sit down.” Lucy patted the bed and shifted, giving her room to sit.

As if in a trance, Brooke moves to the bed.  She seems to have no resistance, no ability to walk away.  Now, closer to the bed, the brunette is also inhaling more of the incense.  Brooke’s brain begins reeling faster, yet she’s steady and doesn’t feel like she’s going to fall.  Only the woman’s mind has lost all reason.  Brooke sits on the bed and gazes into Lucy’s eyes.

“You’re a beautiful woman, Brooke,” Lucy said, as she runs her fingers lightly along Brooke’s bare arm.  “But, of course, you’ve been told that many times, I’m sure.”

Lucy’s hand makes shivers run through Brooke’s body, but she’s unable to move from the bed or push her away.  Still, Brooke has no idea what Lucy’s thinking.  It’ll soon become clear, however.

“You’re not a virgin, are you, Brooke?”

“Wh … What?”

The incense.  That damn incense.

“You’ve slept with a man before, haven’t you?” Lucy asks.

“Yes …  yes.”

Why am I answering this woman’s questions, Brooke wonders?

“Did you like it?”


Brooke’s answers are getting clearer now, bolder.  Still, she can’t stop herself from speaking.  The brunette is under Lucy’s spell.

“How many men have you had, since you lost your cherry?  More than one?  A dozen?  More?”

Lucy’s eyes seemed to get brighter the more she talked.  Brooke just can’t understand what the blonde’s planning.

Almost without hesitation, Brooke said, “A lot.  I don’t really know how many.”

“Have you ever had sex with another woman?”

There it is, Brook thought with a nod.   That’s what this whole thing is about, Lucy is a lesbian.   “No, I…”

“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.”

Lucy’s eyes seem to be spitting green fire.  She moves her hand to Brooke’s blouse and gently, yet finely, brushes across her breasts.  Brooke notices Lucy’s breathing heavier, but still does not push her away.

“Stand up, Brooke.”

“What …”

“Stand up.” Lucy’s voice is low and smooth, certainly not harsh, but Brooke still does as she directs.  “Take off your clothes for me.”

Without hesitating, Brooke undresses, stopping when she’s down to her bra and panties but, again looking at Lucy, she continues and then stands nude before the blonde vixen.

“God, you have a beautiful body,” Lucy said, her voice coming in short gasps.

The blonde siren turns to get off the bed and the night manager sees Lucy has nothing on under the gown.  The pinkness of Lucy’s erect nipples is like a beacon, and the soft mound of hair between her legs glistens from the light.  Lucy stands in front of Brooke and runs her fingers over the night manager’s body.  She lightly touches the nipples of Brooke’s breasts and then moves to the hair between her legs.  Brooke just stands there, erect, not repelling Lucy’s advances whatsoever.  However, she can feel the heat inside her beginning to rise.

Lucy bends and takes one of Brooke’s nipples in her mouth and sucks.  Brooke tilts her head back and closes her eyes.  The brunette’s nipples are the most vulnerable spot on her, and it wasn’t long before her body begins to move.  Putting her hand on Lucy’s head, and then running it over the smooth skin of her back, down to her buttocks, and into her anus.  Suddenly, Lucy stands, a slight grin on her face, as she gazes at Brooke.

“Do you want me to stop, Brooke?”

“No.  No.  Please, don’t.”

What am I saying, Brooke wonders?  I like my sex in the usual way, with a man, not with another womanYet, here I am, begging Lucy to continueThat fucking incense … It must be that incense.

Lucy leads Brooke to the bed and, when she’s on her back, the blonde beauty bends and kisses her on the lips.  It’s a hot, moist kiss, no tongue play, but one that stirs Brooke’s innermost emotions.  The brunette puts her arm around Lucy’s shoulder and pulls her closer.  Lucy’s hand is roaming her body, creating sparks everywhere it touches.  Brooke hears a low moan escape from her throat as Lucy kisses her breasts and moves down her stomach to her crotch.

