Peeling Back the Layers

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Peeling Back the Layers
Peeling Back the Layers
Year: 2022
A woman discovers on her wedding night that her husband has a tiny penis and is mortified and decides to humiliate him to find out how she got herself into this predicament.
Max Swan
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I’ll never forget my wedding day.  It was such a magical day with family and friends and my new husband, Ryan.  I married a moral man, and his no sex before marriage wasn’t so much of a chore as I loved the man, every pudgy inch of him.  He made me laugh, and he was such fun to be around.  I thought I had found the man of my dreams, and even though we hadn’t had penetrative sex to this point (he did do oral on me), I just figured it would all take care of itself.

Don’t get me wrong.  I was no virgin when we married, although, in retrospect, I think Ryan might have been, despite what he told me at the time.  When I met him, I had grown tired of the dating scene.  So many useless men out there looking for a quick fuck, and then you never hear from them again.  That kind of life is acceptable for a time, but a woman needs more than just a good dicking after a while.  Ryan certainly seemed to fit that requirement.

Despite being on the chubby side, maybe a little huskier than I usually like in a man, he seemed like a real go-getter.  He was doing well in his job as a lawyer and making good money.  Ryan also lived an active lifestyle by playing golf, football, and basketball with his buddies.  He was a man about town.  My then fiancé’s friends playfully called him ‘Shrimp,’ which I assumed was due to his height.  Ryan stood only five foot eight, shorter than all of his male friends.

Again, it wasn’t a deal-breaker for me.  Ryan may not be tall, but he seemed so masculine to me.  I remember those chats with my girlfriends and how we giggled and gossiped about how I would have a great family with Ryan.  The optimism was palpable.  Everyone approved of our marriage.  I’m a twenty-four-year-old blonde whose best assets are my big DD breasts and plump butt, and I have curves and legs that go for miles.  Ryan’s a nuggety, chubby little man who could hold his own with the strongest men we knew.

To me, it was a match made in heaven.  I was marrying the man of my dreams.  Like Doug in ‘King of Queens,’ he was my king, and I was his Carrie.  Together we were simpatico, and so when our wedding finally arrived, I was the happiest woman on the planet.

The day itself was fantastic.  It was everything I ever dreamed possible.  Then, after the reception, I was in the car with my new husband, heading toward the final part of the day—the consummation of our vows in the marital bed.  I was so excited and horny as the last eighteen months had been a struggle.

I remember the drive to the B&B we booked for our wedding night.  It was a two-hour drive into the mountains, but it felt like two minutes.  As we both chatted like eager schoolgirls all the way there, time just flew.  We had just had the best day of our lives, our wedding day—that one day when a man and a woman are like celebrities.  Then we arrived at the cute cottage in the mountains, and he carried me over the threshold inside.

Strangely, I have never seen Ryan naked until this night.  We had stayed together at times while engaged, but we always dressed and undressed separately due to his religious beliefs.  To me, it was just one of his cute quirks.  But now we’re man and wife, and nothing can come between us anymore.  I went to the bathroom to freshen up and put on a sexy see-through negligee.  I was trembling, and my pussy was positively dripping.  It was so wet.

On entering the bedroom, he was there in his boxers.  We were ready, and I looked forward to feeling a real cock inside me again after so many months of just my vibrator.  We kiss and climb into bed.  Once under the covers, he whips off his boxers, still so shy.  He starts to kiss me, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

“I love you so much, Alexis,” he whispers.

“I love you too,” I said, hugging him close.

Ryan positions himself over me.  His hand is massaging my breasts and pinching my stiff nipples.  We kiss passionately as our bodies squirm against each other.  I’m so hot at this stage.  I gasp when I feel his hand start to rub my pussy.

“Oh, do it,” I moan.  “Fuck me.”

“OK, honey.  Damn, you’re so wet down there,” Ryan said.  “I guess we won’t need any lube.”

“Come on, baby,” I groan.  “Make me your wife.”

I suddenly feel something poking at my pussy and shiver with anticipation.  Then I feel something slide inside my cunt, and a rush of disappointment goes through me.  ‘He’s finger fucking me,’ I thought.

