“Um, oh y-yes. Dog’s are v-very beautiful animals,” Jessica stammers as she feels her cunt swell and throb. She tries to turn around and continue the tax audit she is giving the kennel owner. However, the sight of the shepherd’s sleek, sturdy body made her brown, hard nipples itch around the tips and her furry pussy generate more and more heat.
“They’re my only income, and as you can see, I’m not doing all that well,” the owner said, apparently trying to score a crucial financial point.
Jessica smiles as she realizes what the owner is trying to do. It’s common for the audited to pretend they’re poor in front of her. However, Jessica just snorts derisively, she’s been working as a tax auditor for the Internal Revenue Service too long for that.
“Well, I can’t really be sure about this, Mr. Hughes,” Jessica said coolly as she brushes back her long blonde hair and tries to ignore the hot flashes of lust that tore through her spasming, juicing cunt. Her clit quivers each time that big shepherd barks and howls at her. Jessica wonders if the animal had picked up the scent of her vaporizing pussy-juice.
“I’m sorry I even started this business. I can’t make anybody board dogs here, and God only knows how many owners just leave them here. I’m stuck with them, and then I have to try to sell the blasted things,” he retorted.
“Mr. Hughes, the IRS can’t. . .” Jessica began, then sighs deeply and laid down her pencil. She watches the kennel owner pace and for the first time notices how handsome, he is. His coal-black wavy hair hung down to his shoulders, accenting his deep blue eyes that sparkled now with anger and frustration. Jessica crosses her legs and squeezes her thighs tightly together, rubbing the hot, fat, slippery edges of her pussy lips together as she shifts her eyes down the owner’s powerful chest to his crotch. As she feels her nipples scratch angrily against the stiff material of her bra, Jessica wonders what kind of cock the owner of a dog kennel has.
“I’m sorry I got into this business,” he said again, running forward and slamming his fists against the top of the desk.
“Oh,” Jessica moans in surprise as she jumps up and backs away.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” he said a little sheepishly and apologetically after he realizes Jessica thought he was going to hit her. “Look, no hard feelings, OK?”
“Mr. Hughes, I… I…” she stammers.
“Just call me Derek,” the man said calmly as he narrows his eyes and focuses them on her big breasts.
“Uh… Derek. Maybe I’d better come back another day when you’re not so, uh, upset,” Jessica said unevenly as she starts to put her papers back into her briefcase.
“I guess that might be a good idea. I’ve been so damned edgy today, what with you auditing my books and the business going sour all of a sudden. Maybe tomorrow or something,” Derek suggests as he continues to stare at her big breasts.
“I’ll call you from my office later this afternoon,” Jessica said as she tries to ignore his stare. However, the woman frankly enjoys the idea that she’s making Derek Hughes’ cock get hard and hot. Her pussy fires up like a blast furnace when Jessica thought of the kennel owner’s cum boiling and splashing in his dense, hanging balls. Perspiration runs from her eyebrows as she feels a series of contractions ripple across her hot, slick cuntal walls. Suddenly his cell phone beeps, and he takes it out of his pocket and stares at the screen.
“Damn, they can’t ship my dry feed today, if I want it, I’ll have to go get it,” Derek said and sneers. Then staring at Jessica, he said, “I’d really like you to get this done today. Do you mind if I leave you here alone while I head across town to get this dog food? You don’t have to answer the phone or anything, and I’ll put the closed sign on the door.”
“Ah… I guess it’s OK,” she said.
“Thanks, I’ll be back soon,” he said as he flashes a broad smile while he heads toward the front door.
“I’ll be here,” Jessica said, then shifts her eyes to the right and glances at the panting German shepherd.
She closes her eyes and tries to fight down the growing desire gripping her beating clit. Why not, she thought. The sooner you get this over with, the better.
“Be back in a few minutes,” Derek said as he runs out the front door of the office and heads to his car.
Jessica goes to the window and watches as the red van disappears around the corner. She knows he’ll be gone at least thirty minutes, enough time for her and the shepherd to fuck and clean up.
Oh, God, why do I do it, Jessica wonders as she flips the lock shut on the front door then leans against it, staring at the barking animal. Involuntarily, she cups her slender fingers around her right breast, squeezing it hard as she stares at the shepherd’s jouncing, furry cock-sheath.
