The Variant

The day seemed dark.  Black/gray clouds hovered over the street, and the frigid wind blew, carrying spits of rain.  Ronny Evans stands watching through his living room window as soldiers dressed in green biohazard gear unload a truck with supplies.  They’re stopping at each house and dropping several boxes on their doorstep.  The amount depends on how many people live in the house.  Soldiers take the boxes to the front door, and once the truck has left the street, the residents can open their doors and retrieve the supplies.

It’s been this way for a month, ever since the Governor announced the state’s in lockdown due to a new variant of COVID-19.  Each day they hope to hear the news a vaccine is imminent.  Its strain is so infectious that people cannot even leave their houses whatsoever.  There isn’t any live TV apart from the News, and programming repeats movies and series from before the lockdown.  Even the ‘Evening News’ has its reporters at home on zoom or skype.  Not that there’s much to report other than what the government tells them to say.

After the truck leaves, Ronny is about to go bring in their supplies when he suddenly sees a black man strolling along the pavement without a care in the world.  Ronny presses his face to the glass, a shudder of fear running through his body.  The black man turns and sees the gaping white face staring at him and smiles.  He then points to his groin, and Ronny now sees a big black cock sticking out as hard as can be.  The cock is huge, a good ten inches.  The man points to his cock, then at Ronny, and laughs.  Then he blows Ronny a kiss and keeps walking.

“What the fuck?” Ronny mumbles.  “It seems not even a deadly virus can keep the perverts at home.”

Suddenly a voice said, “What ya looking at, Dawg?”

Ronny jumps then turns to see Caleb King.  Caleb’s nineteen, at Brown University on a football scholarship, he’s an offensive guard, and a big man at six foot nine built like a tank.  They have another border, Tyler Banks, who’s studying law, also nineteen, six foot two, and trustworthy as they come.  He seems extremely popular with the girls on campus, while Caleb seems shy about dating and hangs out more with his male friends.

Ronny smirks.  “I just saw some guy walking down the street with his dick out,” he said.

Caleb frowns.  “What?  In front of the soldiers?”

“Nah, they’d just left.”

“Oh, so that means our food and mail is out there?” Caleb asks, and Ronny nods.  “OK, let’s go get it before some asshole steals it.  If I have to spend the next week eating nothing but fucking rice, I’ll lose my shit.” Caleb heads to the door.

“I’ll just call nine-one-one and let them know someone’s breaking quarantine.”

After the call, Ronny goes out to help and sees only one box left to retrieve.  “I’ll get it,” he said lightly and left the house, going to the box right on the edge of the porch.

He positions himself with his back to the street, bends, and picks the box up.  Suddenly there’s a wailing yell.


Ronny turns his head just in time to see a dark figure collide with him, knocking him down the steps of the porch and rolling onto his back on the path below.  He hit his head hard and passed out for a moment.  As he comes back into consciousness, he feels something hard and wet in his mouth, sliding in and out.

A deranged voice is shouting, “C’mon, sissy, suck my cock, you bitch.”

Ronny opens his eyes and, for the first time, sees that same black man he saw earlier shoving that huge cock into his mouth.  Before he can even react, Caleb jumps off the steps and tackles the stranger away.  For a moment, as Caleb’s body pushes the stranger, the ten-inch cock goes balls deep into Ronny’s mouth and throat and then pulls free as the man falls away.  Ronny once gets to his feet, coughing and gagging but stumbles up the porch and into Tyler’s arms.

“What the fuck is going on, Ronny?” Tyler asks, watching Caleb wrestle with the stranger.

Ronny points back at the two now on the lawn.  “That man tried to attack me,” he gasped.

Tyler let go and moved to help Caleb.  Ronny stumbled into the house to his wife Pam, who hugged him.  “Are you OK?” she asks with a deep frown.

He coughs.  “Yeah, I’ll live.”

They turn to see the stranger get to his feet after taking several nasty blows and kicks from the two boys running up the street to the west.  The boys watch for a minute, then return to the porch collecting the last box and bringing it inside.  Tyler shuts and locks the door.

“What the fuck was that asshole doing to you, Ronny,” Tyler asks with a frown.

Ronny coughs again.  “He was, err, trying to stick his cock in my mouth,” he said, lying.  “Tried to choke me to make me open up.”

