The Assistant!

Felix Mossman sighs as he enters his front door after a long day at work.  He can hear his wife humming nearby, most likely the kitchen preparing dinner, and a pang of guilt surges through Felix making him groan softly.  Felix has let his wife down a lot in recent years due to a workload that never seems to end that has lead to depression, and ultimately impotence.  It’s been nearly a year since they last had sex, intercourse anyway, and all he can manage these days is giving her some oral love only.

Kirstie has begged him to go see a doctor, but Felix is too embarrassed.  ‘How can a man admit he’s a failure,’ he’d say to his exasperated wife.

His wife isn’t cooking because she’s that kind of wife, they do take turns at it quite often.  However, she had recently become unemployed due to staff cutbacks at the company she worked for as a receptionist.  So lately, the blonde has taken to cooking and cleaning in the good old-fashioned sense while Felix works as an editor at a publishing company, a job he’s had for fifteen years.  The couple also tends to socialize separately, and in an odd circumstance, Kirstie has never actually met any of his work colleagues before.  Not even when they married, three years ago they eloped.

Felix enters the kitchen enjoying the smell of roast beef emanating from the oven.  “Hi, Kirstie, love, how are you?” he said forcing a cheerful tone.

“Oh, hi, Felix,” Kirstie said and gives him a kiss.  “You look tired, busy day?”

Felix sighs with sagging shoulders.  “Yes, we’re working on this medical textbook at the moment, and it’s a pain in the… gluteus maximus.”

She chuckles.  “You really need some help.”

Suddenly Felix brightens.  “Actually, Phil told me today they’re letting me hire an assistant as this book is just one in a series we’re publishing.”

“It’s about time, you work too hard for that company,” Kirstie said giving him a hug.  The smell of her perfume and the sensual pressure of her body give Felix pleasure.  “Now, why don’t you go and freshen up, dinner will ready in about thirty minutes,” Kirstie said pushing him away gently.

Over dinner, Kirstie seems awkwardly more silent than usual.

As Felix put a fork full of food into his mouth, Kirstie said in a forced voice, “Felix?”

“Yes, love?” Felix said gazing over at her frowning face,

“This assistants job at your work, is it something I could do?”

He thought for a moment.  The idea hadn’t occurred to Felix previously.  “Well, it’s not that difficult.  I expect to train the successful applicant anyway.  Yes, I think you could do it, but…”

“But what?” Kirstie said with a pout.

“If I hire my wife for the job then it’ll look bad,” Felix said.  “Nepotism, you know.”

“But you think I could do it?”

Oh, shit, why didn’t I see this one coming, Felix thought.  “With your administration background, I certainly think you’d be good.  My new assistant won’t be editing, but will be doing most of the other stuff.”

“But you’re worried if you hired your wife people would think you’re abusing your position,” Kirstie said staring through narrow eyes.

“Yes, to put it bluntly,” Felix said feeling sick.  “I’m sorry dear.”

“I understand…” Kirstie said gathering up her plate as if to leave the table.

“I’m sure something will come along for you soon…” he said as she walked out.

Well, that went well, Felix thought, looks like another night on the couch for old Felix.


Two weeks later, Human Resources (HR) had put together s short list of applicants suitable for an interview for the position of Felix’s new assistant.  He read the resumes and referee reports HR presented and a few days’ later interviews began for four shortlisted candidates.  On paper, the candidates seemed equally qualified for the job, so it was going to come down to how they performed in the interview.

The first candidate a man in his mid-twenties just seemed to freeze under the question Phil, and Richard asked.  The second, a forty-something fat woman came across as belligerent.  The third, a recent college graduate who seemed to be stoned and calls Felix and Phil ‘brah’ and ‘dude.’  Before seeing the final candidate, Felix and Phil had a coffee break and burst out laughing.

“Shit, is that the best HR could come up with?” Felix said sipping his coffee.

“I might’ve hired that last guy if he had the decency to pass around what he’d been smoking,” Phil said with a laugh.  “Who’s the final candidate?”

“A ‘Ms. Reese Kernot’ seems to have extensive secretarial experience, so fingers crossed.”

“Let’s hope she’s a looker too, the office needs more eye candy,” Phil said with a leer.

“Don’t let HR hear you talk like that,” Felix said smiling.  “You’ll be up for sexual harassment.”

Phil chortles.  “I only sexually harass those women who consent, I promise, cross my heart.”

“You’re a bad man, that’s why I like you,” Felix said.  “Let’s get this over with.”

