Panty Pete

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Panty Pete
Panty Pete
Year: 2020
Adult Down Syndrome sufferer Pete just can’t get enough of the dirty panties his sexy, young, barely legal babysitter’s providing. It’s how she keeps him under control. But when he gets hold of his mom’s dirty panties, things really go from kinky to nasty fast.
Gowan Bush
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After paying Casey, the babysitter who stayed with her twenty-two-year-old son Pete with Down Syndrome when she went out at night, Rachel checks on him.  Pete lies sprawled across his bed asleep, and the night light casts a soft glow over his chubby body.  He wears only the bottom part of his pajamas.  Her eyes go soft with love for the pure soul, and Rachel enters his room to kiss his forehead.  She leans down and pauses.

Picking up a lacy garment beside her sleeping son’s head, Rachel stares at it in the dim light.  It’s a pair of girl’s panties, very frilly, the bikini type.  They certainly aren’t hers.  Peering down at her son, she wonders where he got them.  It never struck Rachel Pete would even be thinking about girl’s panties.  He is such an innocent man, mentally still a boy, really.  Rachel takes the lacy panties and examines them in the brighter light of the living room.  They’re white nylon with scarlet hearts along the crotch.  She stares at the panties, wondering.  Bringing them close to her nose, Rachel sniffs.  There’s the scent of pussy on the crotch.

More curious than disturbed, she returns to her son’s room and places the strange panties back on his pillow.  Her eyes search his innocent, sleeping face, then drift down his bare chest to the front of his pajamas.  Pete’s cock juts from the fly, looking vulnerable.  ‘Oh my God, he is so big,’ she thought.  She’s surprised to feel a moist heat between her thighs as she gazes upon her son’s exposed flaccid cock.  Feeling suddenly impish, Rachel places the girl’s panties over her son’s face, his nose sticking from one leg.

Leaving his room, she goes about turning off lights.  Inside her bedroom, undressing for bed, Rachel finds herself thinking of Casey.  The girl had been babysitting Pete when she has to work late for a while now.  Surely the panties don’t belong to her.  Casey is much too innocent, Rachel feels.  The girl appears younger than her age of nineteen, with her honey-blonde ponytail and sparkling blue eyes.  She’s a bouncy, happy girl, but Rachel has never known the girl to date.  Yet her sheer sweet innocence turned many people on, Rachel knows.

A girl of that type, combined with a mind of such perverse eroticism, is one of the greatest turn-ons Rachel could imagine.  Crawling into her fresh sheets, Rachel thought more about Casey.  She searches her mind for some clue, something the girl did or said.  But there’s nothing.  Casey does wear skirts, shorts, or dresses, but she’s always careful to keep from showing anything.

Rachel didn’t even know Pete had an interest in girls that way, he’s always such a sweet young man.  The Down Syndrome always gives him that appearance of innocence.  Although the panties are the size Casey would probably wear, it’s impossible to believe the babysitter had given those panties to Pete.  It’s just as impossible to think her sweet son and the attractive babysitter are involved in erotic games.  Before she falls asleep, Rachel decides she will find out just what is going on.


She prepares her son’s breakfast the next morning after dressing for work.  While he eats, Rachel goes in to straighten his bed as she always does.  The panties are gone.  For a moment, she thinks about searching his drawers, but Rachel is not a snoop.  If he hid them, she isn’t going to search for them.

Returning to the table, she drinks her coffee and chats with Pete, asking about his plans for the day.  They talked a little longer, and then she asks, “Do you and Casey get along all right, honey?”

“Sure, mom,” Pete said, nodding.  “Casey is cool banana’s.”

“Would you like someone else to stay with you sometimes, maybe an older woman?”

Pete’s eyes seem to cloud with fear.  He shakes his head vigorously.  “No, I want Casey.”

“Well, we can talk about it this evening,” she said, kissing his cheek as the soft rapping sounds on the front door.  “I’ve got to run, dear.   I’m gonna be late for work.”

She let Casey in, searching that sweet, innocent face, but finds nothing suspicious.  Casey’s dressed in a flaring skirt and pink blouse.  Her blonde hair, as always, is in a tight ponytail.  She appears, again as always, like a pretty teenager.  There’s no hard-erotic expression, just a sweet, becoming prettiness.

Giving quick instructions, Rachel leaves for work.


At noon, Rachel’s mind is still on the panties and what might be going on at her home between Casey and Pete.  She drives home shortly after noon, parking down the street.  Feeling like a criminal, Rachel goes down the alley until she comes to her house.  Entering the small gate into the back yard, she passes through the grape arbor, the barbecue area, and she goes up to the patio doors and peers into the house.