Without the slightest resistance, Brooke spread her legs.  Lucy is turned so her buttocks are near her head and the brunette runs her hand over her back, across her rear, and into the crevice between her legs.  Lucy moves so Brooke has more room, and the brunette gently rubs her pussy with one hand while with the other massages the blonde’s breasts and tweaks the nipples.

Brooke’s body is beginning to gyrate, as is Lucy.  When the blonde put her mouth to Brooke’s pussy, she almost goes crazy.  Moving to where her legs straddled Lucy’s head and looking straight into the juicy opening of her cunt.  The blonde hairs glisten from the moisture already accumulated around the opening.  Then Brooke feels Lucy’s mouth kissing her pussy and tongue riding its ridges.  The night manager couldn’t have stopped Lucy now if she had wanted to.  Lucy has her on the emotional level of near insanity.  All Brooke wants Lucy to do is eat her, make her pussy quiver, and let her release her juices.

Lucy’s hips are moving, and Brooke can tell she wants some of the same treatment.  The brunette pulls Lucy toward her and flicks her clitoris with her tongue.  Lucy’s moan is louder than Brooke’s had been and she begins eating her pussy eagerly.  Her hips are moving at what seems a mile a minute, and Brooke put her tongue deep into her hot cunt. Running it around inside, Brooke touches every part of her cunt, making her cum repeatedly.  The brunette meets Lucy with her own flood, and even after they’ve both climaxed at least three or four times, they continue eating away at each other, neither wanting to terminate the bliss, which enveloped them.

However, they do eventually cease.  Lucy kneels beside Brooke and with a tissue cleans first the brunette’s face and then her own.

“How did you like that, Brooke?  Do you feel empty?”

All Brooke can do is nod; she doesn’t think she can cum again for a week.  The night manager feels completely drained.

Lucy lies beside her and holds her, their bodies close together, their mounds of damp hair entwining, and their breasts pushing against each other.  They kiss several times, and Lucy runs her fingers down Brooke’s back, across her side, up to her breasts, and gently pinches the nipples.

Rolling Brooke onto her back, Lucy kisses her breasts, nibbles, and sucks the nipples.  Although drained, Brooke’s emotions are soon aroused.  The brunette pulls Lucy to where she can reach the blonde’s breasts and returns the favor.  Fluffing Brooke’s mound with her fingers, Lucy then moves to the cuntal opening.  Brooke’s cunt is still warm and moist, and Lucy’s fingers glide over the lips effortlessly and sensually.  She pushes her finger deep inside Brooke, and the brunette lifts to meet Lucy’s thrust.  Moving fingers around to touch every part of Brooke, Lucy soon has the night managers head and body reeling.

Suddenly, Lucy removes her finger and jumps off the bed.  Without uttering a word, she goes to her suitcase and takes out an odd-looking object, odd until Brooke gets a closer look.

It’s a big strap-on dildo.

Lucy put it around her waist, and if Brooke hadn’t been so hot, she’d have laughed.

“Have you ever seen a woman standing in the middle of a room, with two large breasts staring at you, and an erect cock between her legs?”

“You’re a woman of surprises,” Brooke said staring at the black dildo.

“Feel, it,” Lucy said, as she stands by the bed.

The dildo looks a good twelve inches long and as thick as a soda can, bigger than any cock Brooke has ever seen on a man.  However, it feels smooth, just like a man’s cock, and even has the large vein underneath.  Shaped, so the skin appears pulled back, and has a large, inviting head proudly aiming straight ahead.

“Ever has one this big in you before?” Lucy asks.

“No, I’d certainly remember if I did,” Brooke said, without taking her eyes off the huge cock.

“Well, you will now.  I’m gonna fuck you with it.”

Before Brooke can say anything, Lucy is on top of her and has the cock at her cuntal opening.

“Spread your legs,” Lucy ordered.  “You’re wet down there, so this won’t hurt at all.  In fact, I believe you’ll like it.”

