Cuckold’s Cove!

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Cuckold's Cove!
Cuckold’s Cove!
Year: 2017
Carl is in trouble with his wife when she learns their Caribbean vacation paradise is a sex resort where wive’s get it on with the hung black studs while their little white-dick husbands play second fiddle.
Max Swan
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Carl drains the remnants of his beer from the bottle, his eyes, and thoughts are on the attractive blonde standing at the beach bar a few yards away who happens to be his wife.  A sudden breeze opens her wrap around skirt briefly allowing him to get a flash of tanned thigh and pink G-string bikini bottoms.  Others sit around tables as the evening sunset takes hold, yet no one else had noticed the sudden flash of female flesh.

The barman serving his wife does not see it either; it’s difficult from his vantage.  Carl has no doubt, though, he would’ve wanted to see the brief yet titillating glimpse beneath his blonde wife’s skirt.  He knows the glint of lust when he sees it.  The black barman has been ogling them since they arrived a day ago, and Carl had seen his eyes glow every time they went to the bar a few hundred yards from their serviced apartment.

Carl knows the black barman has the hots for his wife Julie.  Carl senses the pair are talking about him, though, as occasionally they glance across at him.  Carl begins to feel disconcerted by this fact, yet also curious.  He knows Julie well; they’ve been together for eight years, six as man and wife.  They also have two children together; however, the frown on her face as she talks with the barman unsettles Carl’s stomach.  He wonders if it’s the deep conversation he’s watching, or the shrimp cocktail at lunch making him feel queasy.

Still, he sits watching them talking, waiting patiently for her to return with their drinks.  It’s almost ten minutes when she finally moves away from the bar and comes back to their table.  Carl notices the black barman watching his wife’s ass as she approaches, and it troubles him.

“You were deep in conversation there,” Carl said as she sits.

She ignores the implied question. “When you reserved this vacation, how did you find this place?” Julie asks flicking her hair in the sexy way she does.

He shrugs. “On the Internet,” he said.

“I know, but where?”

Her face is hard as she stares at him with narrowed eyes.  His stomach lurches, and he shifts uncomfortably.  Fucking shrimp cocktail, he thought

“I dunno, I googled adult vacations,” he said running his hands through his hair.

“Adult vacations?”

“Yes, as in ‘adults only‘.  Why?”

Her face flushes and her nostrils flare.  “Adults only, like a sex vacation?”

Noooooo,” he said, sitting forward quickly wide-eyed.  “Adult as in ‘no children‘,” he said blushing.   “That’s what we wanted, right?  A place there’s no children running around.”

She knows what he means, last year they went to a family resort full of hyperactive kids and it ruined their intended relaxation.  Though they have children of their own and enjoy vacationing with them, they need time together too, to keep their marriage strong.

“Hmm, didn’t they say anything else about this particular resort?” she asks, crossing her arms over her big tits.

He shrugs again as he takes a swig of beer.   “I didn’t bother reading the fucking fine print, baby,” he said evenly.  “The deal was about to end, and besides look at this place.”  His arm sweeps over the tropical beach, however, she does not look.  “This resort is fucking paradise.”  She glares at him, and it disturbs him.  Therefore, he adds, “We always fancied the Caribbean as a vacation spot, so I reserved it.  Don’t you like it here?”

Julie leans forward and asks quietly, “Do you notice anything else about this so-called paradise?”

Carl glances around him quickly. “Yeah, no kids,” he said, nodding, and smiles hoping she might change her bad mood soon.

Look closer.”

Carl glances around again.  The two closest tables to them each have two white couples with a black male sitting with them.  Two more tables are nearby with lone white males and a couple more tables with white women with only black males.  Then there’s a large crowd partying around three tables jammed together.  The crowd consists of six white females with six black males.

He shrugs, raising his arms, palms up.  “Looks normal to me,” he said.  “People having a good time with the locals, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“So how many black women do you see here partying with the tourists?” Julie asks, still staring at him with a deep frown and narrow eyes.

He turns and scans the bar area again and nods.  “You got me there, none.  There’s some on the beach over there.”

Now she turns to gaze where he points, and she laughs.  “Over there?  Five-hundred feet away on the public beach?” she asks.

“Yeah, there’s some black women for ya.”

