Misty Caught the Train Home!


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Just before the doors of the train slid shut, Misty slipped through and steadied herself against one of the standing poles in the middle of the car.  As the subway train started pulling away, Misty sways slightly, her body trying to keep up with the motion of the accelerating train; her hands tightly grip the metal pole in front of her.  Even though hardly any people were on the train, Misty just wanted to catch her breath for a few moments.  Eventually, the girl turned around and slipped into a white plastic seat against the wall of the train.

She put her two bags on the seat next to her and took a deep breath, closing her eyes, exhaling slowly, trying to calm her racing heart and stop the slight spinning in her head.  Misty only had one drink, but perhaps her rushing to catch the train caused the extra dizziness, or maybe it was something else.  Now, the girl could finally relax, safe on her way home.  A Tinder date had brought her to the city, and the man turned out to be a real jerk, so Misty told him she was going to the toilet and did a runner.  The drink he brought her had a strange aftertaste, and she panicked, thinking he’d spiked it.

It wasn’t until she was halfway to the train that her heart started to slow, and she considered whether running out would have been the best course of action.  After all, was Misty sure he put something in her drink, and if he did, the police should analyze the drink?

Well, it was too late now,’ she thought, watching the darkness roll by outside.

The woman did feel buzzed and maybe a little dizzy, but how much of that cocktail did she drink?  Getting angry and storming out like that made her feel worse.  Either way, whether he did something to her drink or not, getting away from the asshole was the safest thing to do.


Sam climbs the train stairs and onto the platform.  As he waits for his train to arrive, he shakes his head, regretting the last round of tequila shots he had with his friends at a sports bar.

‘At least it’ll make the trip home somewhat interesting,’ he thought.

The train, full of passengers, stops, and Sam stepped aside to let them out.  After they disembarked, he entered the train, sat in a seat on the opposite side of the train, facing the doors, and waited.

It took a full ten minutes before a second passenger even entered the train.  Fifteen minutes before, another group of three sat at the far end.  This was the last stop on the train line, and nobody was going in this direction now.  He knew that in a few hours, after whatever concerts and sporting events finished, the train would be jammed, and he sighed, feeling thankful he didn’t have to endure that particular torture of urban life.

‘I may as well enjoy it,’ he thought.

He knew once the train passed through the city, it’d fill considerably before heading out to the suburbs, discharging passengers as it went before its last stop, a few miles from his college campus.  He sighed, thinking about the walk from the station ahead of him.

‘At least it wasn’t raining.’

Eventually, he hears the chime, signaling the doors would be closing, and they are finally pulling out.  This was when he saw her, a young black-haired woman hurrying toward the train.  Time seemed to slow as he took in one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen.  The brunette slipped inside the door moments before it closed, flashed the most wonderful smile in his direction (although it didn’t seem she had seen him), and grabbed the pole directly in front of him.  Sam quickly glanced around, stunned this beauty chose to stand two feet from him while the train was almost empty.  She was holding onto the pole with both hands, facing the front of the train.  He leaned back in his seat and took advantage of the situation to look over the beautiful creature in front of him.

She seemed to be around five feet seven or so, and the first thing his eyes went to was the hem of her dress.  The brunette’s wearing a red summer dress, which went about midway thighs, exposing her long, shapely legs.  Although she was wearing what he guessed to be sheer white pantyhose, he quickly determined he was in the presence of a perfect pair of lady’s legs.  Her dress seemed simply designed, plain until just below her breasts, where it cinches and from that point had a lacey, embroidered texture.  From his angle, Sam thought he could see four or five buttons on the front of her chest just along the lacy top portion.

The top of the dress was conservative, and although it shows a large view of her chest, it’s cut high enough so she didn’t reveal much cleavage.  The sleeves, although short, also emphasize the simple elegance of the dress.  A thin white belt was around her waist, giving a wonderful contrast in color to the solid red of her dress.  The dress was simple, and it occurred to Sam that if it were not so short, just below the knee, instead of showing so much of those incredible legs, it would look more appropriate on a little girl than this gorgeous young woman.

Still in profile, the man had a wonderful view of her perfect ass.  The dress seemed to flow over her ass, hanging slightly off her legs.  There’s no doubt in his mind she must’ve been some kind of athlete or runner to have what appears to be perfect legs and ass.  Sam’s eyes travel over her flat stomach to her chest and her pert breasts.  He’s not a fan of especially large breasts and immediately determines hers to be a good size.  With his limited experience, he figures they were a solid C-cup and seemed to sit high and firm on her chest.

Finally, he gazes at her face.  Her hair frames her face with thick, curly, black hair that hangs a few inches past her shoulders.  She had a red barrette pulling the hair out of her face, pinning it on the side of her head.  If there ever was a case of someone’s hair being styled to appear natural, this was it.  Sam never really thought much of hair, yet decided he just loved her hair too.

From the moment the girl flashed a smile, Sam was smitten.  She had a round face, blue eyes, and a perfect button nose.  However, the aspect that melted his heart was her smile.  He knew it was just a polite smile of acknowledgment to a fellow passenger she gave him, yet it was such an open, warm, carefree smile he felt his heart jump.

