It was a Saturday night when Trevor had Liza naked and bent over behind a massive tractor-trailer, and a group of truckers started heading their way. Given who they were, the last thing they wanted was for some truckers to find them fucking in public. The only way they could prevent the men from catching them was to run into an empty building nearby. This time, the truckers caught them so off guard that the two had to leave their clothes by the tractor-trailer and thus entered the building butt-naked (except runners).
“Quick, hide,” Trevor whispered as they entered the darkness.
“Our clothes,” Liza said and giggled.
They stopped by a window and peered outside to see the men standing around talking and smoking cigarettes.
“I can see our clothes,” Trevor whispered. “I don’t think they’ve spotted them.”
“God, what is this place? It smells like dirty dogs.”
Trevor tried to peer through the darkness. “I think the city dog pound is near this place,” he said. “It does stink, though.”
They heard footsteps, gazed out the broken window, and saw several large men heading their way.
“Shit, we need to go deeper into the building,” Trevor said. “Quick, hurry.”
They moved quickly, trying to make as little noise as possible. The couple found a doorway deeper into the dirty building and hid behind it.
One of the men suddenly said, “There should be some bags in that room with the drugs in it.” Then, a torch was pointing at the very door the naked couple was hiding behind.
“We’re screwed,” Liza whispered.
Trevor scanned the darkness. “Over there,” he said. “I can see a hole in the wall. Crawl through it and get away.”
“What about you?” Liza whispered.
“There was no time to argue. I’ll hide behind those boxes back there. Get going.”
Liza ran to the hole in the wall and dropped to crawl through what appeared to be a small tunnel. The light from outside was getting brighter as the trucker approached. The woman grimaced at the tunnel-like hole as it seemed smaller than she first thought now the torchlight was helping to illuminate it. She steeled herself and crawled through, feeling the grit and stones on her raw knees and hands. When she reached the tunnel’s end, Liza reached into the darkness and found herself falling. The woman could feel the ground under her as she rolled down a slope. Eventually, the woman stopped, and she lay unconscious from having banged her head on the way down.
A warm feeling of pleasure engulfed Liza as her mind was dragged back to consciousness. She could feel an insistent tongue licking her pussy, brushing her clit, and entering deep into her cunt.
“Oh, Trevor, you’re such a pussy hound,” Liza mumbled.
Slowly, she opened her eyes, expecting to see her husband. Instead, a big dog was standing between her legs, licking her spasming pussy.
“NO,” she shouted, sitting up with a spinning head. “Get away from me.”
It scampered off with a yelp into the darkness, and after a moment, the woman rubbed her eyes and tried to get her bearings. ‘Where am I?’ she wondered. Liza could hear the sounds of dogs close by jostling and nipping at each other. The woman realized she was naked and surrounded by a pack of dogs, and tremors of fear rippled through her body,
“KEVIN?” she shouted. “KEVIN!”
There was no answer. The dogs seemed to grow even more excited at Liza’s fearful shouting. She climbed into a squat position, trying to see anything, but the darkness was too much. Liza didn’t know what to do as tongues attacked her from everywhere. The same tongues soon concentrated their endeavors on her increasingly hungry cunt and asshole. A familiar pang grew in her clit as the tongues glided over and around it. Without even a thought, she found herself grinding back and forth to take advantage of the stimulation. Her legs began to ache, and the pushing of the dogs eventually forced her forward, and she landed on her hands and knees.
“Oh no,” Liza groaned as she went down, her head spinning in a mad whirl.
A Labrador immediately jumped on her back, its legs grasping her firmly around the waist. The dog’s head was off to the side, panting loudly, and its back arched around her. It began to hump wildly. After several jabs into her thigh and mound, the Labrador found her waiting cunt and pushed its cock easily inside. Feeling her warm, velvety folds wrap around its hard red cock sparked the dog into a frenzy of fucking. Liza loudly moaned as she felt the dog’s slick cock slide between the walls of her vagina. Her body resonated with the dog’s primal thrusts as an orgasm built inside. Just as the canine intruder started to feel good, it lost balance and fell. The dog’s cock slid out of her cunt in the process, leaving her with a soul-crushing emptiness inside.