“Was it the same guy you saw before?” Caleb asks.

“What guy?” Pam asks, staring at Ronny with narrow eyes.

“Oh, I saw him outside before the attack, but I called the cops.”

Just on cue, a police car whizzes by with lights flashing but no sirens.

“Shiite, this world is going crazy,” Caleb said, shaking his head.  “But don’t worry, Ronny, we got your back.”

“Should we report it?” Pam asks, glancing between the three men.  “He might’ve been infected?”

Tyler shrugs.  “I guess we should.”

Pam grabs her phone and calls a special hotline.  After speaking to them for several minutes, she ends the call.

“What’s the verdict?” Ronny asks and grimaces.

“They said they’ll send someone to swab us all, but it might be over a week.”

“A week?” Caleb groans.  “We might all have COVID by then.”

Tyler chuckles.  “Guess they won’t need to swab us if that’s the case.”

“Don’t worry,” Pam said, smiling as the tension eased.  “I have plenty of cough syrup for everyone.”

“Good old Mrs. E. to the rescue,” Tyler said and laughed.  “OK, let’s put these supplies away.”

“We better go wash our hands first and change our clothes,” Pam said in a motherly tone.  “I don’t wanna take any chances.”

As they all hurry upstairs to the various bathrooms, Ronny thought, ‘I wonder if COVID can be transmitted cock to mouthI better gargle some mouthwash tooDamn, I can still taste it.’


About a week later, Pam is standing in the hallway when Ronny leaves his office, hands-on-hips and holding a pair of red panties in her hand.  Pam is beautiful, with luscious big breasts, a curvy figure without fat, and beautiful blue eyes framed by her long blonde hair.  A deep frown darkens her pretty face, yet Ronny can’t help feeling his loins stir at the sight of her.

“Look what I found in Tyler’s bedroom this morning,” Pam said with a scowl.

“Err,” Ronny mumbles, staring at the panties with a frown.  “Maybe he had a girl up there?”

“We’ve been in quarantine for over a month, Ronny.”  Pam sighs and rolls her eyes when her husband’s blank look doesn’t change.  “They’re mine, idiot,” she said coldly.  “He stole them out of the hamper in our bedroom.  I want you to talk to him about it.”

‘Fuck,’ Ronny thought with a shiver, ‘I don’t wanna talk to him about that.’  He nods, and she turns and goes downstairs.  Ronny watches her jean-clad butt wobble as she moves down the stairs licking his lips.  His wife is gorgeous.  However, their sex life has been intermittent for a long time now.  It’s been a few months since he last felt her respond to him romantically since his dick slid between her thighs into her delicious honeypot.  They sleep in the same bed, yet each time he reaches for her lately, she turns her back, saying she isn’t in the mood for it.  He figures it’s the pandemic.  Everyone is uptight about it.

Tyler’s playing music in his room, probably studying, and Ronny doesn’t want to disturb him.  Soon enough, it’s dinner, Tyler joins everyone else, yet despite his wife’s pointed glares and awkward silence, Ronny feels reluctant to raise the subject.  He imagines the teen has been sniffing his wife’s panties because he’s most likely sexually frustrated.  No sex in six weeks would be hard for a horny young man.  Ronny had been horny as hell at Tyler’s age and had done the same thing with his mom’s and sister’s panties.  He even liked wearing them.  However, he had been more careful than Tyler, so they never caught him.

He still remembers the heady musk activated by warmth and saliva, stuffing them into his mouth as he furiously beat his tiny dick.  The neglected husband wonders if he should try it himself.  Indeed, Pam’s willingness to have sex with him stopped some time ago, and he has to jerk off anyway.

Despite Pam’s glares, Ronny said nothing to Tyler at dinner, and later that night in bed, his wife turned her back on him yet again because of it.


Two days later, she tells Ronny their border has been in the clothes hamper and stolen another pair of her dirty panties.

“Stealing my panties is disgusting,” Pam said, shaking her head, making her soft blonde hair float.  “You must tell him to stop.”

Again, Ronny nods, yet he does not follow through.  The embarrassed man assumes it’ll pass, that his horny border will find something else to whack off to eventually.  ‘It’s just the pandemic,’ Ronny thought.  ‘He’s probably sick of jerking off to Pornhub.  Rocking the boat might cause more trouble than it’s worth.  Making a big deal about it might have a negative effect, and we’re all stuck in here for months to come.’

