Spending Time with Daddy!

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Spending Time with Daddy!
Spending Time with Daddy!
Year: 2019
18yo Lauren lives with her dad Hank every second week after her parent’s divorce, yet finds an unusual way to spend more time with him—sucking his cock at the local gloryhole. The only problem is that he doesn’t know she’s doing it.
Gowan Bush
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One notable event did occur that summer and the memory of it makes Lauren shiver.  Lauren had to spend the day alone on a freezing day that summer as her parents and Dylan had other engagements to attend.  Having spent most of that afternoon window-shopping in town, Lauren decided to brave the chill and make her way home.  It wasn’t long before she regretted not visiting the toilets, as the cold day only reminded her of not having peed since before lunchtime.  Fortunately, her walk home will take her across the local park, which has a public toilet block.

Lauren feels the stirrings of an urge when she thinks about pulling down her panties and lifting her skirt, even though it was only for a bodily function.  Sex is never far from her mind, and she’s longing for the day she’ll lose her virginity.  Until then, her pride in her ability as a cocksucker made her happy.

The redhead teen picks up the pace a little.  Getting to the public toilet as the ache to pee is becoming uncomfortable.  As she turns into the park and spots the building, her heart sinks as she sees the women’s side closed and then feels even more desperate.  Looking around for some bushes, Lauren is disappointed to find the park keeper had trimmed them already, and there’s no good cover.  As she hurries around the brick building, she notices the men’s toilet is still open, and furtively glancing around to see if the coast is clear, Lauren dodges inside.

Noticing that part of one wall seems to be porcelain and the two empty cubicles, Lauren darts into the first one, then shuts and locks the door.  Pulling down her panties, she lifts her skirt and sighs with relief as the painful pressure slips away.  There’s a hole in the wall so she can see into the next cubicle, and with a shiver, she stuffs it with toilet paper just in case someone comes in.  Her eyes become accustomed to the gloom as she wipes herself dry, and as she stands to pull up her panties and make herself decent, Lauren notices all the graffiti on the walls and door.

Some local men have sex with each other, arranging to meet somewhere or do it here at the toilet.  She loves giving blowjobs and feels jealous of their freedom to be so public about their need.  Suddenly Lauren hears footsteps approaching and the door to the subsequent cubicle closing.  She holds her breath, scared someone will catch a female in the male toilet.  After a rustle of clothing, it all goes quiet.

Lauren finds the sudden silence intimidating and tries to decide whether to run, sneak out, or stay put until the coast is clear.  Her indecision will be her downfall that afternoon, for as the redhead teen waits, several men enter to use the urinal, so she’s stuck for the moment.

She notices some movement on the adjacent wall.  The man next door pushes the crumpled toilet paper from the other side and falls to the floor, leaving the mysterious hole open.  While still trying to decide what to do next, Lauren stares at the waist-high hole.  The toilet paper was blocking it, but no longer.  Intrigued, she dips her head to look through the hole.  Lauren notices the man’s bare thighs as her eye takes in the limited view and realizes she can see him sitting there.  Trying to see more, the girl turns her head a bit further and can see some movement but cannot make it out.

Just the sight of naked thighs is enough to send her pulse racing.  How close she is to the real thing.  She wonders about the purpose of the hole.  Her head starts to ache, so she withdraws and, after a few seconds, decides to have another peek.  Laura can barely contain a gasp when she sees the head of a big fat cock about to stab her in the eye.  The teen draws back wide-eyed as the white cock pokes through the hole like some long, weird snake.

Lauren reaches toward the offered cock, and the moment her fingers make contact with the turgid flesh, the man in the other cubicle moans.  It wasn’t what Lauren had come here to do, and she decided that while she was stuck, she might as well take advantage of the opportunity.  She leans over and takes the fat cock into her mouth.  The man’s cock tastes salty on her lips.  He moans again as she licks the head and strokes the shaft.  Pre-cum soon squirts into her mouth, and she rolls it around her tongue, savoring its flavor and texture.  The cock twitches on her parted lips as her tongue massages the head with sensual swipes.