Casey is sitting on one end of the couch, watching Pete.  In Pete’s hands are a pair of panties, a different pair.  The girl’s watching Pete with interest as he plays with the panties, holding them up and looking at them, feeling of the crotch, stretching them.  Rachel has arrived right at the beginning.

There’s no doubting Casey’s excitement now, Rachel notes.  The young girl watches Pete closely, her pouting lips part slightly.  Pete draws the panties to his face, rubbing the crotch over his lips while he buffs the front of his pants.  Rachel watches with interest, finding herself becoming aroused.

“Put them in your mouth, Pete,” Casey said softly.  “Stick my panties in your mouth like before.”

Pete stuffs the crotch of the panties into his mouth, and it looks as if he’s sucking on them.  He keeps rubbing at the front of his pants, increasing the friction.  Rachel can hardly believe what she’s seeing and finds it exciting.

“You like my panties, Pete?” Casey asks in a whispery, quivering voice.  “Do you really like to put them in your mouth and play with yourself?”

Rachel sees her son nod, still sucking at the crotch of the girl’s panties.

“Remember your promise, Pete,” Casey said.  “You said I could watch you today.  If you don’t keep your promise, I won’t ever let you play with my panties again.”

“You can watch,” Pete said.

“When are you gonna do it?” Casey asks, her eyes big and luminous.  “I’m getting awfully excited now, you know.”

“In a minute,” Pete said.  “But you gotta let me watch you put them on again after.”

“OK, you can watch this time,” Casey said, her voice sounding young.  “Now, do it for me.”

Rachel holds her breath as her son opens his pants.  He fishes his cock out, and she stares at it with excited wonder.  It’s large and extremely hard, the head swelled into a smoothness that surprises Rachel.  Pete might have the mind of a child due to his Down Syndrome, but he is a twenty-two-year-old man.  Casey gives a soft squeal as she leans forward a little, her blue eyes on fire as she gazes at Pete’s cock.

“Do it now, Pete,” Casey urges, her voice-oddly husky.  “Do it right now.  I wanna see you do it.”

Rachel watches Pete wrap the crotch about the head of his cock, the rest of the nylon on the shaft.  He gripped his cock with his right fist and began to pump up and down.  Casey keeps herself covered.  Even when she draws her knees onto the couch, the hem of her skirt covers her legs completely.  Pete jerks his eight-inch cock, leaning back on the arm of the couch.  Rachel watches his expression, seeing her son’s face contort with pleasure.  It’s obvious he enjoys Casey watching him, and it’s just as obvious the babysitter enjoys seeing him jack off.

Rachel feels a burning sensation between her legs, and her pussy becomes wet.  Her clit swells and the tip pressed against the crotch of her panties.  The cheeks of her ass clench as the hair-rimmed lips of her pussy turn puffy.  Her nipples harden inside her bra, and the woman has the insane desire to tear it off.  Her excitement is difficult to understand.  Seeing her son’s big cock, with those nylon panties wrapped around it, his fist-pumping faster and faster, causes Rachel’s stomach to tighten as if she’s about to climax.

The interest shown by Casey excites Rachel, too.  The little girl’s watching intently with those blue eyes.  Her chin rests on her knees, and her lips are still part slightly, the pink tip of her tongue licking out often as if her lips are dry.  Rachel sees the teen’s body shaking with voyeuristic ecstasy.  Her blue eyes gleam as if they’re on fire.  Rachel cannot understand how the girl can just sit there watching.  The woman wants to grasp her son’s cock and jack it for him.

“Are you gonna cum in my panties?” Casey asks in a voice loaded with passion.  “Are you gonna shoot your cum in my panties, Pete?”

“Yeah,” Pete moans, his fist beating furiously now.

Sounds of excited gasps come to Rachel, who’s now leaning against the house because her legs are weak.  Her pussy puffs in the crotch of panties.  She’s dripping so much, the crotch soaks through, and her inner thighs are slippery with pussy juices.  Rachel finds herself anxious to see his cock squirt, as eager as Casey seems to be.  She strains her eyes to watch.  The panties mold the head of her son’s cock, it’s outlined while his fist pounds in an ever-quickening frenzy.  He’s arching his ass up now, his body stiff.

Uh … Uh … Uh…” Pete grunts.

“Do it,” Casey hisses.  “Do it … Do it.  I wanna see you cum, Pete.  Do it … Right in my panties.”

I am.  I am,” Pete shouts.