After settling back in the conference room, Ms. Kernot enters the room, and when Felix first sees her, he gasps with bulging eyes.  Ms. Kernot is none other than his wife, Kirstie.  Then the flabbergasted man remembers Kirstie’s middle name is Reese, and her maiden name was Kernot.  What the fuck is she doing here, Felix wonders?

Phil welcomes Ms. Kernot in smiling broadly, as Kirstie is indeed a looker with long blonde hair, blue eyes, large DD-cup breasts, and a curvy figure without being fat.  Kirstie’s dressed in a conservative manner in a woman’s suit, yet it’s tight enough to give everyone the knowledge that her body is smoking hot beneath those clothes.  Then Felix notices Kirstie isn’t wearing her wedding ring either.  As Felix stared at his wife wondering what he should do, Phil talked nonstop and then asked something of him.

“Uh, what?” Felix said gazing around at Phil blinking rapidly.

“Earth to Felix,” Phil mocked.  “Ms. Kernot, err, sorry—Reese—was just explaining she’s fresh to the job market after a recent redundancy and is eager to prove her worth to our company.  Do you have some questions to ask?”

Phil knew Felix did, so he slips back into ‘work’ mode and asks the standard questions he had asks the others like strengths and weaknesses, customer service, working to deadlines and so on.  Phil’s clearly besotted with Kirstie and has already decided, smiling broadly and giving encouraging signs to all her answers.  After the standard questions are over, Phil takes over.

“So, Reese, tell us about your personal life,” Phil asks.

Glancing at Felix, she said, “I’m divorced about two years now…”

“Oh, too bad, how any man could let a good woman like you go is beyond me?”

Kirstie chuckles.  “I let him go,” she said coldly.  “He just wasn’t cutting it in the marital bed.”

Phil burst out laughing and Felix forces himself to smile, but inside he felt like a bomb had just gone off.

“Omigod, we gotta wild one here,” Phil said still laughing.  “Why wasn’t he cutting it?”

Kirstie smiles while gazing directly at Felix whom visibly swallows.  “Where do I start,” she said with cold eyes.  “I could’ve have forgiven the fact he had a small, small dick, but when he became impotent too, well that was the final straw for me.  A woman has needs you know.”

Phil is laughing so hard now he’s gasping and holding his stomach.  Felix is forcing his smile yet he feels his face burning red hot.

“Um, as amusing as it all sounds,” Felix butts in firmly, “such details are not relevant to the position.  I’m sure what Phil meant was things like hobbies and interests, not your, err, sex life.”

“I don’t really have any specific hobbies,” Kirstie said coyly.  “I just like the regular stuff people like such as movies, music, reading good books, eating out, socializing and so on.”

Phil is at last calming down, and Felix is grateful.

“What do you think you can bring to the company apart from your secretarial skills?” Phil asks staring directly at her breasts.

“I’m a quick learner,” Kirstie said confidently.  “I know you don’t want me to edit books, but I can do all the other stuff to give Felix the time he needs to do his job.”

“Good answer,” Phil said with a nod.

“Also…” Kirstie said before Felix could say anything.  “I can work as many hours as you need, even weekends.  I work well with others usually, and I’ll do whatever it takes.  Anything, just ask.”

With barely a glance at Felix, Phil stands and shakes her hand.  “Well, Reese, I think I speak for Felix in congratulating you on an excellent interview, and I’d like to offer you the job here and now.”

Felix nods dumbly, and Phil shows Kirstie to the door.  They pause there, and Felix sees him write something on the back of one of his business cards.

“If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call, this is my personal number,” Phil said handing her the card.  “It’ll be a pleasure to have you here.”

“Thanks, that’s so nice…” Kirstie said taking the card with her other hand on his arm simultaneously, a strangely intimate gesture for two people who just met.

When Kirstie’s gone, Phil spins on his heels gazing at Felix with a big grin.  Felix feels like throwing up.

“Talk about saving the best for last,” Phil shouts with his chest puffed out.  “Reese is perfect, she fits everything we need.”

“You’re only saying that cos you think she’s hot,” Felix said shaking his head.

“True to a point, but she’s also qualified for the job too, so it’s win-win, right?” Phil said, and Felix just nods.  “She can start Monday, I’ll let HR know.  You better sort out a desk and computer for her.”

Felix spends the rest of his day arranging a workspace for Kirstie and liaising with HR about the induction process.  He notices Kirstie listed their home address as her residence but remembers the company still had him under his old address, a townhouse Felix lived in before he married.  Therefore, as far as the company is concerned the two are strangers.  I cannot believe she pulled this off, Felix thought.  Moreover, what was all that small dick stuff she was going on about in the interview? Why did she say she was single?  Now Phil is gonna be all over her like a rash.  Is that what Kirstie wants?  Is she punishing me for the rut we’ve been in recently?  She knows the doctor said my impotence is medical, not even Viagra can get it up.  Oh, Kirstie, what are you doing to me?


