The Game 3: Orientation Day!

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The Game 3: Orientation Day!
The Game 3: Orientation Day!
Year: 2021
18-year-old Ella is heading for a job interview in the city, but she needs to pee badly. So, she goes to a nearby gas station only to find the Ladies’ Bathroom is out of order. Using the men’s bathroom because she’s desperate, she spies a man through a strange hole in the wall stroking a BWC. What will she do?
Gowan Bush
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Finally,’ Ella thought when she saw a Shell gas station sign on the side of the road.  ‘I’m gonna piss myself if I don’t get to a toilet soon.’

The eighteen-year-old blonde stops her car in the parking lot next to the gas station, hastily gets out of the car, and runs toward the building.

‘I can’t piss myself on the way to a job interview,’ she thought.  ‘Though some of my old high school classmates would love to see me humiliated like that, I’m sure.  Fucking bitches.’  She enters the gas station and goes to the counter, almost hopping from foot to foot.  The teen needs to pee so badly.

“Excuse me, can I use the restroom, please?” Ella asks the Indian cashier.

But she doesn’t stop or wait for the cashier’s reply.  The girl doesn’t even look at him.  She just storms into the aisles of shelves and searches for the toilet sign.

Then the cashier said in a stern voice, “The restroom is for customers only.”

Ella stops, turns around, and stares at the brown-skinned man behind the desk wide-eyed.  “I’m sorry, but I’m in a bit of a hurry if you know what I mean.  I’ll buy something after, but please, just let me go,” she said with a desperate grin.  “I just need to pee really bad.”

The man points in a direction where the toilet sign is hanging and sighs.  The girl doesn’t hesitate.  She hastily goes to the entrance and grabs the handle in the door with a figure in a skirt.  It’s locked.  She turns back to the Indian cashier, who rolls his eyes at her.

“The ladies’ bathroom is out of order,” he shouts across the room.

“Oh, crap.  What do I do now?”

Ella stares at him intensely, moving her hips like one does when urination is badly needed.  The teen knows she won’t be able to hold it long enough to find another alternative.  The cashier, however, just shakes his head and goes back to doing the crossword.

The ladies restroom is out of order, so the men’s it is,’ the blonde thought while opening the other door with a figure of a male on it.  There’s a man in the room facing the wall with the porcelain urinals, doing his business.  The sound makes her urge even worse.  ‘Just run for the stall before he sees you,’ she thought.

There are two stalls—a bigger one for disabled men in the corner and the other, a regular-sized cubicle adjacent to it.  The bigger one’s door is open, and it appears clean, so Ella rushes into it, closes the door, and locks it.

While sitting on the bowl, relieving herself, her senses and reason come back slowly.  Ella’s car is wrongly parked.  If a police officer drives by, she’s sure she’d get a ticket.  The next thing the girl realizes is how rude she was to the cashier.  ‘Shit, I need to apologize once I’ve peed.  I didn’t have to be so rude,’ she thought while trying to recall his facial features.  She remembers the cashier as a skinny late thirties Indian man with dark hair and a sly grin on his face.

Returning to the situation in her thoughts, Ella remembers another man in the store inconspicuously going through some girlie magazines.  She didn’t see much of him but recalls a red MAGA cap, gray hair, and jeans, appearing in his late fifties.  The teen thinks she caught his eye.  Ella is five foot four, has long blonde hair, A-cup breasts, and has big blue eyes behind geeky glasses.  She looks like a nerdy young girl, certainly not her age of eighteen.  She was on her way to see if she could get a supermarket job in the city.  Despite her nerdy looks, Ella doesn’t have the brains to match.  That’s why she needs a job badly now she’s graduated high school.

She’s wearing a pink clingy tank top that accentuates all the good curves she has and a pleated skirt with white with flower ornaments on it.  It’s about half the length of her thighs, so it isn’t a miniskirt, but it reveals a lot of her legs—especially when she turns around.  Ella likes the danger.  Under the skirt is her secret weapon—a thong/G-string.  Just a plain pink fabric, but so comfortable.  It makes a great compromise between comfy and provocative.  She wonders if she might have turned a bit too quick, and the MAGA guy saw a bit more than she wanted to show.  ‘Well, whatever,’ Ella thought and smiled a little.