Just as Carl finishes speaking, a white woman and a black man appear from the direction of the apartments walking hand in hand.  They brush past Carl and Julie and sit at a table where a lone white guy in his late-thirties, overweight, wearing a bright Hawaiian shirt, and sipping a beer is sitting.  The white man has a smile on his face as he stands and gives the woman a brief kiss on the lips. “Having a good time, darling?” he asks.

The woman, of similar age with long red hair and a curvy yet slim figure, said something that Carl didn’t hear clearly at first.  Then she said in a louder voice, “How about getting us a drink, sweetie?”

Carl glances at Julie with a smirk on his face.  “Jesus, she’s flaunting it in front of her husband,” he said in a hushed voice.  “Maybe this place is weird, after all.”

“Deon the barman tell me the resort is a haven for cuckold couples and cougars,” Clair said quietly.

Cuckolds?” Carl asks, then guffawing. “You’re shitting me?”

Julie shakes her head.  “Apparently, married women come here for a vacation to sample the local black men,” she said in a whisper while glancing around conspiratorially.

Carl laughs.  “So what do the husbands do?” he asks.

“Deon said the husbands are into it,” she said leaning back again.  “He said they’re cuckolds, they do whatever their wives’ want.”

Carl’s body stiffens and his eyes bulge. “Noooo, you mean they—”

YES, that’s exactly what I mean.  The barman told me the locals call this resort ‘Cuckold Cove’.”

“He doesn’t think we’re like that, does he?” Carl asks and grimaces.   Julie suddenly smiles for the first time, then she laughs.  “It’s not funny,” Carl said with a frown.

She settles and takes a drink of her cocktail.  “He did ask if you’re a cuckold, but I said no, you’re a Gemini.”

“Oh, ha-ha.  You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”

She nods and smiles.  “It’s fucking hilarious,” she said.  “Deon wants to cuckold you, though.”

Julie erupts into raucous laughter, making Carl’s face turn red as he feels his stomach again churn. “He can fuck off,” Carl said harshly with a sneer.

She leans forward to give him a reassuring kiss.  “But you like to fantasize about me with another woman?”

“Yeah, but that’s different,” he said with a huff.

“Oh, I see, so it’s OK for me to do it with a woman, but not another man?” she asks with a raised eyebrow.  “That’s a tad hypocritical, sexist even.”

“Just because I fantasize about it, doesn’t mean I’d do it,” he said crossing his arms.

“Are you just scared one of these guys might, err, show you up?” she asks with an insolent glint in her eyes.

Carl gasps.  “There’s nothing wrong with my junk,” he said hitting the table with his hand.  “I’ve fathered two kids with it.”

“True, but have you ever made me cum with it?”

“I’ve made you cum heaps of times,” he said, his face turning red.

“Like this—Ooooo, baby, you’re so big—Uh-uh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me,” she moans then giggles.

A few people turn and glance at them with smiles, and Carl reaches across the table and gently slaps her arm.  “Stop that,” he said with a frown.  “You’re making a scene.”

“What’s a matter the truth hurt,” she said, and pouts.

“Why are you being such a bitch?”

Her eyes bulge as she glares at him.  “Because you brought me HERE, Mr. Tight-ass, because the price was right,” she said, “yet you didn’t even bother to read the information.”

A heavy silence takes them, and the sounds of the sea, the wind, and people chatting growing louder as they stare in opposite directions sipping their drinks.

Eventually, Carl said, “You’re not saying you want to cuckold me are you, just because I brought you here by mistake?”

Julie smiles. “It’s what you deserve,” she said, “and not just because you brought me here.  I’m sick of our sex life and your small dick.”

He gasps and his hand flies to his mouth.  “You fucking bitch,” he said coldly.  “That was uncalled for.”

“Well, it’s true,” she said glaring back at him.

Carl has no chance to respond because Deon the barman suddenly appears with a tray of drinks. “On the house,” he said cheerfully as he put the tray down.  The tall black man then holds out his hand to Carl.  “I’m Deon, you must be Carl.”

They shake, yet Carl is unenthusiastic about it.  “Hi, nice to meet you,” he said with cold eyes.

To Carl’s surprise, the big black man dressed in a bright-yellow polo shirt and white shorts pulls out a chair and sits next to Julie.  “My shift’s over, so I thought I’d come and see how you’re enjoying your stay here,” Deon said, then he sips on a glass of scotch on ice.