The train started moving, and the woman held tighter as the acceleration of the train caused her to turn slightly away from him.  His eyes go straight to her legs as the hem of her dress sways softly away from her body.  There’s something to be said about a woman wearing tight clothes.  However, in Sam’s opinion, there was nothing like a sexy girl wearing a wide-hemmed short skirt.  Now, he was more or less directly behind her.  His gaze went to her perfect butt, and to his delight, he noticed the clear outline of her panties.

For some reason, he always loved being able to see a woman’s panty line, gaining some inside knowledge as to what kind of undergarments she was wearing.  With a woman like this, dressed like she was, it’s something extra special.  He knew how women go to great lengths to prevent the dreaded ‘visible panty line,’ and he figures the thong was invented just to cater to this fashion.  However, there was no doubt this woman was wearing regular bikini-cut panties under her little dress, and it only added fuel to Sam’s growing infatuation.

Before he could get a good look, she let go of the pole and sat almost directly opposite him in the first seat by the doors.  She placed a large red bag on the seat next to her, crossed her legs, folded her hands in her lap, and closed her eyes.  Sam simply stares at the beauty in front of him.  His eyes didn’t seem to know where to settle, darting from her legs, face, and chest, the latter accentuated by the woman’s almost perfect posture.

He even considered sliding over a seat or two, putting himself directly across from her, perhaps giving him a slightly better view of her legs, maybe a little peek up her dress.  However, after a moment’s consideration, he decided not to push it.  Content with the view he had, he simply stares.


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When Misty was seated on the train, she placed her large bag on the seat beside her and closed her eyes.  She knew she had a good fifty-minute ride to her station, during which she could try to wrap her head around her creepy date.  First, she wanted to do a self-check to see how she was feeling.  After all, she only had a little of the drink the Tinder creep gave her, even if there was something in it.

She did feel a little woozy, she determined, yet was it from the alcohol?  Also, she felt pretty tired.  However, she was not sleepy, just achier.  After a few moments, Misty closed her eyes again and smiled to herself.  Perhaps she was having a little trouble focusing as thoughts rushed through her mind about work, bad Tinder dates, and what she’d tell her friends.  I am tired, she thought, and perhaps my head was feeling fuzzy.

She ran her hands over her discretely crossed legs, making sure her dress was lying properly on her lap, showing no more than was necessary.  Misty smoothed her hands again, noticing how the fabric of her dress seemed to glide across the material of her stockings.  It did feel somewhat nice, she thought.  She could feel her skin almost tingle at the light friction of the two materials sliding over each other.  It tickles, she thought, and continued the motion.

Misty slid her hand up just a bit, gently rubbing her dress above the top of her thigh-high stocking, feeling the material against her bare skin.  Although it was also a pleasant sensation, it was not quite as nice as over the stockings.  She slid her hand back over her leg and resumed the slow, light rubbing of the dress on her stocking.

She lets her mind wander, the motion of the train lulling her into a comfortable state of relaxation.  Each time they pulled into another stop, she briefly opened her eyes to be sure there were enough seats available, allowing her to keep her bag on its seat to the next stop.

As the train pulled into the third stop, Misty noticed the car was finally filling to the point where the extra seat taken by the handbag was needed.  As she pulled the bag to her side, freeing up the seat, the train jerked to a stop, and she uncrossed her legs to steady herself as the car lurched.

Misty smiled at the middle-aged woman who took the seat next to her and glanced around the almost full train.  She knew that by the next couple of stops, the train would be jammed with standing passengers.  However, as of now, there are still a number of seats available.

Her eyes wandered around the train, and she settled her gaze on a young man sitting across the aisle from her.  What caught her attention was the look of intense concentration on his face.  He seemed deep in thought, staring blindly in front of him.  After a few moments, it occurred to her that perhaps he wasn’t staring blindly in front at all.  In fact, it seemed he was staring at something.  Her first thought was the red handbag at her side, as that’s where his gaze seemed to be aimed.

Misty gazed at the handbag, then back at the man.  It suddenly dawned on her that his stare was not at the handbag.  It’s aimed at her lap.  Instinctively, she re-crosses her legs.  The moment she did this, she saw the young man’s eyes shift to hers.  A redness beams from his face, and he averts his gaze abruptly to the side.

Misty felt bad that she had caused such a reaction in the guy.  Although her legs were uncrossed, she knew her knees were firmly together, so it wasn’t as if she was flashing him.  It was actually quite sweet how embarrassed he appeared.  She kept looking at him, hoping she could give him a reassuring smile, letting him know it was OK.

It didn’t look as if he had anything in mind now except to intently study the hands contritely folded in his lap.  As she peered at him, Misty was reminded of her ex’s younger brother.  When they started dating her ex, his brother must’ve been around ten, and she always thought him a sweet boy.  This fellow appeared to be sixteen to eighteen.  He’s tall and skinny, with curly hair and brown eyes.  However, after a few moments of trying to make eye contact to somehow reassure the guy, Misty’s mind started wandering again, and she closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the rhythmic motion of the train.


This is a free sample of another classic Misty Chikan story. Please buy the eBook to read the whole story or join our Members Area to read ALL our stories.

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