“Ummmmm,” Jessica groans as she closes her eyes and feels a responding quiver tear through her cunt.
It had all started as a joke in college. Jessica and a roommate had borrowed her brother’s Irish setter, supposedly for protection when many rapes were going on around their neighborhood. One night they decided to ‘goof around’ and pose naked with the animal. One thing led to another, and Jessica soon discovered her roommate Alexis had other plans in mind for the setter. At first, she thought her friend was sick. However, when she watched the girl suck the dog’s cock, Jessica felt her cunt fire and juice away. It wasn’t too long before the two girls had strapped on the dog. All night long, they fucked and sucked the dog until covered with sticky doggie cum the next morning. From that time on, Jessica always feels her pussy grow hot and mushy whenever a big dog comes near her. She tries to fight the steamy feeling that still grips her clit and nipples when a dog grabs her this way. The blonde fails.
Something is exciting and loving in the soft brown eyes of the dark German shepherd breaking down Jessica’s resistance. The woman opens her eyes and drops her hand to her side.
“Oh, boy, not again? One of these days the person I’m auditing will catch me with their pet and then there’ll be hell to pay,” she said as she ambles toward the barking animal.
The dog seems to guess what’s on her mind. Thor whines and whimpers excitedly, jumping against the thick iron bars of its cage as its cock slowly growing stiff and sliding out of its gray, furry sheath. Jessica feels her cuntal walls rumble and quake with each step she takes toward the barking German shepherd and rivulets of hot, sticky pussy-juice trickles through the matted, wiry hairs of her pussy as she draws closer to the cage.
“Ummmmm, so your name’s Thor, eh?” Jessica said as she stops only a few inches from the shepherd’s pointed muzzle.
The animal’s name printed on a small white cardboard card tacked on the top of the cage.
“Well, let’s see if your cock measures up to your name,” she whispers reaching in and stroking the dog’s muscular, hot belly. “Easy, boy, easy,” Jessica coos as her hand slides along the animal’s furry belly.
Eventually, it reaches the base of the shepherd’s fully unsheathed cock. At the same time, Jessica moves her left hand to her breasts again and squeezes the big orbs hard, trying to relieve the growing ache gripping her brown, erect half-inch-long nipples.
“Mmmmm,” the woman groans as she slides her right forefinger along the smooth, knobby underside of Thor’s jerking dick. “Ooh, that’s gonna feel real good inside my pussy. Yes, boy, that’s gonna feel real good.”
Slowly the woman steps back and stares at Thor. God, she’s never wanted a cock as badly as she wants this one. Jessica starts unzipping her dress from behind, thinking about how the shepherd’s hot, furry belly will feel humping hard against her sweaty back.
“Oooo, I can’t wait,” she moans as her dress floats to the floor and a sudden blast of cool air blows under her panties and into her spasming crotch. “Ooh,” Jessica moans again as she moves her right hand across her panting belly to the top of her sheer black silk panties. Jessica spread her legs widely apart, feeling the soft material of her briefs clinging to her drenched pubic hairs as she moves fingers under the tight elastic waistband.
“OH GAWD,” the woman moans as she plows her fingers through the thickly matted wet pubic hairs. She slides them down until they run lightly over her trembling pussy lips. Slowly, Jessica separates the fat hot labia with her fingers and gropes for her aching clitoris.
“AAAAAHHHHHH,” she cries, running her fingers gently over the tiny throbbing organ as she opens her eyes again and stares at the quivering German shepherd. “You want this, boy?” Jessica asks as she pulls her hand away from her steamy pussy and holds it up for Kings sniffing nose. She watches as the dog licks her juice-saturated fingers hungrily.
“Ooh, that’s what I want you to do with my pussy,” Jessica groans as she steps back again and unfastens her bra. “Mmmmm,” she moans as her big breasts slap noisily against her chest.