The next evening Pam barges into Ronny’s office in a fit.  “I caught him doing it,” she said, her hands on her hips and a sneer on her face.

“Doing what?” Ronny asks, head still full of web design.

“I go into his room to take some clean clothes in,” she said.  “I thought he was outside in the backyard exercising, but no, there he was sitting on his bed with my panties wrapped around his … his thingy.”

Ronny’s eyes bulge.  “No?”

“Yes,” she said with a sharp nod.  “Tyler was jerking-off into my panties while holding the gussets of another pair to his nose.”

Ronny suddenly laughs.

“It’s not funny,” Pam said, shaking her head vigorously.  “I think our border is a pervert.”

“What did you do?”

“Well, nothing.  I was too shocked.  I just stared at Tyler like an idiot.”

“What did he do?” Ronny asks with a smirk, imagining Tyler’s embarrassed panic at having Pam catch him in the act.

“The asshole just kept going with me standing there,” Pam said, eyes bulging.  “He showed no shame whatsoever.  He just kept jerking off into my panties.  Staring at me.”

Ronny is speechless.  The fact Tyler kept jerking off while Pam watched is shocking.  ‘A normal kid would’ve died of embarrassment if caught doing that,’ he thought.  ‘Not just kept going and showing off.’

“Then what?” Ronny hears himself ask.

Pam swallows hard.  “He grunted and came in them.  Then he wads them and throws them at me,” Pam said.  “I caught them and felt the wetness in my hand.”


She nods.  “Yes, Tyler’s semen,” she said with a shiver.  “Then he winked and said, ‘Thanks, Mrs. E,’ before he pulls his trousers up.  I couldn’t believe it, and I just left and put them in the wash.”

“Oh my God,” Ronny groans.

“You have to tell him off,” Pam said, her face flushing with heat.  “I feel shaky and almost violated.  Please, Ronny, go up there now and tear him a new asshole for being such a pervert.”

Again, Ronny nods.  He knows he should do as she says.  So, he leaves his office and peers through the open door into Tyler’s room, and sees him sitting at his computer studying.  Ronny can’t believe his border has done what Pam said.  ‘No, surely not,’ he thought, ‘not TylerPam’s just messing with my head with this shitTyler is a good kid from a religious family.  He knows the difference between right and wrong.’  Therefore, Ronny goes past Tyler’s room and into the master bedroom.  Pam ignores him for the rest of the night.  The man’s puzzled at himself for not telling Tyler off.  While the panty stealing is awkward, Tyler’s potential reaction makes his stomach churn.  ‘Why am I afraid of Tyler,’ he wonders.  ‘What kind of man am I?


A few days later, as Ronny and Pam are heading to bed after spending the evening watching some Netflix, they find Tyler sitting on the stairs.

“Something wrong, Tyler?” Ronny asks.

“I can’t sleep,” Tyler said with a flat tone.  “I don’t feel right.”

His eyes are red, and there’s a distinct flush to his dark skin.

“Are you feeling sick?”

“I need Pam’s panties,” Tyler said harshly.  “Hand them over.”

Pam gasps.  She peers at her husband, who’s grimacing.  It seems so unlike Tyler, the sweet boy they knew before the lockdown.

“I can’t find any panties, and I need them,” Tyler shouts.

Sweat is breaking out on his skin.  His nostrils are flaring as the black man breathes heavily.

“I hid them,” Pam said softly, backing away.  “What would your sweet momma Jane say about her boy doing such a thing.”


Well?  Aren’t you gonna do anything?” she asks her husband.

Ronny stands frozen, his mouth agape at the audacity of Tyler’s actions.

“I married a wimp,” Pam said, scolding Ronny.  “Tyler is more of a man than you, even if he is fucking crazy right now.”

She slides her hands beneath the hem of her black dress, hooks the sides of her panties with each thumb, and slowly slides them down.  Lifting one foot, then the other, she lifts her panties clear of her body.  Pam dangles a skimpy and lacy G-string in the air.  Tyler steps forward, grabs them, and positions the gussets over his nose before giving it a big sniff.  Almost at once, the black teen’s sweatpants start tenting as his excitement grows, and they stare wide-eyed at how big it is.

The teen turns and climbs the stairs back to his room.


