Two of the watchers are Asian men. They are enjoying the sight, too. They are Tao Zheng and Chen Lim, oil men from PetroChina, and when they had heard about the donkey show, they figured it’d be a sight worth seeing and they’re certainly getting their money’s worth.
The best part is the woman isn’t some old worn-out Mexican whore, but a young nubile woman with a beautiful face, dark eyes, and white teeth gleaming from parts, sensual lips, and big tits. She isn’t a whore, a man said, she just likes to screw donkeys. She likes it more when horny men are watching her do it, too, which is why she’s putting on such an excellent performance playing to the audience.
They have gathered in this barn in a dusty border town. Tao and Chen had been doubtful and dubious about it, thinking it must be a trick. How can a woman take a cock this big? When the woman arrived, they settled down to find out. First, takes her clothing off. The men appreciate this, but the donkey seems disinterested standing in the corner with his head down, ears flopping, and his big cock soft and sheathed. Then she kneels beside the gray beast and massages his cock with her hands.
Slowly, the burro’s head rises, his ears prick, and his cock grew hard. The woman smiles happily, as she feels and sees the results of her manipulations. The huge head of his cock has precum squeezing out from the sheath, and the long cock soon stands iron hard beneath the animal’s belly. She masturbates the donkey cock with her slender hands. Chen and Tao glance at each other, wondering if this is to be the extent of the performance, the woman is simply going to jack the donkey off.
Suddenly, she leans in, pushes her pink tongue out, and licks the glistening head of the donkey’s cock. Her tongue licks all over the huge, meaty wedge and, from the look on her face, she’s enjoying the taste. A thick drop of precum oozes from his cleft cock knob. She watches it run sluggishly down the donkey’s cockhead, smiling wantonly. Then she gathers it with her tongue, slurping the sticky stuff from his hot cock and letting the slime trickle around her tongue for a moment before she swallows it.
There isn’t a limp cock in the barn at this time. Chen and Tao are as excited as the others. Now they’re wondering if this is to be the climax of the show. If the sexy woman is going to tongue the beast’s cockhead while she jacks him off and let his semen shoot in her face? However, they had sold her short again. She tongues his cockhead for a while, purring with pleasure and running her pink tongue right up his cleft so that a little more donkey precum spills onto her taste buds. The animal is snorting and trembling by this time, his haunches starting to hump as if he’s trying to fuck through the woman’s head.
“Mmmm,” she purrs, slurping.
Eventually, she leads the now-frantic burro over to the flat wooden platform and grabs a rubber mold, an oval shield with a hole in the center. She works the pliable device over the head of the donkey’s cock and tugs it down his throbbing penis so his cockhead and some seven inches of shaft sticks through the mold. No woman can take all of a burro’s cock, and the template will prevent the beast from ramming the whole thing up her pussy. However, even the length of hard cock sticking out throbbing through the shield is more than most women might have managed. With his huge cock readied for her cunt, the woman slides onto the platform, beneath him. She glances around, smiling at her audience and licking her lips where a trace of donkey slime glistens.
Then she arches her back, her big tits thrusting out, and parts her smooth brown thighs. She fit the tip of the burro’s cock into her creamy cunt and squirms against the donkey’s cock. The donkey’s haunches bunch with taut muscles and begin to fuck. Slowly the burro’s gigantic cock wedges its way into her steaming pussy. As the woman feels her cunt stuffed to the brim with the enormous cock, she wails and whimpers. Her thighs flash and her heels drum at the burro’s flanks. Each time the beast plunges, he’s fucking more cock into her tight cunt until, at last, she has taken every inch of the cock available through the template. The rubber shield clamps tightly to her crotch, preventing further penetration, and the donkey’s swollen balls jam between her legs.
The burro begins fucking her in earnest.
The woman meets his powerful thrusts with similar intent, pushing her pelvis at his wide, long cock plunging into her. Her cunt lips spread so wide they almost turn inside out, and her clit swells as it rubs against his cock. Thick ribbons of cunt juice pump out of her from his pussy-filling plunger, pouring down her crotch and seeping into the tight crack of her churning ass. She rolls her hips from side-to-side, winding her cunt around on his cock as if a nut on a bolt. Her face is a mask of pure lust; this is no play-acting, it’s evident she adores getting fucked by the burro.
Half of the aroused observers have opened their zippers and plucked out their dicks by this time, unable to restrain themselves any longer. They crowd around in a tight circle, jerking off with vigor and who can blame them. The young woman gazes at the men pumping their dicks, pleased to see how greatly her performance has inspired them.
Neither Chen nor Tao have exposed their cocks in public so far. The Chinese don’t jerk off, at least, they don’t admit it. However, they’re both panting. One of the watchers squirts a heavy dose of cum out from his cock with a grunt. The sticky stuff splashes on the woman’s tits. Then a second Mexican man one shoots his hot load into her face, and they begin going off in sequence, shooting one-by-one as if some bukkake porno. The young woman’s covered with frothy semen even before the burro has cum.
Then the donkey brays and slams the cock home violently, and the young woman’s almost blown off the end of the cock by the massive squirt of cum that sprays her pussy.
The burro shoots geysers of donkey semen into her cunt, and the woman melts with him, her hot pussy juice gushing to blend with the animal’s slime, her crotch foaming with cream as it floods out. Eventually, the donkey’s balls empty. The woman continues to squirm on his cock, working off the final spasms of her orgasm and milking the last flow of cunt juice. Then she gracefully pulls her pussy off his cock. The burro’s cock sags beneath his belly, still semi-erect. The cockhead slathered with cum and cunt juice.
The Mexican woman twists and uses her nimble tongue to lick the head of the donkey’s cock until it gleams as if polished.
The show is over.
She gets to hr feet and takes a bow. Cum is streaming down the insides of her thighs in a creamy river. The men who have finished jerking off, and therefore have their hands free, applaud and cheer. She acknowledges their cheers with a happy, contented smile and gets dressed. Someone leads the satisfied burro away, and the woman leaves too. Every man there would’ve loved to fuck her. However, she’s a strange lady; she only fucks donkeys or horses.
Tao and Chen are so impressed they go to the nearest bar to find girls to pick up and fuck. However, they’re in a weakened state since a good portion of their blood’s lodged firmly in their genitals, so they soon become too drunk to make a conquest. They stagger back to their hotel and, in the privacy of their separate rooms; they tended to their arousal as men often do by jerking off.
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