The three people from the table behind get up and walk past them.  The woman and the black man hold hands and the husband follows holding her purse.  The black gigolo speaks to Deon as he passes by, and Deon said, “Have a good time, man.”  Carl glances at the white husband following them, he’s wearing black shorts with has an obvious bulge in the front. “There goes a happy cuckold, man,” Deon said noting where Carl is staring.

Carl frowns, as his stomach leaps again.  He knows Deon wants to cuckold him by the man’s jutting chin, squint, and hard smile.  He glances at Julie to see her staring at Deon with a soft expression and smiling.

“Maybe he isn’t happy,” Carl said.  “Maybe he’s a victim of a shitty wife.”

Carl glares at Julie who ignores him and never takes her eyes off Deon.  The barman laughs loudly, which makes Carl look away because his stomach roils again.

“Didn’t you see his boner, man?” Deon asks with a raised eyebrow. “A cuckold always has a boner when his woman is with another man.”

Carl guffaws.  “That, or a Berretta,” he said coldly staring at Deon.  “I know what I’d have.”

Deon’s smile vanishes and he shifts in his seat.  Julie, still ignoring Carl, asks, “Have you cuckolded many men, Deon?”

Julie,” Carl said, hitting his hand on his thigh.

Deon nods. “Yes.”

The black man’s eyes never leave Carl’s, making him turn away.

“What do you get out of it, aside from the obvious?” Julie asks.

“A combination of things,” Deon said and sips his drink.  “I get paid, of course.  However, I do like making a woman feel the kind of pleasure she has never enjoyed with her husband.  To make her feel like a ‘real woman’ for the first time in her life, while her poor husband has his masculinity taken from him before his eyes”

“No husband would sit by and let you do that,” Carl said with a sneer.

Deon shrugs.  “You just saw it, yet you can’t believe it,” he said.

“He did look excited,” Julie said.  “Do cuckolds always get so aroused?”

“Yes, the more you cuckold them,” Deon said calmly, “the more excited they get.  It’s how we know who’s a cuckold and who’s not. “


Deon sits forward with his arms on the table. “Well, if one of us is with a couple for the first time and the husband gets aroused by seeing his wife with a real man, then we know he’s a cuckold.”

Carl shifts in his chair as he senses Deon gazing at his crotch.  Sorry, no boner here, fuckwit, Carl thought.  I guess your theory is fucking crap.

“So if the husband gets an erection then, you think it means he’s a cuckold?” Julie asks Deon.

Deon nods.  “Well, put it this way, if the husband we just saw didn’t want his wife to fuck other men,” he said, “he wouldn’t be following like a tame puppy dog, would he?”

“I guess not,” Julie said, then peering at Carl.  “You’re quiet, darling.”

“Maybe your husband’s afraid he’s a cuckold,” Deon said with an insolent smile.

Carl laughs coldly.  “I doubt it,” he said.  “You been talking about if for at least fifteen minutes now and I still don’t have a boner.”

“Sometimes talking about it isn’t enough,” Deon said waving his hand.  “You need to put yourself through it to see if a cuckold lurks deep with your psyche, man.”

“I don’t think Julie would be into it,” Carl said glancing at her.  “She’s a good Christian woman.”

“Yes I would,” Julie said.  “You brought us here, Carl, so you should do this.  Maybe you chose this place because subconsciously this is what you want.”

“Let’s go back to your apartment and discuss it,” Deon said standing.

For a few moments, Julie and Carl stare at each other.  Carl knows he should end this, however, there’s something about Julie’s interest intriguing him.  Yes, he did choose this place and he does sometimes wonder about her fucking another man.

“Are you willing to test yourself, Carl?” Deon asks with a steady gaze.

Carl remains silent, just staring at his wife glumly.

“I’m up for it if Carl is,” Julie said.

Carl watches how she flicks her hair back, and her skin glows as perspiration gathers on her face.  He’s seen it before.  I’m not aroused by this, but she definitely has a lady-boner for it, he thought, and sighs.  Can I really let her fuck this man?  Can I go through with this?

“OK,” he said softly, “but I’m not aroused by this, nor do I want to see Julie fucking you.”

“We’ll see,” Deon said and takes Julie’s hand and pulls her to her feet.

She giggles excitedly, and Carl grabs his beer and follows them back to their apartment.  His stomach pains him again and he winces.  Fucking shrimp cocktail, he thought glumly.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.