Coming of Age!

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Coming of Age!
Coming of Age!
Year: 2021
18-year-old Hailey approaches her college lecturer to help her pass her subject, and he offers her extra credit for a price. That price is sucking his cock.
Gowan Bush
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Hailey Boone walked down the hall.  Her books against the heavy mounds of her breasts.  Other students jostle her, but the girl ignores them.  She opens the door of the teacher’s lunchroom and peers inside.

“Is Professor Meyers here?” Hailey asks.

One of the other teachers shakes her head.  “I think he went out for lunch, Hailey,” she said.

“Oh,” Hailey said.

Disappointed, she closes the door and starts toward the cafeteria.  The whole thing had started that morning.  But, unfortunately, her grades are starting to really suffer from a recent bout of illness.  Hailey felt sure if she could only talk to Mr. Meyers for a few minutes, she’d feel much better, but she can’t find him anywhere.

“Hi, Hailey,” Eric Meyers said, passing her, heading for the office.

“Professor Meyers.  Professor Meyers, can I talk to you for just a minute?  It…  It’s important.”

Eric gazes down at the girl, noticing the circles of fatigue under her eyes and the hysterical edge in her voice.  “Sure, Hailey, let’s go to my office.”

Hailey stands just inside the door, shifting nervously from one foot to the other.  She glances everywhere except at him.

Eric carefully leaves the door open and sits, a ready smile on his face.  “Now, what’s the problem?”

Hailey shrugs.  “I…  I wanna talk about my grades.”

Eric stares at the floor for a minute and then said, “Yes, you have a real problem at the moment.  Maybe we can work something out together to get you through my class at least.”

“That would be great,” Hailey said and sighs.  “My scholarship is on the line.”

Eric nods.  “That bout of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has really hurt your year.”

Hailey shrugs, and Eric watches the twin mounds of the girl’s breasts move under her college sweater.  He realizes suddenly he can see the tips of her breasts expanding, pushing against her bra and sweater, and the sight makes his cock stir.  Hailey, her eyes on his pants, see the movement, and it calls forth a strange, incredible ache in her belly.  Then, without thinking, the teen slides a hand down and begins rubbing herself just below the waist.

“I know we can work it out,” she said softly.

Eric, excited, knows what he’s going to do is wrong, but the temptation is too great.  Hailey won’t tell anyone, and no one will come here during lunch hour.  Still rubbing her belly, Hailey sits opposite Eric, the hem of her skirt riding nearly to mid-thigh.  Whether by accident or design, she keeps her legs apart.  Eric can see the small white patch of her panties.

“Do you really want me to help you, Hailey?” he asks huskily.

“Please,” Hailey said softly.  “I don’t want to repeat the year,” she admitted, blushing slightly.

Eric smiles reassuringly.  He gets up and goes around behind her.  “Hailey, if you want me to, I can help you with your grades,” he said softly.  “But if I’m going to do it right, I have to touch you.”

Hailey feels a momentary flash of panic.  “Touch me?” she asks anxiously, not daring to turn around.

Eric gently laid a hand on her shoulder.  “I’ll have to take your bra off and touch your breasts,” he said softly.

Hailey shivers.   Wordlessly, the teen leans forward and pulls her sweater over her head, putting it down on the desk.  She undoes her bra straps and puts the bra on top of the sweater.  The cold air makes her breasts feel funny, and her nipples get all wrinkly, but they’re tingling.

“All right,” she whispers.

Eric, his palms moist with nervous perspiration, gently cups his hands over the warm, firm mounds of her breasts.

Ohhh,” Hailey moans at the touch of his hands.

A strange heat is building in her stomach, and she tries rubbing it, but it won’t go away.  Eric, his cock getting stiffer every second, slowly and gently manipulates the teen’s breasts, feeling her nipples thickening under his fingers.  The more he caresses her, the more Hailey wiggles on her chair, unconscious of her action.

“You’re a beautiful young woman, Hailey,” he said, kissing her hair softly.

“Thanks,” the girl said.  “But I’ll do anything to pass your class, Professor.”

“Lift your hips and take your panties off,” Eric suggests.

Dazed, Hailey does as he tells her.  The touch of his hands on her body is driving her crazy.

“I know I have just the extra credit for you, Hailey.  All right?”

Eric is ready to blow his load in his pants.  He’s so excited.

“Um, anything,” the girl said softly.