Jessica starts to rotate her hips clockwise, rubbing her puffy reddened outer labia together as she drives her thumbs under the waistband of her panties and pushes them down over her hips. She’s a firm-assed, big breasted blonde who has a good head on her shoulders and a clit that never seems to stop swelling and throbbing. Jessica’s been with the IRS for over five years and has risen from the position of data entry to field auditor. God only knows how many weird fucks she’s had during her stint as a field auditor. However, this one she’s going to enjoy.
“Ooh,” Jessica groans as she slides her sticky, wet panties down to the floor and kicks them in the corner. “OK, boy, now’s the time to see if you can do your stuff,” she said as she unfastens the lock on Thor’s cage. “OOMPH,” Jessica groans as the door springs open and Thor leaps out of his cage.
The animal prances around her trembling legs excitedly, lapping at the rivulets of cunt juice trickling out of her spasming pussy and running down her inner thighs. “We’ve got to be more careful,” Jessica said noticing anybody from the street could see them. “Here, boy, here,” Jessica calls as she runs behind Derek’s big wooden desk and sits on the floor, throwing up her legs.
She wants that shepherd’s knotty cock jammed up her cunt. Thor follows her and stops a few feet away from her upturned, trembling ass. The dog cocks its head to one side, waiting for the next command. Jessica gazes between her shaking legs and sees the shepherd is licking its chops hungrily, apparently waiting for her to give permission to proceed for some serious pussy licking.
“Here, boy, here,” Jessica whispers excitedly, moving her right hand around her thighs and over to her exposed pussy lips.
She rubs her fingers gently across the sensitive, reddened membranes; feeling responding ripples of pleasure grip her pussy. The dog understands and leaps forward, pushing its cold snout against her crotch to sniff her flowing juices.
“OH—MY—GOD,” Jessica cries as she feels her nipples tighten and twitch on the tips of her breasts.
The shepherd sniffs, and then whines, the dog is hesitating. Jessica clenches her teeth tightly together in sexual frustration and strokes his head, coaxing Thor forward while she grinds her pussy lips in the dogs face. The shepherd pushes forward again, licking her pussy hungrily this time.
Jessica had almost forgotten how good it was to feel a long, sandy dog’s tongue sloshing in, out, and around her pussy. It’s the best feeling in the world. She whimpers uncontrollably as she feels Thor’s long tongue slide between her puffy pussy lips and sloshes across her jerking clit. The dog lapped up her oozing juices as fast as they burst out of her steaming cunt. Jessica feels the animal’s tongue slide inch by inch further into her pussy until she thought it would come out of her navel. Her body bucks with excitement as she feels Thor’s hot, wet tongue slide over and over the tiny, twitching organ that seems to threaten to tear loose.
“DO IT—DO IT, DOGGIE—OMIGOD—THAT FEELS SO GOOD,” Jessica squeals, wrapping her trembling legs tightly around the dog’s head.
She wants to cum this way. The aroused blonde wants to feel her hot cunt blow apart with explosions of orgasm as Thor’s tongue slips in and out of her belly.
“Ooh, Thor—Oh, God, yes—yes,” Jessica whispers huskily as she feels herself jetting fast toward climax.
The shepherd whines noisily, and she knows it wants something else.
“Oh, not yet, not so fast, boy, I’m gonna have some fun with you for a while,” Jessica groans, forgetting Derek will be coming back at some point. “Oh, lick my clit again—LICK MY CLIT.”
Jessica squeals as she digs her head into the floor and arched her back, heaving her thighs high into the air and impaling her hot, wet sloppy pussy on the German shepherds probing nose. Suddenly, Jessica feels the familiar tightening grow stronger deep in her heaving belly. She knows her cunt is about to blow apart. The shepherd seems to sense it too, and it begins to lick more furiously, sloshing its tongue sloppily in and out of the woman’s steamy cunt. The dog slides its tongue across her trembling ass cheeks occasionally, poking its pointed tip into her anus. Then Thor draws the pink probe back across her bouncing cheeks, jamming its hot sandy surface back into the woman’s sucking cunt.
“ARRRGGHHH—UNNGGHHH,” Jessica moans, throwing out her arms and digging her fingernails into the wooden floor as she feels her cunt tightening more with each doggie lick.
The veins stand out on her neck, and she thinks her nipples might rip off her breasts.
