The Great Train Rubber!

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The Great Train Rubber!
The Great Train Rubber!
Year: 2016
Dawn is a proud yet shy young black woman. Her upbringing has been strict and she’s still a virgin at 19. One day catching her train back from the city center while being packed in the carriage at peak hour, a man starts taking advantage of her vulnerable position and starts groping her. To her horror, no one does anything to stop him.
Misty Chikan
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The train platform is already a bustling hive of activity when Dawn steps on to it, though she’s early for the train herself.  Men, women, and children were waiting patiently and calmly for the next train.  Normally, she’d have joined the waiting throng of people or looked for some of her friends.  However, as she’s feeling bored she wandered along the platform to stretch her legs before the long, dull train ride ahead.

As she walked along she tugged absently at the side of her skirt trying to pull it lower, as the wind threatened to expose her. The skirt stubbornly refused to go any lower thanks to her rounded hips.  Letting out a huff of frustration, she turned to study her likeness being reflected in a metal surface attached to one of the station walls.

She gazed at herself for a moment in the slightly distorted image the unpolished metal offered her, and flicked part of her black cornrows over her shoulder.  It’s long down her back, just past her scapula, layered to her collar at the sides.  Dawn’s pretty hot by modern standards, but looks hadn’t always given her the best of times due to her being of mixed-race. Her dad is a Nigerian refugee, while her mother an English-descended third-generation Australian.  Her skin is a deep caramel color, her thick lips are pink, eyes a golden brown, and a beautiful smile made brighter by her white teeth.

She’s dressed in a short blue skirt and a white blouse with a matching blue jacket, with a matching white lace bra (C-cup) and panties.  The skirt’s no longer a great fit as it’s shrunk in the wash over time (at least that’s her excuse).  The skirt had been just above her knees when she bought it, however, now it’s mid-thigh.

The train pulling into the station snapped Dawn from her visual and internal reflection, and she realized she had wandered all the way to the end of the platform.  She looked around and saw no other women in the group of commuters she’s standing with.  The trains in Sydney are notorious for perverts who like to grope women.  While Dawn had never had it happen to her it, there’s an unwritten rule that says the best way to prevent being molested, is stay with other women.

Since she had little choice, Dawn joined the men waiting by her and is suddenly swept along as they pile into the last carriage.  She’s so small she’s like a cork being driven by an ocean swell, with little choice of where her final destination in the train car would be.  When the crush of men stopped moving, she found herself near the back of the carriage.  Men were on either side of her while behind her another man is pressed tightly against her.  Eventually, she’s facing one of the carriage windows so closely, that she’s nearly pinned against it.


Dawn remains still until the train doors shut with a soft swoosh, and the train leaves the station.  She always enjoyed the train journey, as she found that the rattle of the carriages, the rhythmic: ‘duh dun duh dun duh dun’ sound the train wheels made over the tracks, and even the close press of bodies on the train, comforting.  Sometimes the combination of all these things had nearly made her drift off to sleep even when she’s standing.

The first few minutes of the journey passed uneventfully, then as the train car rocked slightly she felt something bump against her behind for the briefest moment.  Her body tensed at the contact, but she didn’t panic, as it’s not so uncommon in the pressed jumble of bodies to have accidental touching when the carriages swayed around.

Just as she’s starting to relax, she’s bumped again.  Once, twice and a third time.  This time Dawn knew it wasn’t an accident, as it hadn’t been earlier.  She could even tell ‘the bump’ felt like the back of someone’s hand, and most likely the person right behind her.  She froze, suddenly frightened, and sharply alert to any movement that may come her way.

Seconds passed like minutes, and she wasn’t surprised when a hand touched her again.  However, her breath is stolen because this time her left ass cheek is boldly cupped by the offending hand.  The hand didn’t stop at just that either, as it started to massage, squeeze, fondle and stroke over her skirt covered ass.  In one movement, his fingers even lightly touched the skin on the back of her upper thigh, and it causes a tingle to race up the length of her spine.  Goose bumps flourish where the fingers had so briefly touched her flesh, confusing her, but she decides to ignore it. Dawn couldn’t deny the touch elicited a small twinge of excitement as well.

Dawn is trying to decide what she should do about the hand on her ass.  Yet even as she’s thinking, the man’s hand slinks round her side, and with calm confidence, lands on her right breast.  She gasps softly.  The hand begins to knead and squeeze the firm, but pliant flesh. This puts her brain into a spin as she just has no idea how she should react.  She looks around to see if anyone else has noticed what’s happening to her, but the men either side of her have their backs to her, and she’s too short for anyone else to see in the tight pack of bodies around her. Dawn is inexperienced, sexually speaking, and had denied unwed sex due to her religious beliefs. Her dad had forbidden her from dating boys until she had finished high school, and though she’s now in college, she had never broken free from those moral shackles.

Words: 7949


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*This eBook contains adults-only taboo erotica. All human characters in this story involved in any sexual behavior or acts are over eighteen. Any similarities to real people or real-life situations are purely coincidental and unintended. This eBook is 100% fiction, none of this ever happened in real life. The taboo themes of this story are fine for sexual fantasy, but only a fool would do them in real life. Do not try this at home. This disclaimer voids GW Enterprises Publishing Company against any claim that our stories have been a motivation for criminal activity. You are responsible for your actions. Thank you for reading this free sample.