Just Like Your Mother

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Just Like Your Mother
Just Like Your Mother
Year: 2017
Debbie comes to help her dad, Mike, after he’s involved in a bad car accident and discovers (while caring for the bedridden man) that he has a tiny dick. Things clicked about her childhood and how her mother cuckolded him. Pretty soon, she is doing it too.
Max Swan
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Debbie pulls out her computer to catch up on some of her work emails; even on leave, her unit needs her input.  After a period of quietness, she hears her Dad croak.

“Debbie.  Can I get some water please?” Mike said softly.

“Sure, dad.”

She has placed a pitcher of water next to his bed along with the cup she brought home from the hospital.  Of course, since both of his arms are in casts, Mike is helpless.

“Here you go,” she said as she places the bent straw to his lips.

He takes a very long draw.  “Thanks.”

He glances at her and then frowns.

“What is it?” she asks.  “Are you in pain?”

“Well, kind of.”  He shut his eyes, sighs, and then opens them to look at her again.  “We might as well get this over with.  I’ve gotta pee.”

“Ah, yes.  I know it’s embarrassing, Dad, but just remember I’m a nurse, I’ve seen everything before.”

“Yeah, well, you haven’t seen mine,” he said with a pout.

She smiles at him thinking it’s the typical male ego crap she’s found nursing men and goes to retrieve the urinal and some wipes.  She pulls the covers down to his knees and unbuttons the fly to his pajamas.

“Just relax, dad, this won’t take long.

Debbie reaches into his pajamas and feels for his penis.  The brunette gasps softly when her fingers touch a rather smallish penis; in fact, she has to fish around to kind of dig it out from his pubic hair.  As Debbie pulls his flaccid penis barely out of his pajamas, she’s amazed at just how small it is.  Holy shit, she thought, dads gotta baby dick.  Debbie keeps her face as passive as she can.  Typically she’d place the head of her patient’s penis into the urinal, and then avert her eyes while the patient urinates, but her dad’s penis seems to mesmerize the woman.  It’s thin, dry appearance makes it look so pathetic.

“Ok, dad, go ahead, and pee,” she said.

“I’m trying, sweetie, but this is harder than I thought it’d be.”

“It’s OK, close your eyes, and think of something else.”

“Like what?”

She shrugs.  “Anything other than peeing,” she said curtly

Mike closes his eyes and frowns.  After about five seconds, she hears a stream of urine pour into the plastic bottle.  He really has a full bladder, and it takes him a minute to finish.  Meanwhile, she checks out his balls, they’re small too.  Small dick, and balls, it looks like he has some kind of genetic disorder, she thought.  Nah, then how could he have had me?  Maybe I’m not his biological daughter?  Omigod, stop thinking like this, Debbie, he’s your dad.

“Done?” Debbie asks when he stops peeing.

“Yes.  I think so.”

She uses her fingers to jiggle his penis just a tad to shake that last little dribble out.  She snaps the cover on the urinal into place, and then set it aside.  She picks up the wipes and then cleans the head of his penis.  The sensation for him is strange; a beautiful woman who happens to be his daughter is playing with his cock.  It’s been a long time since someone else has touched Mike there, and he thought: I hope she doesn’t make me hard doing that.  About that time he becomes aware the blood is starting to swell into his dick.  Oh shit, he thought.  When she had cleaned his penis, she starts cleaning his scrotum, and especially the space between the scrotum, and his legs.  Debbie places his genitals back into his pajamas and snaps them shut.

She replaces the covers, and said, “Now, that isn’t so bad, was it?”

“No, I guess not.  Goodnight.”

Debbie notes the amount of urine, carefully logs his water intake and urine output in her chart, and then goes to the bathroom to empty, and clean the urinal.  After she set it aside to dry, she pulls the string on her scrub bottoms, pulls down her panties, and sits on the toilet seat.  As she pees, she thought: Jesus, my dad, has a baby dickWho’d a thought it?  He’s always been such a manly guy.  She wipes, gets dressed, and goes back to his room, and finds Mike asleep.

On the spur of the moment, she grabs some scissors, and cuts some of his hair off, then puts it in a specimen jar.  She repeats the process with her own hair.  I know this is wrong, but something doesn’t add up here, she thought.  I need to know the truth.


Mike wakes again in the early evening, and she feeds him and has him drink fruit juice.  Then Debbie administers his medications, which still include narcotic analgesics.  Mike will sleep through the night.

The brunette is exhausted too.  Debbie pulls her scrub bottoms off and climbs into her makeshift bed on the couch wearing her scrub top, sports bra, and pink cotton panties.  It isn’t exactly comfortable, but Debbie needs to be close to her father in case he needs her during the night.  The exhausted woman closes her eyes but is suddenly aware that all she can see is her dad’s tiny dicklette, and it starts swelling in her hand as she cleans it with the wipes.  Get it together, woman, she thought.  That’s your dad.  However, try as she may think of something else, Debbie just can’t get the pathetic dick out of her mind.

“What the fuck, Debbie?” she whispers in the dark.

She cranes her head around to look at her Dad.  He’s sound asleep.  There’s only one way I’m gonna get to sleep, she thought as she moves her hands along her taut belly until her fingers find the lace at the top of her panties.  The woman slides her right hand under the lace band, and separates her fingers into a V, allowing her thumb, and pointer finger to go to one side of her pussy lips, and her other fingers to the other.  Pinching the flesh between her fingers, Debbie pulls her hand back up.  She does this a couple of times, using her middle finger to find her clit.  Moaning quietly, Debbie works her clit faster.  She slides her middle finger deep into her cunt, and finger fucks herself for a few seconds before returning to her engorged clit.

Since she hasn’t had a man in over a year, Debbie’s grown accustomed to masturbating herself to sleep most nights.  The orgasms are rarely as rewarding as sex, but it’s better than nothing.  Debbie can feel her climax building.  She uses her left hand to knead her large breasts through the fabric of her clothes and suddenly wishes that she was naked so she could work her nipples.  Her fantasy seems centered on her dad’s tiny cock.

Why does dad’s dicklette make me feel this horny, she wonders?  Am I really that desperate for dick?  God, Debbie, maybe you should go buy yourself a dildo tomorrow, she scolds herself.  A big fucking dildo to remind you just how useless a tiny clitty-dick is to a woman

The aroused brunette works her clit but finds the panties are causing her hand to cramp.  She quickly strips them to her knees and goes back to work on her pussy.  Almost there, she thought, as she plunges two then three fingers into her cunt.

Fuck me with that tiny dick,” she whispers into the darkness.  “Show me how pathetic you are.”

The thought of her dad’s tiny cock feebly trying to give her pleasure while in her mind’s eye she laughs at it pushes her over the edge, and she has a powerful orgasm.

Wow, she thought as she recovers.  You need to find a real man and fast.

She falls asleep.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.