When Felix gets home that afternoon, Kirstie is waiting for him at the door with a pensive face.

“Are you angry with me?” she asks as soon as he shuts the door.

“Angry?  No, not at the moment, just kinda stunned,” Felix said facing her.

“I know; I’m sorry I surprised you like that…”

Surprised?  That doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt seeing you enter that room,” Felix said with a deep frown.  “And what was all that small dick crap you were going on about.”

Kirstie smirks.  “C’mon, honey, you know you’re not very big down there,” she said glancing at his crotch.

“I’m average.”

The woman chuckled.  “Four inches hard isn’t average, it’s small.  Not that you can get it hard anymore, so now your length is more like one-inch.”

“So all this is about punishing me?” Felix shouts his face red.

“No, not at all,” Kirstie said wide-eyed.  “I really need a job.  This way I got it without anyone suspecting nepotism, and I promise to work hard.”


“Besides, I think it’ll make us closer, give us something in common.  It might save this marriage, and that’s not going too well at the moment.”

Felix somehow cannot fault her logic.  The woman had been stagnating since the redundancy, and he knows his company is an excellent place to work.

“What do you think Phil will say when we tell him you’re really my wife?” Felix asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Do we have to tell him?”

“Yes, it’s lying to say you’re someone you’re not,” Felix shouts.

Kirstie shakes her head.  “No one need know, if everyone finds out I’m really your wife then they’ll just think you did it to get me the job.  I mean, you could’ve said something at any time during the interview, and you didn’t.”

“I guess…”

“Felix, I want people to see I got this job because I’m good at it, not because I’m married to you…”

“Well, alright, but promise you won’t do anything to embarrass me,” Felix said with a sigh.

“I promise…” she said and gives him a kiss.

Her hand rubs against the front of Felix’s trousers, but his dick is flaccid, and despite some gentle kneading, it stays that way.  He breaks off the kiss and turns away with a grunt.

“Never mind, honey,” Kirstie said with a slight smirk.  “Maybe one day your little pee-pee will get hard again.”


By the end of the weekend, they agree to specific arrangements.  They’ll take separate cars to work; Felix always starts before the office staff anyway.  Kirstie won’t wear her wedding ring at work but promises not to flirt with Phil like she did in the interview.  Felix will treat Kirstie the same as any other employee, and won’t interfere in any situation at work unless it crosses company rules.  He has to act at all times, no matter what’s happening, as if he has no personal relationship to Kirstie.

Come Monday morning, Kirstie arrives at the office at nine (Felix has been there at eight) to meet Luke, a guy from HR who took her through the induction process.  Around ten, Luke brought Kirstie to Felix’s office and the man sitting at his desk, stands and greets her.

“Ah, K… Reese, you made it.  I hope you weren’t too bored with all that HR crap,” Felix said going and shaking her hand.

“Hi, Mr. Mossman, it’s great to be here,” Kristie said sweetly.

“Please, call me Felix, you’re my assistant now.”

“Sure, sorry, I’m just nervous…” Kirstie said.  “The induction wasn’t boring, Luke was very entertaining.”

“I do my best,” Luke said with a smile, trying hard to impress Kirstie.  “It’s over to Felix now to get you started.  I hope you have a great time working here and if you need anything just call.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Felix said sternly, and Luke gets the message.

“OK, I’ll leave you to it,” Luke said and leaves.

After Luke is gone, Felix asks, “How’s it really going so far?”

“Really good, everyone has been nice so far…” Kirstie said with a smile.  “But I know once I’m no longer the ‘new girl’ I’ll start to really see how everyone is around here.”

“Yes, every workplace has office politics, this one is no different.”

“True, I’ve heard you talk of it before, so I’m prepared.”

Felix nods.  “OK, your desk is out here, and I’m afraid I’ve already piled a heap of work on it for you.”


He takes her out of his office into a general work area where eight other people have office cubicles.  Kirstie’s cubicle is closest to Felix’s office, and she discovers he wasn’t joking about the workload.  After Felix introduces Kirstie (as Reese) to the others working in that area, he explains what he wants her to do, and she nods, knowing it’s mostly straight forward secretarial work.

“All outside calls to me will now be put through to you first,” Felix said so we can screen my calls.  If you can help the caller without involving me, then do so.  If it’s an important client, then I’ll take it except if I’m in a meeting.”  Then he points to a red door on the other side of the room to his right.  “That’s the printing and copying room, you’ll be spending a lot of time in there.  Did Luke get you all set up with passwords and such?”