The dog licked her a few times, smelling and tasting her heat. Yet the Labrador’s blunder opened the door for one of the other dogs to take over. An Irish Setter jumped on her, wrapping her tightly with its forelegs. The setter’s red cock began to probe her and, before long, pushed into her moist cunt. The dog started bucking its hips in a rhythmic fury, and Liza gasped as the thick canine cock thrust into her cervix with extreme force.
“Oh, God, Trevor… Trevor, help me. God, what a cock,” she moaned.
Liza’s legs wobbled as much as her boobs did as her body moved to the fucking rhythm. The wobble turned into a tremble, and a red flush starting at her face moved around her body. She let out a loud squeal as she orgasmed on the setter’s dick.
The dog felt her cunt contracting on its cock, repeatedly squeezing and releasing. The sensations drove the animal to orgasm, and it abruptly unloaded its jizz deep inside her cunt, filling her womb. The Labrador jumped at the Irish setter and knocked it off Liza. The dog’s big red cock slid out quickly as it never knotted her. Dog semen dribbled out of Liza’s gaping pussy, causing more dog licking to send shivers throughout her body. As the dogs grappled with who was next, a Doberman got a chance and mounted her. Before long, the Doberman’s hard cock found her abused vagina, and it pushed with all its strength to shove that canine cock deep inside her cunt. The Doberman was a young dog, yet the power of the animals fucking astonished Liza.
“God, what are you doing to me….”
Having orgasmed now and her mind was clearer, she started to contemplate her situation. There was nothing she could use to protect herself from this attack. She had an idea, a gross one, still, an idea that just may shorten her raping. The Doberman was getting into it, and she could feel her sexual desires and lust awakening again within her belly. The first dog, a Labrador, circled her, whining like a child whose toy was taken away.
As the Labrador passed her head, she grabbed it and started to play with its cock. The red cock had retreated into its sheath by this stage, but with some determined stroking, it emerged again. The Labrador stood still, enjoying her hand sliding over its thick shaft. She used her spit and the dog’s pre-cum to lubricate the canine cock. Her legs began to feel wobbly again, and her clit vibrated, sending pulsations of erotic pleasure throughout her body. Her mouth hung agape as she breathed heavily, and the Labrador, seeing her moist mouth, decided it was close enough to the real thing and mounted her shoulders.
Liza was stunned as the two dogs were on top of her now. The Labrador shoved its thick stubby cock into her mouth as if it were her cunt. The woman gagged as the cock slid down her throat, forcing her to breathe through her nose. The Doberman had knotted her and started slowing its fucking until the dog stopped. Her cunt again felt so full and tightly wrapped around the dog’s cock and knot. Dog semen was shooting inside her, making her orgasm again, her body convulsing uncontrollably under the weight of the two dogs. The Labrador didn’t stop fucking her mouth, and she could feel its pre-cum running down her insides into her gut.
The Doberman jumped off, standing ass-to-ass with her as it unloaded its balls deep inside her cunt. With the Doberman gone, the Labrador now had more room, and it fastened its grip to take advantage of the freedom. Pretty soon, the Labrador’s knot was banging against her chin as it drove its cock down her gullet. Liza could barely get a breath and felt light-headed as a result. Two big dog cocks assailing her drove the woman to another mind-blowing orgasm. As her body spasmed, her mouth opened wider, and the Labrador pushed its knot inside, making her jaw ache as it was stretched beyond normal. It felt as if she had managed to swallow an orange whole.
The Labrador found it impossible to fuck with its knot lodged in her mouth and stopped. Liza suddenly felt as if she was choking. The dog was ejaculating inside her throat, and she could see its furry balls begin to shrink as they unloaded. Liza could feel its cock pulsate in her mouth as it delivered its seed to her gullet while the Labrador orgasmed. Liza didn’t know why, but the choking feeling subsided, and the woman found she could breathe around this thick dog cock ejaculating in her throat. Abruptly, the Labrador also dismounted.