“Not your finger, Ryan,” I shouted.  “Fuck me with your cock.”

Ryan’s face above me frowns and flushes.  “That is my cock,” he said, glaring at me.

“It is?  It feels like a finger,” I said.

A flash of anger crosses his face, and I realize my mistake.  So, I kiss him and say, “Come on, fuck me.  Make me yours.”

Now Ryan hadn’t stopped thrusting his cock into me during this brief exchange, and to my dismay, he suddenly grunted and closed his eyes tight.  ‘He’s cumming already,’ I thought, horrified.  Sure enough, my new husband shot his load in a minute.  Then, to make matters worse, he rolls off me and sighs.

“God, that was great, honey,” he said, and before long, he was asleep.

My mind was reeling.  I was lying there horny out of my mind after my new husband did a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am with a cock I barely felt.  I lifted the blankets to see if I could see his cock, but he was lying with his back to me.

Why could I barely feel his cock,’ I wondered, frustrated.  ‘Was he not putting it all inside me?  I don’t get itOK, I can forgive the quick cum.  It has been a big day.  I guess we can try again tomorrow.”

I never thought I’d find myself masturbating on my wedding night.


The next day, Ryan sits on the couch reading the newspaper and feeling a little queasy.  I kneel in front of him and start undoing his pants.

“What are you doing?” he asks, his red face appearing behind the paper.

“I just wanna look at your penis,” I said, hoping last night was just a bad dream.

“Oh, someone’s a horny girl,” he said, smiling a little too smugly for my liking.

He raises his butt so I can pull down his pants and boxers, and there it is, the smallest dick I’ve ever seen on a man.  The head barely peaks out in its soft state, and his pubic hair covers it.  Even his balls seem small.  ‘Maybe he’s a grower,’ I thought.

“Get it hard for me,” I asked him.

Ryan starts jerking off, and it doesn’t take long for his cock to grow to its entire length.

I am staring at his cock—it’s tiny.  The damn thing looks barely four inches hard.  He’s getting into it, though; he thinks I like it.  My new husband thinks I’m doing this to be playful.  After about a minute of him jerking off, he grunts, and several wads of jizz dribbled out of the end of his little stiffy.  Ryan gazes down at me like he’s the king of all men.  I feel my stomach roil, and a wave of emotion overtakes me.  I can’t believe it, but I start to cry.  All I can think is, ‘What have I done?

“Are you OK, honey?” Ryan asks, breaking into a frown.

I’m just staring at his tiny dick and wondering how this man had fooled me.  He did nothing to make me think he was a baby dick man during our dating.

“Is this why your friends call you ‘Shrimp,’” I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes.

“Um, what do you mean?” he asks, blushing.

“I always thought it was because of your height, but now I see it was something else.”

He suddenly puts his acorn-sized soft dick away, his face as red as possible.  I stand and leave the room.  I’m still crying, so disappointed in myself for not making sure he was packing before we married.  My friends warned me, and they said I would be mad if I married this guy without checking his genitals first.  But Ryan always came across so manly.  He had what I thought was big dick energy.

As I sit on the bed sobbing, I look in the mirror, and a wave of shame makes me shudder.  ‘Why does it matter so much to me?’ I wonder.  ‘He’s still the same man with whom I fell in love.  I’m sure we can still have a fun sex life together.  Can we?’  I knew why because I felt duped.  Ryan fooled me into thinking he was an alpha man.  Alpha men always have massive cocks.  I should know, as I’ve fucked so many of them.  But now, here I am with a beta male.  Yes, I cannot even call my husband a man now.  Ryan is a male.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and decide I don’t know what kind of male Ryan is, and it hurts my pride.  ‘I will have to test him,’ I thought with resolve.  ‘Maybe he’s an alpha with a small dick?  I guess it’s possible.  I just need to push him in certain situations to see how he responds.  To see if my husband is either alpha or beta.’