“FASTER—FASTER—FASTER,” Jessica demanded as she tightens her legs around the shepherd’s body.
The screaming woman hunched her exploding cunt hard against Thor’s snout as she feels the first wave of orgasmic spasms shooting wildly from her belly toward her blood-engorged clit.
“OOH—GOD—NOOOOOOOO—NOOOOOOO—WOW,” Jessica shouts as she clenches her fingers tightly together and beat her fists wildly against the floor. “OH—FUCK—DO IT, KING—OH, FUCKIN’ SHIT—C’MON, KING—FASTER—OH, SHIT—WAAAAAAAA!”
The cumming woman drives her fingers now deep into the animals panting sides as she feels her belly explodes into bolts of pleasure racking her pussy and asshole. She bucks and thrashes on the floor as she throws her spasming pussy on the dog’s face. The woman’s smooth white ass slides easily across the wooden floor of the kennel office, slipping on a thick layer of juice and sweat while the shepherd growls with satisfaction at its accomplishment.
“Ooh…Omigod, yes,” Jessica groans softly as the last rumbling contraction swept over her slackening pussy. “Oh good boy, good boy,” she groans as she extends her arms toward Thor. She wants to cuddle his big, furry head against her breasts. “Oooooo…” Jessica moans as the big shepherd jumps forward and starts licking frenziedly at her still-stiff nipples. “Mmmm, you still wanna fuck this old girl, don’t you?”
Jessica giggles softly as she feels her cunt fire up again. Even though she’s come seconds before, Jessica is ready to go again. A lick job might be fun, but it’s no substitution for a good, old-fashioned fuck, she thought
“Easy, easy,” Jessica said, laughing now as she reaches between her legs and fondles the dog’s head with her fingers.
Thor pants and barks several times. Jessica realizes the dog doesn’t want to wait any longer.
“OK, Thor. You’re gonna fuck me right now. I want your fuckin’ cock up my pussy, right now,” she said huskily as she pushes him gently away. Jessica rolls over and gets into the bitch-dog crouching position—aka doggy style.
“Now, baby, now,” she said softly, wriggling her ass in the animal’s face like a banner. “Now, fuck me now.”
She moans, feeling her nipples scrape against the wooden floor as she leans slightly forward and pushes her white, gleaming ass high in the air. Thor approaches her reddened, steaming cunt slowly. Jessica clenches her teeth tightly together and tries to keep from screaming with excitement as she feels the shepherd’s hot, wet breath blow against her stiff pubic hairs. She can feel every nerve ending in and around her aching pussy reaching out for Thor’s tongue, snout, and cock.
“Omigod, FUCK ME,” Jessica moans with desperation. “Fucking dog—FUCK ME!”
Thor takes the hint. The dog takes one more sniff of her pussy, then leans back and jumps.
“Ung,” Jessica grunts under the sudden weight of the big dog.
However, she soon forgets about how heavy Thor is when she feels his hot, slick cock sliding across her ass.
“Ahhhh—ram it inside me, Thor—Omigod, fill my cunt with your doggie cock,” Jessica moans.
Thor begins jabbing his hot, stiff cock against Jessica’s thighs, whining continually as she backs into the panting, barking dog. She bends her head and gazes between her swinging breasts to see his cock, long, red and knobby as it jerks back, then slams forward. Jessica licks her lower lip excitedly as she watches the animal’s hanging, furry balls swing forward with each thrust.
“FUCK—FUCK—FAAAAAAARK” she moans again, wiggling her ass back and forth.
Jessica continues to watch the animal’s cock and balls as he adjusted the position of his hind feet. His cock inched closer and closer to Jessica’s cunt. God, how much she wants that big blue-veined cock up her cunt.
“NOW—NOW,” the woman demands.
Thor senses her urgency and moves to one side slightly, dragging the pointed tip of his cock across her soft pubic hairs until it drops against the wet crack between puffy labia. Jessica feels Thor freeze for a second, catch his breath, and then lunge forward. She braces herself as her pussy lips spring open and let the big animal’s pointy cock crash into her cunt. Jessica screams like a crazy woman as Thor’s cock slides easily in and out of her cunt with an audible squishing sound. Jessica loves that sound. Even when she’s fucking men, one of the best parts of all her scenes is that sharp, squishy sound telling her an orgasm is just around the corner.
