The Awakening!

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The Awakening!
The Awakening!
Year: 2024
A hot teen babysitter is hit on by a horny dad and it starts her on a life of being a slut.
Gowan Bush
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“I appreciate your giving me a ride home like this, Mr. Jeffries,” Amy Voss said sweetly.  “I know it’s really out of your way.”

“Nonsense,” Logan Jeffries said.  “How could I refuse my favorite babysitter?”

Logan looked out of the corner of his eye at the dark-haired teenager who sat beside him.  He thought there were many things he liked about his favorite babysitter.  Her clothes always seemed to cling tightly to her ripe young body.  Her round, shapely tits looked almost as big as his wife’s, and she had an ass on her that made him drool every time he looked at it.  What he liked the best about her was how she always wore those dresses with the split to show off her long legs.  Logan thought she was perfect for fucking, but he was scared to try.

“I live just at the end of this next road,” Amy said.

Amy was also thinking about fucking.  She was sure that her thoughts would have shocked Mr. Jeffries.  She was a virgin, but that wasn’t because she didn’t like boys.  But most of the boys her age didn’t appeal to her.  It took a man like Mr. Jeffries, a man with strong, work-worn hands and thick muscles, to get her juices flowing.  Amy had often masturbated while thinking about Mr. Jeffries.  She would close her eyes and picture him standing next to her bed with his clothes off and his prick as big as that one she had once seen in a dirty magazine.

She would picture the look in his eyes when he realized that she would let him fuck her, and it would make her so crazy that her fingers would go wild in her juicy pussy.  But for Amy, it was only a fantasy.  She was sure that nothing like that would ever happen.

“Is this it?” Mr. Jeffries asked as he turned the car off into her driveway.  “It doesn’t look like anyone’s home.”

“My mother works late most nights,” Amy explained.

“And your father?” Logan asked.

“My father left a long time ago,” Amy said.

“He was a crazy man then,” Logan said.  “I’d never have left a daughter as beautiful as you.”

“Oh, Mr. Jeffries,” Amy said, blushing.

Amy was getting out of the car, and suddenly, Logan didn’t want to part with her.  He jumped out of his side and walked around to take her arm.  “I’d better walk in with you,” he said.

She started to protest, but he was already walking her to the front door.  She found the key under the mat and opened the door.  She felt strange being inside her home with him alone.  There had always been someone with them when they were together.  It made her feel little shivers.

“Would you like to have some coffee or something?” she asked, trying to sound adult.

“I’d like that,” he said.

They went into the kitchen, where she made him a cup of coffee and opened a soft drink for herself.  She had never been able to stand the taste of coffee.  She sat across from him at the kitchen table and stared into his face.  He was a very good-looking man.  It frightened her to be so near him.

“You have a very nice house,” Logan said.  “I hope you’ll show me all of it someday.”

“Why not now?” Amy asked.  “You can bring your coffee with you.”

“Good deal,” Logan said.

Together, they made a tour of the house.  She felt that Logan was not interested in the downstairs rooms.  She was too nervous to make a good tour guide.

Finally, Logan asked, “What’s upstairs?”

“Those are the bedrooms,” she said.  “Lead the way, honey,” Logan said.

Something was happening that Amy didn’t understand.  She knew it was wrong to show him the upstairs bedrooms.  The girl knew she shouldn’t be alone with him in the house.  And yet she found herself walking ahead of him up the stairs.  She could sense his eyes on her back and on her ass.  She had never experienced the feeling of being mentally undressed before.  She knew that was what Logan was doing to her.

Amy told herself that she was acting like an idiot schoolgirl.  Logan was a grown man with a gorgeous wife.  He wouldn’t be interested in her.  He was interested in the house.  She showed him her mother’s bedroom and then her bedroom.  They stood in her bedroom, looking at the bookcases and the tiny paintings along the walls.

“Did you do those?” Logan asked.

“Yes,” she answered.

“Then you’re talented as well as beautiful,” Logan said.

She could feel that tingling sensation through her body.  Her pussy suddenly started feeling wet.  It was like she was touching herself.  She had never thought this could happen, just at the thought of a man calling her beautiful.

“You are beautiful,” Logan said.  “You’re very, very beautiful.”

