The Army Cuck!

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The Army Cuck!
The Army Cuck!
Year: 2017
Captain Tom Williams is a small dick cuckold. He will do anything for his wife—ANYTHING—even betray his own country.
Max Swan
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Nikki often thought being married to a military man was rough, with all the separations, moving from place to place, and the grind of living on a base.  It took her some time to come to this conclusion, and after seven years of married ‘bliss,’ she began to doubt what her married life had become.  There’s only one ‘small’ problem with her husband that no one would believe if she told them.  Her husband, Tom, is a proud, tall, handsome, strong, and fit man, as most military guys are.  Yet despite all this, he only had a penis three and a half inches hard, and only two things made their marriage work.

First, he actively encouraged her to fuck other guys.  As a matter of fact, she often felt he got off on it more than she did.  Her husband liked watching, he liked listening to it, he liked eating out any cum filled holes or licking another man’s cum off her body, and he even ate the cum out of condoms used on her.  Mostly, he liked to hear about how the other guy satisfied her so much better than he ever could.  He found the guys she fucked, and although she enjoyed the sex, she was beginning to feel as if she was nothing more than a live sex show for Tom.

Second, he was generous with his money and provided her with the comforts and luxuries she ever wanted or needed.

Is this love?’ she often wondered.  ‘Is this how a marriage is meant to be?’

Nikki wasn’t too sure she loved Tom anymore, but maybe she loved the lifestyle they had.  The money and the cute guys with huge cocks fucking her whenever she wanted weren’t the kind of marriage she had envisioned as a young girl.  Nikki had dreamed of romance, intimacy, of a soul mate who would complete her.  As it happened, Tom definitely didn’t turn out to be that man. Of course, when she got engaged and married, she thought Tom was the one, even with his small dick.  But things changed, as they always do, and now she resented him for trapping her in this loveless marriage.


When they moved to their latest duty assignment, she got a job working at a local supermarket.  She was attracted to an attractive guy who flirted with her.  His name was Dave, and he was a tall, spindly-looking guy, thin with not much noticeable muscle tone.  Dave was about five years younger than her, in his early twenties, she had guessed.  The one thing obvious about Dave, though, was the large bulge in his pants that made her do a double take when she first saw it.

Dave flirted with her constantly, and though harmless, Nikki found herself being attracted to the supermarket bag boy.  One day her boss told her to help in the storeroom as the supermarket was quiet, and so she walked to the back of the store and entered through a large door.  She looked around and couldn’t see anyone.

She yelled, “Hello?”

Then she heard a low moan from the other side of the storeroom and walked toward it, around the various pallets of groceries.  The moaning became louder as she reached the door to the employee bathroom.  She raised her hand to push the door open but hesitated for a moment, feeling her stomach suddenly churn.  Steeling herself, she entered.

Her eyes bulged, and her jaw dropped as Dave sat on the toilet with the cubicle door open, stroking his rather massive cock.  He had his eyes closed as he stroked it, and he moaned loudly.  Pulling herself together, she decided to retreat before he saw her, and she turned to creep outside again when he said, “Where are you going?”

She jumped in fright, feeling her heart race in her chest.  Turning to face Dave, her gaze fell directly on his cock.  Nikki began to fiddle with her coat buttons as she said, “Um, sorry, didn’t mean to, err, disturb you.”

Dave, still brazenly stroking it, asked, “You like it?”


He said, smiling at her, “My cock.  Do you like my big cock?”

“Um, yeah, it’s really big!”

“As big as your husbands?”

He knew the answer would be no.  Not many men are bigger than him.  She laughed loudly at the absurdity of the question.  Dave’s bigger than any man she’d ever seen.  ‘It’s a monster cock, not a large cock,’ she thought.  ‘It’s the kind of dick you’d expect to see on a black man, not a white man.’

“I see,” Dave said, understanding what her laughter meant.  “At least I hope he has enough to satisfy a sweet woman like you.”

She suddenly looked away, feeling herself tremble and blush and not wanting to answer the question in front of a man so extraordinary.  His huge member reminded her what a sissy her husband was, and not for the first time in her life, she felt embarrassed by it.  She’d wanted to marry a man and got a wimp instead.  Her husband was more of a girlfriend to her, however, Dave was more man than most.

“My husband is a total babydick,” she said, feeling butterflies in her stomach.

Dave screwed his nose up into a sneer.  “Why did you marry him, then, if you don’t mind me asking.”

That’s the question she’d often asked herself deep in the night of her despair.  She shrugged and smiled weakly.  “I thought I loved him.”

“You thought?  Have you changed your mind now?”

She couldn’t stop looking at his cock.  A stream of pre-cum was oozing out of his slit, and some of it dribbled like a gossamer thread onto his stomach as he clenched his cock in his fist just above his balls.  Despite the tightness of his scrotum, Dave’s big balls are rolling around of their own volition, aching to release the millions of little sperms they’re always manufacturing.

“It’s different now.  Tom treats me like a ‘ho’ so he can get off watching other men fuck me and make me cum.”