“YES, KING—OMIGOD—YES—YES,” Jessica moans loudly
She gazes between her hanging breasts again and sees the dogs’ thickly veined scarlet shaft each time it pulls the canine phallus out of her dripping pussy. The thick dog cock glistens under the overhead lights with layers of her hot juice. Thor’s leathery, furry balls swing wildly each time he heaved his muscular thighs against her smooth ass cheeks. Jessica squeezes her cuntal muscles together, trapping the shepherd’s cock inside her fuck-tunnel for a few seconds. Thor whines in surprise then growls, pushing down with forepaws against her humping back while he tries to pull free from the woman’s clenching cunt.
“That’s OK, boy. It’s OK,” Jessica said softly, releasing her cuntal grip on the dog’s cock.
Thor doesn’t seem to mind and plunges his doggie dick back into her cunt with renewed vigor. Jessica tries the same trick again, squeezing her Kegel’s together, sucking and tugging at Thor’s raging hot cock with her cuntal walls.
“NOW, KING—OH, GOOD BOY—I’M CUMMING—OMIGOD, I’M CUMMING,” Jessica shouts as her orgasm suddenly erupts.
Nevertheless, Thor shows no sign of letting up on her as he keeps jamming his hot cock into her spasming cunt. The German shepherd is driving its cock into her like a runaway engine piston. Jessica tries to hold herself back, but she feels her clit twitching uncontrollably, and there’s nothing she can do. She’s going to orgasm.
“ARRRGGHHH—WAAAA—NO, NOOOOOO,” Jessica moans as she wriggles her ass desperately under the dog’s furry belly.
The woman hopes the dog will take the hint she’s reaching her climax. Thor can’t be that stupid. The heat in her cunt has become intense and must be scorching the dogs’ pistoning cock by now.
“OH, HONEY—YES, NOW, KING,” Jessica squeals.
No man can make her feel like this. What’s gripping her vagina, nipples, and clit, is a thing more pleasurable than she dreams possible.
“Ahhhhhhhhh,” the woman shrieks as the first incredibly powerful contraction tears through her loins and grips her clit.
Jessica throws open her eyes in surprise as she thinks her body’s ripping apart. Everything around the cumming blonde fades as she soars through the air on a cloud of lightning, thunder, and sex.
“WAWWWHHH—NO—WAWWWHHHHH—ARRGHHHHHH,” Jessica screams as she squeezes the dog’s cock against her rumbling cuntal walls, then lets it slide out, only clutching the shaft more tightly as it shoots back in.
The cock is swelling, especially at the base. The knot is growing at a furious rate as the dog injects its semen into the orange-sized lump of canine flesh an inch from the bottom. Jessica grunts, her orgasm now driven on by the sudden stretching she feels and loves.
Kings thrusting becomes jerky and short as the knot makes it impossible to withdraw his cock from her cunt. Suddenly, Jessica feels Thor’s cock vibrate furiously inside her orgasming cunt. Searing dog cum spurts into her cunt all at once, splattering against her contracting flesh as a series of brain-searing contractions rips through her body. Jessica explodes into a breast-swelling climax, squealing and grunting with inexpressible delight as she feels the dog’s hot sticky stream of cum leak from between her red, puffy pussy lips and oozes down her leg to the cold wooden floor.
“Oooooo—oh—arhhhhhhhhhg,” Jessica moans as the spasms become less severe, then finally ripples away to nothing. She stays in the crouching position for a few more minutes, squeezing her cuntal muscles together to milk the last drops of hot cum from Thor’s softening cock. Then she collapses to her elbows, sliding forward and pulling her pussy free of the shepherd’s cock with a loud plop.
“Good boy, you made me happy,” she said after she caught her breath.
Jessica runs her fingers through Thor’s soft, thick fur. The dog licks lovingly at her face while it pushes its warm body gently against her hanging breasts. Jessica closes her eyes and enjoys the glow surrounding her sweaty body. She’s never felt more satisfied or happy in life and wishes she can sit on the floor (in the middle of puddles of sweat, cum and pussy juice) embracing this German shepherd until it gets another hard-on. Then they would fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck.