A few days later, I’m in the shower, and Ryan just walks in and starts to piss.  I figure now we’re married. He must think this behavior is acceptable—part of me likes it as it’s what an alpha man would do.  I peeked out as he tried to aim his pathetically small penis at the toilet bowl, and it seemed to be dribbling all over his balls and onto the floor.  I have never seen anything so ridiculous.  It doesn’t even appear he can piss right with this tiny dick.  I decided this could be my first test for him.

I poke my head out of the shower and shout, “Hey, if you can’t get it into the bowl, sit down like a girl.”

Ryan’s head turns sharply, and his face goes red.  He stops peeing, but I can sense he still needs to go.  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks defensively.

“It means if you can’t piss like a man, you’ll have to piss like a girl,” I said rather cruelly than I intended.  “Don’t think when we get home I’m gonna be cleaning up your piss off the floor every time you go to the toilet.”

“But honey?” he whined.

My heart drops.  A real man would tell me to fuck off and mind my own business.  But a beta male would whine and then comply.

“Come on, start getting into the habit now.  Sit on the toilet to pee from now on,” I shouted.

He hesitates.  I’m hoping he’ll do the manly thing.  I can see his face weighing it all up to make his decision.  Then with a sigh, he lowers the seat and sits.  I was so disappointed.  My first real test of his manhood, and he failed.

“Happy now?” he asked, pouting like a little boy.

“Yes, and make sure you clean that puddle you made on the floor,” I said and returned to my shower.

I watched him finish, return with a mop and clean the mess he left.  He didn’t look at me, but I could see he was mad.  I pushed him around.  ‘Maybe that’s a good sign,’ I thought.  ‘Maybe his anger will bring out his manliness?”  Alas, it had no such effect.  If anything, he became a little passive-aggressive, another sign of beta maledom.  I need to push it a bit more to see if he can be the man I knew before marriage.


After our honeymoon, one of Ryan’s friends invited us for a biking trip.  Ryan was initially reluctant to go because he was a bit overweight, and he didn’t think he had the fitness to ride a bike for fifty miles.

“I thought you were a tough man,” I teased him.  “Didn’t you tell me you could do just about anything?”

“Well, um, of course, honey,” he said, blushing.

“Good, I’ll go to the store and buy us some biking gear today.”

I brought him some bike pants that I know will be very tight on him at the store.  ‘These will be perfect,’ I thought.

The Saturday morning was sunny, and the group decided to go for a cycling trip near the mountains.  We drove there and joined the others.  Little groups formed, and we all took off on our bikes.  After a three-hour ride, we decided to stop to have lunch at a terrace restaurant.  Before leaving, we took a rest on some lay chairs.  We sat next to two other guys and chatted before I dozed off in the sun.  Later, I woke to some snickering coming from a table on the other end.

I see three women in the group who were chatting lively while drinking Gatorade.  They were looking toward Ryan.  I don’t know what they were talking about since I can’t make out their conversation.  Ryan must have sensed it too, and he waved to them as a gesture of friendliness.  They waved back and immediately burst out laughing among themselves.  I didn’t know what was going on, so I went back to relax.  As I was glancing around, I noticed the two male riders who were relaxing beside Ryan, and that’s when I realized what was happening.

The two other male riders crotches both sported a prominent bulge at the front of their bike shorts.  While looking back at Ryan’s, it was as flat as a pancake.  Those girls had indeed noticed my husband’s dick is tiny.  They were openly laughing at him, and I think he knew it too.  He suddenly seemed angry and withdrawn, shifting uncomfortably in his chair.  I felt excited because this was my plan all along.  I wanted my husband’s lack of masculinity to be on display.  I wanted people to notice and react.

All my senses tuned to the three women whispering nasty things about my husband.  They even had their phones out, taking snaps of the three men.  I suspected that picture of three men, two with huge bulges in their bike pants and one with no bump, would become a meme on the internet by the day’s end.  I told Ryan I needed to pee and wandered past the three women.

“He should’ve stuck a sock down his shorts,” I heard a redhead say.

A brunette replied, “He’s wearing a wedding ring.  Imagine being married to that baby dick loser.”

“I can’t,” the redhead said with a smirk.  “I have an eight-inch rule with men.  Any smaller, and I dump their asses.”