Rachel’s disappointed that she cannot see his semen spurt from the head of his cock.  His body trembles as he groans happily, his fist gripping hard.  Casey’s making gurgling sounds as if she’s strangling or choking.  Rachel notices the girl’s digging hard into one of her small breasts.  Her blue eyes flare with heat, gleaming like Rachel has never seen before.

Pete’s body slumps, and his ragged breathing slows.  The panties are still around his cock when his hand falls away.  Rachel can now see the crotch of Casey’s panties is wet with jizz, and she’s surprised at the amount.  The volume of her son’s semen excites her as much as watching him jack off.  She’s trembling to feel his sperm, to test the consistency, to run her fingers through, feel it on her body, to taste it.

“Let me have my panties,” Casey said, holding her hand out.

“You said I could watch,” Pete said with a scowl.

“You can watch.”

Rachel and her son watch as Casey takes her panties, the crotch soaked with jizz.  The teen gets off the couch and stands, stepping into her panties.  Casey pulls them up her legs, and when she slips them up her thighs, her dress comes up, revealing the most exquisitely shaped thighs of the smoothest-looking flesh Rachel’s ever seen.  Snapping her panties about her small hips, Casey lifts her skirt high, holding it at her chin, smiling at Pete.  She shows no embarrassment or shyness at all.  The wet crotch clings to her pussy, and she runs her hand down and between her thighs, cupping the sperm-wet crotch against her pussy.  Casey wiggles her small, rounded ass in pleasure, giggling.

“It feels good,” the college student said.  “I really like the feel of your cum in my panties, Pete.”

Rachel has seen enough.  She can’t stand there any longer.  Not only is she weak in the knees, but her pulse is pounding crazily, her pussy fluttering as if she might orgasm.  The woman retraces her steps to the alley and to her car.  She sits behind the wheel for a long time, thinking of what she saw.  Never would she have suspected Casey, let alone her son, of playing such erotic games.  But Rachel cannot deny what she saw, nor the effect it had on her.  Her pussy bubbles with heat, and her breasts feel as if they’ll burst.

Leaning her head back on the seat of the car, her eyes closed, she relives the scene of her son and Casey.  Her flesh is hot, flushed with sexual excitement.  She parts her knees and moves her skirt past them.  When her fingers touch her legs, it feels as if she shoved her hands into a fire.  Never has she felt so aroused, so desperately in need of cock.

Rachel twists her ass on the seat of the car, making soft moans of desire.  She begins to fantasize, drawing mental images of her son, his cock.  Her cunt twitches, and it feels almost as if a cock is spreading her pussy lips, penetrating her.

Her hands slip along her inner thighs, caressing, and feeling the softness of her flesh.  It’s been many years since Rachel fondled her own body.  She no longer thought of where she is, parked at the curb, the midday sun scalding her legs as she draws her skirt higher.  The only thing she thought about is Pete’s cock.  His fist-pumping it and the crotch of Casey’s panties soaking as he climaxes.  The jizz gushing from his piss hole, and the way Casey watches so hungrily.  Then the teen girl putting them on and cupping her pussy tightly.

Rachel draws her right hand up her thigh slowly, her nails barely touching her flesh.  She rubs the crotch of her panties lightly, feeling the heat of her pussy through them.  The woman shivers, imagining her finger is her son’s cock.  She presses at her slit hard, moaning softly.  Her finger shoves the crotch of her panties into her cunt and Rachel gives a soft squeal as a sensation of ecstasy shoots through her.  Removing her finger from her cunt, she pulls her panties to one side, stroking along one puffy pussy lip, then rubbing lightly at her distended clit.  The more she rubs, the more excited she becomes.

Rachel slips her fingertip between her pussy lips, dipping into the wet, fiery slit.  A moan comes from her as she presses her finger in deeper.  She has not had a cock in her cunt for years, and it feels very tight as she thrust the finger in deep.  Her knuckles pressing against the lips.  Twisting her ass about, Rachel begins to finger-fuck herself, her head on the seat eyes closed, her lips parted as she gasps in pleasure.  She spreads her knees wide, trying to shove all her fingers up her slippery cunt.  Plunging her fingers in and out of her cunt frantically now, she begins to whisper to herself.

Fuck me.  Ohhh, fuck me good.  Fuck … Fuck.  Ahhh, give me that cock.  Stuff my hot cunt with hard cock.  Fuck me hard … Make me cum.  Ohhh, I wanna cum so much.  Fuck my cunt.”

When her orgasm strikes, it comes on like a bolt of lightning, shattering her whirling mind with boiling ecstasy.  As her cunt closes tightly about her fingers, Rachel cries softly, “Fuck me, Pete.”

