The Family Cuckold

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The Family Cuckold
The Family Cuckold
Year: 2017
Scott and Becky are alarmed when their 18yo son Sean is caught stealing his MILF mom’s dirty panties from the hamper to jerk off with them. What’s even worse is that he has a huge cock. He obviously didn’t inherit that from his small-dick dad. Can Scott stop his son being a creep, or is he too much off a beta wimp.
Max Swan
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Becky, Scott’s wife, is standing in the hallway when he got home from work, hands on hips and holding a pair of panties in her hand.  A deep frown darkens her pretty face, yet Scott can’t help feel his loins stir at the sight of her.  Becky is a MILF, with luscious big tits, a curvy figure without being fat, and beautiful green eyes framed by her long brown hair.  After several kids, the thirty-five-year-old woman still looks in her twenties.

They have been together for many years after he got her pregnant when she was sixteen, and they married when she turns eighteen.  Those years are turbulent and many said the couple is making a mistake, yet seventeen years of marriage has proved the critics wrong.

“Look what he found in your son’s bedroom this morning,” she said with a scowl.

“Err,” he mumbles staring at the panties with a frown. “He’s had a girl up there, eh, he’s a lucky man.”

He feels proud of his son, as he hadn’t known his son was dating.  Sean’s old enough to be enjoying all the pretty young women, he thought.  I’m jealous of him, when I was his age I got locked into marriage already.  I never got the chance to fuck as much pussy as I could.

Becky sighs and rolls her eyes. “They’re mine, idiot,” she said coldly.  “He stole them out of the hamper in our bedroom.  I want you to talk to him about it.”

Fuck, Scott thought with a shiver, I don’t wanna talk to him about that.  He nods and she turns and goes upstairs.  Scott watches her trim jean-clad ass wobble as she moves up the stairs licking his lips.  His wife has a great figure; however, their sex life has been intermittent for a long time now.  It’s been a few months since he last felt her respond to him romantically since his dick has slid between her thighs into her luscious honeypot.  They sleep in the same bed, yet each time he reaches for her, she turns her back saying she isn’t in the mood for it.

Sean, their firstborn, is already home from college, the music playing in his room means he’s probably studying and Scott doesn’t want to disturb him.  Soon enough it’s dinner, Sean joins the family, yet despite his wife’s pointed glares, and awkward silence, Scott feels reluctant raising the subject.  He imagines the teen has been sniffing his mom’s panties because, at his age, Scott had been horny as hell too and had done the same thing with his sister’s panties.  However, he had been more careful than Sean and didn’t get caught.

He still remembers the heady musk activated by warmth and saliva, stuffing them into his mouth as he furiously beat his dick.  The neglected husband wonders if he should try it himself, indeed, Becky’s willingness to have sex with him stopped some time ago, and he has to jerk-off anyway.  However, despite Becky’s glares, he said nothing to his oldest son at dinner and later his wife turned her back on him yet again.


Two days later, she tells Scott their son has been in the clothes hamper and stolen another pair of her dirty panties.

“Stealing my panties is disgusting,” she said shaking her head, making her soft brown hair float.  “You must tell him to stop.”

Again Scott nods, yet he fails to follow through.  The embarrassed dad assumes it’ll pass, that his horny son will find something else to whack off to eventually.  It’s just a phase, Scott thought.  All horny teen guys do steal panties, he’ll grow out of itMaking a big deal about it might have a negative effect on Sean’s mindMake him feel dirty for doing something natural.

The next evening when he gets home from work, she finds her again waiting for him. “I caught him doing it,” she said, her hands on her hips and a sneer on her face.

“Doing what?” Scott asks, head still full of work stuff.


“I go into his room to take some clean clothes in,” she said.  “I thought he was out, but no, there he was sitting on his bed with my panties wrapped around his—his thingy.”

Scott’s eyes bulge.  “No?”

“Yes,” she said with a sharp nod.  “He was jerking-off into my panties while holding the gussets of another pair to his nose.”  Scott suddenly laughs.  “It’s not funny,” she said shaking her head vigorously.  “I think our son is a pervert.”

“What did you do?”

“Well—nothing—I was too shocked,” she said and sighs.  “I just stared at him like an idiot.”

“What did he do?” Scott asks with a smirk imagining the embarrassed panic of his son.

“The shit just kept going,” she said eyes bulging.  “His own mother, standing there, and he showed no shame whatsoever.  He keeps jerking-off into my panties.”

Scott is speechless. The fact Sean kept jerking-off while his mom watched is shocking.  A normal kid would’ve died of embarrassment if caught doing that, he thought.  Not just kept going and showing off to his mom.  Maybe he is a pervert.

“Then what?” Scott hears himself ask.

Becky swallows hard.  “Then he wadded them and threw them at me,” she said.  “I caught them and felt the wetness in my hand.”

“Wetness? Like he—”

She nods.  “Yes, like his semen,” she said with a shiver.  “Then he winks and said, ‘Thanks, mom,’ before he pulls his trousers up.  I can’t believe it and I just leaves and put them in the wash.”

“Oh my God,” Scott groans.

“You have to tell him off,” Becky said her face flushing with heat.  “I feel shaky and almost violated.  Please, Scotty, go up there now and tear him a new asshole for being such a pervert.”

Again, Scot nods, he knows he should do as she says.  So he put his coat on the peg and climbs the stairs.  However, at the top, he peers through the open door into Sean’ room and sees him sitting at his computer studying.  Scott can’t believe his son has done what Becky said.  No, surely not, he thought, not SeanBecky’s just messing with my head with this shit.  Therefore, Scott goes past his son’s room and into the master bedroom to change his work clothes.  Becky ignores him for the rest of the night.  The man is puzzled at himself for not telling Sean off, and while the panty stealing is awkward, Sean’s potential reaction makes his stomach churn.  Why am I afraid of my son, he wonders.  What kind of man am I?


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.