The last man in the building is the man pissing at the urinal.  When the girl thought about him, she thinks he knows she’s in the stall.  Maybe not because of her rushed entrance, or her heels clapping on the tiles.  But what gave Ella up was the loud sigh of relief as she let go of her pee into the toilet bowl.  She sounded like a girl doing that.  The teen’s face flushes, and she tries to listen to know if the man at the urinal had left already or if he was still in the room.  Ella can’t hear much, so she decides not to think about it.

It’s quite a nice cubicle, to be true.  The floor is spotlessly clean, the toilet is too, and there are only a few writings on the walls of the stall.  However, when Ella reaches for the toilet paper, she finds her hand goes through the plywood wall.  She gazes around.

“What the fuck?” she said when she stared at where the toilet paper should be.

There’s nothing.  Not even the toilet paper holder.  Just a big hole.  The toilet paper dispenser is lying in the corner of the stall busted.  The paper on it is wet and useless.  It appears that some man has pissed on the toilet paper.  On the dispenser is a piece of plywood that broke off the wall with it.

Oh, fuck me,’ Ella thought, screwing up her pretty face.  ‘Men are so gross.  My tissues are in the car too.  Now I’ll have to tip-toe to the other cubicle when that man leaves.’

The teen finishes what she needs to do and starts thinking about the guy at the urinal again.  The last thing she wants is to meet some strange truck driver in the men’s bathroom at the gas station somewhere in the middle of the city with her panties around her ankles, trying to change cubical.  She peeks through the hole between stall and door to see the urinals opposite.  She can see two of them, but the one Ella needs to see is out of sight.

Do I risk it?  Or do I wait,’ she wonders?

The girl might’ve thought about it longer than necessary because she suddenly hears the door that connects the toilet to the store open and close.

He left,’ she thought and smiled.  Then she flushes the toilet.  The teen’s almost unlocking the door when she hears another noise.  It’s coming from the next stall.  ‘Fuck.  Now I’m stuck here.’  Ella puts the lid on the toilet and sits on it, deciding she’ll wait for the man next door to leave.  The man locks the door, but Ella can’t hear him sitting on the toilet.  Instead, she can hear the lid closing and something smacking on it.  The girl becomes curious, so she peeks through the hole.

On the toilet lid is a magazine with some half-naked women on it in a provocative pose.  Ella can hear the man unbuckling his belt and letting his jeans slide down his legs.  ‘Is he gonna jerk off?  Oh shit.  It’s just not my day.  What do I do now,’ Ella wonders?  She moves back from the hole in disgust.  ‘Men are gross.’  The girl can hear the rustle of him sliding down his underwear.  She tries to lean as far from the wall with the hole as she can.

What if he sees me,’ Ella wonders?  The teen feels horrified.  ‘This is just fucked up.  Men are so gross.’

Ella waits for a while, but the repeating sound of masturbation is just impossible to ignore.  When the girl decides he probably can’t see her, she sits back on the toilet.  The teen tries to look the other way, but something within her forces her to the broken wall.  Ella can see some movement through the hole in her peripheral vision, but she tries her best not to focus on it.

Why would anyone wanna jerk off in a smelly gas station bathroom,’ she wonders again?  ‘Do it in the privacy of your bedroom at home, for fuck’s sake.’

Thinking about it, she wonders how long it was since the last time she had some private time alone.  Ella hasn’t even thought about it for at least a month.  Her life has been too busy to worry about it.  The last cock she saw was in high school, and she finished there six months ago.  As the blonde teen thought about this, she decided the moving thing in her peripheral vision was probably swinging balls.  Ella can’t contain herself and peeks at the hole.  ‘Shit.  It’s what I thought exactly.’

Now it’s impossible to ignore it.  Ella tries her best not to stare, but her eyes keep creeping back to the hole.  After a while of trying not to stare, she finds she’s shifted her body so she can see everything.  The man is holding his cock in his right hand while frequently changing pages with the other.  His cock seems average-sized, around six and a half inches, but very straight and smooth.  The helmet-shaped head is red and wet, and the shaft is pink.  He’s stroking it slowly and steadily.  The stranger’s hairy balls are swaying to the front and back.  The movement kind of hypnotizes Ella.