Startled by what she said, Rachel jerks her fingers from her dripping cunt and leans against the steering wheel, tears in her eyes.  They’re tears of sudden, unwanted, frustration, not of shame.  She has embarrassed herself by calling out for her son to fuck her, but Rachel’s in no way ashamed of that.  Rachel has no idea how long she sat there, trying not to think about Pete.  Lifting her head from the wheel, she starts the car and drives home, feeling somehow wicked and excited and, for the first time in years, very lecherous.


“What are you doing home, mom?” Pete asks as soon as she comes in the door.  “I thought you had to work today.”

Rachel finds her excitement increase as she goes into the house and sees her son sitting next to Casey.  The girl’s flushed, and her lips appear puffy.  Apparently, Pete and Casey have been doing some hot and heavy kissing.  The front of Casey’s blouse seems wrinkled, and the woman wonders if her son has been playing with the girl’s breasts.  Pete sits with his legs crossed, and she knows he’s trying to hide a hard-on.

“I had a day off coming to me, so I took this afternoon,” Rachel said.  Casey, she notices, sits primly, her hands folded in her lap, as modest as a young girl can be.  “You’ll be paid for the day, Casey.”

Casey gazes up at Rachel, her huge blue eyes a testimony of pure innocence.  “Oh, you don’t have to pay me,” she said in her sweet, slightly whispery voice.  “I love to be with Pete.  You don’t have to pay me at all.”

Rachel grins, knowing what Casey means.  “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything,” she said, hardly able to control the emotion in her voice.  “You two go on with what you’re doing.  I’ve got to do some laundry anyway.”

Casey giggles, and Pete flushes, confirming her suspicion of their kissing and feeling around.  She goes to her room, changing into shorts and a sleeveless blouse.  Taking her clothing, with her wet panties still in her hand, Rachel hauls the laundry hamper into the garage where the washing and drying machines are.  She doesn’t notice her panties drop on the floor as she passes Casey and Pete.

She loads the washer and set it, then stands for a moment thinking of the girl and Pete.  After a few minutes, she goes back into the house.  Casey and Pete are gone.  She hears their voices whispering down the hall and finds them in Pete’s room.  The door is open, and she listens, standing outside the door so they can’t see her.

“You never let me feel your titties before,” Pete said softly.  “What made you change your mind today, Casey?”

“I got excited, silly,” the teenager giggles.  “I get as excited as you, sometimes.  Seeing you cum in my panties really gets me hot.”

“You sure make my ding-dong hard,” Pete said.  “Look, I’m hard again.”

A soft giggle comes from Casey.  “I didn’t make you hard, silly.  Having your mother’s panties in your hand is what made you hard.”

Rachel’s body jerks.  Her panties?  She noticed they were missing when she started washing, but Rachel thought she’d forgotten them on her bed.  The older woman cannot resist peeking around the door.  Sure enough, Pete has her panties in his hand, running his other about the crotch!

“They’re wet,” Pete said.  “They’re so wet.  Did she pee herself?”

“That’s not pee, silly,” Casey said and laughs.  “That’s from her pussy.”

“Aw, I don’t believe it.  My mom’s not like you, Casey.”

“All girls get that way,” Casey said.  “Just because she’s your mom doesn’t mean her pussy is different.”

Rachel, peeking around the open door, sees her son holding the panties up, staring at the crotch.  “Maybe you’re right, Casey.”

“Why don’t you suck on them?”

“But they’re mom’s panties,” Pete said and grimaces.

“What difference does it make?  You like to suck on mine, don’t you?  Now you can see what your mother’s pussy tastes like.”

Rachel’s pulse is again racing hotly, and her pussy is pulsating and twitching again.  Her clit has become tightly swollen, throbbing.  She wants her son to shove her panties into his mouth to taste her juices on them.

“I can’t do that,” Pete says, shaking his head.  “These are mom’s panties.”

“Sure, and the crotch is all wet, too,” Casey said.  “That means her pussy is hot, real hot before she took them off.  Go on, taste them.”

“Well, maybe, I will.  But if I do, will you let me see your pussy?  You’ve been promising and promising, but you haven’t let me see it yet.”

Rachel waits, breathlessly, for Casey’s reply.

“Well, I guess that’s OK,” Casey said.  “It won’t hurt to let you just see it.  But you gotta promise not to touch it, Pete.”

Rachel wonders about that.  Why would Casey involve herself in so much, and then deny her son the pleasure of feeling her pussy?  It almost makes her angry with the teenager.  It’s a tease, that’s what it is.  Rachel has no use for a teenager who teases a boy.

Pete is quick to agree, though.  “Show me first,” he said.