“Yes,” Kirstie said nodding.

Then he points to the other side of the room on the left to a green door.  “In that door are the tea room and the toilets.  I do expect you to make me coffee sometimes, but not always, just when I’m too busy.”

“OK, sounds easy enough.”

“If you have any questions just ask, and welcome aboard, Reese,” Felix said louder and leaves her to it.


Kirstie seems to settle in well into the office from the start.  The other women are taken with her wit and sharp tongue, while male office staff can be seen staring wistfully at her body on many occasions.  It doesn’t help that Kirstie takes to wearing provocative clothing the more comfortable she is at the office.  Skirts that show more leg, blouses open to reveal a sexy amount of cleavage, and high heels that make her ass more appealing.  Felix can see them ogling his wife, and how much she enjoys the attention too, but he cannot say anything about it.  Oddly, he chooses not to mention it at home either as he senses Kirstie is as happy as he’s seen her in a long time, and Felix doesn’t have the heart to spoil it.

Then during a meeting with Phil some three weeks after Kirstie started, his boss finally brings it up.  “Felix…” Phil said with a leer.  “Your new assistant is fucking hot.  If I were ten years younger, and not married to a psychopath, I’d make her my mission.”

“Mission?” Felix said with a raised eyebrow.

“You know what I mean…”

“I don’t think Janice would like you calling her a psychopath,” Felix said snappishly.  “I happen to think she’s a fine woman.”

“Yeah, but you’re not married to her,” Phil said then laughs as if he made some great joke.  “Say, when are we gonna meet your wife?”

Felix gasps and his face feels very hot.  “Um, well, Kirstie is, ah…”

“I get it…” Phil said waving his hand.  “She doesn’t wanna hang out with your boring old work friends, right?”

“Ah, well, it’s not…”

“Janice was like that too when we first married,” Phil rattled on ignoring Felix’s difficulties.  “It took me five years to get to attend a work function.  Don’t fret it; Kirstie will get there in the end, I’m sure.”

“Yeah, that’s it…” Felix said deciding it’s easier to agree with Phil.  “She’s a bit younger than me and gets bored the very moment I mention work.  I’m sorry; I do try to get her along.”

“That’s OK, I’m not insulted.  Women are tricky animals sometimes.”

“You can say that again,” Felix said rolling her eyes.

“At least you got some nice eye candy to ogle all day in Reese.  All the guys in the place have been flirting with her since she started.”

“I haven’t noticed,” he said lying.  “Do you think there’ll be a problem?  Maybe we should warn HR about possible sexual harassment?”

Phil bursts out laughing.  “HR?  I think Luke would love to sexually harass Reese…”

The meeting ends, and Felix goes back to work feeling uneasy for his wife noting he’ll need to chat to her about it tonight at home.


That night at dinner, Felix asks Kirstie about what Phil had said about the office males putting the moves on her.

Kirstie rolls her eyes.  “They’re all a bunch of horny dogs in that office, haven’t you ever noticed before?”

“I know Phil likes to speak a bit of shit, but I’ve only ever taken it as talk,” Felix said.  “Has anyone in particular bothered you?”

“Luke cornered me in the copy room a few days ago,” she said with a red face.  “He asked me out on a date.”

Felix gasps.  “What did you say?”

“I said no, of course,” she said with a shiver.  “I told Luke I didn’t want to ruin my new job by dating guys I work with.”

“Good answer…”

The thought that somebody asked his wife out made his stomach roil.  Yet the more Felix thought about it, the more it made sense.  They think Kirstie is single, and she is an attractive woman.  The man chides himself for not thinking of this before.  Nevertheless, Kirstie seems flushed and excited about it and not in an angry way; Felix thinks his wife likes it.  Her hand slides under the table and undoes Felix’s fly.  Soon Kirstie’s fondling his flaccid dick trying to give it life, yet it’s useless.  The man feels a little aroused, but his useless cock just isn’t up to doing anything about it.  Eventually, Kirstie pulls her hand free with a deep sigh.

“Maybe I should’ve said yes,” she said picking up her plate.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Felix asks wide-eyed and eyebrows-raised.

“Never mind…”

The woman takes her plate to the kitchen, rinses it, and puts it in the dishwasher.  Then she pours a glass of wine and heads off to bed.  Felix went to bed an hour later after watching the news on TV for a while to find Kirstie already asleep with the covers thrown back and the moon shining on her flawless naked body.  He stares for a good while, chiding himself he cannot get hard even at such a beautifully erotic sight of his naked wife.  Felix curses himself for not being man enough and taking Kirstie, as she so clearly wanted.