He was close enough to her to touch her.  She could smell his masculine after-shave lotion.  He put his hands on her shoulders, which felt rough and hard.  She started trembling.

“Are you afraid of me?” Logan asked.

“A little,” she answered.

“Good,” Logan said.  “I like for my women to be slightly afraid of me.”

He suddenly jerked her close to him and kissed her mouth.  She had been kissed before, but not like this.  It was like he was commanding her to kiss him back.  His lips burned her.  She wanted to pull her face away, but she couldn’t.  Finally, he broke off the hot kiss.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have done that,” he said.  “But I’ve resisted the temptation so long that I just couldn’t stand it anymore.”

He kissed her again, and his fat tongue wiggled between her lips.  She wanted it to stop, and she wanted it to last forever.  She didn’t give him any help.  She stood there but could feel the shivering sensations all over her body.  He finally pushed her away again.  He put his hand in her hair and let his fingers stroke the silky softness.  She could see that her long hair pleased him.  Long hair pleased most men.  She didn’t wait to be pulled back into his arms this time.  She willingly pressed herself against him and raised her mouth to be kissed.

His fat tongue eased into her mouth again, and she started rubbing her tongue frantically against his.  She had never been tongue-fucked before, and the sensation was enough to keep her trembling.

“You’re some wild piece, baby,” he said.  “I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time.  I’ve been dreaming that you’d act this way.”

She didn’t tell him she’d also been dreaming about this moment.  She’d be too ashamed to tell him that she often thought about him while stroking her pussy.

Instead of talking, she pressed herself even tighter against his hard body.  She liked the way her tits pressed flat against him.  Her tits had already started to ache, and they’d swollen so big that her bra cups seemed suddenly too small.

She shivered as one of Logan’s big hands moved between them and covered one of her tits.  She had touched herself there before but never allowed anybody else to do it.  Somehow, she couldn’t say no to Logan’s demanding fingers.  She felt him squeezing her tits roughly.  It excited her.  She started gasping for breath, and she pressed her thighs tightly together.  She could feel her pussy juice wetting her panties.

“I want to look at them, baby,” Logan said.  “I want to see those sweet tits naked.”

“You shouldn’t do that,” she protested.

“Don’t fight it, baby,” he said.  “You know you want it as much as I do.”

He led her to the bed and sat down beside her.  He kept one hand stroking both her tits while he moved his other hand to the buttons of her blouse.  She put her hand over his, but her fingers somehow lacked the strength to stop him.

He slowly unbuttoned her blouse down the front.  Strangely, she had picked out her only sexy bra that morning.  It was a lacy black bra that barely covered her ruby-red nipples and was good for nothing except to add a little support.  He took one look at her barely covered tits as he peeled her blouse from her shoulders.  She saw his eyes widen, and his mouth made a round approval circle.  He was looking down her cleavage and smiling his wicked smile.

“Baby, that’s a pair of whoppers you’ve got there,” he said.  “I wasn’t sure they were real.  Sometimes girls your age try to pad them.”

“I don’t need any padding,” Amy said proudly.

“You sure don’t.”

He pushed her back on the bed.  He slipped one hand behind her and unhooked the flimsy bra.  She lifted her shoulders so he could pull it away from her tits.  He sat back, looked at her creamy tits, and then covered them with his hands.

“Nice, baby,” he said.  “They feel really nice.”

His rough hands felt gentle as he squeezed and fondled her tits.  He was experienced enough to know how to turn her on.  His squeezing, caressing fingers made her tits even hotter, and she could feel her aching nipples brushing against his palms.

She started squeezing her thighs together as if she could ease the pressure between her legs that way.  It didn’t help.  Squeezing her thighs together only seemed to make her hotter.  Now, her panties felt soaked with juice.

“Oh, what are you doing to me?” Amy asked, moaning in pleasure.

“You’re going to like everything I do to you, baby,” he said.

He bent his head down.  His tongue flicked over one hard nipple.  She gasped for breath.  It felt like electricity had suddenly shot from her tits all over her body.  Her lips felt dry.  She licked them, but it didn’t help.  She put her hand on his head.  He moved from one creamy tit to the other.  His tongue kept flicking around Amy’s hard nipples until he had her squirming in hot pleasure.  Then he took one of her nipples inside his mouth and began to suck on it gently.