Suddenly Jessica remembered Derek Hughes.
“Omigod,” she moans as she stares at the wall clock.
Almost twenty minutes had gone by. The kennel owner is bound to come back any second, and there she is, naked and hot, with her arms wrapped around a panting German shepherd.
“C’mon, Thor, C’mon, boy, back inside the cage,” Jessica said desperately as she springs up from the floor and runs to the dog’s cage.
At first, Thor seems as if he were going to disobey her. It’s obvious the German shepherd wants more of her steamy pussy, and can’t understand why Jessica is trying to get rid of it. Eventually, the dog seems to know why she wants him behind those bars and jumps into his tiny compartment.
“Oh, I’m sorry, boy,” she said as she closes and locks the door. “But I don’t think Mr. Hughes will understand if he caught the two of us together.”
Jessica runs back to the desk and picks up her panties. “Ugh,” she grunts in disgust as she feels the cold, wet material slide up her legs.
Kings cum leaks from her pussy as Jessica flips her breasts back into the bra. The woman wishes she had time to clean up; only Derek will be back any minute.
Jessica just finishes zipping up her dress and unlocking the front door when she sees Derek’s van pull up in front of the dog kennels. Thank God, she thought as she opens the door to air out the room. Jessica goes back to the desk and starts looking over the tax information for the audit. After Derek unloads his van and stacks a dozen bags of dry dog food into a storage-shed, he makes his way back to the office to find Jessica busy crunching the numbers again.
“Hey, how’s it going?” Derek said as he comes into the office.
“Fine, Mr. Hughes. Now, if you’ll—” Jessica begins in a businesslike tone.
“Hey, I thought I told you to call me Derek,” the kennel owner said and flashes a broad smile at her.
“I’m not here to be your friend, Mr. Hughes, so I prefer to keep things formal,” she said, wondering just how formal she can be after fucking one of Derek’s dogs.
“OK, I guess the IRS isn’t big on service with a smile,” he said, going to a small refrigerator and pulling out a can of beer. “Want one?” he asks.
“I don’t drink on the job,” Jessica said drily
As he opens one can of beer, Derek rubs what Jessica guesses to be the tip of his big cock. “That’s a shame. You’d be a hell of a lot more relaxed,” Derek said as he takes a long drink out of the can.
“Derek. Is that German shepherd the only animal you’ve got here?” Jessica asks as she flashes a glance at Thor in his cage. The big dog appears so hurt, lost and abandoned. She wants to throw down her pencil and run over to his cage, jamming her breasts against its snout. However, Jessica bites her lip and controls her emotions.
“No, I’ve gets a few more in the back. An Irish setter and a poodle,” Derek said casually as he takes another long drink from the can of beer.
An Irish setter, she thought. Just like the dog in college. Jessica can’t help smiling. She’s found a gold mine of dog cocks on this tax audit.
“I see,” she said mechanically as she goes over the forms. “And do you consider them inventory, or do you just provide services?”
“What?” Derek asks as he finishes one can of beer and reaches into the refrigerator for another.
“I asked… Derek, if you keep drinking beer you won’t be able to understand a word of what I say,” she said with a frown. The professional side is coming out in her now.
“Hey, don’t get your panties in a bunch, IRS lady,” Derek said with a sneer.
Jessica closes her laptop and starts packing up her things. “I think I’ve done all I can here today,” she said coolly.
“Goddamn it,” Derek groans as Thor starts barking loudly from the kennels outside the office making them glance in the dog’s direction, “Goddamned fucking animals. They’ve practically driven me into bankruptcy anyway.”
“Don’t worry about it. My initial assessment is your tax situation isn’t bad at all,” Jessica said as she tries to get his mind off the dog. “Your poor bookkeeping is what’s let you down. I think your business will survive without you going bankrupt.”
“Really?” Derek asks with raised eyebrows. “That’s a relief, but this business sucks anyway. I might sell it and move on to other things.”
“One last thing,” she said as she stands and takes her briefcase in hand. “I really like that German shepherd out there. Is he for sale?”
This is a free sample of this story. Purchase this eBook today to read the whole story.