Mmmm, suck it, dude,” the stranger whispers hotly.

Lauren continues to probe the cock lightly, making him shiver and moan until she pushes her mouth along his shaft, stopping when her lips are pressing against the wall.  So begins her blowjob in earnest and her head bobs on the cock, slurping and sucking while licking and lathering it.  Holding her face against the wall, she lets him fuck her mouth from the other side, and she gags as he rams his cock as deep as possible with each thrust.

The man moans louder now.  His breathing is heavy.  The feeling of his thick cock, fucking her mouth, fills Lauren with the pure joy she knows from sucking Dylan’s member.  Suddenly, the stranger grunts, and bitter-tasting semen fills her mouth, yet she swallows each drop, sucking his cock until he pulls it away.  There’s the rustle of clothing.  Then without a word, the stranger in the cubicle next door just leaves without even saying thanks.

However, noises are coming from outside, so the teen is stuck in the cubicle, still wondering how she will escape with her cherry intact.  Someone enters the stall next door, and not long after, another big cock pokes through the glory hole.  Lauren sighs but wastes no time as she reaches for it with a soft hand.  Hearing a groan across the stall as the cock gives a pulse at her grip.  Her hand cannot wrap around it as Lauren squeezes it, feeling the cock hard as a rock.  Then sliding her butt off the toilet seat, she kneels on the sticky floor before the cock in the wall.

‘What a cock,’ Lauren thought.

Puckering her soft lips and leaning in, Lauren plants a kiss right on the side of the smooth head.  It’s a big kiss, the smack of her lips echoing in the stall as she pulls back and jerks the cock.  Lauren slides her tongue out far and leans back in.  Working her tongue from the ridge under the head.  Then up the slit to lick the stringy pre-cum off the cockhead and into her mouth, and she swallows it.  Opening wide and sucking the stranger’s thickness into her hot mouth eagerly after tasting his precum.

Her head twisted as her tongue worked the cock at every angle.  Then, opening as wide as she can, she goes for depth.  Working along the long cock until it pokes her throat and gives her a soft gag.  Pulling off the head but never letting it from her mouth, Lauren takes a short breath and goes back for more.  Working saliva from her throat as she gags while drool drips down her chin and into her cleavage.

Lauren slides her hand to her perky breasts and under her top to pinch her sensitive nipples as she sucks this beautiful cock.  Pulling her nipples with a soft whimper, Lauren spits on the cock and jerks it hard and fast.  The man groans as the stall echoes with her wet handjob.

The stranger groans as she feels his cock throbbing in her hands while she furiously jerks it off with two hands.  He knocks on the wall loudly, as if banging on a house’s front door.  Just as Lauren is about to take the big cock back into her mouth again, it erupts in her hands, spraying a forceful stream of hot semen directly into her face, hitting her right cheek as it splatters and hits her nose and hair as well.  Lauren keeps joyfully jerking it.  The thick white sperm pours from the big cock and unloads into her greedy mouth.

When the cock finally seems to stop ejaculating, Lauren continues sucking on the cock to drain every drop of semen she can from the stranger.  The man in the next cubicle is out of breath and moaning as Lauren milks him dry and slurps his cock clean before pulling off with a loud and wet pop from her mouth.

That was awesome,” the man said, and the familiarity of the voice struck Lauren.

The rustle of clothes sounds, and she peeks through the hole to see who the man is.  He bends to fix a shoe, and Lauren sees him, falling back wide-eyed to the sticky floor before he sees her.  The man next door is her father, Hank.  Lauren had just sucked off her father.

This is her deep dark secret and something she decided to pretend never happened.  Her father thought she was another man sucking him off, and that’s fine.  ‘If dad is into this gay stuff, then that’s his business,’ Lauren thought.

Now there’s silence in the toilet block, and Lauren quietly slips out and runs away as fast as she can.


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*All Characters in this ebook involved in any sexual situations or acts are over 18. Any resemblance to real places and people in this story is accidental and unintended. Do not try anything you read in this story at home, as some actions depicted may not be legal in real life. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.