Don’t Stick Your Dick in Crazy

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Don't Stick Your Dick in Crazy
Don’t Stick Your Dick in Crazy
Year: 2024
Devin is a bit of a stud, and the new neighbor is a nymphomaniac and crazy as a bag of snakes.
Gowan Bush
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Devin Grant got up from the bed and stretched his arms high above his head.  He yawns and gazes at the sleeping girl.  Her breasts are exposed, alternately rising and falling as she breathes evenly.  Yawning again, Devine moves away from the bed, finds his shorts, and puts them on.  Then he goes to the bathroom, washes, and rubs the bristles of his beard, wishing he had a razor.  The trouble with shacking up overnight with a woman in her apartment is they never have razors fit to use on the face.  The man dries his skin and returns to the bedroom.  The girl’s sitting up and blinking her eyes, making no move to cover her breasts from his gaze.

“Hi,” she said sleepily.  “How’s your head?”

Devin grins.  “OK, I don’t have much of a hangover.  Not from drinking anyway, but from sex, that’s another matter.  How do you feel?”

She grimaces.  “I have a lousy taste in my mouth, and my head hurts.  Get me an aspirin, will you?  Over there on the dresser.”

He gets her two pills and a glass of water and watches her as she swallows them.  The young woman is a pretty blonde, and her long hair, parted in the middle, hangs over her shoulders in a captivating way.  Devin hadn’t noticed the night before, but the blonde’s skin was tanned and inviting.  He wonders if she feels like having sex again.

“Hey…” the blonde said at length.  “I got pretty drunk last night. I don’t usually drink that much.  Did I … act OK in bed?”

Devin grins again.  “You were great…except maybe…for one thing.”

He notes again that the blonde brushes her hair out of her very blue eyes. “What’s the one thing?”

“You went to sleep too soon…You kinda passed out.”

Her hand flew to her mouth.  “You mean I interrupted something good?”

Once more, Devin grins.  “Yes.”

Her eyes are wide now.  “What did I interrupt?”

He searches her eyes.  “Really want me to tell you?”

“Sure, why not?”  She sits even straighter now.

“You were about to … How should I say it … Give me a blowjob.”

She smiles, and it’s a sweet smile. Her teeth are white and pleasant to look at. “Well, how about that? Were you really disappointed? I mean…a lot?

Devin nods his dark head.  “Naturally…”

She giggles.  “Shit, I’m sorry.”

He takes a deep breath.  “Maybe you’d like to make up for it now.”

She stares at him with raised eyebrows.  “Maybe, but you’ll have to wait till my hangover improves, though.”

“Glad to…” He sits on the bed.

The woman giggles again.  “Hey, you know something?  I can’t remember your name.”

“I’m Devin.”

“You know mine?”


Amy nods.  “You picked me up in that terrible nightclub on Fifth Street.  My friend and I fought, and he just left me there.”

“I remember you telling me several times.”

“Oh, did I, sorry.  What else did I tell you several times?”

Devin smiles knowingly.  “If I remember correctly, you said he wanted to marry you, but you said no because he was bad at sex.”

“That’s him alright, and hung like an acorn,” she said, shaking her head.  “Are you married, Devin?”

“God, no, do I look it?”

Amy shrugs. “You never know these days,” she says. So why not? What’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t know, just never met a woman I want to marry, I guess.”

Amy pushes the sheet entirely off impulsively.  Devin immediately gets an erection.  She giggles once more.

“Does it startle you to see me naked in broad daylight?”

“It fascinates me,” Devin said.  “You’re such a beautiful woman to look at.”

“What does it feel like to be a man and look at a woman’s body?”

Devin laughs nervously.  “It feels dangerous, sometimes.”

She glances at his crotch and evidently sees the condition Devin is in, for she slowly pulls the sheet over her body again.  “Guess I’d better take it easy,” Amy said with a wry grin.  “You have a hot gleam in your eyes.”

He laughs again.  “You put it there.”