Ronny is pale and shaking.  The man seemed like a wild animal the way he demanded the panties.  As Tyler leaves, Pam gives her husband a scornful glare.

“Do you think he’s sick with this COVID?” Ronny asks, fidgeting.

“I never heard of a virus doing that,” Pam said coldly.  “And you weren’t brave enough to stop him either.”

Pam goes back into the living room and pours herself a gin and tonic from the drinks cabinet.  Ronny pours himself a drink and joins her on the sofa, and they stare at the wall, shaking.  Strangely, he becomes aware his dick is erect.  ‘Does this turn me on,’ he wonders, ‘my wife just handing over her dirty panties to Tyler?’  Pam glances at his groin and smirks.

“I can see one significant difference between you and him,” she said brazenly.

“What?” Ronny asks, turning to her.

“Your dick is small.  He’s much bigger than you.”

“I’m not that small.”

“Yes, you are,” Pam said and laughed coldly.  “You have a tiny dick.”

“Oh, shut up.  We have bigger problems than this old argument.”

There’s a tense silence.  “Has Caleb been acting strange too?” he asks.

“I haven’t noticed anything,” Pam said with a shrug.  “Have you?”

“He has been looking at me a bit funny, but apart from that, he’s been keeping to himself.”

Pam sighs.  “Those testers should’ve been here by now.  It’s been two weeks since that man attacked you.  I’ll give them a call tomorrow to see if Tyler’s behavior means anything.”

“Good idea.”

They watch some TV so their nerves can settle, and Pam falls asleep on the couch.  Ronny turns off the TV, lays a blanket over her, and goes to bed, closing the door after him.  As he passes Tyler’s room, he sees the teen is also asleep, with Pam’s panties still sitting on his crotch.  ‘When did this all become so weird,’ he wonders?  Even flaccid Tyler’s cock is long and thick, and his hairy balls are plentiful too.  It’s circumcised, and the big head is dripping traces of semen still.  ‘Tyler’s packing more than me, that’s for sureShe’s right about that.’  With a sigh, Ronny goes to bed.


The master bedroom faces the backyard, and Ronny gazes through the drapes to see if anyone’s in the yard who shouldn’t be there.  The outside light lights the backyard, and at first, he groans, thinking he’ll have to go downstairs to turn it off.  Then he sees Caleb leaning against their trampoline, smoking a joint.  The fact the black teen even has weed isn’t the thing that makes Ronny gasp.  The man is naked.

Ronny’s breath, already ragged, catches in his throat, and he hears a low growl coming from inside of him.  Caleb is horse-hung.  His muscled body perfectly proportioned but for the noticeably oversized, magnificent black cock and the low-hanging balls, giving him almost a primeval aspect reminiscent of fertility rites.  The college student’s gazing into the night, and it seems like he’s staring at where Ronny stands at his window.  ‘Surely, he can’t see me here,’ Ronny wonders, but it certainly seems he could.  Not just see him but see through him.  Ronny can almost hear jungle drums in the background marking the exotic and erotic intrusion of the naked man standing in his yard.

Ronny gives a little cry as he suddenly ejaculates inside his pants.  He draws away from the window but can’t bring himself to stop watching.  The man withdraws only enough, so there’s no way Caleb can see him, but Ronny can still see the naked man smoking his joint.  The young black man is masturbating his huge cock with one hand while he smokes.  Ronny unzips his fly and pulls his dick out as well.  It’s a sticky mess, but that doesn’t prevent him from stroking as he watches Caleb jerking off.  The white man watches the black man pump his massive cock, the thick veiny shaft, and the purplish head dripping pre-cum.  Ronny’s mesmerized, and he can’t understand it.

I’m not a fag,’ he thought repeatedly.

Yet he continues to stroke his tiny dick as he watches the beastly black man.  Eventually, Caleb flicks the stub of his joint into the yard and starts jerking off harder.  Then Ronny sees the teen boy stiffen, and big ropes of white semen start shooting out over the grass.

As if Caleb’s orgasm’s wired into Ronny, the white man starts ejaculating again onto his bedroom carpet.  He grunts and falls to his knees as the powerful climax washes over him.  When the powerful tides of orgasm recede, Ronny opens his eyes and sees Caleb below smiling up at him.