As she watches the man stroke his big cock, Ella slips her hand under her skirt and starts to rub herself.  The man in the next stall stops jerking off and sighs.  She sees his pubic hairs trimmed and neat, and his balls hang low and wrinkly.  The stranger’s pubic hair is blonde, and she wonders if it’s the old MAGA guy from the store.  Suddenly, a long stream of saliva drops onto the shaft of the turgid cock, and then the jerking off begins again in earnest

Ella finds this confusingly gross and sexy.  She grabs her phone from her bag and starts to record the spectacle, and then pulls her skirt up so she can keep rubbing her pussy.  The girl feels a little naughty and dirty for doing it, but from the quickening strokes of the luscious cock Ella doesn’t think this guy will last much longer.  She figures the video might give her something she can use to rub out her orgasm in the smelly toilet after he leaves.

The teen rubs inside her inner thighs and over her panty crotch.  She holds herself back from sliding her fingers into her vagina or directly rubbing her clit.  But the teen cannot hold herself back for long, and she soon slides her fingers under her G-string thong and touches her clit.  The touch sends small jolts of pleasure through her young body.  It proves too much, and Ella then slides two fingers into her wet cunt.  It makes a squishy sound, but she isn’t worried the man will hear since he’s concentrating more on his own thing.

As her heat grows, Ella loses all sense of where she is and what she’s doing.  The girl can feel her pussy burning with sensual pleasure.  It’s been too long since she allowed herself to masturbate.  The feeling is building.  The tension in her belly is tightening as an orgasm approaches.  Her hand is soaking with her pussy juices now.

Suddenly, Ella’s phone slips out of her other hand and falls to the floor with a clatter.  With wide eyes, she watches it slide across the floor and under the gap in the wall into the stall next door.

The man in the next stall stops jerking off as the phone hits his foot.  He yells, “Oh hey, you dropped your phone.”

Before Ella can reach for it, he picks it up.  ‘Oh fuck, I’m screwed if he looks at the screen,’ she thought.

The man next door suddenly growls.  “What the fuck?  Are you filming me?”

Ella can hear her heart pounding, and she feels her stomach roil.  ‘I’m so screwed.  I’m so screwed,’ she keeps thinking.  Deciding she can’t stay silent any longer.  The girl clears her throat.

“I’m sorry,” she said in a hushed voice.  “Can I have my phone back?”

“Wait a minute.  Are you a girl?” the man asks.

“Yes.  The ladies’ bathroom was out of order, so I had to come in here.”

Ella is visibly shaking now.  Incidents like this can seriously damage a person’s reputation.

“And why are you filming me, huh?  Are you some kind of sick psycho who sneaks into public restrooms and videos peoples genitals?”

“No.  God, no, I just…,” Ella said, feeling the most embarrassed she has ever been.  “I saw what you were doing, and I stopped thinking.  Could I have my phone back, please?

“Oh, I see.”  It’s the first time the voice in the other stall becomes softer.  “So, you saw me, and you just…” He pauses and then laughs.  “Well, I can imagine it being worth a shot.”

“Yeah, right.” Ella laughs as well.  “So, can I please have my phone back now?  I promise I’ll delete the video.”

“How old are you?  You sound young.”

Ella frowns and scratches her chin.  ‘Maybe if I tell him I’m underage, he’ll back off,’ she thought.

“I’m thirteen” she lies.

“Thirteen?  You naughty little girl.  OK.  I believe we can work something out,” the man said softly.  “Something, let’s say, mutually beneficial.”

She has no idea what’s on his mind, but he makes it very clear in the next moment.  His long fat cock slowly appears in her cubicle, as he inserts it through the hole, making her gasp loudly

“Come on, little girl.  Don’t be shy.  I know you want it.”

Ella cowers from the wall, her eyes fixated on the intruder to her stall.  “I … I don’t … I’m just a kid, mister.”

“If you want your phone back, you know what you need to do,” his voice coos from the other cubicle.  “I’m sure you’ll like it as much as me.”

No way.  I’m not doing this,’ she thought.  ‘Masturbating in the toilet of a gas station is where I draw the line.  No.  No. No fucking way.’

“Well, if you don’t want your phone, I can keep it.  I’m sure there will be some interesting photos in there,” the man said as his cock started to go back to his cubicle.