Amy brushes at her hair.  “If I didn’t have this splitting headache, I’d let you fuck me.”

“How about another aspirin?” Devin asks hopefully.

“No.  Aspirin doesn’t help much, not really.”

“Maybe a drink. Do you have any juice in the place?”

“Yes, but I couldn’t get it down.” She makes a face.

“Well then, maybe a bit of me,” Devin suggests.

Amy leans her blonde head back on the pillow and smiles at him.  “If you’ll wait awhile, OK…”

“I’ll wait,” he promises.

She giggles again.  “I’ll bet you think I’m just a cock teaser.”

“No, not at all. I just think you have a hangover.”

“Thanks,” she said.  “You’re a nice guy.  I was too drunk last night to know if you were or not.”

“You let me come home with you.  You must have thought I was OK.”

“I bought you home because I needed it badly.”

Devin nods.  “So did I…”

Amy glances at the front of him again.  “How’s your…condition…now?”

“The same, don’t worry. It’ll keep till you’re feeling better.”

She blinks.  “I just noticed something.  You really are a good-looking man.  I like men with thick black hair and blue eyes.  You have nice white teeth, too.  Do you think I’m pretty?”

Devin smiles at her.  “You?  You could be a model, Amy. You’re that hot.”

“You got muscles,” she said.  “Are you an athlete or something?”

“No, I just go to the gym…” He studied her.  “You asked me that last night.”

“Did I?  Shit, I guess I was drunker than I thought.  I don’t remember much about last night.”

“Do you remember us having sex?”

Amy works her mouth around as if she’s thinking it over, trying to recall it.  “Sort of…  I guess I’m kind of fuzzy about the details.”

“Do you want me to tell you about it?” Devin asks, liking the conversation’s turn.

Amy shrugs.  “I don’t mind.  What did we do when we got home?  Did I drag you off to bed right away?”

“We had a few more drinks first.”

“Then what happened?”

He grins.  “We undressed.”

“Then what?  Tell me.”

“We climbed in bed.”

She sighs.  “Boy, you don’t give it to me in one sentence, do you?  You tell me a little at a time.  Did I act sexy or coy or what?”

“Sexy mostly.”

“I’m a slut,” Amy said.  “I love to fuck.”

“Good for you.  I like women who love to fuck.”

“Sometimes I go too far, and later I just feel awful about it.”

“Don’t feel ashamed for doing what you like,” Devin said.  “As long as no one gets hurt, and it’s legal, who cares.”

“Yeah, I know, but it doesn’t stop me feeling embarrassed sometimes,” Amy said, blushing.  “We didn’t do anything kinky, did we?”

“No, we were pretty vanilla.”

Amy sits straight but holds the sheet in front of her.  “Tell me, when we got in bed did you climb on top of me right away and fuck my brains out?”

Devin smiles and shakes his head at her eagerness to know the details.  “No, not immediately. We fooled around for a bit.”

The blonde beauty frowns a little.  “Funny, I just can’t seem to remember it.  Did I enjoy it?”

“You seemed to be into it.”

Her lips part slightly.  “Did you stick it in, though?  You know what I mean?”

Devin finds it hard to believe Amy doesn’t remember anything.  “In and out, many times,” he told her.

She giggles.  “Bet you think I’m nuts, asking you all these stupid questions.”

“They aren’t stupid.  I like talking about last night.”

Amy stretches her arms above her head.  “Think my headache is beginning to let up.  Maybe we won’t have to talk about sex. Maybe we can do it.”

Devin grins.  “I’m ready.”

“Not right now,” she said hastily.  “Give me a little more time.”

“Sure, take all the time you need.”

Devin tries not to grind his teeth in annoyance.  Amy rubs her upper lip with a forefinger.

“My nose itches.  What does that mean?”

“Means your nose itches.”

She laughs lightly.  “You’re a comedian.”

Devin laughs, also.  “No, but some think I’m a smart-ass.”

Again, Amy glances at his crotch.  “How is it, still with you?”

He nods.