The male attention didn’t stop at work, and daily men try to chat up Kirstie, taking lunch breaks when she does, or bringing her coffee.  Felix intervened a few times telling them to stop bothering his assistant as she had things to do.  Several others ask her out on a date, and each time Kirstie turned them down flat with the same excuse about work relationships.  Then, that night, she’d take great delight in giving Felix all the dirty details of each man’s proposal.  He can see clearly the attention is arousing something in his wife, and he busily eats her pussy as much as possible to try to keep it under control.

While Felix feels proud of his wife for resisting the advancements of the single men in the office, it deepens his depression that he alone is not physically able to take care of his wife’s needs.  Sure, eating her pussy works, but Felix knows his wife desires a real fuck by a cock, and he is quite clearly not up to the job.  Eventually, he buys a strap-on dildo and fucks her to a nice orgasm with it often, yet this still didn’t seem to be enough for Kirstie.

Kirstie starts wearing even shorter skirts at work and shows more cleavage, and he knows she enjoys the attention the men are giving her and wonders where it’ll lead.  Apart from that, Kirstie had settled into her job very well and proved very capable in her role.  As she freed Felix from doing menial tasks, he concentrated more on the editing project he was working on.  This meant Felix couldn’t keep an eye on things as much as would’ve liked.

One day, Felix is in a meeting with Phil waiting for a new author they’re thinking about publishing, and the conversation quickly turns to Kirstie.

“You lucky bastard, I wish Reese was my assistant,” he said with an almost Groucho Marx level of eyebrow pumping.

“She’s good at her job,” Felix said shifting in his chair.

“So what do you know about her?  Anything I could use to wrangle a date with her?”

Phil…  You’re married.”

He laughs.  “I won’t tell if you don’t,” Phil said.  “Talk among the guys is she’s harder than Everest to climb.  Some are even saying she’s a lesbian.”

“Oh, that’s disgusting.  We should get HR on to that immediately,” Felix said with a scowl shaking his head.

“Who do you think said it?  Luke is considered the hottest man in the office, and he can’t get anywhere with Reese.”

“Poor girl, I’ll lose a good assistant because you assholes will chase her away.”

Phil shrugs.  “I just wanna take a crack, perhaps I can succeed where those little boys have failed?  Maybe she needs more of a daddy type…”

Before Felix can answer, the door opens, and several people enter.  The meeting begins.


Later, over dinner, Felix mentions to Kirstie what Phil said.  She’s clearly interested and made me repeat everything several times, but going quiet when mentioning the rumor that ‘Reese’ is a lesbian.  Although he had repeated it lightheartedly, Kirstie frowns and shakes her head on hearing it.

That night as they lay next to each other in bed, she quietly said “Felix?”

“Yes, love?”

“Please don’t be angry with me for what I’m about to say.”


“You know I care what people think of me, and I really don’t wanna be thought of as … a lesbian.”

“What does it matter what people think?” Felix asks turning toward her.

“It matters to me…” Kirstie said with a deep sigh.

“OK, so what can we do about it?”

“They think I’m single, so my excuses are raising questions about me,” she said softly, “Questions that might ultimately expose who I really am—your wife.”

“Maybe it’s time to come clean…” Felix said stroking her arm.  “You’ve proved you can do the job, there’s no need to hide it anymore.”

As he’s lying to her left, Felix suddenly notices Kirstie is not wearing her wedding ring.  His eyes bulge, but Kirstie doesn’t see as she’s staring blankly at the ceiling.

Steeling himself, Felix asks, “So if admitting the truth about us is out, then what?”

“Felix, I wanna accept the next date I’m asked on,” Kirstie said evenly.

He gasps and pulls back, not believing she actually said it.

She turns her head and stares into his eyes.  “Felix?”


“You know I love you, I really do,” Kirstie said warmly, “and if you say no, I won’t do it.  However, we’ve come this far in covering up my identity, I think we have to do this.  It’s the only way we can be sure no one at work knows I’m your wife…”

Felix sighs and rolls onto his back, it’s his turn to stare at the ceiling and wrestle with his emotions.  He feels like his wife is slipping away from him, now she isn’t even wearing her wedding ring at home.  In Kirstie’s mind, she’s Reese, a single girl with life to live, only in real life she’s stuck to this impotent, useless man.  Felix knows he cannot say no to his wife.  This is not out of love, but desperation to hold onto something that’s crumbling apart before his very eyes.

“Alright, but promise me there’ll be no hanky panky,” he said sternly.

“I promise,” Kirstie said and gave him a big kiss.

The two drift off to sleep with her spooning Felix, soft breasts pushing into his back still not enough to give him a boner


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