A strawberry blonde laughed.  “Tina’s not lying.  I’ve seen the tape measure she uses.”

I have to admit hearing the women say such nasty things about Ryan aroused me.  I could feel myself getting wet down there.  Gazing back and seeing he was embarrassed made me even hornier.  Ryan knew why these girls were laughing.  It never occurred to me that he knew he was small.  I just figured Ryan was delusional, and no one ever told him that acting like an alpha when he has a baby-sized pee-pee is ridiculous.

This encounter showed me that Ryan knew he had a tiny dick all too well.  So, his alpha man persona was all an act.  He was trying to cover up or compensate for his utter lack of manhood.  I wondered how far I could push him.  It’s fast becoming a game for me.

There was a little gathering to figure the route back when the lunch was over, so I kept a careful eye on those women.  After a while, I thought they were often staring at Ryan’s crotch.  Not openly, but sneaky little glances here and there.  Feeling brave, I went and stood near them.

“What are you laughing at?” I asked, hoping they didn’t know I was Ryan’s wife.

The redhead Tina said, “Some guys should never wear those spandex bike shorts.  They’re too revealing.  If you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, which guy?”

“That short, pudgy guy over there,” the blonde said.  “He looks male, but you can’t see anything when you look at his crotch.”

“There’s no bulge,” Tina adds.  “So, he’s got a baby dick.  He would’ve been better off wearing baggy shorts.  Now everyone here knows he’s a short dick man.”

“Oh, really,” I said and laughed.

“Do you know him?  I saw you sitting beside him before.”

The three women stare at me.  “He’s my husband,” I said, and they collectively gasped.

Tina said, “Oh, I’m so sorry.  If I’d known, I wouldn’t have said that to you.”

The women now had red faces.

I laughed again.  “Don’t worry, I know all about Ryan’s tiny dick,” I said.

“Is it as small as we think?” the blonde asks.

“How small do you think it is?”

The brunette said, “Five inches hard?”

I smiled.  “Smaller than that.  It’s barely four inches hard and skinny.”

The women hesitate for a moment, holding in their laughter.  Then they release it.

“Oh, you poor woman,” Tina said.

“Thank god for vibrators,” I said and laughed with them.

It was cruel to talk so degradingly about Ryan with these strangers.  But this was the first time I’ve ever had to say it to another human.  It felt good to get it off my chest.  To hear the women saying such mean things turned me on, but I didn’t understand why at the time.  It wasn’t until the following incident that I realized what had changed in me.


The following incident happened a couple of weeks later.  As it was summer, a friend invited us to their place for a pool party and BBQ.  There were many people at the party, all dressed in their swimwear.  I had a pink bikini on that showed off my ample breasts, fat bottom, and curves.  Judging by how all the men leered while most of the women glared at me, the bikini was a winner.  I tried to get Ryan to wear Speedos, but he flatly refused.  I figured the incident with the bike shorts was still burning him.  So, he had on baggy shorts.

I was sitting with some friends drinking cocktails and feeling wasted when I saw Ryan standing on the other side of the pool chatting with a group.  Sitting next to me was one of Ryan’s friend’s called Tom.

I leaned over and whispered to Tom, “I dare you to go and pants Ryan in front of those people over there.”

“I’m not sure Shrimp would like that.” Tom chuckles.  He’s a bit drunk too.  “Shrimp’s a bit bashful about, um, nudity in public.”

“That’s why it would be funny,” I said.  “Go on, do it for me.”

“What’s in it for me?”

I stare at him with a frown.  “What do you mean?”

Tom leans close and whispers, “I’ll do it if you let me fuck you.  God knows you probably need a real cock by now.”

I gasped.  “Tom.  I’m married.”

He laughs.  “Yeah, to Shrimp.  God knows why you married him.  A woman like you needs a man.”

“I don’t know.  If Ryan found out,” I said.

He smiled, knowing he’s got me.  “Go behind those bushes there,” Tom whispers, pointing.  “I’ll pants your husband and then come back and fuck you while you watch what happens.”