Amy sighs deeply.  “Bet you think I’m an awful cock tease.  Do you?”

“No.  What makes you say that?”  Devin moves over on the bed a little, closer to her.

“I talk and talk about it, but I won’t do it.”

The man takes her hand between his.  “I think you will when you’re ready.”

“Oh, I’m ready now, actually.  It’s just that I like putting things off.  I’m like that.  I procrastinate….”

Devin releases her hand and reaches under the sheet, and his fingers contact her warm, smooth flesh.  He runs his hand up her leg until he’s lightly touching her pussy.  The furriness of it feels good as he makes little circling movements with his palm.  Amy’s breathing gets faster.

“Oh … that … feels good, Devin…Do it … do it some more…” He continues the movement for a time and then stops abruptly.  “Don’t stop…” Amy begs, her eyes half-closed.

The man removes his hand from beneath the sheet.  “I can’t keep that up, babe,” he said.  “Something will happen if I do.”

The blonde’s eyes open all the way.  “Are you really that horny?”

“Of course, I’m not made of stone, babe.”

She frowns but prettily.  “You think I am.”

“No, not at all.  I know better.”

“You mean…after last night.  What did I do to you?”

“I told you, part of it.”

“Did I really try to blow you?”

“Sure.  It was great while it lasted.”

“Then I passed out,” Amy said.  “It’s weird; I’m not usually like that.”

Devin smiles tightly.  “I was fine with it until you passed out.”

Amy lifts the sheet carefully, holds it up high, and suddenly throws it off the bed.  Curling in the fetal position, she levels her gaze on his shorts in a meaningful way.  Devin holds his breath as he sees the undisguised lust come into Amy’s eyes.

“How’s your headache?” he asks nervously.

“It’s gone, pretty much.  Do you want to fool around with me?”

“Yes, I do.  Anything, in particular, you’d like me to do?”

Amy uncurls her body and smiles lazily over at the dark-haired man.  “Whatever you like, Devin.  Use your imagination.”

He turns her slightly so she’s lying flat on her back, legs together.  Amy is beautiful in this position.  Devin feels the excitement growing in him.  Bending, he kisses her tummy lightly and sees the muscles quiver there.  He then straightens and grins.

“I gather you like that.”

“Wonderful…” Amy moans.  “Go all over me.”

With Devin’s hand pressing on the bed to hold him, he leans over and takes a nipple between his lips.  He plays with it, using his tongue until he feels Amy grabbing his hair and pulling on it hard enough to hurt.

“Hey,” Devin said harshly.  “Take it easy.  That’s all the hair I’ve got, babe.”

Immediately, Amy releases him, only to grab him around the neck.  She presses his face on her breasts and begins to stroke the back of Devin’s neck, making little cooing sounds.  Devin kisses her breasts, going from one to the other.  The nipples become firm, and her breathing increases in tempo.  Devin’s heart is pumping fast now as he shoves his shorts down his legs.  The man feels Amy’s soft hand fumbling for him and feels her touch his cock and grab hold of it firmly.

“Shit,” she moans.  “It’s so hot.”

“Good for you, babe,” Devin mumbles, too excited to speak clearly.

He leans over again and, this time, kisses her body in several places.  She draws one leg up and sighs deeply.

“Devin,” Amy said.  “Down … there … you know.  Make me hotter.”


The man moves his mouth downward and runs his tongue over her trimmed pussy.  This excited Devin so much that he had to stop it after a moment.  There’s a very great danger he would climax prematurely.

“What’d you stop for?” Amy groans.

He draws himself up on the bed, parting her legs with his knee.  Pushing Amy down on her back, Devin crawls between her legs and settles on her, holding his cock with a hand to steer it.  When the insertions are made, the man doesn’t move for a long moment but holds himself aloft and gazes down into Amy’s half-closed eyes.  She’s panting like a long-distance runner.

“Shit,” she moans, “that feels great.”

Devin lowers himself until his weight rests on his left elbow.  With his right hand placed at the back of her neck to hold Amy firmly, Devin begins to move, with each stroke penetrating deeper into her body.