Then the student blew him a kiss and started walking toward the back door with his tremendous cock flapping.  Ronny gets to his feet and flees the room, seeking out the ensuite bathroom, and barely makes it in time before he ejaculates a third time into the toilet bowl.

Ah … Argh—” Ronny moans as he shoots a small load.  The man leans on the wall with one hand over the toilet bowl, breathing heavily.  “What the fuck is wrong with me?” he whispers.  Ronny’s throat is ticklish.  He feels hot and achy all over.  “Oh, God, am I infected?  Is this virus fucking me up?  Fucking everyone up in the house?  Jesus, help me.”

Ronny can’t punish himself any further.  He strips, tosses his clothes in the hamper to wash early the following day in considerable embarrassment, showers, goes to bed naked, and masturbates to another ejaculation.  Simultaneously, visions of Caleb’s erect cock and the clenching muscles of his buttocks play over and over again in his head.

Oh, God, help me,” he mumbles as he falls asleep at last.


Ronny … RONNY—”

The harsh sounds and gentle slapping across his face bring the man out of his fitful sleep, and he sees Pam standing over him with a deep frown.  He sees her hand rising to slap him again and hits it away.

“Alright Alright, I’m awake, dammit,” Ronny says, gruffly sitting up and seeing it’s nearly ten.  He wipes his eyes and stares at Pam, still wearing the clothes she had on last night.  “What’s the emergency,” he asks gruffly.

“I called the Pandemic hotline when I woke up not long ago,” she said quickly, her face pinched.

“Yeah, did they say why they hadn’t come to test us?”

“No one’s coming to test us now because they consider us infected.”

Ronny gasps.  “WHAT?

“That man who attacked you was infected,” Pam said, shaking her head.  “The nurse I spoke to told me Tyler’s symptoms were coming from the virus.”

“How the fuck can a virus turn a nice Christian boy into a pervert?” Ronny asks, wide-eyed and trembling.

“It’s the new variant.”

Ronny gasps, shaking his head.  “That’s fucking stupid,” he shouts.  “It’s a fucking virus.”

With that, he throws himself down on the bed in a huff.

Pam sits on the bed and bends to put her head in her hands.  She’s crying.  “I don’t know.  They wouldn’t tell me why the new strain is doing this to Tyler.  They just said it seems to be having a strange effect on some men.”

There’s silence except for the heavy breathing of anxious people.

Pam turns to her husband with red eyes and asks, “What about Caleb?  Have you seen any strange behavior from him?”

Ronny swallows loudly.  ‘I sure have,’ he thought with a shiver.  “Um, no, not really,” he lied.

“How about you?  Anything weird happening to you?”

Ronny turns away.  “No, apart from feeling like I’m getting the flu, I’m otherwise fine.  Did the hotline say these strange behaviors only occur in men?”

“Yes,” Pam said, quickly turning away to avoid Ronny’s eyes.

“So, what now?”

Pam stands and goes to the window, the same one Ronny used to watch Caleb jerk off last night.  Her foot stops right on the very spot his semen landed on the carpet.

“They said they’ll start dropping off some medication for us to take,” she said softly.  She’s staring into the backyard at Tyler, working out his muscular body and feeling her juices flow.  “They’re antivirals.  The pills will reduce the effects of the virus.”

“How long is this going to last?” Ronny asks.

“They said it could take months for everyone to get back to normal.”

Ronny can feel himself trembling.  His heart is racing.  Regardless of wanting to flee the house, he knows he’s stuck here for the near future with some weird change taking over everyone except Pam.

She suddenly turns to her husband with a stern face.  “I think it might be best if you sleep in your office until this is over,” she said coldly.  “You can use the sofa bed.”

Ronny sits up again, wide-eyed and blinking rapidly.  “But, honey, if the boys are gonna get weird, then who’ll be here to protect you if Tyler decides your panties aren’t enough anymore.  If he decides he wants the source of those aromas wrapped around his cock?”

Pam points to the door.  “I have a lock downstairs.  I want you to put it on the door today to lock myself inside at night.  That way, I’ll be safe from what the virus does to you three.”

Ronny falls to the bed again with a loud sigh.  “God, this is so fucked up,” he groans.

“Yeah,” Pam agrees.  “Tell me about it.”


This is a free sample of this story. Purchase this eBook today to read the whole story.


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