I don’t know why but the idea turned me on.  “OK, let me get in position first, then do it.”

So, I go around the pool to the bushes near Ryan as instructed and slip into them.  It’s incredible in there.  There’s plenty of room for two with a lot of cover for privacy despite the crowded pool area.  I watch Tom get to his feet and stroll around to stand behind Ryan, who is chatting away happily.  Since Ryan was wearing his shorts, he had nothing underneath, and when Tom pulled them down, a group of about three women and three men immediately stared at his soft dick.  Ryan’s face went so red I thought he would surely burst a blood vessel in his face or something.  The group is laughing as Ryan struggles to pull his shorts back up.

My poor husband trips and lands on his knees, and Tom quickly pulls the shorts free and tosses them to another man.  Ryan gets to his feet and goes to grab them, but the man throws them to another woman.  A game of keepings off begins.

Ryan is screaming, “Give them back.  Please give them back.”

Meanwhile, his tiny soft dick is on display, and everyone at the party is now staring at it and laughing.  Tom soon was in the bushes with me, and before I could say anything, he had whipped my bikini bottoms down and probed my slit with his fingers.

“God, you’re wet,” he whispers.  “Does seeing Ryan humiliated turn you on?”

Oh shit, Tom’s right,’ I thought.  ‘I love seeing Ryan suffer for his baby dick.’

Then I feel Tom’s cockhead pushing into my pussy to find my cunt.  “Come on, fuck me,” I whispered hotly.

Tom’s cock slides inside me, and I can feel my cunt stretch around it.  It feels so good to have a proper cock inside me again.  It’s been too long.  Tom starts thrusting his big cock into me, and I can feel it throbbing and hear him grunting under his breath behind me.

“Fuck, your pussy is so tight,” Tom moans.  “But probably still too loose for Shrimp.”

“You got that right,” I said.  “Fuck that monster into me.  I wanna feel it.”

Tom starts pounding me hard, and I reach under and start rubbing my clit.  As Tom fills me with cock, I’m watching the scene around the pool, which has turned into a farce.  Ryan’s shorts fly everywhere, followed by my pathetically bleating husband.

“Give them back!  Give them back,” he’s shouting at the laughing partiers.

As he lunges to grab them, one of the men grabs his t-shirt from behind and, with the force of Ryan’s weight moving forward, rips it off my poor husband’s body.  Ryan is now naked in front of thirty people, and to my surprise, I notice he has a boner.  He isn’t even trying to hide it, either.  But the crowd doesn’t see it’s a boner because my husband’s dick is that small.  ‘I’m gonna have to get him to shave all that hair off so people can tell next time,’ I thought.

As all this percolates in my head, the feeling of Tom’s large cock sliding inside me makes me orgasm.  “Oh, fuck,” I moan.  “Oh, I’m cumming.”

“Dirty bitch,” Tom said, thrusting hard and fast into my spasming cunt.  “You get off on seeing Ryan like this.”

I suddenly hear a woman shriek, “Holy shit, Ryan.  I would never have thought you were that small.  It’s like a baby’s dick.”

Riotous laughter ensues.

“Now I know why his friends call him Shrimp,” a man shouted.

The feeling of Tom’s thick cock slicing me open and seeing Ryan so helpless and ridiculed makes me climax again.  The sexually charged atmosphere intoxicates the whole party.

I hear another woman say, “I thought you were on the small side, Jason.  But compared to Ryan here, you’re positively hung.”

Then Tom whispers, “I’m gonna cum.”

“Do it inside me,” I said.  “I’m on the pill.  Besides, I want Ryan to eat it out of me later tonight.”

Tom’s cock is pumping my cunt full of semen several thrusts later.  The force of his ejaculation pushes me into a final orgasm aided by the throbbing and pulsating of his cock.  I never feel Ryan shoot inside my cunt, but Tom’s jizz is like a firehose.  As my body shakes and waves of absolute pleasure radiate through me, I see Ryan has finally got his shorts back and runs into the house crying like a little girl.  What a night.  Watching my husband be so humiliated was the biggest turn-on I have ever experienced, and I was keen for more.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.