Keeping one hand on her breast, Eric slides his hand between her legs.  Hailey keeps her thighs together for a moment, but a gentle flick of Eric’s fingers on her nipple makes her open them.  Hailey shudders as Eric’s expert fingers slide against the warmth of her pussy.  She spreads her legs further apart, and Eric gently split the lips with his finger, feeling for the tiny nubbin of her clit.

Ooh,” Hailey moans as he touches her.

A buzzing noise starts in her head and rapidly became a roar.  Hailey’s only aware of his fingers touching her, ever so lightly.  Eric strokes the writhing girl’s pussy, feeling her body shudder as she comes closer to orgasm.  His sex organ is throbbing madly, and he wishes he could stick it in the teen’s cunt.

Ahhhh…” Hailey moans softly as a massive ball of light explodes inside her.  She jerks violently, her fingers digging into his arm to keep him from moving his hand.  She’s dimly aware her crotch is wet and, for a moment, has a panicky thought she peed on him, but he doesn’t say anything, and it feels so wonderful.

Ohhh, ohhh my God.  Gee, Professor Meyers, I…  If this is extra credit, I want more.”

Hailey leans back against him, dimly aware of the thick shaft in his pants.

“It’s the vest kind of extra credit,” Eric said as he gently takes his hands off her body.

Oh yeah,” Hailey moans.  She cups her breasts and squeezes them.  Her eyes shut with enjoyment.  “I don’t know what to say.”

Eric moves around until he’s standing in front of her.  Hailey opens her eyes and stares straight at the massive bulge in his pants.

“Wow,” she said softly.

“You know what that is, don’t you, Hailey?”  Eric is just barely able to control himself, to keep his voice even.

Her eyes still on his crotch, the teen nods.

“It’s all right, Hailey, say it,” Eric encourages her.

“It’s your cock,” Hailey said and leans forward.  “And it’s hard.”

“That’s because being around you gets it hard,” Eric said and smiles as he gently cups one of the girl’s firm breasts.

“Oh, that feels great when you touch me,” Hailey said.

Eric continues the gentle pressure on her breast, feeling its tip swell under his fingers.

“It’s time you really earned that credit, Hailey,” he said quietly.

“I understand,” Hailey said and gazes up at him.

Eric nods.  He takes her hand and guides it to his crotch.  The teen hesitantly and gently closes her fingers around the enormous bulge.  Eric sucks in his breath sharply.

“That’s it, Hailey.  Now open my pants and reach inside.”

As she pulls the zipper down, the teen closes her eyes, afraid to look.  She takes a deep breath and fumbles inside, her fingers feeling the cloth of his underpants and then the hot shaft itself.

Wow,” Hailey moans.

Touching it makes her stomach feel all crazy and hollow.  Her crotch begins to ache again, and she wishes the Professor would touch her between the legs, the way he had before—Eric grits his teeth.  The girl’s touch is light and silky.  He wants to jam his cock into her cunt and ram it all the way home, splitting her tight pussy wide open, but he knows better than to try that at work.

“Take it out, Hailey.  Take it out of my pants and stroke it, just like you’re doing right now,” Eric said hotly.

Hailey tugs, and suddenly her face is only inches away from a large, thick shaft of flesh.  “It’s beautiful!” she said impulsively.

Her fingers slide along the length of his cock, feeling the bumps of the veins.  When she reaches the bulging head, instinctively, her touch lightens.

“Do you like it, honey?” Eric said, ready to explode, but he keeps himself under control.

Uh-huh,” Hailey nods.  “It’s so big and hot.  The rumors about you are true.” She gazes up at him, her eyes shining.  “What do you want me to do?”

Eric keeps stroking her firm breast, and with his free hand, he guides her head toward his cock.

Hailey gulps.  He wants a blowjob.  She isn’t sure she wants to do it, but his hand feels so lovely on her, and he’d been so understanding.  She can’t say no.

“Suck it, honey.  Kiss it, lick it, and suck it.”

Eric keeps his hand on the back of her head, and Hailey, her eyes shut, licks at the tip of the heavy shaft in her hand.

“That’s it,” Eric encourages her.

He shifts his hips slightly, and the next thing the surprised girl knows, her lips are around the hot cockhead.  Eric moves back and forth, and Hailey finds herself sucking as his cock moves inside her mouth.  Her tongue keeps trying to lick, but she’s getting so excited she’s having a hard time concentrating.