Now the firmly wedged knot was in her mouth, and her nose was pressing against the dog’s asshole. Every breath she took now smelled disgusting, musky, shitty, and it made her feel sick to the core.
‘How the fuck had this happened,’ she thought bitterly. ‘Spit roasted on two dog cocks and enjoying the intense aroma of an asshole. Just as well, Trevor isn’t here to see this. Good one, Liza.’ She didn’t know how long she had to stay in this unenviable position. Still, eventually, the Doberman pulled its cock out of her abused cunt.
Her moment of respite didn’t last as another dog, a Boxer, mounted her and began searching for her despoiled pussy. You wouldn’t think it’d have trouble finding her gaping, stretched cunt. Yet, it eventually pushed its fat dick directly into her asshole.
“Mmmm … Mmmmm,” she cried in pain around the Labrador’s knot.
The burning pain from her anus made her body shake, and she clenched her eyes shut. Her head spun in dog overload as the Labrador’s knot showed no signs of shrinking. Its balls have almost withered to nothing, so she wondered how much the animal could have left in there. The horrible aroma coming from the Labrador’s asshole was a highly humiliating experience. Her nose jammed right into the dog’s asshole, touching it, so every breath came scented with those earthy tones.
The Boxer fell off her a few times but got back on before any other dog could claim Liza. The next time the Boxer began probing her with its cock, it penetrated her cunt, to Liza’s relief. The constant probing began to grow pleasurable. Liza’s feelings didn’t matter to the Boxer. It kept fucking her as hard and fast as it could. Liza, though, had become distracted by the ‘Eau de dog’s asshole’ she couldn’t escape. The Labrador stood bold and robust, its knot permanently attached to her mouth.
She could feel the Boxer’s knot began to bang against her pussy lips and reached under to prevent it from entering her cunt. A quarter-moon now cast a sickly pall over the place. The Boxer climaxed hard, shooting its semen into her belly. It made Liza climax, and her moan tried to escape around the knot jammed in her mouth. The Boxer jumped off, its cock sliding out of her with ease, followed by a wet mess.
Another dog, an Alaskan Malamute, took pole position, and feeling her pussy couldn’t take anymore, she covered it with her hand to stop the dick from entering. The Malamute was unperturbed and eventually slid its broadsword deep inside her asshole.
The knot in her mouth suddenly felt smaller, but try as she may, her jaws locked, and she couldn’t push it out. The Labrador moved, making its anus rub on her nose and face, and she wanted to vomit. The enormous Malamute wasn’t a frantic fucker as the other dogs were. It kept a nice, steady pace going with its hips. Subconsciously, she clenched and released her anus around the canine cock, massaging it and milking it. The friction of this motion caused her anus to have a pleasant tingle. As the Doberman before, she could feel the Malamute’s massive dick deep inside her body as it pushed her organs aside with its girth. An orgasm built again deep within her core, and her legs got that familiar wobbly feeling.
So, Liza reached under and started rubbing her clit in a circular movement. It struck her strange that even with her nose pressed against the most horrible stink ever, her body could still respond this way. The smell wasn’t even constant. It often changed, sometimes getting worse and others slightly better. As the Labrador farted right into her face, there were explosions of odor that made her shiver all over. Yet the Malamute’s gentler fucking had reactivated her, so she rubbed, flicked, pinched, and tweaked her clit until she could feel herself on the edge of a powerful orgasm. The Malamute suddenly stopped. Mercifully, its knot hadn’t entered her, and the canine cock started filling her colon with jizz. The dog’s sudden orgasm pushed Liza over the edge, and her body again shook, flushed, and glowed as she orgasmed.