Her face turned bright red as she had just told a virtual stranger her deepest marital secret.  The words blurted before she could even think, as if the huge cock had hypnotized her.  Nikki drank in the sight of Dave’s beautiful hard penis, huge, proud, and being jerked off firmly and ferociously.  Nikki couldn’t help but observe a rush she felt from her clit to her throat.

However, Dave laughed.  “Oh, you’ve cuckolded him then? Good for you.”

A tear rolled down one cheek.  “No, he cuckolded me more like it.  He never asked if I wanted it, he pushed it on me, and now he has turned me into a slut for his pleasure.”

Dave’s chin jutted out, and he grinned. “Still, I know deep down you like being a slut.”

She suddenly looked away, finding Dave’s stare too confronting.  Asking in a strained voice, “Why do you say that?”

“Because you can’t stop looking at my cock, you want to touch it, feel it, suck it, and most of all, you want to ride it until you cum.  Don’t you?”

No one had ever asked her if she liked being a slut.  People just assumed sluttiness by those involved in her sex life because she’s a willing participant.  Part of her, maybe from guilt or shame, made her question herself.  Yet, as she now faced the question in the cold light of day, the honest answer took her breath away.  Nikki felt a tightness in her throat.

“Yes,” she said in a whisper.

“Say it then,” Dave demanded, still stroking his massive cock.

“I’m a slut, and I want you to fuck the shit outta me with your huge cock!”

“Good.  Now be a good slut and get over here,” Dave said sternly.

Nikki went to him as if in a trance and stood before him.  He ordered her to hold her skirt up, and as she did, he ripped down her pink panties to show a shaved cunt glistening in its wetness.  He had her lift each leg as he took her panties off, and he sniffed the damp crotch right in front of her.

“Damn, bitch, your panties smell tasty.  Now we don’t have much time before the boss comes looking for us, so why don’t you just climb aboard, and we can fuck,” he said, pulling her into him.

“But we need a condom?”

“In my pocket, get it and put it on.”

She fumbled in his pocket and pulled one out, and ripped open the packet, rolling it over his cock.  It didn’t even cover his whole dick, unlike her husband, who couldn’t fill even a normal-sized one.  He rubbed her wet cunt getting his hand moist, and then wiped it over the condom.  She straddled him, feeling the head of his cock against her cuntal lips.  Nikki took a deep breath and began to lower herself onto the massive cock, feeling it push inside her.  The juices were already gushing out and running down his cock length as she impaled herself on it.  Slowly she rode the huge cock, taking inch after inch deeper inside her cunt, until his thirteen-inch penis could go no farther.

He stretched her as she’d never been stretched before, and she had fucked a guy with a nine-inch cock, but Dave even made that guy feel small.  It hurt too, yet she pushed through it and continued to get his cock deeper and deeper inside her.  Nikki wanted it all.  She wanted to feel it deep, filling her to the core of her being.  Nikki rode the cock faster as she leaned over and tongue-kissed Dave as violently as they fucked.  He had his hands up her blouse and had freed her tits from her bra and was squeezing them.  God, his cock was enormous, and she moaned loudly now as pleasure and pain rippled through her body. Riding that pole-like cock like a mad woman consumed by lust.

Then she felt her cunt squeeze around the mammoth dick, and the pain increased.  Her stomach grew tight, and her body now tingled all over.  The urge to pee grew more and more insistent with each thrust of that mighty cock deep inside.  Dave moaned in her ear as he urged her to cum all over his cock like a good slut.

Suddenly, she gasped loudly as all her muscles stiffened in a moment of pure ecstasy.  Wave after wave of pleasure began to radiate out from her cunt, engulfing her so much that she closed her eyes as if lost to the world.  She moaned a deep, low guttural tone as stars flashed before her eyes.  Dave let loose too, and he arched back and pushed his cock in as deep as it could go and felt his cum gush out.

“Oh yeah! Fuck,” he moaned as both bodies went into spasms of mutual pleasure.

Eventually, they sit there quietly for a moment with his cock still inside her.  They pant, trying to catch their breath.

“Fuck, that was wild,” Dave said, then kissed her.

Then she looked down and was blown away to see that she had taken all that massive dick inside her cunt.  Part of her wanted to stay like this forever, attached to this magnificent cock, but reality was pressing her.

“We’d better get back to work before the boss comes looking for us,” she said, turning to look toward the door.

As they both dressed in a hurry and straightened up the bathroom, she wondered for the first time about leaving her pathetic husband.  Maybe what she wanted was a man like Dave, who didn’t come with all the baggage of having such a tiny penis.  Maybe she’s over it?  The lifestyle her husband forced on her made her feel degraded, like his own live sex show.  Even if Dave wasn’t the guy she’d be with, she knew things had to change.


Not long after the bathroom incident, Tom got an opportunity to volunteer for a deployment to Iraq.  He really wanted the extra money that came with it, so he mentioned it.  For her, it was a dream come true. This would be her chance to explore the possibility of leaving her husband without him around. So she encouraged it, and he was accepted. As his departure approached, she kept thinking about how much she wanted him to go. He never even suspected what she was thinking and the fact she was seeing Dave behind his back.  No man had ever fucked her as Dave did with his gigantic cock, but most of all, he was a friend too, and she felt as if she really could talk to him.