The teen’s calm at first as she thinks there are no lewd or naked selfies on her phone.  Maybe some pictures in a bikini, but she doesn’t care.  But then it hit her.  She does have nude photos that she forgot were in her phone gallery.  Some of her and her older sister.  As the realization washes over her body, the girl’s face flushes, and she lunges at the retreating cock and grabs it.  When the man feels her fingers on his cock, he immediately pushes it inside her stall again.  The hole is big enough for him to fit in even with his balls, so Ella can now see all of the cocks’ length.  It twitches a little at her touch and starts to get the rigidness it lost while the two were talking.

“Changed your mind, baby doll?”  He laughed.  “Must be some pretty nice material on your phone, eh?”

“Don’t you dare,” Ella said as she watched the shaft getting bigger in the palm of her hand.  This older man’s cock isn’t average-sized as she first thought.  The change of perspective did a lot.  Ella knows it’s bigger than any cock she ever saw, except maybe in porn.  It just needed to be in her small hand to get the proper sense of scale.  ‘It has to be nine inches,’ she thought, staring at the throbbing cock wide-eyed.

The man suddenly said, “If you want your phone back, you need to do more than just holding it in your hand.  You know that, right?”

“I-I know, I just…” she stammers.

I can’t stop watching it,’ she thought.  ‘I’ve never had a cock I could examine this closely.’  The girl just stands next to the wall with a stranger’s cock in her hand, staring at it.  The pulsating veins.  The rolled foreskin, the purple head.  The little hole on the top.

“Is anyone waiting for you outside, baby doll?” he asks.  “If so, you might wanna hurry before mommy or daddy comes in and busts you playing with my big old cock.”

Ella swallows hard.  “Um, it’s OK,” she said.

The blonde teen girl strokes the cock and watches it twitch and throb in her hands.  She closes her hand around the girth of the massive cock and starts slowly stroking.  It responds to the movement immediately.

After a while, Ella can hear the man moan silently.  The teen’s achieving her goal.  Each stroke makes her closer to her phone.  However, at this point, the phone isn’t front and center in her mind.  The cock in her hands makes her pussy squirt slimy juices into her panties.  Ella feels so dirty, but at the same time, not at all.  On one side, it’s some stranger’s cock in her hands.  On the other, if everything goes right, Ella will get her phone back, and the naked pictures of her and her sister will be safe.  It makes the situation seem hot.  It also makes the cock not so different from any cock-shaped dildo stuck to a wall.

“It is a bit dry don’t you think?” he whispers.

“And what should I…”

Ella doesn’t finish the sentence.  She knows what he wants.  It feels so inappropriate, but the girl lowers her head a little and lets a stream of saliva out of her mouth.  He twitches a little as the drop hits the purplish head of his cock.  It continues its way around the hard cock, so she catches it in her palm and smears it on the rigid shaft.  He twitches again.

“That’s better.  Continue,” the MAGA man demands, and so Ella does.

Ella wants primarily to get her phone back, but her body starts to demand attention.  The cock in the wall makes the girl very hot.  Ella’s hand slips under her skirt and slightly brushes over her pussy.  It sends a shiver down her spine, a lovely and robust shimmer.  The girl continues rubbing her pussy, but something feels wrong.

She doesn’t know who she’s masturbating to and feels like the cock itself isn’t enough.  The girl wants to have a better look to see a bit more of the man.  The blonde kneels and peers through the hole while trying to maintain the movement of her hand, so he doesn’t notice.  She can only see some blondish pubes and his large wrinkly balls.  ‘Fuck it,’ Ella frustratedly thought as she grabbed for the stranger’s balls.

The man doesn’t expect it and steps back a little.  That allowed her to see his potbelly and small manboobs.  ‘He took his shirt off,’ she thought.  There’s also one more effect this has on the situation.  His cock is now right in front of Ella’s mouth.  She can smell his musky male odor, a mixture of sweat, piss, and pre-cum.  ‘What the fuck is wrong with me,’ the girl wonders?  ‘Why am I even doing this?’ Ella wants to move back, but she can’t bring herself to do it.

“I can feel your breath on my cock, baby doll,” the man whispers huskily.  “I know what you’re thinking.  Don’t worry.  I won’t tell anyone.  It’ll be way quicker this way, I promise.”