Amid her climax, the Labrador’s cock finally pulled from her throat and mouth, and she fell, gasping and rolling on the dusty ground. She coughed and vomited a gut filled with dog jizz, and in the darkness, Liza wondered when it would stop.
The curvy woman managed to get to her feet. Her body was tingling all over, and as she glanced around in the minimal light provided by the moon, she knew now she was in some kind of dog pen. ‘The city pound,’ she thought. ‘It was closer than we thought.’ She felt a tongue licking her pussy slit with incredible ferocity.
“Ooooo, you horny dog,” she moaned. “I’d love to play some more, but I gotta get out of here.”
It was a German shepherd, and its rough tongue found her pussy slit wet with juices and dog jizz, and it slurped to drink them into its mouth. The tip of the dog’s tongue licked into her gaping vagina easing her soreness, and Liza squealed with pleasure.
“Fuck,” Liza moaned, grinding her hips on the dog’s mouth. “You’re enough to drive a woman crazy.”
She giggled and tried to move her pussy away from the licking dog. She dropped to her knees and kissed it on the head. She told the canine it was a clever dog and stroked its sides with her hands. The dog licked at her tits because they were right there in front of it. Liza moaned a little and let the German shepherd lick away until her nipples hardened beneath the lashing canine tongue. The dog’s enthusiasm knocked her over again, and she landed on her hands and knees. It soon reared and mounted her. Shocked at this sudden escalation, Liza tried to escape again, digging her hands into the ground and trying to crawl forward, away from the German shepherd’s advance.
Another nip on the back of her neck was all the warning she needed. The German shepherd was a powerful animal, and she was now at its mercy. The dog was in control here, and she knew it was pointless to fight back, remembering her previous encounters tonight.
Liza’s pussy began to buzz and tingle with anticipation.
“OK, you win. Fuck me,” Liza shouted. “Fuck me hard.”
It maneuvered its cock in line with her cunt and, with a series of rough jabs, managed to lodge the tip between the lips of her vaginal entrance. The woman squealed, pressing her thighs together. It felt like the dog would bite her again momentarily, making Liza flinch and relax her thighs. That was all the shepherd needed. With a deft push, it forcefully let itself in and began to fuck her with the ferocity only a dog could.
Head down. Liza cried out as her cunt opened around the dog’s thick cock, its slimy shaft sliding jerkily into her creaming pussy. The dog’s forepaws hug her tightly, frantically fucking her with its canine cock. The dog plunged deep on the first thrust, making the MILF moan like a whore. She could hear the animal panting, the dog’s head just above hers, lolling tongue drooling onto her back.
“Fuck me, fuck me. Fuck your big cock into me.”
The twitching, writhing, panting woman was unrecognizable now, her face distorted into a twisted yet somehow oddly beautiful mask of pure lust. Never before had the sex act seemed more lustful or carnal to her as she made her body a willing receptacle for the thrusting red cock of a brutish canine, who fucks into her as if she were a dog herself. ‘Fuck, if only Trevor could see this,’ she dizzily thought as she humped her furry lover as any bitch in heat would.
Driven by the pummeling of her clitoris by the shepherd’s balls, Liza reached back with a hand so the tip of her middle finger pressed hard on her stiff clit. Touching her clit triggered another orgasm as the woman suddenly felt the massive knot punch into her cunt. Her buttocks began flexing and hollowing as her clenching pussy sucked and pulled on the German shepherd’s throbbing cock and knot.
“Oooooo. Yeah. Ahhhhhhh,” Liza moaned.
The shaking woman was only dimly aware of her canine lover’s blood-engorged cock swelling to greater dimensions with the stimulation of her powerful spasming cuntal muscles. Suddenly, searing canine semen jetted into her innermost depths, flooding her with an obscene warmth she now knew too well. The German shepherd holds tight to the bucking woman as Liza gurgles out a long moan of sensual pleasure.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, God, fuck….”