Without voicing any dissent, Brooke does as instructed.  The brunette feels the hard cock penetrate her and slowly slide up the recesses of her cunt.  It does feel good, Brooke thought.  God, does it feel good.   Brooke lifts her hips to allow deeper penetration, and when Lucy has shoved the dildo as far as it’ll go, the night manager humps several times against it.

“How does that feel?” Lucy asks.

Good … Good … Fuck me, Lucy … Fuck me … Hard.”

Lucy takes Brooke at her word and slams against her as hard and as deep as possible.  Brooke thought her insides are going to come apart, but she keeps asking for more.

Deeper … Deeper … Ah … Oh … That’s it … Deeper … Fuck, that’s good.”

Lucy’s large, beautiful melons are dangling in Brooke’s face.  The night manager grabs one in each hand and roughly rubs them, biting at the nipples, and sucking as hard as she can.

Easy … Easy … You’re hurting,” Lucy groans

Brooke eases off some but continues pinching and sucking the nipples.

“Are you ready to cum?” Lucy asks as she pounds into Brooke with the dildo.

Yes … Yes…” Brooke moans as the dildo plows deeper and deeper.

Brooke can hardly stand it, and when she does open the gates, fluid seems to come out like a tidal wave.  The brunette wraps her legs around Lucy and pushes as hard as she can against the dildo, savoring every drop of juice she squirts.  When Brooke has no more to empty, she falls back on the bed, rubbing her stomach, her insides aching where Lucy has rammed the twelve-inch dildo so hard.

Although Brooke has stopped cumming, Lucy continues fucking her for a few minutes.  Then she quits.  Lucy gets off the bed, goes to the bathroom, and Brooke hears water running.  Moments later, Lucy is back on the bed, handing Brooke the strap-on.

“Now, it’s your turn,” Lucy shouts.  “Fuck me and do it hard.  Be brutal if you have to, but fuck me hard and deep.”

Brooke does as her mistress instructs.  Belting the dildo to her waist, Brooke climbs between Lucy’s legs and inserts the phallus in the blonde’s cunt.  She’s hot, hotter than Brooke had been if that’s possible and immediately wraps her legs around the brunette’s waist.  Without delaying, Lucy takes Brooke’s tit into her mouth and chews away.  She’s much gentler than Brooke had been and the night manager enjoys her manipulations.

Harder … Harder…” Lucy moans.

The night manager thought her back may break, she’s ramming Lucy so hard, but the horny blonde keeps asking for more.

Deeper … Deeper … Ah, that’s it … It’s good … Ram it home again … Just like that … Oh … Oh … Ah…

While she’s trying so hard to satisfy Lucy, Brooke had almost forgotten the blonde is also playing with her tits.  Suddenly, Brooke feels that familiar twinge between her legs.  Fuck, don’t tell me I’m ready to cum again, Brooke thought.

Before the night manager can think any more about it, she feels Lucy’s legs tighten around her waist and pulling down and kissing Brooke feverishly on the mouth while humping wildly against the dildo.  Lucy continues like that for what seems like several minutes and then collapses.  The only problem, Brooke’s in the mood to cum again.

Brooke stays on top of Lucy and slowly moves the dildo around inside her.  Lucy knows what Brooke wants and begins playing with her breasts—kissing and sucking them.  Soon, Brooke’s pumping her again, but not to have her cum.  Brooke wants to cum.  The brunette has nothing in her cunt, yet she’s like a firecracker, ready to explode.  Then, it happens.  The gates open again and Brooke feels her juice flow.  The night manager continues rubbing against Lucy until she’s completely empty, then falls forward and they embrace.


Brooke never saw Lucy again.  She wasn’t working when the blonde hotty checked out the following morning.  However, she’ll always remember Lucy.  She put Brooke through an orgy the likes of which she has never experienced since.

Maybe someday, they’ll meet again.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.