“Fuck,” Amy moans, though more fiercely, “That feels … just … great.”

The sexy blonde begins to move her loins around as Devin penetrates more and more.

“That’s it,” Devin mutters.  “But not too hard.  Don’t break contact, babe.”

Amy is stroking his back now and later actually raking his skin with her nails.  Devin scarcely feels this; he’s too absorbed in the business of fucking her.  Amy’s body is warm and moist, and the firmness of her flesh pleases him immensely.  The man hates women whose flesh is flabby and unpleasant to look at, to feel.  Amy’s body is healthy; there isn’t an ounce of fat on her anywhere.

“Hey…” Amy cries.  “That’s it.  You hit it just right, Devin.”

Devin finds her mouth and presses his own on it, holding his lips there for a long time.  She ran her tongue over his with reckless abandon and never ceased moving her loins about, up and down, meeting the man’s thrusts expertly.  Devin feels himself going deeper and deeper inside her velvety wet cunt.  The feeling is intense, and he discovers his body is trembling from excitement.

“C’mon, Devin,” Amy squeals.  “Pick it up.  Faster…”

He did as asked.  Moving very fast now, Devin wonders how long he can keep it going.  He’s ready to orgasm at any moment but doesn’t want to until she reaches her climax.  Devin wants her to remember this fuck for a long time.  A guy never knows when he’s going to be temporarily hard up and need a fuck quickly.  It’s a smart idea to have a woman handy and ready, not that Devin looks upon her as a stopgap fuck.  Not at all. Amy is far too lovely to relegate to that.

Ooh…” Amy moans.  “You drive me almost crazy. It feels so great.”

The man’s breathing is so hard he can barely speak.  “Me…too…” Devin said.

C’mon…  Give it to me…I can’t stand this any longer.”

Perhaps it’s Amy’s words or maybe the way she speaks them, but something explodes in Devin’s brain at the same time a similar occurrence takes place elsewhere.  The sexy blonde lifts her loins high to receive it and, when done, continues to pump at Devin.  He’s too tired to try again now.

Gradually, the spent man slows his movements until he comes to a complete halt.  He lies flat on her, feeling her breasts press against his chest.  It’s a nice feeling, their bodies locked together in this tight and fierce embrace.  After a few moments of rest, Devin begins to move in her again, but slowly.

“Oh, Devin, again?  Can you, please, can you?”

“I don’t know,” he said.

“Oh, I hope so.  That big cock feels so good inside me.”

Devin continues to move in her but notices his erection isn’t quite as hard as it had been.  Amy apparently realizes what’s happening, for she immediately takes his face in her hands, pulling his mouth to hers and running her tongue over his feverishly.  She bites him lightly on the tongue, the lips, even the chin.

“Please, Devin,” Amy said tensely. Don’t quit on me. I need it… more of it…”

The urgency of her tone sets him up in style.  The firmness comes back quickly, and Devin increases the speed of his movements.  Amy releases his face and presses her hands on his buttocks fiercely, at the same time moving her hips about almost as if in desperation.  This sets him off even more, and he grabs her by the shoulders and pumps back.

“That’s it, Devin,” Amy moans.  “Keep it that way.”

He keeps it that way all during the act, and then it’s finished.  This time, he’s exhausted.  The man moves off her and lies flat on his back, fighting to regain his breath.

Amy is purring like a contented kitten now, and suddenly, she flings her body over his, pulling herself up on top of him.  She lay there, her breasts pressing hard on his chest, her stomach muscles quivering, and her breath striking the side of his face.  The blonde gives a little happy cry and kisses his mouth hungrily. Apparently, what Amy had said was true.  She’s a hot little slut.  Devin sighs deeply from satisfaction and, placing his hand over her pussy, closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.  When he wakes later, Amy is gone from the bed and, as it turns out, from the apartment.

Devin gets dressed and goes home. Sorry, he can’t say goodbye to the beautiful Amy.


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