The dog emptied its sperm-bloated canine balls into her wildly gyrating body as she knelt before it in unashamed depravity. Liza wailed and thrashed as she pressed her hungrily, milking pussy-mouth back against the spurting canine cock, feeling her cunt clench around the big knot. The thin slimy liquid gushed from around where her madly working cunt clasped tightly around the German shepherd’s jerking knot, running in sticky trails down her convulsing thighs to drip onto the ground below.
Finally, as one last mighty shudder passed through the woman’s body, she fell limply forward onto the ground to lie in a soggy heap, still impaled on the cock now knotted inside her cunt. The German shepherd soon jumped off her, twisting its cock inside her so they stood ass-to-ass. Struggling to stay calm as the big dog started dragging her by the cunt across the dirty ground, she glanced up to see her husband’s face staring down from the hole in the wall above.
“KEVIN,” she screamed. “HELP ME.”
The man grimaced. “I’m stuck in the fucking hole,” he yelled. “I can’t get through.”
“What about the truckers?”
“They’re gone,” he said.
“Did they catch you?”
“No,” Trevor said.
“These dogs are raping me,” Liza yelled to her stuck husband.
“I’ve seen you cum like a dozen times already,” Trevor said. “I think you’re enjoying it more than you think.”
“Their cocks feel so good, but it’s so wrong to enjoy such sinful sex,” Liza moaned.
“I won’t tell anyone. There’s still more dogs in there that need their cocks attended to, so I suggest you get to it.”
The German shepherd’s knot buried in her cunt kept pulling her in a different direction. Liza sighed as she realized all she could do now was stay there and wait for it to end as the big animal blasted her cunt and womb with its hot jizz. Something was dripping from her pussy. It was a steady stream of semen squeezing past the dog’s knot and escaping as the pressure built inside her body.
She could feel each squirt from its cock, splattering against her cervix as she felt just how deep its big tool was inside her belly. She propped herself up with one hand, sliding the other one down her body to her stuffed pussy. Her hand rolled around the bulging, knot-filled opening, tickling its root and sheath. The thought of this dog’s cock stuffing her cunt and filling her with jizz was driving her crazy. Liza put her hand on her clit and rubbed herself, moaning and squirming with delight.
“Oooooooo. God, yes. So good,” she squealed and laughed sensuously as waves of pleasure radiated from her pussy then through her body.
Liza groaned, shaking her hips, gently slapping herself on the clit. Her toes curled as she rubbed faster, pressing her hand on her clit, rolling over it with her fingers. She traced around her stuffed vagina, feeling how big it was before the irresistible urge washed over her, and she started to rub madly again. Her climax was on the horizon, her legs shaking as it felt like all her muscles were tightening. Suddenly, she tensed, squealing before she relaxed into a quivering mess. The woman felt her slit drip with wetness, and her walls squeezed the German shepherd’s cock as she climaxed hard.
“Ooooooo… GOD… I’m cumming again….”
The woman spasmed beneath the big dog as her vagina released, her body clenching and relaxing, vaginal walls wobbling, magnifying the intense feeling of the knot wedging her cunt shut. Her squirting pussy made her thighs slick, dripping out to join the semen already spilled on the ground. The euphoria of her orgasm and the satisfied, full feeling of knowing she was tied was the ultimate pleasure for Liza.
“Mmmmmm…yeah,” she moaned.
They stayed like this for what seemed an age, dog ass-to-ass with its bitch, and Liza rubbed her stiff little clit to prolong the pleasure. Eventually, the shepherd started to pull its hips back, its knot shrinking enough to allow the dog to pull out. Yet her cunt was used to big knots now, and it didn’t need to shrink much before it could pull free of her body. Liza moaned as she felt the dog slide back with a wet squelch. Its knot pulled free, followed by the seven to eight inches of its long, red cock. Jizz trickled out of her gaping cunt.
However, its sloppy withdrawal wasn’t what caught her attention. All the dogs in the yard where the German shepherd fucked her had been watching the whole time.
This is a free sample of this story. Purchase this eBook today to read the whole story.