As if he’s reading her mind, Eric said softly, “Touch yourself, Hailey.  Put your fingers on your pussy and touch yourself very lightly.”

Encouraged, Hailey reaches between her thighs.  She fumbles for a moment and then feels incredible dizziness as her fingers touch the wet button in her tight little slit.  Hailey’s soft moans of pleasure are more than Eric can stand.  He grips the teen’s head and groans with joy as he shoots his wad of jizz into her mouth.  Hailey tries to pull away, but Eric’s hands hold her in place.  Her mouth fills, and she can feel the hot stuff running out the corners and down her chin.  She swallows, but more and more jizz floods into her mouth until the girl’s choking.

Oh, honey, you have the sweetest mouth,” Eric moans.

Hailey swallows and manages to pull loose.  She peers up at him.

“You might have warned me,” she sniffs.

“About what, honey?” Eric said and squatted in front of her, his cock still stiff.

“You were cumming.”

Eric chuckles.  He reaches out and gently strokes her crotch.  Hailey gazes at him as he holds up his fingers, dripping with her pussy juice.

“Do you want this extra credit or not?” he said, then slowly licks his fingers, smiling at her.

Eric stands and arranges his clothing.  He watches while Hailey puts on her panties and bra and then pulls her sweater on.

“I’d like to see you again, Hailey.  I think I can really help you out,” he said and smiles at her.

Hailey grins.  Feeling bold, she takes a grip on his cock.  “I’d like to see you, too,” she said.

Eric laughs and gives her a gentle pat on the ass.  “Classes are about to start.  So, get a move on.”

He watches her leave, a smile on her face and a tiny trace of his jizz on her chin.  The rest of the college day seemed to fly past for Hailey.  Her body seems to glow, and everything is exciting and funny.  She gets glares from a couple of the lecturers, but it doesn’t matter.  The only thing that matters is feeling great.


Walking home from college, Hailey feels as if she’s floating on air.  She keeps looking at the guys around her, trying to imagine what their cocks looked like and if their jizz would be as hot as Professor Meyers.

“Hailey.  Hailey,” she suddenly hears from behind.

Hailey turns around and sees a familiar car at the curb.

“I saw you coming along.  Want a ride home?” asks Margie Jackson, a good friend of her mother’s.

Hailey accepts the offer with pleasure.  Margie treated her like an adult, not like a naive teenager.  She swears, tells her dirty stories, and kids her about how her breasts are getting bigger all the time.

“Well, I see you’ve grown another bra size since the weekend,” Margie moans dramatically, and Hailey giggles.  “You’re gonna have to watch out, or one of these days, you’ll fall over and won’t be able to get back up.  You’ll be top-heavy.”

Hailey laughs outright and smooths her college sweater over her breasts, feeling her nipples stir slightly.

“Oh, they’re still there, honey,” Margie said and patted her knee.

Hailey gazes at Margie.  As usual, she’s wearing a full-cut blouse that’s unbuttoned by one button too many.  Each time her arm moves, Hailey can see Margie’s breasts, the tips soft and brown.

Margie smiles at her.  “They aren’t as hard as yours, at least not anymore, but I like ‘em.”

Hailey blushes and glances away.

Margie laughs.  “Hailey, stop being such a prude.  If you wanna look, look.  I don’t mind.”

Hailey shakes her head, embarrassed.  “I’m sorry,” she said faintly.

“What for?” Margie opens her blouse further to completely expose her breasts.  “I’ve got nothing to hide.”

“You certainly don’t,” Hailey blurts.

Instead of being angry, Margie laughs.  “Hell no,” she said.  “If I see someone who looks interesting, I let them know it.”

She rubs one breast, and Hailey sees the nipple harden as she touches it.

“Ummm,” Margie moans.

Hailey feels a funny feeling inside.  She knows what she wants to do, but what would Margie say?

Margie peers at her.  “What’s wrong, honey?”

“I…  I feel sorta funny,” Hailey confessed.

Margie frowns.  “Anything I can do to help?”

Hailey gulps.  “Let…  Let me kiss you?” she asks hesitantly.

Margie glances around.  The street she’s driving down has no foot traffic, and there are no moving cars in sight.  She pulls over to the curb and slides her arm across Hailey’s shoulders.  To her surprise, Hailey bends her head and slowly takes the tip of one breast into her mouth, sucking on it gently.