She hoped that Tom wouldn’t find out before he left for Iraq, but that proposition proved too difficult as army friends are fiercely loyal to each other.  It just needed someone to see her or hear about her affair from one of the local civilians, and Tom would learn about it in an instant.  Another drawback of living on an army base, and being married to a soldier.

A week before Tom shipped out, it finally happened, and he came home from work in a fury, yelling, “You’re fucking another guy, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she said, backing away, not sure what he’d do.

“Why didn’t you tell me?  You know how much I like that kind of stuff,” he swallowed hard.

Her face went red, and she scowled at him. “I-I didn’t want to tell you.  I’m sick of all this cuckold crap. In fact, I think I’m in love with him.”

He drew a deep breath as his hands went to his mouth, and his eyes widened. “But, sweetie, I need you. You’re my world!”

She asked, leaning into his face, “Do you love me?”

He looked sullen.  “I-I need you!”

“That’s not what I asked,” she yelled, spittle building in the corners of her mouth.

Tom backed away from her, trying to say ‘it’ but finding himself tongue-tied. He needed her, true, but love?  All that kinky shit Tom had made her do somehow changed how the man felt about her.  He had to admit he thought of her more as a possession to play with rather than a soul mate to share his life with.  The silence hung in the air like an accusing finger until Nikki could take no more.

“See!  You don’t love me.  I don’t love you.  So when you get back from Iraq, I’ll be gone.”

Tom fell to his knees, “Please, please don’t leave me!  How can a man like me find a wife like you again?  You can see this guy as much as you like.  I won’t interfere.  I promise!”

“Maybe I want more than to provide a live sex show for my babydick husband to jerk off to.  Maybe I want a family and to do shit that respectable couples do,” she yelled, her fists hitting her thighs.

“We can have a family, sweetie.  Shit, you can even have his kids if you want.  Just don’t cut me off.  It took me years to find a woman like you, and I don’t want to lose that now,” Tom said and huddled at her feet, looking up like a beaten dog.

Now Nikki was conflicted because she suddenly felt genuinely sorry for Tom, who was kneeling before her with tears running down his cheeks. ‘He’s such a wimp. If a real man found out his wife was cheating, there’d be hell to pay. Not Tom.  He just wants to hold onto what he has, no matter what it costs him.  If only his army buddies could see the real Tom right here and not the phony bravado he puts on around the base.’

“You’re pathetic, Tom. What am I going to do with you?”

“I’ll do anything you want.  Just please don’t dump me,” Tom’s body shook violently as he dropped his head to the floor in total submission.

“OK, then, here are my terms.  Remember that chastity cage you tried and didn’t like?”

“Uh, yeah,” he said, looking up at her shaking.

“Well, you’re gonna wear it the whole time you’re in Iraq,” she smiled.

He gasped.  “But that’s six fucking months!”

“Oh, and to prove it, I expect you to email me a picture of it every day with you holding a card with the date on it next to it, so you don’t cheat,” she said.

“But, sweetie, how–” he began.

“These are my terms for now,” she folded her arms and looked away.

There was a moment’s silence as Tom digested what she wanted him to do and then said, “OK, I’ll do it. But what are you gonna do while I’m away?”

She smiled.  “Well, I’m going to get a place for us to live off base.  Just far enough to discourage any of your buddies from just dropping by anytime they choose.  Then I’m going to ask Dave to move in with me and share my bed.”

“What about me?” Tom whimpered.

“If you get home having obeyed and kept your cage on, you can stay in the spare room and be our little dick pet we can push around.  If you remove the cage while in Iraq, I’ll divorce you. If you disagree with anything I say from now on, I’ll divorce you.  Is that clear?”  Nikki looked at him with furious intensity.

“Yes, dear, I understand,” he said, lowering his head.

“Good boy, now go and get your cock cage, as there’s no time like the present to get you started,” she said, gesturing him to leave.

He walked out of the room with his head bowed and returned with the chastity cage, lock, and key and handed it to her.  “Pull your pants down,” she ordered.

He pulled them down, and she found his tiny dick was hard, which was good because it made it easier to cage him, as when it was soft, she’d have to dig around for it.  She put on the cage and then admired her handiwork.

He went to pull his pants up, but she yelled, “Don’t do that!  Take them off completely.  In fact take all your clothes off and then meet me in the living room with a drink, and I want a foot massage.”

“Yes, dear,” was all he said, and he began to unbutton his shirt.

She left him and went into the living room, sat down on the sofa, and turned on the TV.  Then, after about ten minutes, her naked husband walked with a margarita in one hand and some lotion in the other.  It made her feel this new arrangement might be OK after all.  Tom may have a tiny dick, but his body was still nice to look at.  Yes, maybe it could work if Dave was willing to play along, and who knows, she may let Tom cum when he got home in six months, or she may not.  The power was now hers, and maybe, in the end, that was all she wanted.  To be the one in control.  Interesting times ahead.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.