“Oh, no,” Casey said.  “You might renege.  Shove your mother’s panties in your mouth, and while you suck on them, I’ll show my pussy to you.  But you gotta suck on them first.”

“Why do I always have to be first?”

“Because I’m the babysitter, silly.  You’re supposed to mind me.”

“Oh, that’s right,” Pete said as if he had forgotten.  “OK, I’ll go first.”

Rachel’s eyes become hazy with passion as she sees her son stuff the crotch of her panties into his mouth.  His expression shows how excited he is as he starts sucking.  She wonders what he thinks of the taste of her pussy and shifts her eyes to his pants.  His cock bulges there, awfully hard.  Her cunt almost erupts in orgasm as she watches.  Rachel shoves the heel of her hand hard between her legs, noticing that Casey, too, has become more excited as she watches Pete sucking on the panties.

Taking the panties out of his mouth, Pete spoke, his voice husky.  “Show me, Casey.  I sucked mom’s panties, now keep your promise and let me see your pussy.”

“Keep sucking them,” Casey said, her voice filled with erotic emotion.  “Don’t stop sucking them.

Pete stuffs the panties back into his mouth as Casey lifts her skirt, spreading her long thighs wide.  Rachel watches her hook a finger into her wet panties, then draws them aside, exposing her pussy to Pete.  Casey’s pussy is sweet-looking, a fine slit surrounded by honey-blonde curls.  The lips are sugary and wet, glistening with her own juices and her son’s sperm.  The teenager leans back and keeps her legs spread, her finger holding the panties wide.  Pete stares hotly at her pussy, sucking almost frantically on his mother’s panties.

Suddenly he jerks them out.  “I’m gonna cum,” he shouts, his fingers working feverishly at his pants, “I gotta cum.”

“Hurry,” Casey yelped, her little ass twisting on the bed.  “Hurry.  I wanna watch.”

Pete jerks his big hard cock free just in time.  A gush of white semen boils from his piss hole, spattering the bed.

“In the panties,” Casey urges.  “Cum in your mom’s panties.”

Rachel watches Pete shove the crotch of her panties over his spewing cock, grunting as his body jerks.  He has not touched his cock, but stares between Casey’s legs at her sweet pink pussy, shooting off into the crotch of his mother’s panties.

Unable to remain where she is, Rachel runs as quietly as she can back to the garage.  Once again, she has tears in her eyes, tears of frustration and need, and desire.  The woman presses her slit against the corner of the washing machine, the vibration agitating her pussy.  She lifts her hands to her breasts, squeezing into the spongy flesh, her head lifts back, and her eyes close.  The orgasm she experiences is not as intense as the one in the car, but it’s strong enough to make her gasp in delight.


The rest of the afternoon, Rachel’s mind whirled with lewd, erotic thoughts and images.  She saw her son’s cock gushing sperm.  She saw Casey’s succulent young pussy, so wet and sweet-looking, and her panties stuffed into her son’s mouth.  It’s almost more than she can tolerate, and her cunt still is on fire.  Rachel finds, to her shock, she really does want her son’s cock.

Strange,’ Rachel thought, ‘what turned a person on.’  A pair of panties, of all things, stuffed in her son’s mouth, had gotten her very steamy, and when he jerked off into them, her vagina has almost boiled over.

But what surprised her most of all was Casey.  Never had the exquisite creature given any sign that sex was on her mind.  Yet, from what Rachel’s seen, Casey’s a very erotic nineteen-year-old.  Apparently, their little games have been going on for some time.  But Rachel finds to her surprise she doesn’t mind.  The woman wants to see them again, to be with them.  Rachel had felt sexual desire before, but never like this.  The insane desire to strip naked and go to her son, to tell him she wants him to fuck her, is so strong she actually starts to remove her blouse.

Pete would probably shit his pants if I did that,’ she thought, amused.  ‘Certainly, his cock would get hard.  His cock gets hard from just an unexpected peek up some teenager’s legs.  A naked woman would probably make him cum in his pants.’  Rachel knows one of two things would happen if she approached him naked.  He’d either run away with embarrassment, or he’d reach for her.  ‘But going to Pete naked is out of the question,’ she decides.  She wants to fuck her son badly, to feel his hard cock penetrating her cunt, stretch her wide, filling her.  But she doesn’t know how to go about it.

Eventually, she decides on the simplest of all ideas.  Pete’s reaction to what Casey did is the deciding factor.  Undressing and removing her panties and placing them on the bed, Rachel draws a short robe about her body, belting it loosely.  Knowing Pete is in his room, she balls her panties up and goes swiftly down the hall.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.