Ohhh, honey, STOP,” Margie suddenly shouts.

She pulls Hailey away from her, shaking the teen violently.

“I’m sorry,” Hailey said miserably.  “You’re so pretty, and your breasts look so nice.  I just wanted to show you how I feel about them.”

Margie buttons her blouse all the way up and then puts a comforting hand on Hailey’s arm.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” she said softly.  “It’s just that you don’t go around kissing other women’s breasts.  It isn’t considered polite.”

Hailey nods.  The ache inside her is getting bigger all the time, and she wants to get home and rub herself as fast as she can.

“Tell you what,” Margie said.  “Let’s go to my place and sunbathe.  We can talk about things, and maybe you’ll feel better afterward.”

“I don’t have my bathing suit.”

“Hell.” Margie laughs.  “We’ve got our birthday suits, don’t we?  That’s all we’ll need on the sundeck.”

Hailey feels a leap of excitement inside her.  She isn’t sure, but maybe she and Margie can do something to help her arousal abate.

“I’d like that, Margie.  Thank you.”

Margie shakes her head at Hailey’s carefully polite answer.  “You do need some talking to,” she said as she pulls the car away from the curb.


Margie’s house is just a few blocks from Hailey’s and appears very much the same.  There’s one difference.  Margie’s husband built a high cinder-block wall around the patio to give them privacy.  Margie uses it to sunbathe naked whenever she has the chance.  Margie pulls out another mat beside the one she usually uses.  The two undress, Hailey carefully stacking her clothes in a chair.

As they lie down, Hailey can’t help noticing the difference in their bodies.  Margie is suntanned all over.  There isn’t a patch of skin that’s pale.  Hailey, on the other hand, has clearly visible marks from her bathing suit.

“We’ll have to oil you up good, or you’ll burn to a cinder,” Margie said.

She gets a big tube of suntan lotion.  She begins applying it to the teen’s body, paying particular attention to her crotch and breasts.  Hailey watches, fascinated, as Margie’s fingers slide along the bright pink flesh inside her crack.  Then, for just an instant, the teen sees a small button-like object, and she wonders about it.  Then Margie’s hands are moving again, and Hailey can’t see it any longer.

“Sometimes when Brad comes home from the office,” Margie said quietly, “he’ll take off all his clothes, come out here and get on top of me.  I’ll be asleep, or nearly so, and it’s always a pleasant surprise to wake up with a big cock stuffing me.”

Hailey blushes, but she remembers Mr. Meyers’ thick shaft in her mouth, and that makes her shiver with pleasure.

“Here…  Do my back, will you?” Margie hands Hailey the tube of lotion and then rolls onto her stomach.

Hailey dutifully spreads the lotion over Margie’s shoulders and back.  Still, her hands stop at the curve of the older woman’s buttocks.

“Hey, come on, Hailey,” Margie complains.

Hailey swallows nervously and begins to rub the lotion into Margie’s ass cheeks.  Unfortunately, the more she rubs, the worse the ache in her pussy gets.  She desperately wishes she could touch herself.

“OK,” she said shakily.  “You’re all done.” Margie rolls on her side and gazes at the girl.  “Your nipples are hard, honey.  I can see from here the pussy juice on your leg.  Are you horny?” she asks.

Hailey, blushing furiously, nods.  “I’m sorry,” she said.  “I’m as horny as toad today.”

Margie moans and picks up the tube of suntan lotion.  “Lie down on your back, and I’ll do what I can,” she said gently.

Not knowing what to expect, Hailey does it.  Lying with her arms at her sides, she moans slightly as Margie’s hand gently begins rubbing lotion onto her belly.

“The main thing to remember is,” Margie said quietly.  “Is that what you do with your body is your business, and nobody else’s.  Not your mother’s.  No one but you.  You’re eighteen now, and it’s time you embraced your womanhood.”

Hailey moans as Margie’s fingers gently massage the aching cones of her breasts.

“If you want me to stop, I will,” Margie said, putting more lotion on the rigid tips of Hailey’s breasts.

Don’t stop,” Hailey moans.

She spreads her legs open and slides a cautious hand between them, feeling for her slit.

Margie smiles at her and catches her hand.  “I’ll take care of everything,” she assures the trembling girl.