“Oh, that feels so good,” she screamed.  “I’ve never had my tit sucked on before.  It feels so nice, Mr. Jeffries.”

He sucked more of her creamy titty into his mouth and bit down gently.  Again, she could feel that sudden jolt like electricity shooting through her body.  She pulled on the back of his head and felt her creamy titty being sucked deeper into his hungry mouth.  She was moving all over the bed now.  It seemed like she couldn’t stay still.  It felt like her body was on fire.  She kept lifting her back and trying to force more of her tit into Logan’s mouth.

She felt his free hand on her thigh.  His fingers had somehow slipped underneath her skirt without her feeling.  She felt his hot fingers stroking the inner flesh of her thigh.  His hand moved higher.  In another moment, he would be stroking her pussy.  She closed her legs tighter around his hand.  She tried to keep him from going any higher.  He didn’t force her legs open.  He just kept stroking the inner flesh of her thighs until she couldn’t stand it any longer.  She opened her legs, and his hand touched her wet pussy.

“Oh, you shouldn’t do that,” she whispered.  “Don’t, please.”

He kept his hand still, but she could feel his fingers stroking gently against her pussy.  He wasn’t rough with her, but those stroking fingers kept the fires burning in her cunt.  She tried to clamp her thighs around his hand again, but that only worsened things.

“You’re making me feel so funny,” she whispered.

He started gobbling her titties.  He moved his mouth quickly from one to the other and was sucking her titty-flesh deep into his mouth.  He already had both her tits completely wet with his saliva.  He took her hand and brought it to the front of his pants.  She felt the hard bulge, and her fingers trembled.  She knew what it was.  She had dreamed about his cock plenty of times.  Now, she was afraid of it.

“Don’t worry, sugar baby,” he said, understanding her fears.  “It won’t hurt you.  It will give you more happiness than you’ve ever known.”

She tried to remove her hand, but he kept it clamped against him.  She could feel the slow movement of his cock as he changed his position.  His hand cupped her pussy mound and started gently squeezing.  His mouth sucked harder at her titties.  In a few moments, she was squeezing his cock, and he wasn’t having to force her hand.  She started running her fingertips up and down the long length of it.  She couldn’t feel it stuffed in his pants very well, but he soon took care of that.

“I’m going to give you a real treat, baby,” he told her.

He moved her hand away long enough to unbuckle his trousers and pull them down his legs.  His hard prick was bunched in his shorts.  He pulled off his shirt and revealed his bare, hairy chest.  She felt excited but scared.

He stretched out on his back.  “Take my shorts off.”

It was a command that she couldn’t refuse.  She lifted her knees and put her hands inside Logan’s shorts.  He lifted his hips as she eased his shorts down his hairy legs.  She tried not to look at the huge red cook between his legs, but it was impossible.  Her eyes returned to the red monster that looked big enough to split her in half.

“You like it, baby?” he asked her.

“I’ve never seen a real one before,” she said.

“Then it’s time you got better acquainted,” he told her.

He grabbed her hand and pulled it down to his cock.  She touched his hot, naked cock flesh.  She jerked her hand away.  He patiently took her hand and pressed it back against his cock again.  This time, she didn’t pull her hand away.  His cock felt hot and sticky.  She circled her fingers around the base of his prick and could feel it throbbing.

“Nice hands, baby,” he told her.  “You’ve got the perfect hands for a wild-assed bitch.  I will show you all about fucking, and a wild-assed bitch is what you will be before I’m done with you.”

Her head was reeling.  Everything seemed to be happening at once.  She didn’t know what to do and wasn’t sure she wanted it to stop.

“Let’s see the rest of you, baby,” he told her.  “Strip it off, and let me look at your pussy.”

He was helping her as she pulled down her skirt and kicked it off.  She tried to keep on her panties, but he easily broke her grip on them and peeled them off her long legs.  She kept her thighs tight together as his hand covered her pussy mound.

“Come on, bitch,” he said in a disgusted voice.  “Knock off the coy bullshit.  You’re bare-assed naked with a man on your bed, and you’re holding his cock.  You know you’ll get your sweet little ass fucked off, so why fuck around?”