That asshole,’ her mind screams.  ‘Fuck.  No way, I’m not doing that.’  Like most women, Ella’s never been into giving blowjobs.  She always found fellatio somewhat demeaning, not to mention wet and sloppy.  She always felt she wasn’t very good at it either.  Then there’s the taste of cock and semen itself, as in her experience, male hygiene is never great.  However, this is a beautiful cock, no doubt, and its aroma is appealing too.  Then there’s the fact no one is watching her in this anonymous situation, so the idea of tasting this cock is becoming compelling.

It’d be a good opportunity to practice, right,’ Ella thought.  Then, ‘NO, I’m not doing that.  I have my dignity.’

However, her body feels otherwise.  The blonde feels so perverse as her mouth slowly opens.  She’d never even considered it usually, but now, as the cock is so close, Ella just can’t resist.  ‘Just one lick,’ she thought.  ‘What would be the harm.’

One of her hands holds the cock tight as she kisses the tip.  It tastes different from her previous blowjobs.  The cock is clean for a start.  She kisses the cockhead another time before she lets the bulbous head part her lips.  The head of the cock slowly slides into her mouth.  Ella holds it there for a moment tasting the salty pre-cum.  It’s strange and yet so arousing.  As the cock rests in her mouth, the girl can’t help it and starts masturbating again.

The MAGA guy moans, “Oh, yeah, little girl.  I knew you were up for it.”

Something is arousing about this man, thinking she’s younger than eighteen, and Ella can’t fight it.

“Just tell me when you’re about to shoot,” Ella whispers.

Then she swallows as much cock as she can.  Then the girl releases it from her mouth and licks the whole length.  She starts working on it as best as she can.  One of Ella’s hands is on the shaft holding the dick in the proper position for her to suck, and the other is deep in her dripping cunt.  Then the blonde girl lets go of the cock and tries to fondle his balls instead.  He likes it since he grunts in pleasure.  But at one moment, he thrusts his cock deeper into her mouth when Ella doesn’t expect it.  It reaches the back of her throat, and she coughs.

That motherfucker,’ she thought.  But instead of getting angry, Ella just becomes more competitive about it.  She takes his cock in her hands and starts stroking its length while holding the head in her mouth and teasing it with her tongue.  After a while, Ella can hear him grunting.  The teen’s getting close.  But that makes the blonde-haired girl even hornier.  ‘I need something in me,’ she thought.  Ella takes one hand off his dick and sinks some fingers deep inside her cunt again.

“Are you masturbating, little girl?” the MAGA man asks in a breathy voice.  “Are you playing with your horny little pussy?”

Instead of replying, Ella just takes as much of his cock into her mouth until it reaches her limit.  She backs up a little to the point where she isn’t gagging and hopes he will lose interest in her activities.  He doesn’t.

“Stand up,” he said in an almost bossy voice.

Ella slowly withdraws his cock from her mouth, licks the trail of saliva so that it won’t stick to her chin, and slowly stands.  His cock disappears from the hole.  The girl gasps.  The teen’s sure he’s going to make this harder for her.  But then his wrinkly hand appears in the hole and goes straight for her pussy.  She doesn’t want to let him, but the MAGA man’s fast, and once he touches her pussy, her body stops listening.

The MAGA man knows what to do precisely.  Even though he can’t see, he finds her clit immediately and starts rubbing it.  He pushes with the exact amount of pressure on it Ella would with her fingers.  It feels so good having another person touch her like this.  The blonde grabs onto the top of the cubicle for support since her knees have become shaky.  Ella’s other hand runs through her blonde hair and then covers her mouth.  She wants to muffle her moans, but it’s loud anyway.

Mmmmm, yes.  Oh, God, yes,” she moans softly.

He needs only about two minutes to get Ella close to orgasming.  At that point, she can only think about his fingers on her pussy and the pleasure it’s giving.  She doesn’t even try to silence her moaning anymore.  The teen has no control over it anyway.  When the girl’s right on the edge of climax, however, he stops.  Ella’s now desperate as she wants to orgasm so hard.

He then commands, “Kneel.”  His voice is firm and authoritative.  Ella listens to him because his voice is strong.  “Open your mouth and put it to the hole, little girl.”


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.