Hailey moans and lifts her hips, trying to tell Margie what she wants.  Margie ignores her, concentrating on squeezing the teen’s firm breasts until Hailey is ready to scream with frustration.

Do it,” she moans.  “Please, Margie.  Touch me down there.”

Margie puts more lotion on her hand and gently slides her fingers between Hailey’s open thighs.  She deftly parts the tight pussy lips and spreads them further and further apart until Hailey winces.

“You’re a wet little pussy,” Margie said shakily.  “You look good enough to eat.”

Before Hailey really knows what’s happening, Margie’s tongue is lapping at her tight pussy, and the teen gives an involuntary moan of pleasure.  Then, she lifts her hips and spreads her legs further apart, trying to get Margie to put her mouth on that one particular spot driving her crazy.

AHHHHH…” Hailey’s body shakes as Margie delicately runs her tongue over the shaking teen’s clit.  The girl’s hands grip Margie’s hair, holding her mouth in just the right spot.  Her hips piston faster and faster.  “OHHHHH.  Eat me…” Hailey shrieks with pleasure.

She’s never felt anything so extraordinary in her entire life.  Margie gently closes her teeth around Hailey’s clit and gets a fresh burst of pussy juice from the girl’s pulsating vagina.  Screaming and sobbing, Hailey clamps her hands on her breasts, squeezing them painfully as wave after wave of heat rolls through her.  She thinks she’s going to melt—she feels so hot.  The more Margie licks and sucks her crotch, the wilder the girl’s reactions become.  Finally, the older woman no longer cares what Hailey says or does.  All she wants is more.

Margie feels her own lust rising higher and higher.  She wants some relief herself and slides a hand between her legs.  She touches her screaming clit, and the reaction makes her nip sharply at Hailey’s clit.

Oooooooooo…” Hailey shrieks with pleasure and a massive explosion inside her head make her blackout for a moment.

Her hands slide off her bruised breasts, and her thighs feel open, letting the cool air bathe the heated flesh of her pussy.

Wow,” Margie said while shuddering.

She rolls on her back and masturbates, her fingers pressing and touching the most intimate parts of her body.  Her hips lift, and she cries out softly as she feels her pussy twists with pleasure.  The cramping sensation spreads through her body, and she gives a shudder of relief.  Hailey rolls over on her side and slides her hand between Margie’s legs, feeling how wet she is.  She stares at Margie’s breasts, the tips thick and the inviting mounds, making Margie moan.

Mmmm, Hailey, your mouth is so sweet,” Margie moans.

Hailey leaves a trail of kisses down Margie’s body, and then her tongue gently touches the silken flesh of Margie’s inner thigh.

Ohhh, do it, honey,” Margie spreads her legs apart for the girl, and she begins to tremble with anticipation.

Hailey, remembering what Margie did to her, gently spreads the wet pussy lips open.  She’s never seen another woman’s pussy before, and the sight fascinates the teen.  She watches Margie’s juices from a tiny puddle at the entrance to her gaping vagina.  Then, Hailey gently slips her finger a little way into Margie’s eager cunt.

Ohhhh.  Eat me, Hailey.  Don’t play like that.  You know what I did, do it to me,” Margie begs, her voice husky with lust.

Hailey bends her head and gently licks at the pink flesh.  She hears Margie moan with frustration.

Higher…” the woman whines.  “On my clit.”

Hailey takes another look at Margie’s pussy.  Above the vaginal opening where her finger rests, Hailey sees a tiny nubbin of flesh.  She touches it lightly.

AHHHHHH…” Margie jerks her hips wildly.  “More…

Hailey’s happy to oblige for mom’s friend’s request.  She fastens her lips around the tiny bump of flesh and licks it, sucking as hard and as often as she can.

The effect on Margie is fantastic.  The woman becomes a writhing, twisting, moaning animal, her fingers digging at Hailey’s scalp frantically.  She arches her back and shudders, again and again, screaming each time Hailey’s tongue touches her clit.

Yes.  Eat me.  You fucking little bitch.  Eat me…” Margie screams and moans, no longer able to control herself.

Hailey feels Margie’s pussy jerk away from her, and the teen grabs the writhing woman’s hips with both hands.  Pressing her down, Hailey pulls the wet pussy lips open again, and her thumbs press on either side of Margie’s clit, forcing it up.  Margie gives a strangled gasp, and her eyes roll.  She gives a shudder and collapses, her legs twitching as she passes out.


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.