She knew it was damned silly to keep resisting.  She gave in and opened her legs.  For the first time, she felt a man’s fingers stroking her aching pussy lips.  Now, she couldn’t have escaped even if she’d wanted to.  His fingers slid into her pussy.  His fingers felt gentle but were unlike anything she’d ever felt.  She felt his fingers digging deep into her cunt.  He started moving his fingers around so that he was touching all the parts of her cunt.

“I’m going to fuck you,” he told her.  “I’m going to fuck your sweet little ass off.  I will give you something you’ve wanted for a while, baby.”

He kept talking to her and moving his fingers around inside her until her pussy felt juicy as hell.  She moaned when she felt him drive his fingers in and out of her pussy as fast as he could.  She lifted her hips off the bed, trying to get his fingers deeper inside her.  His fingers felt so fat and rough.  It was such a different feeling than when she played with herself.

“Oh, Mr. Jeffries,” Amy groaned.  “Oh, that feels nice.  You make me feel so good.”

She had quit trying to pretend that she felt shy.  She couldn’t help the wild, savage feelings taking over her body.  She was enjoying this as much as anything in her life.

She felt him take his fingers out of her.  She felt his cock rubbing against the outside of her thighs.  He moved closer, and his hands started caressing her swollen tits again.

She didn’t protest when he moved his body over hers.  She screamed in pleasure when she felt the first hot contact of his fat cock head with her cunt.  She spread her legs a little wider.  She could feel him moving his cock around inside her cunt opening.

“Do you want me to put it in, baby?” Logan Jeffries asked.  “Do you want to get your little ass fucked off?”

“Yes,” Amy moaned.  “That’s what I want.  I want to be fucked.  I want you to give it to me now.”

He pressed forward, and she felt her cunt walls spreading to admit his fat cock head.  Suddenly she felt his cock half inside her.  She could feel his cock head against her cherry.  He gave another push and easily broke her cherry.  He slammed into her all the way.

“Oh baby,” she screamed.  “Oh, I’ve never felt anything like that.”

There had been very little pain for her.  It was not the sort of thing that she should have been afraid of for so long.  Instead, she felt hot tingles coming up from her pussy and spreading through her body.  She knew her pussy juices had already started wetting his cock.

“You’re a hot piece,” Logan said.  “You’re a fucking hot piece of ass.  I always knew you’d be a hot piece.”

He began to fuck her with hard, deep strokes.  After the first few minutes of discomfort, she could feel the tingles starting again.  She could feel his huge cock head rubbing against her clitty each time he thrust into her.

“That’s what I want,” she moaned.  “That’s what I like.  Oh, do me good.”

He slipped his hands under her and lifted her ass.  She could feel his fat cock head getting deeper into her pussy.  Her entire body seemed to rock with excitement.  She started lifting her body to rub her melon-shaped tits against his chest.

“You’re something, baby,” he gasped.  “I’ve never had a fucking piece of ass like yours.  You’re tighter than shit, baby.”

She started feeling the fires in her cunt growing hotter.  Her legs felt weak.  She kept lifting her ass as high as she could.  She wanted Logan to feel the excitement she was feeling.

“Oh fuck,” she screamed.  “I’m going to cum.  Oh fuck, Mr. Jeffries.  Fuck me.  It feels so good, so good, so fucking good.  I’m cumming.  I’m cumming.  FUCK ME.”

His cock was pounding her as the first delicious spasms of pleasure rocked her body.  She kept lifting her ass to meet his powerful thrusting cock.  The last spasms slowly passed through her body as her pussy juices drenched his cock.

“Oh,” she moaned.  “Oh, I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

He didn’t slow his hard strokes.  Amy could already feel his cock getting harder and dripping inside her.  She wrapped her arms tightly around his back and held him close.  The girl had never felt a man cum inside her vagina before and looked forward to this first time.  She could feel his body shuddering as he thrust harder and harder.

“Baby,” she screamed.  “Oh, baby, cum in me.”

“I’m going to cum in you, bitch,” he said.  “I’m going to shoot my fucking cum in your little pussy.  Baby, you’re going to feel it shooting out through your asshole.  Oh fuck, baby.”

He stabbed his hot cock deep into her pussy, and she felt the exploding spurts of cum.  He spurted repeatedly until she could feel cum dripping out of her pussy hole.  He stabbed his cock inside her one last time, and she felt the final few drops of his cum leaking into her.

“Shit, baby,” he groaned.  “You are something else.”


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